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/fa/ - Fashion

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11033798 No.11033798 [Reply] [Original]

Let us dispel with this fiction that Rick Owens knows what he's doing. He doesn't know exactly what he's doing. Rick Owens is undergoing systematic effort to destroy the fashion word.

>> No.11033804

yeh buddy, lightweight

>> No.11033809

Do you always have to know exactly what you are doing when it comes to art?

>> No.11033814

I say it all the time. Rick threads are the most powerful cancer that destroy this board. /ROG/ is the single least tolerant, least colorful, and edgiest subculture to ever appear on this board. They bring shame and make fools of those who associate the same Cantonese quilting forum. Removing all Rick threads will make this board better

>> No.11033827

Whats even worse about /ROG/ is that people in those threads spend all their money on clothes but are still either fat fucks or skinny skeletons. Rick Owens himself said that if you aren't /fit/ and don't have the money to buy his clothes then you should get a gym membership instead and work towards not being poor before you buy his clothes. Its such a shit show.

>> No.11033830

poorfags, pls

>> No.11033834
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Let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that Kanye West doesn't know what he's doing. He knows EXACTLY what he's doing. Kanye West is undertaking a systematic effort to change fashion, to make nigger fashion more like the rest of the fashion world.

That's why he made Yeezus and the stimulus and TLOP and the deal with Nike. It is a systematic effort to change fashion. When I'm president of the /fa/, we are going to re-embrace all the things that made fashion the greatest hobby in the world and we are going to leave our children with what they deserve: the single greatest clothing line in the history of the fashion world.

>> No.11033842

Actually the worst is the fact that if you dislike their clothes they say (You) don't understand fashion. When in actuality they're all victims

>> No.11033847

That is a great point.

>> No.11033851

fucking this. every single time i see a rick thread i die a little inside. this board would be much better off without the goof ninja cancer shitfest. most of that stuff looks like shit and is super niche in the fashion world.

>> No.11033857

We need a thread to contain the retards. They are not without cause and purpose

>> No.11033865

the amount of vps samefagging is laughable

>> No.11033871
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I don't get people who don't do what they want.

Fashion is like anything, you should behave in accordance to your own tastes. I think Rick's clothing is beautiful, and that's why I buy and wear it.

The only intention Rick has is for you to like his things and wear them. If you don't like it, fine.

If you don't understand it, maybe that's on you. I like how you are so quick to shrink an idea like art appreciation into "2deep4u". Why like anything? Are you supposed to just have a passing interest in things? Are we going to ignore that digging deep into any area of fine art is very rewarding, or that it alters your perception? Rick is the kind of designer that takes the history of clothing and fashion into consideration with his designs, as well as a sort of prediction of where it can, or should, go. If you are used to just fast fashion jeans and t-shirts everywhere, I can see how it would be jarring, but to me it looks very natural, it has a timeless quality and a very modern feeling to it.

I'm not going to listen to the radio all the time just so I can know all the music everyone talks about, I'm going to listen to shit I love to listen to even if I can't talk to most people about it. I'm not going to wear shit you think is appropriate because who are you, and why do you think I need to impress you? I don't really want anything to do with someone who has an issue with the way I look.If I'm crossing the street and people are staring, then whatever, I'm probably listening to music or talking to someone.

This never happens though. I've never had any social problems. If anything, it's brought me into contact with people I can relate to.

So there you go. Do what you want, because you're going to die

>> No.11033873
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>> No.11033876
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>> No.11033879
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fair enough. unfortunate fashion victims.

>> No.11033908

>takes the history of clothing and fashion into consideration with his designs
>very natural, it has a timeless quality
Saggy diaper pants and oversized weirdly shaped thin shirts okkkkkk

Just listen to yourself, man. You sound brainwashed. If telling yourself that lets you sleep at night after strolling around in ridiculous garbs and spending a ton of money on so called ~art~ then more power to you. You still look silly and I'll still shit on your /rog/ threads because I'm tired of them.

>> No.11033915

this is a copy pasta man

>> No.11033922

it still gets the point across

>> No.11034288

The persons who ARE NOT trolling in this thread. You're pathetic. LMAO.

>> No.11034532

I saw someone in an /ROG/ saying that "Rick says it's better to be a starving artist than rich and a sellout" or something like that, to justify spending all his money on Rick. As if spending thousands on overpriced clothing (that is already a huge moneymaker for the founder) is the same thing as being an artist who suffers for his art.

It's a cult

>> No.11034564
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Fuck dude, I don't know what I'm doing half the time, do you?

>> No.11034582

>people discussing actual fashion on the subject matter in a single thread is destroying this board
yeah never mind all the /soc/ threads, "effay x" threads and every other """""fashion""""" thread on the first page every single day

>> No.11034694

>people getting this mad over clothing

>> No.11034701
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>/ROG/ is the single least tolerant, least colorful, and edgiest subculture to ever appear on this board.

Yeah no, it's actually pretty on point and open minded. People who shitpost on the thread even get on topic replies unlike people in this thread.
You don't like the clothing and it's perfectly fine but projecting this much makes it ridiculous.
This board's true cancer is thread like these and threads asking "is x effay ?" which are 80% of the board which means there are very little discussion about designers.

>> No.11034761

very little discussion about designers.
this is what's wrong with you goof ninjas, you think a name justifies everything. how about being open to other shit besides X name?

>> No.11034763

How the fuck are you going to hate on /ROG/? While I recognize that Rick is a master patternmaker and tailor, I don't like the way his clothes look (at least not on men, womenswear is amazing) and therefore I DONT READ /ROG/. Just don't click on the thread. Nobody is forcing you to.

Don't you think most of the people wearing Rick or any other "weird" designer are aware of the fact that some teenager in Mississippi or whatever shithole you live in wont like it? They don't care. Why should they?

>> No.11034768

Really? Cause saying you don't understand Rick leads to two responses from the Rick fags
>what brands do you like then?
>have you ever tried it on?
If you answer yes to the second question
>you just don't get it

Literally every time
Should be /buyers remorse general/

>> No.11034770
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>all this mad
Why do you care so much about other peoples clothes holy fuck
This is probably b8 but some jealous basic bitches get mad at us lel

>> No.11034783

But that's how it is
Like what the hell do you expect them to answer?
You absolutely don't need to like something and saying you don't get it is not them talking down on you. If you don't get it that's fine, you don't have to.

>> No.11034851

>you don't understand Rick

I didn't say this, I said it's perfectly if you don't like the clothing but the truth is we don't care that you don't like them, we know it's a niche, we know it's not an aesthetic everyone will like but we do.

Erm, no, it's just that the purpose of ROG is to discuss specifically about RO's work, but I remember some days ago there was a CCP thread and it was nice, just because people like RO doesn't mean they only like him. I personnaly browse ROG and like work from Yohji, CCP, Raf, Guidi, Horikawa, even Lemaire and Thom Browne.
Then again a fashion forum will discuss about designers and yes they do have an authority on fashion matters since it's their job and most of them have a specific aesthetic

>> No.11035035

they're either underage or from reddit

>> No.11035519

or you know, just normal human beings that don't fall for meme clothes.

>> No.11035591


Rubio/Owens 2020

>> No.11035601

>meme clothes
Jesus christ leave your house ffs

>> No.11035604

This thread is cute. All of the /rog/ shitposters got together in a thread to talk about shitposting on /rog/. /ROSG/ Rick Owens Shitposting General

>> No.11035664

you salty I can leave the house looking effay and not get laughed at in public? lmao

>> No.11036320


This only happens in high school, is what we're saying. If the popular kids in your school bullies you I sort of understand why you're so afraid of their opinions, but it's not like that when you're an adult. I see people wearing stuff I think is ugly all the time - I don't care, just like I don't care if they also think the same when they look at my shit. If you like wearing gore-tex sneakers, blue denim and anime shirts, good for you! Keep doing you! I'm the most comfortable in weird knitted dresses, texturized leather and big ass jewellry and therefore I'm going to keep wearing it.

Only children think openly mocking a stranger on the street is cool, in any other situation you're just making a fool of yourself. Nobody that matters actually like dickheads, you know?

Just chill out, be nice and do you. If you're too insecure to do so, you've got bigger issues that needs to be dealt with before you start stressing out over something as trivial as a fucking outfit.

>> No.11036794

Only a fag wears Rick Owens shit. Change /Rog/ to /fags/ and I wouldn't mind. But thinking Rick is fashion is the same as never growing up from a middle school emo phase.

>> No.11036813
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required reading

>> No.11036833

I can't see myself ever wearing anything rick but I do like him anyway.

>> No.11038489

>maybe fashion isn't your thing
Holy shit this guy is so full of himself that only his clothes are fashionable in his pov. No wonder you guys hate him, he's a horrible person

>> No.11038593

>Holy shit this guy is so full of himself

No he's not you have reading comprehension problems

>> No.11038623

>replying to a bait thread

Regardless, there is no doubt that /ROG/ is quite honestly the one of the few threads on this whole board that is on the topic of the board's discussion. Which is fashion. Actual fashion. Meaning, the majority of /fa/ is thirteen year olds asking if they should buy converse or stan smiths. So it is understandable why they would project such buttmad about designer clothing that is unobtainable to them.

>> No.11038631
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There it is, the same memorized 25 second speech

>> No.11038636

God I'm so mad 'cause I didn't get a dust bag with my geos.

>> No.11038644

That sucks. If you really really want one you can get them for 50 dollars on grailed but i wouldn't pay that much for some bag

>> No.11038658
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Rick Owens fan hung himself in full RO. About time.

>> No.11038753


>full RO
>only thing RO is the jacket

You played yourself.

>> No.11038787

Is Rick Owens worse than Supreme?

>> No.11038820

It's not about the brand, it's about the fans and supreme fans are the worse

>> No.11040464

supreme is an incredible example of a genuinely cool brand being turned to shit by mass popularity. their was a time where you would be able to cop something hours after it dropped. now it takes 15 seconds for most of a drop to get sold out, save for some god-awful piece or a completely unbranded item because "muh brand recognition"