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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 65 KB, 684x1024, hey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11030208 No.11030208 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a waywt thread for designer or at least higher end clothing?

We all know how shitty the other ones are.

>> No.11030234
File: 2.62 MB, 900x1350, hahaha funi meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite

>CDG Black

>> No.11030275

Kinda creepy

>> No.11030283

great thread, nerd

>> No.11030953

Whats even the point of this comment?

>> No.11030991

holy fuck this is good. which insta or forum did you get it off? saved for inspo

>> No.11031180

Finland ?

>> No.11031253

fuck me what jacket is that?

>> No.11031312

Post some fits guys. I know this place isn't 100% pleb

rick owens

>> No.11031323


Yep. I didn't make this thread though. Someone snatched my picture from /ROG/ General.

>> No.11031804

You first

>> No.11031827

sick desu

>> No.11031842


>> No.11031844

id on jeans and boots?

>> No.11031863

someone posted that fit on another thread

>> No.11031867

uuhh fire faam

>> No.11032062

wtc boots?

>> No.11032104

I wouldn't even mind being shorter if it meant I could have leg proportions like that, fug

>> No.11032319

awesome fit

>> No.11032706

Bump because other WAYWTs are either full of bait or dead

>> No.11032724

Sauce on pants? really dig the fit.

>> No.11033774

cheap monday

>> No.11033845

very good. would love to see this in motion

>> No.11034969

I don't belive you

>> No.11034980


DRKSHDW. Check /ROG/ General for details.

>> No.11035010
File: 1.49 MB, 734x1652, ldjsjda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Converse trucker jacket
some japanese denim (GL Heart or shit)
Adidas Forum Boots

in all honesty,were those boots would be considered one of those clown shoes?

>> No.11035040

you look like shit

>> No.11035046
File: 1.50 MB, 813x1909, f45354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could you clarify what aspect of do i look like shit anon

>> No.11035051

jeans and shoes suck

>> No.11035056

this is so bad i don't know where i would start with constructive criticism
im not the anon who responded immediately but ill give it a go
>your body is quite chunky
>your proportions are wack, very bottom heavy >your jacket is far to short
>double denim
>unsightly color contrasts, like everything is a bad shade by itself and worse together
you need to learn the basic rules of fashion, lurk more, look at more inspo to do with americana if thats what you're after but its really clear you have no idea what you're doing

dont be discouraged everyone starts somewhere but there are structures and rules to learn if you want to be fashionable

>> No.11035059

i play rugby so i guess i have to be chunky to take some hits
and that jacket is corduroy but i guess it's bad if you can confuse it as denim

>> No.11035062
File: 1021 KB, 1080x1920, fitpic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repost from the other thread.

>> No.11035074

I always thought people with legs/hips like this are fucked. Are you telling there's hope for us?

>> No.11035079

thsi is embarrassing

>> No.11035080

no one is hopeless if theyre in shape/not obese its all about finding your most flattering genre and tweaking it to your style

>> No.11035105

i love

>> No.11035117
File: 1.71 MB, 750x1334, 1456979144454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all shit. rate me faggots

>> No.11035122

0/10 Lol

>> No.11035134

best fit in this topic

>> No.11035138

you look poor and disgruntled

>> No.11035144

needs more black right lool

>> No.11035146
File: 120 KB, 645x180, moms spaghetti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11035148

not really.

on second thought I do like the shoes, thats about it though

>> No.11035150
File: 862 KB, 600x580, 1455296174043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11035159


How's the GHB business going?

>> No.11035172

is this a guy or a girl?

>> No.11035201

lurk more why did you post this


only time ive ever dressed like this is hungover going out for breakfast

>> No.11035271

We all know it's you bday why hide your pretty face huh??

>> No.11035273

legitimate victim

>> No.11035372
File: 166 KB, 1038x2048, 12809816_10156801831485413_1420861068_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the only full length mirror is in the bathroom
>tfw you dress like a referee
>tfw i'm not actually going out in public dressed like this but i'm trying to pick out an outfit to wear on stage in a couple weeks

>> No.11035375

>PENULTY(!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!)

>> No.11035393 [DELETED] 
File: 615 KB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good fit

>> No.11035396

>no plebs edition
If everyone who fequents /fa/ that owns real designer pieces posted a fit there would be 10-15 fits tops in the entire thread. Why do you think the fucking normalfags already ruined the thread one post in.

>> No.11035409
File: 126 KB, 1020x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good fit

>> No.11035423

Oh my god I could recreate this for less than $100. If you're going to spend that much money you'd better dress better than me, you fucking shitlord.

>> No.11035437

beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice!

>> No.11035442
File: 95 KB, 560x415, beetlejuice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11035455

def an inspo. beetlejuice is my shit desu

>> No.11035470

Shoes are too chunky for the rest of the fit
No effort/10
Change socks, jacket is whatevers
Shit photo, looks like youre in uniform

>> No.11035576

>Change socks, jacket is whatevers
the socks are the only thing that makes this interesting desu

>> No.11035589


Is that a guy or a girl?

>> No.11035596

itd look better with white socks imo

>> No.11035612
File: 1.00 MB, 1551x3384, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls rate

>> No.11035630

basic af/jeans too skinny

>> No.11035639

yeah jeans are pretty new so they haven't stretched any yet

>> No.11035662


>> No.11035744

don't even bother lurking/10

>> No.11035780

your ballsack is screaming for mercy.

>> No.11035789

holy shit mayn, sack your pants a little your junk must be the mustiest

>> No.11035794

this. this so fucking much

>> No.11035814
File: 53 KB, 720x960, badfitnumerouno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>am poor/should lurk more

actually wore this today just to go buy cigs and say hi to some friends.

>> No.11035824

legit shouldn't have even posted. you look like typical high school pothead.

>> No.11035827

Basic doesn't look bad doesn't look good. You know the basic amount of fashion but not enough to put something together to actually look good

>> No.11035829

when will clown feet be effay

>> No.11035830
File: 2.84 MB, 3340x3264, IMG_20160307_125253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying out my new rick parka and kva shoes comments?

>> No.11035835

Yeah I noticed that after posting but it's not as bad as it looks

>> No.11035844
File: 711 KB, 670x688, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz 5 give me patrician overlords

>> No.11035858

2016 and you aspies post potato quality while holding iphones. what is this?

>> No.11035880

v. nice

>> No.11035894

this is dope but it kinda looks like you are hanging yourself

>> No.11035896
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>> No.11035937
File: 1.30 MB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo. Rate

>> No.11035939
File: 864 KB, 1440x2392, Snapchat-4232874316665827633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this would be categorized as lazycore?

>> No.11035948

lel atleast I know its fa approved B)

>> No.11035968

too meticulously white shoes, socks and cuffs, from the waist down not lazy at all

>> No.11035979

wtc jacket or whatever that thing is?

>> No.11035997

They definitely look brighter because they aren't in focus, but I see what you mean

>> No.11036004

I thrifted it desu, but it's just a columbia brand fleece jacket. Coziest thing I own desu

>> No.11036007
File: 26 KB, 252x292, 450925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

press that bootyhole against your teeth

>> No.11036017

are u the one selling that coat on grailed

memes desu

i like the parka, are the glove sleeves part of it?
which one is it specifically, also doesnt go with the KVAs but then again my opinion is biased b/c i never think multilace look good, that sole/toe is just so ugh

>> No.11036018


>> No.11036093

Yea probably, but at least this gets me mad Internet credits
Nah, I love this jacket. Perfect weight and fit

>> No.11036103

Thanks, I kinda love this look. It's really my first dip into fa stuff

>> No.11036114

Haha, that's exactly what I thought at first. I titled it "liftoff"

>> No.11036122

The gloves are actually part of an aliexpress hoodie I'm wearing under the coat I bought a while ago. Thought it looked good together

>> No.11036125

Totally agree on the KVAs I think everyone falls in love with the lace effect at first and totally just disregards that fucking toebox. They were my first "grails" but looking at them now I honestly can't see what the fuck I was thinking...

>> No.11036138
File: 825 KB, 972x2278, IMG_20160307_164129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What non-shit shoes would work with this fit? Fucking hate these shoes

>> No.11036140

I dunno, I enjoy them so far. I look at them kinda like an alternate geo with the lace thing going for it. I kinda hate the zippers on these though

>> No.11036152

Why did you get them then? Where you coaxed into buying a meme?

>> No.11036162

this is the no plebs edition gtfo

>> No.11036279
File: 50 KB, 480x316, 1440639942359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I hear a faggot

>> No.11036300

Like it except for the shoes. Can't put my finger on why I don't like em. It's cliche but black ones might be better

>> No.11036388

What's under the fleece?

>> No.11036461
File: 617 KB, 1340x1000, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11036502
File: 448 KB, 1760x1760, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can u see anthing senpai

>> No.11036589
File: 604 KB, 1440x2392, Snapchat-3207474750907395030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This linen shirt runs a little big what do?

>> No.11036608

where are you

are you safe

be careful

please come home

>> No.11036634

200% fuccboi faggot.

>> No.11036635

shrink wash

>> No.11036663
File: 186 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11036668


>> No.11036706


>> No.11036724
File: 936 KB, 900x1600, abb73996-06ae-475c-a96b-cdcb86745caa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao all these plebs with shit shoe taste.
Step your sneaker game up I haven't even seen any yeezys in here fucking pathetic

>> No.11036735

lmao are serious???

>> No.11036739

Defo bait
I wish you could actually reinforce a "No plebs/high fashion" WAYWT. Everyone in this thread is wearing the same garbage as a normal waywt

>> No.11036740

Kek all you faggots dress like little pussies get some real taste and dress for some pussy for once

>> No.11036747

nice bate bro sef

>> No.11036753
File: 774 KB, 899x1575, 1457308662060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11037233

a bit cookie cutter but i like it. I also like the jeans but i would wear them lower like others have suggested. they look like compression pants

>> No.11037335

I like it, i think it works out well together, the shoes and the rest of your outfit color coordinate nicely and the shirt also looks similar to your cuff/rolls, which are inoffensive

>> No.11037344

more pictures of parka

>> No.11037588

eh i kinda like it but, what the heck is going on with your pants dude goes from a 7/10 fit to a 3

>> No.11037610
File: 1.02 MB, 4928x3264, IMGP1035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

full pleb mode

>> No.11037630
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thicc big boy pants today

>> No.11037720

Quality meme 3/10

>> No.11037732

W2c jacket

>> No.11037754

Lmao, you seriously need to stop spending this much to look like shit

>> No.11037760

Fuckin retard ass

>> No.11037761
File: 1.23 MB, 1080x1920, 2016-03-07 17.06.16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit mirror pic coming your way

Very nice
>sweats in a non comfy looking fit
Nice try Eminem
Jamey no lame
Not bad but I hope you don't plan on having children
Spicy, I like the coat a lot
The geos look wierd in this especially without the laces
Derbies, doc mono 1461 or red wing postman
I like the jacket and how beat up your ramones are
Top is chill as fuck

>> No.11037766

why laffin ?

>> No.11037770

Those aren't geos...

>> No.11037771
File: 1.04 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20160108_074218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11037782

Ah shit are those KVA's? Island dunks? Idk I'm a pleb. Re looked at it and realized how stupid I was for not noticing the tongue looked nothing like geos.

>> No.11037792

>le designer clothing is expensive meme

>> No.11037808
File: 1.06 MB, 1928x3616, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rick with Tim Coppens button down.

>> No.11037811
File: 2.54 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_0703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11037817
File: 113 KB, 562x858, hTPkZlv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K bud glad you copped your 5th hand Comme for the low low but you still look laughable. Get over yourself, and cop some taste before you cop some more brands you can't style
>pic related is another perfect example of your exceptional sartorial prowess
If it's the same faggot I think it is, I'm pretty sure they are Balmain. Definitely have a somewhat geobasket-like silhouette though at first glance, so no worries

>> No.11037818
File: 359 KB, 1045x1920, DSC_0538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw I'm actually old as fuck
>yfw you're too young to appreciate this
>yfw le ebin reddit fedora tipping mfa was right
>yfw you have more chances of getting laid when dressing like this
>yfw I have no face.

>> No.11037825
File: 468 KB, 1280x1610, 1441360563724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is reeking of insecurity effay

>> No.11037829

>inb4 swans rape

>> No.11037831

Ah thanks dude haven't seen those balmains before.

>> No.11037832

You planning on tailoring that blazer/jacket/suit jacket?

>> No.11037833
File: 83 KB, 764x1024, 1421121732413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swans fans WILL defend this

>> No.11037836

Jeez Jon, upset I hurt your feelings over Grailed?

Keep reposting my fit man still not as bad as half the shit you post

>> No.11037837

I don't know, you tell me. And don't tell me those glasses don't make you feel insecure.

>> No.11037841
File: 2.78 MB, 1280x720, 1455385032994.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea tailoring that polyester baby gap blazer hes visibly having difficulty buttoning up is a great idea

dude you found me out lol

>> No.11037845

Pretty sure they're balmains

>> No.11037858

What do you faggots actually do for a living? the only kids that dress remotely like this at school all do design or some other effeminate nonsense. Are you people just leeching off of your loaded parents or are you actually spending your own hard earned money on these awful fits?

>> No.11037860
File: 55 KB, 464x575, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shorts cause golden triangle

>> No.11037863

Yea it's balmain baskets

>> No.11037869
File: 162 KB, 960x1280, 1457406504560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majoring in Biomedical Engineering :^)

My awful fits are well earned.

>> No.11037870


It doesn't even matter that /fa/ has no respect for workwear fits, because this shit would still get clowned on in workwear forums.

>> No.11037898

Lol honestly forgot about the shit, glad it's still on your mind though. Also let's just keep in mind you're the one who through the tantrum about offers.

Pretty sire thats thr first time ivr posted that fit, mayne thr second. Its worth reposting regardless.You don't honestly think either of those look good do you?

>still not as bad as half the shit you post
The numbers don't lie :-)

>> No.11037924
File: 449 KB, 788x1400, 1431711674707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the numbers don't lie

you've been negged and ethered infinitely more than me lmao

but hey man i'll be sure to take your styling tips in future i mean you are the guy who threw this masterpiece together

>> No.11037951

That fit is over a year old, you're reaching

Time to back up babyboi. Stick to grailed, this is my turf

>> No.11037956

>this is my turf

christ listen to yourself

>> No.11037960

You guys should exchange emails. The anonymity is gone and you clearly have a lot of personal stuff to work out between yourselves.

>> No.11037975

I wish kids would research degree paths before they take them.

You wonder why it's so much harder to get into nursing, dentistry, social work, criminal justice and computer science degrees than it is to get into engineering ( electrical, mechanical, Chem etc)

It's because traditional STEM degrees thrive only in developming nations that produce goods

America is a service economy, lawyers doctors etc.

Engineers provide a service that are tied to tangible goods meaning there is no industry for you when you graduate.... Protip if "they" say it's an awesome degree it's not

Everyone is always selling you something, the school of engineering on your campus just sold you some student debt so they could buy a new porsche

>> No.11037978

>being this retarded

someone regrets not getting a profitable degree

>> No.11037983

I'm 27 with no student loans, that puts me into like 5% of college educated Americans tier

>> No.11037996

this isn't me

But I'm full ride, so the only potentially true part of what you said isn't. The rest is some mighty fine reaching.

as for being sold something, you seem to have some pretty strong third person effect going there.

>> No.11038015

7/10 + bonus points for LUM
plz don't shoot up my school
2/10. change your hair
>implying i can see anything
7/10 safe but solid
lurk more before shitposting
5/10 boring. too much room in shoes.
u break ur knee?
>blue jeans into tubulars
6/10. feel like it should be better than it is. somethings off
Bloodborne we out here
8/10. can't go wrong with full Rick

>> No.11038016

I'm actively trying to sell the idea against going into debt since doing so gives money (roughly 30% of what you borrow) into the hands of a segment of people who lack basic human ethics ( Hilary Clinton works for them)

Kids today actively seek out degree paths that aren't marketable in the real world, funnel money into those who manipulate the poor then complain about it as if they had no direct involvement into supplying them with wealth

>> No.11038022

Be relatively accurate post fit

>> No.11038025

And people in their late 20s call people in their mid 20s "kids" and act like they've beat the system and learned so much from it.

>> No.11038033

Why are you defending ruining your life through laziness?

>> No.11038045

Not person ur asking but why do you keep making up new arguments instead of actually responding to people's replies.

It's almost like your just trying to make people angry...

Wait a second.

>> No.11038047

You caught me, I'm a huge faggot. My mother lets me use her wifi to take out my frustration sometimes.

>> No.11038094

Lol shut your whore mouth, silly woman

>> No.11038276

You're such a cute little tryhard fashionista I would like to pick you up and put you in my pocket :)

>> No.11038280

I've seen you post before and dude you're legit getting memed hard - does wearing this style actually make you feel like you look good to others, or feel confident in yourself? Your clothes do not suit your person

>> No.11038462

No I'm not, and yes.

>> No.11038494
File: 1.75 MB, 1451x2206, DSCI0301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this whole thread is funny as

>> No.11038538

>mfw all this bantz

>> No.11038639

I guess what I'm saying is lose weight

>> No.11038653

Then just say that. And I'm already working on it.

>> No.11038655
File: 1.71 MB, 1677x2983, 2016-03-08_14.54.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11038657

What boots are those?

>> No.11038666
File: 3.35 MB, 2952x5248, IMG_21463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dressing up for a special day today

>> No.11038684

BW Pilotenstiefel. Hunt around on Ebay for them, the leather is wonderful.

Size down or tailor your shirts. Your tie does not fit the colour of your shirt. What shoes are you wearing? I'm going to ignore the hat.

>> No.11038768

Why Rhubarb?

>> No.11038772


>> No.11039014

You look like a cuck that wears a trump hat ironically to seem like less of a cuck

>> No.11039035
File: 431 KB, 540x888, 454545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11039261

>"Cop some taste"
>Proceeds to to post trash fit in related pic

lmao atyour life family

>> No.11039286

Nice Lil Ugly Mane shirt, I wanted one too

>> No.11039303

Thank mr skeltal

>> No.11039375

9/10 qt
Can't quite tell because of how highly contrasted this photo is. Also, wtf is that hat?
Blurry/low quality photo. Your shoes are terrible.
You have really nice hands, but this fit is terrible. I'm disappointed because I've seen you do better.
Why do you own a supreme beanie? Stop. You're better than this. Get your shit together.
You look like somebody who sells heroin in order to buy more heroin, like, you make no gains from the selling and large profit margin.
You approach me in a home depot parking lot, I instinctively say "n...n-no.." and walk away swiftly before you get to offer me heroin.
The entire ordeal arouses you and you get hard immediately.
Not wish those pants.
It'd be an ok fit if I couldn't literally see the exact contours of your testicles being smushed by your crotch seam.
Jaden Smith takes a picked over Goodwill store into his ass and shits this out while babbling about gender binary, 12-yr-old misbehavioural czech boy core.
Shitty space boots that u will cringe over in 10 yrs.
Try wearing some off-white, worn in shoes with this and different socks.
I like it, 8/10.
Matrix-tier Leonardo Dicaprio but I dig it
>Go ahead and hit me!! My Daddy will sue you!!!!
Try wraping a cardigan around your shoulders for the complete look, friend.
Keep doin' what you're doin' pls
Why are your pants the same material as your coat?
That's how people dress toddlers.
You need to be thinner to pull this off, and even then it's very contrived and ridiculous.

>> No.11039401

I'm sorry to disappoint you. Supreme beanie belongs to gf.

>> No.11039408

Child molester/10

>> No.11039425

But i bet some people will dig it

>> No.11039442

>all this dark like my soul layering
>brite wite nike's
Jesus fuck

>> No.11039522

You deserve a better gf who respects herself.

>> No.11039524
File: 23 KB, 608x352, 1385584485221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no offence but that outfit is autism

>> No.11039535

>why are your pants the same material as your coat
>what is a suit

>> No.11039557

This would be nice as a full suit, or with some tailored extra slim dress pants.
I've always found the super dressy on top/casual on the bottom look to be odd, but I guess that's my personal taste.
Literal meme, you are the joke of your campus and are wearing a fucking pilgrim skirt on each of your legs pls stop.
You've somehow managed to transcend the typical college boy mindset and are prioritizing high fashion over getting any pussy EVER.
8/10, try to expand beyond full Rick. Develop your own personal style and flair onto this and it'll be gr8.
Why do you need a backpack when you have your strange crotch diaper to store your trinkets in?
lvl 80 post apocalyptic hipster, still a good fit though
You certainly look "special".
It's not even a proper suit material, it's so fucking thick and wooly looking. It's thicker than fucking tweed.
It looks like those outfits that you get for toddlers that are pre-matched and hung together as a pack for purchase.

>> No.11039572


yeah thats the point lmao

>> No.11039579

>That's the point
>I want to look like a frumpy toddler who's parents hate them
>F A S H I O N

>> No.11039587

>i don't get it therefore it's bad

hey man don't worry it's cool if you lack the perspective to properly appreciate what you're looking at.

>> No.11039636

>Posts in a thread that revolves solely around the giving and receiving of opinions
>Upset that somebody gives them an opinion they did not want to receive
Enjoy your $2,000 novelty pajamas.

>> No.11039668

this looks like the sweater spongebob made for squidward out of eyelashes

>> No.11039675


>> No.11039677

found a similar jacket http://www.muji.us/store/apparel/sale-men-s/men-organic-cotton-standing-collar-coat.html

>> No.11039703


looks pretty good birthday

what does your roomate think of your interest in fashion?

>> No.11039740

I think I'm pretty 50/50 Rick, but sometimes I like to go all out. This is good advice though!

>> No.11039829

Thanks senpai, you're good at taking constructive criticism gracefully and that's a really attractive fucking quality.
Keep being a qt.

>> No.11039927

holy shit whats happened to you

>> No.11039988
File: 1004 KB, 720x720, PhotoGrid_1457479343391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice day out. Going to class

>> No.11040128

Damn thunder thighs back at it again with the thighs

>> No.11040327

He literally has a normal body.

>> No.11040339

This looks like the bathroom at the Phoenix theater in Petaluma

>> No.11040571

don't accept and normalize it, my thighs look like his and are fucking disgusting
not advocating for something as extreme as op, but birthing hips+those thickass thighs are painfully bad looking, not helped by the proportional problems of the fit (esp the fact that even layering, he's only going halfway down his zipper), though that might just be height insecurity and an attempt to highlight/imply elongated legs

>> No.11040658

those thigs famly...

>> No.11040678




>> No.11040742

Come to Olympia WA, your fit would be accepted here.

>> No.11040745


thats the dude he was referring to you bingo piece.

>> No.11040761

Whats the jacket?

>> No.11040789


spics, niggers, chinks and other subhumans should not be allowed to post on /fa/

>> No.11040792

everyboyd in this thread looks like a faggot btw

>> No.11040837

I like it, pretty casual. But if I could give you one tip, when you cut your nails don't cut them too short (like in your pic), cut them down and then use a nail file to pull them down so there is a thin visible white strip of nail

>> No.11040889

Used to live there. Fuck evergreeners and fuck the hicks

>> No.11041090
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Carhartt WIP/ APC / APC / Common Projects

>> No.11041116
File: 85 KB, 640x426, Photo on 3-8-16 at 3.38 PM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cdgh+ sweater s/s 1997
cdgh+ shorts a/w 1997

>> No.11041175

jesus christ this is complete and utter shit

>> No.11041178

this can't be
you do your house

>> No.11041210

Denim on denim=No.

>> No.11041211


come on joe...
what happened man :/

>> No.11041286

Nice fit

Shoes look toddlerish

>> No.11041350
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Way better?

>> No.11041385

low cut docs. don't fall victim to the mono meme, the all-black glossy look makes them look like formal shoes and they don't go with anything. you could also get some converse

>> No.11041414

lmao this is some top cringe. His facial expression and the way he walks crack me up, you just know he thinks he's a badass urban goth warrior from a dystopian movie.

>> No.11041416


Пидopaхa, плeз.

>> No.11041484
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>> No.11041555

блин, cпyгнёшь вeдь мaминoгo мoдникa, нaд кeм тyт eщё пoлoлиpoвaть?

>> No.11041556

why the fuck are you wearing those shoes and a bomber with some dad jeans and a shitty v neck t shirt, how can you be this autistic?

>> No.11041560

I like this

>> No.11041562


>> No.11041570
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>> No.11041616

ur too old to be cosplaying

>> No.11041623

Take another picture, I refuse to believe that you fucked up this much.

>> No.11041624


can someone photoshop

>> No.11041641

hella dig the jacket

>> No.11041650


>> No.11041704

r u 160cm?

>> No.11041706

A вoт и мoй личный фaнaт!))

>> No.11041727
File: 78 KB, 385x1023, goth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually look like

>> No.11041733


>> No.11041735

kill ureslf pls.

>> No.11041812
File: 178 KB, 640x1136, 1457394983285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remaining ur

>> No.11041815


wtf is going on with your knee

looking at it is making me nauseous

>> No.11041824


yeah well it's actually the bathroom of the moose if i'm not mistaken

>> No.11042024

w2c jacket
Also please wear bigger jeans.

>> No.11042026

>consistently getting it this wrong

holy fuck, what a dismal IQ you must have. even laserface gets it right from time to time

>> No.11042030

your comment on my fit made me smile. thanks qt

>> No.11042054

nigga don't listen to those fucking mongs saying you have big thighs! It's good if you're looking for some harder thrusts :)))))

>> No.11042108

Is it really that bad? I thought it looked pretty decent.

>> No.11042257

10/10 looks great bro

>> No.11042588

I understand needing to be thinner and I'm working on that, but what's so contrived about basic Rick pieces and a black button down? Being genuine here since I only ever post fits here for tough feedback I wouldn't hear otherwise from friends, etc.

Would high-top Ramones have been better?

>> No.11042815

Only cool one

>> No.11042821

why do people spend so much money to look so average

>> No.11043008
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>> No.11044023

Honestly I wish everyone dressed in rick, it would make life so much more interesting

Nice fit anyhow

>> No.11044032

As cool as Rick is, disagree.

>> No.11044188

no socks look dumb as fuck

looks weird cuz this is a wintery outfit

>> No.11044226

w2c boots?

>> No.11044247
File: 84 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mostly rick

>> No.11044330

Sieg's retarded, but an engineering degree is usually a sucker's game.

>> No.11044352

le arts degree man

"engineering is useless!!!"

>> No.11044363

Useless in the sense that there aren't many good paying jobs, meaning the market doesn't seem much use in it. Granted, an arts degree is more useless, but let's not do this tired dichotomy bullshit. STEM degrees are not all created equal (never mind the liberal arts) and business degrees beat them all anyway (plus, they're so easy any idiot can get one).

>> No.11044370

drop trip newfag

>> No.11044403

You're showing too much ankle. You should pinroll/cuff your jeans lower. And if you're going to have socks visible with pinrolled jeans, you should either have high socks so no skin is showing (my opinion) or wear ones you can't see at all. I'm not a fan of the whole "look at my pale ankles" look so I'd say find some nice socks.

>> No.11044409

Why not wait until we have the whole story?

>> No.11044415

Gr8 b8 m8.

It's an elastic cuff. It's resting on his shoes.

>> No.11044431

would look better if your hat and shoes were a more neutral colour, otherwise good

>> No.11044462

fit is meh. nice chair taste though.

>> No.11044478

>senpai check out my hairline do you think its nw1 or nw2?

>> No.11044486

Silent by Damir Doma Jupit Bomber

Was the first time I wore them so they've stretched now

>> No.11044559

poнaльд мaкдoнaльд чбг

>> No.11044609


>> No.11044644

Wow, way to prove your waywt threads are the worst on the internet, /fa/.

>> No.11045059

Cucky little chinklet

>> No.11045122
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>> No.11045156

Oh, I know where is it. It's a pub called "Кaмчaткa" in Moscow.

>> No.11045362

w2c jacket?

Btw anyone else think it would go well with a white button down? Maybe something with a minimalist pattern or something? Trying to figure out how normies dress.

>> No.11045376

Robin Thinne

>> No.11045389

hate the shoes, but they look good for actual exercise. The rip in the knee looks like it happened naturally, which ordinarily is more respectable than pre-ripped jeans, but it does not look good here. I like Gosha, but the hat doesn't work with the fit, you look like you're a schoolboy at a football match

>> No.11045402


good fit

le engineering degree man

"the arts are useless!!!"

^ hoist by your own petard

>> No.11045422

"Cum-chat-ka" – a gay bar actually

>> No.11045427
File: 243 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Local fuccboi checking in

>> No.11045445
File: 2.80 MB, 1080x1440, fit1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found these fake dunks at the thrift kek

they're actually kind of comfy but don't fit in my wardrobe at all. were only a tenner though. rest of my fit I only went to get cigs with, staying in today.

>> No.11045727

Fix the tie knot and length.

>> No.11045991

somebody get this nigga a sandwich

>> No.11045999

british council estate garms

>> No.11046019

that "fled to america to escape catholic persecution" look

>> No.11046038

holy shit lmao look at this autistic motherfucker. you got MEMED HARD. this is some school shooter core right here. top cringe. saving for cringe threads.

>> No.11046933

hate ur clothing love the room

>> No.11047806

Pants really don't work here

>> No.11048067
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help me decide, please?

>> No.11048068
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>> No.11048084

both look a bit awkward but this one's better

>> No.11048086

this one

>> No.11048107


that cap certainly has something evil about it

>> No.11049034

Actually a decent fit in this style. Usually no one manages to do this shit right even when they spend 2000€ so good job desu. Though you'd still be seen as a weirdo by the rest of society (outside /fa/) but I suppose you know that already

Good one

>> No.11049046

Some weight loss, sizing down/tailoring the shirt and having better colors would make it less bad

>> No.11049051

Good, stand up so we can see you tho

>> No.11049054

Black jeans and chelseas would be better

>> No.11049234

kek caught him

>> No.11049364

Great picture. Nice fit.

>> No.11049443

Kek white males are literally the only ones that aren't /fa/

Plus chinks > whites, everybody knows this.

>> No.11049456

Thanks, anything that you would've done differently/ would like to see differently? I'm always looking to improve and a fresh perspective would be nice.

>> No.11049472 [DELETED] 


stem degree + mba is best combo

>> No.11050849

>>11030208 (OP)



















>> No.11050953

can i suck ur dick

>> No.11050958

my guy those pants are too tight and those shoes are too big

>> No.11050965

its mostly fine i would rec dropping the jeans in favor of a black pair tho and a non-vneck tee

>> No.11050992

w2c shirt?

>> No.11051007


>> No.11051550

the colour is better but v necks suck

>> No.11051850


>> No.11052088

w2c jacket? I've been trying to pick one out for like a month now, but every time I see similar shit in stores, I end up getting autistic about the amount of zippers and how much bulk it adds to my upper body, and I'm not sure if I'm just shit at picking stuff out or if I just need to stare in the mirror a little longer