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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 46 KB, 375x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10801126 No.10801126 [Reply] [Original]

How effay is your girlfriend/partner
Pic unrelated

>> No.10801283
File: 52 KB, 640x480, IMG_20150730_224447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here he is. Sorry don't have fill body shot

>> No.10801320
File: 740 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-01-05-20-11-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha wait here he is on Google maps lol

>> No.10801784

She's average with all the other girls around. Cause her family doesn't make that much, she doesn't really follow any of the trends, so that's fairly good

>> No.10801791

Pretty effay

Turbo white I.e blonde blue eyes white hair. Glad she went back to platinum blonde and pale skin with darker colours. Went through a phase of more golden hair coupled with tanned skin.

>> No.10801797

She ugly as fuck but then again I'm ugly as fuck so it kinda goes together. But hey I fell in love with her.

>> No.10801809


>> No.10801826
File: 27 KB, 463x349, 1330060741745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he dresses clean and unoffensive. whole wardrobe comes from h&m basically. 6'3 and lean and brown

>> No.10801835
File: 56 KB, 596x595, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10801845

how does anything fit him if he's 6'3" and shops at hm....

>> No.10801859

truu lmao im 5'5" and i usually go medium for sometimes the large fits me, how da fuck dis nigga shop at hm

>> No.10802812

i am currently training my bf to be /fa/

he is my puppet

>> No.10802819

this is coot

good luck! just dont make him smoke lol

>> No.10802963

that's because only ugly can appreciate ugly

hope you two don't have kids so the rest of us don't have to suffer staring at any more uglies

you can smoke my dick

>> No.10803058

nigga u fat ass. Im 6'0 and wear smalls. im not ever hungry skeleton mode

>> No.10803099
File: 111 KB, 917x871, feelsbadman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /foreveralone/

>> No.10803101

qt but not fa sorry to say. dump him

>> No.10803103

He's effay in some ways then horribly not effay at all in other ways. It's tragic desu

>> No.10803105


>> No.10803121

Tfw I still love her

>> No.10803126

Don't wish
Luck, he is a faggot talking about his Faggot cock taking boyfriend. I hope both die a horrible death and their bodies can neither be identified nor shown in a wake. Fuck you faggot, I will nether support your fetish nor mental disability

>> No.10803127

Ha you guys are idiots. Who would dump someone as ed on the clothing they wear

>> No.10803130

>tfw i still think about our conversations

>> No.10803157
File: 78 KB, 412x351, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw still have a locket of her hair I keep under my pillow and shrine in my closet where I wallpapered the wall with her photos and keep a timeline of her activity from Facebook and keep the few pieces of clothing I have left in vacuum sealed bags

>> No.10803176

she has great taste but her actual wardrobe is miles behind, so she doesn't look nearly as effay as she could be.

>> No.10803195

he's 6'3 and ottermode but he couldn't care less about fashion. He dresses plainly, don't think he's bought clothes since I've been with him.

>> No.10803292

Couldn't be effay even if he tried to, he's a shorty with a larger frame (muscular, not fat, thanks god). He wears meme Canada Goose parka and I saw him wearing a black belt with brown shoes at work. Otherwise he looks fine. Really un-effay but fine.

>> No.10803327

you sound like a cunt I feel bad for him

>> No.10803361

She's not effay but love her anyways

>> No.10803368

Well, I don't date him for his clothing is what I meant to say. He's still attractive to me as well as an amazing person. He tease me about my weirdo avant-garde ninja drapes and I nitpick his costume choices. It's fun.

>> No.10803469

I had one gf at 15 and it was 8 years ago.

>> No.10803472
File: 671 KB, 2000x1339, pepe_lighthouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be kv
>get severe oneitis


>> No.10803536

My gfs so effay that you cant even see her

>> No.10803542

The ultimate gothninja fit is invisibility

>> No.10803554

where do you think you are?

>> No.10803555

Gf is pretty dang effay. She has shit loads of burberry and stuff like that. I'm just a preppy fuck.

>> No.10803560

>tfw went to her facebook and she likes a bunch of anti-white bullshit

well that was easy.

>> No.10803562
File: 10 KB, 240x320, 1403dd7d-4591-49a6-89e2-5e4684490812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is me

She is 5'11 too and I'm 6'1.5/6'2

>> No.10803602

That's me on the phone in the reflection

>> No.10803613

so you know how black out i was that night? dope dick

>> No.10803618
File: 33 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's my squeeze

Pretty q (⌒-⌒; )
Idk 100% tho cuz I'm gay!!!!!

>> No.10803649

I took my girlfriend's virginity while she was wearing here SLP heels.

Pretty effay I would say.

>> No.10803658

Would raep

>> No.10803679
File: 1.45 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girlfriend wears a lot of turtlenecks and short skirts; she's fairly tumblr/10 but I love it

>> No.10803698

I think I know this girl....you wouldn't happen to be a Canadafag would you?

>> No.10803705

>tfw you still think of her every second of the day

>> No.10803711

tumblr grills are fantastic senpai

>> No.10803721
File: 424 KB, 960x755, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your gf is "Twee". That's the exact fashion term to describe her style. Tell her to cop some black pantyhose or w/e leg things pic related is wearing

>> No.10803722

>mfw skinny tombish gf
>nice hips
feels dem gud

>> No.10803723
File: 1.87 MB, 750x750, 1428637612522.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw there has never been a her

>> No.10803727
File: 29 KB, 500x700, 1406420908693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's easier than loosing her

>> No.10803733

nah at least you can consider yourself a normal human being

>> No.10803735

>tfw she left you for a 38 y/o druggie fresh out of jail

>> No.10803737

nope sorry man, United states; i am interested to know that she has a doppelganger, though.

they really are

i guess that is more accurate. i remember her fit pics floating around years ago when this chick dressed up as the potato from ITAOTS and she was the /mu/ mascot, basically. my gf does have plenty of pantyhose, stockings, etc but this was back in the summer, i just particularly liked that outfit

>> No.10803741

Hopefully the only similarity they share is their looks and not being complete and absolute whores I hope die in a fire.

>> No.10803743
File: 336 KB, 1332x1776, PicsArt_1452098482707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id like to believe shes quite /fa/, she listens to my advice on what to buy so thats good

>> No.10803749

hopefully. good luck in your ways, anon, fuck that skank

>> No.10803801

im not gay i am female and youre actually autistic and sound like youre from some shitty 3rd world country and smell like shitstain

>> No.10803825
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That projection

>> No.10803872
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>> No.10803965

typical zagreb basic bitch

>> No.10803971

gf's a designer at CMU and also designing for the school's fashion show

I'm not one to say whose effay, but those things seem to qualify her

>> No.10804037

were not from zagreb, we were visiting eastern europe and swung by but thanks for the projection :)

>> No.10804046

>tfw when I still think about fun things to mention to her even though it's been 5 months since we last spoke

>> No.10804079

He's 6'3" and has great genetics but has no interest in being /fa/. I've bought clothes for him before but he doesn't wear them.

>> No.10804087

no pic but my gf is basic as fuck. not that it matters, she's got ass n titties and we tolerate each other's personality. once you're actually in a relationship you realize how far down on the list fashion sense really is, there's way more important shit

>> No.10804150

What the hell my brother, you let her walk around like an infidel kahba. Better grab a burqa next time.

>> No.10804174


>> No.10804212

She was pretty fa

She still is, but she's no longer my gf

I still ask her for second opinions sometimes.

>> No.10804226
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>> No.10804440
File: 584 KB, 1440x2275, Screenshot_2016-01-06-12-20-04~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im dressed as santa in this pic

She dresses nice but isnt into fashion or designer stuff. Im workin on making that cheddar so I can afford nice clothes but everything else comes first

>> No.10804455

That looks like such a nice day. I've never had a Christmas like that have to admit I'm very jealous. Also she looks cute have a good year.

>> No.10804706


you're a good man.

>> No.10804793

I'm 6'3 and shop at hm, I am full skelly mode though.

>> No.10804881

Are they on grailed?

>> No.10805105


I have a sweater in Small that fits me perfect and I'm 6'1. There sizing is v inconsistent

>> No.10805293
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>> No.10805351
File: 16 KB, 300x411, 1343891981836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she cheated on me and left me for another guy and I blew her ego by replacing her

>> No.10805370

fook mate thats a stinker

>> No.10805374

Sometimes we accidentally wear matching outfits but I don't really know what that says about either of us.

>> No.10805377

when did that happen?

how long till you got your new girl, is she nice

>> No.10805527

She has a good sense of color but she buys from cheapo no name brands that will probably fall apart in short order

>> No.10805567

No, she dresses like /cgl/ stuff

>> No.10805590

he's pretty fa. then again so am I. I hope he's lurking on /fa/ tonight.
I'm sorry for what I said please text me desu :(

>> No.10805602

Im guessing youre the guy she is kissing in mirror frame, then?

>> No.10805715

For anyone curious, this says:

The birth of a new day.
Atarashii nichi no tanjyou.

>> No.10805732

It's an album cover to an album with the same name.

>> No.10805742

How do I get a girl i just started dating to dress like she wasn't home schooled her whole life and dresses like a 40 year old mom
Because that's what I'm dealing with

>> No.10805751

Is this KV shavvy?

>> No.10805753

Thanks man, u need someone to chill with im in seattle

>> No.10805762

Slowly show her inspo, take her to effay places, buy her a few effay things. Do all of that, but slowly. Very slowly and be subtle. It can't be "I need to change you, you're not to snuff", that's offensive.

Couples usually end up dressing very similarly after a while anyway. Just be patient.

>> No.10805777

He's pretty effay. Dresses in nice, well tailored suits. Wears fun socks, and pocket squares.
Idk. He's a corporate qt.
whenever I go to work functions with him, all his coworkers are like
"So are u goth? How do u like that?"
When I'm just wearing monochrome black and a darker lipstick
Fucking old people

>> No.10805787

Why dont you dress nicer and more importantly like an adult...? He's probably very emberassed to bring you anywhere with him, especially around coworkers and colleagues. If you loved him you wouldn't put him through that if you have the power to fix it

>> No.10805793

How to get a gf if you're ugly and have zero confidence?

>> No.10805802

I mean the work functions are very casual. It's like meeting for pints at the bar, then going out after that. And I don't do a dark lip every time.
But I'm generally always in monochrome. Most colour I do is like camel.
Idk how wearing a black turtle neck with black jeans is an immature or inappropriate fit

>> No.10805805


>> No.10805812

I want to kill myself

>> No.10805838

Get confidence. You're probably not ugly, most people aren't; they're just average looking and boring. Fashion is a tough hobby; fits are critical, you need to have the body type and shape; you need to have the money for the clothes, the trends, the details; you need the high paying job, the rat race; you need to be relatively healthy, eat well, maybe lift a little weight (which will give you some confidence, if not stave off boredom).

You picked a difficult hobby if you have no confidence, friend. Just relax, even the ugliest of uglies have reproduced.

Your whole lineage has reproduced, leading to you. It's highly unlikely that you're a freak anomaly. You'll slide into place, transfer your genes, and fade into time, like everyone else.

>> No.10806290

that last line


>> No.10806328

That pic lol

>> No.10806353
File: 78 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My qt gf and I

>> No.10806373

gf is a qt but she thinks she is 8/10 fashionable when she is probably like 4 or 5.
oh well she can learn

>> No.10806423

Sikh bruh

>> No.10806697

introduce her to conservative but non momcore clothing

>> No.10806765

dumb insecure white boy land

>> No.10806766


I hope that all works out for you man, greets

>> No.10807080
File: 127 KB, 1242x434, FullSizeRender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rekt me

>> No.10807109

these cracker ass honkeys cant dress for shit uwu

>> No.10807128

My gf's kids are pretty effay.

>> No.10807133
File: 1.67 MB, 1164x1178, Screen Shot 2016-01-06 at 3.43.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10807134
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 151220-153104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my gf wears julius

>> No.10807140
File: 72 KB, 499x374, 1378354998020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I don't really miss her but still immensely lonely
>tfw any kind of crush/relationship I try to have either ends badly or sort of just...ends
>tfw I don't know anymore

Doesn't help that I constantly listen to sad music and all my friends have gfs. Guess it could be worse

>> No.10807153
File: 51 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mxaxnu1gwO1scw6kwo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slim white and tall with short hair .

>> No.10807156

cringe desu senpai

>> No.10807157

pic or die

>> No.10807159

yeah ignore the shitty mullet and the awful t shirt i was wearing

>> No.10807174
File: 667 KB, 1000x750, picasso_velvet_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu the bae dresses like generic "art-hoe" european girl #35 but it all fits correctly and it's all proper brand stuff and not H&M tier stuff. Has some /DIY/ clothes similar to pic related and she loves "luxury" fabrics. 7/10 /fa/ wise and about an 8/10 looks wise

>> No.10807176

Ik f a m, Ik

>> No.10807181

the worst part is that she's such a qt

also I meant to write

>cringe t b h f.a.m.

but the filter

>> No.10807192

I mean she's OK, not that much going for her if she didn't resemble Kendall

>> No.10807193

fuck kendall

she's got nice eyes, cute lips, and a good jaw

>> No.10807197

ur gf is a ghost

>> No.10807200

tell ur gf to lose some weight
just kidding :)

>> No.10807205


>> No.10807221

beautiful pic im happy for u
she pretty bro

>> No.10807653

keep her forever. Trust me.

>> No.10807659

it's a pretty big eternal sunshine ideal, but when it comes down to it, I can't decide whether I love the sadness and creativeness that came out of fucking up and losing her, or that maybe it be happier to never have loved in the first place.

>> No.10807661

was casually dating this 28 year old pre school teacher over the holidays

broke it off with her last night....didn't want to do the valentines day thing

plus she spends 90% of her life drinking wine

>> No.10807676

>plus she spends 90% of her life drinking wine

That's pretty /fa/.

>> No.10807678

Not that Anon but long term drunks are terrible

>> No.10807686

thats horrible man

>> No.10807697

def not; it was cheap wine...$6.99 a bottle (becuase she made like no money)

oh and she was a nanny on the side too...she'd bring like 4-5 bottles over to the kid's house she was watching for like less than 3 hours

>> No.10807708

more pics?

>> No.10807741

>literally just flipped their shit about someone's sexual orientation
>person wasn't even gay
>was completely wrong on the most basic of levels

so you like couldn't just tuck your tail and run you were like how can i solve this oh yeah posting one of these funny and original images i got off of /b/ that's how.

like for real are you actually autist?

>> No.10807747

i definitely find that i make the best music when it's coming out of me spending the night alone holed up in my room being depressed and on stimulants

if you had a good relationship for awhile then it's more than worth an equal amount of time being low.

>> No.10807758
File: 18 KB, 225x225, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she suck the little boys dick?

>> No.10807759
File: 11 KB, 250x241, 1448807496757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that silhouette
>that coat and shawl just sloppily draping wherever the fuck

>> No.10807772

tfw the girl i'm kind of interested in rn is really into internet fashion. like wore a ying yang baseball cap and pink camo pants and some other cloud rap-y stuff. though she's not a fan of sad boys at alllllllll. it seems to just be from her obsession with thrift and former huge presense on tumblr.

she's got kind of the most patrish attitude towards music tho, doesn't really listen to anything that's not good.

>> No.10807781

asic but at least she looks nice. Tell her to try less though

>> No.10807785

get on that asap breh, closest I got to this was a hippy-ish girl who liked Patti Smith and dressed kind of bohemic

>> No.10807814

this tbf

>> No.10807829
File: 214 KB, 1109x630, grrll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is v hippy. met by chance and stayed together for a week in denver. turns out she lives in a city in my state (tht isn't mine).

not sure how compatible we are, but regardless i'm bored of this being single deal. i think i'm gonna do lsd with her this weekend though so we'll see where we arrive after that but i'm kind of keen on it.

downside is she vapes. upside is she can hang 4sure.

>> No.10807846
File: 219 KB, 540x611, R83Z9Er.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10807850


>> No.10807867

rightside fit is horrible, looks like a crackwhore stumbled into newbury comics.

left fit is dece

she needs to tone it down

>> No.10807871

she's 19 and we're all doing a shit load of drugs so subtlety isn't the goal at the time. also i think drugged out is part of the aesthetic

just grabbed a couple out of the blue tho, i'm sure she has better. she was actually doing this pretty damn cool thing with a fur coat the other day 9/10 in my book as someone whos normally your typical acne/slp fanboi

>> No.10807890

I'm interested in seeing more of her. Can you post more pics or a link?

>> No.10807902

would love 2 but feel ive already capped on creeping for the day. from my experience hanging out with random people i've met from where she's from (OKc), there was a whole high school just filled with hipsters and it created within itself this microcosm of fashion all v similar to this in attitude.

>> No.10807927

:( no brah

>> No.10807932

Well that's okay. I'm allways fascinated by little underground communities with a distinct fashion sense for some reason, even though my personal style is as minimalistic and basic as it gets. A teenager in me is still alive and strong.

>> No.10807938

well ur way cooler than i'm ever gonna be, and definitely way cooler than i will be as a couple with someone ever.

why can't i meet a girl who digs monochrome as much as i do?

>> No.10807945

My gf is pretty, dresses like an art school girl (which she is). But she doesn't have a tumblr and hates most feminists and the other whiny art school bitches she goes to school with.

She also lets me fuck her in the ass, which is a huge plus for me. Also, she's 7 years younger than I am.

>> No.10808010
File: 143 KB, 332x332, P5rqkr0.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no gf

>> No.10808080

those boots kill this

>> No.10808120
File: 377 KB, 600x1200, a bunch of shit no one recalls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually remembered i have a bunch of shit on my phone of us. i'm bottom left and obviously not even close to the same aesthetic. no one actuallyy remembers that one being taken because tranqs and barz were aplenty for new years.

but it does give u better insight into this tiny teenage niche i've found.

>> No.10808141

she's fa as fuck but afraid to post pic

>> No.10808144

How should I feel if my gf is more /fa/ than I?

>> No.10808244

God this person looks like a horrible human

>> No.10808246

not at all. the girl with the purple hair and rx tattoo is a different story sometimes.

they're very nice.

>> No.10808307

Not at all. It's kind of depressing.

>> No.10808330
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 1429440444979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10808353

Thanks anon, that looks pretty cool. Must be a lot of fun to live you're life the way they live their life.
Don't be so hard on yourself though, you look fine.

>> No.10808357

She's pretty effay, basic but I've never seen her in a bad outfit, probably because her parents are rich as Fuck

>> No.10808378

that wouldn't be hard amirite?

>> No.10808438


u look fine man

>> No.10808464

I feel like she owns a strap on, and I want to take it

>> No.10808698

actually wasn't meaning to be putting myself down there. i'm pretty confident about my clothes, especially after going to paris and getting eyed up a lot.

my life is ridiculous. i was only even with them in denver because one person got stuck behind in oklahoma, a problem they solved by asking me if i could drive her via phone at 2am. got there at like 10pm just in time to get to bar hopping for new years. we got a lot of weird looks and also got thrown out of a couple places lol. ridiculous times if ur young and can just wing that shit & cross your fingers that it goes well.

>> No.10808757

id like to see one of your fits oh holly master

>> No.10808761

What did you say to him

>> No.10808774
File: 187 KB, 350x553, effa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is not at all effay.

I'm the one who loves shopping.

>> No.10808787

thanks for all the hate guys :)
stay salty

>> No.10808810

Well she's cute and looks clean which is better than most girls in this thread

My gf is extremely basic but she showers daily which is fine by me

>> No.10808850

i would never want to be seen with a girl carrying a pink purse like that, or wearing that ridiculous hat.

>> No.10808864
File: 248 KB, 488x903, 11348822_1100731083274720_1501365527_n-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf is slim and qt, but i dont always like how she dresses. All her clothes are h&m, topshop etc and 90% monochrome. She looks good a lot of the time, but i wish she'd lose the doc martens. Also looks weird when we're together, i'm more on the prep/ lol dadcore side of things, wearing earthy colours.

>> No.10808875

you sound like a fuckwit

>> No.10808876


>> No.10808898

I don't judge so much apparences. But taste it s a very personal thing. And I respect yours

>> No.10808903

Kek are you like a gipsy?

>> No.10808935
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>> No.10808939
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>> No.10808940

Pls tell me this is bait

>> No.10808944

Was waiting for this

>> No.10808951



>> No.10808958


>> No.10809014

I would wear whatever if my (non-existent) bf bought me the clothes. I dont really have one particular style that I like over others much, so if they wanted to dress me a particular way i probably would, but wouldnt be willing to spend loads of money on it since i dont care that much.

I like this though >>10807846

>> No.10809015

w2c boots?

on a side note you two are goals, that's dope af.

>> No.10809043

how is that goals? just two people trying to emulate "avantgarde" clothing on a budget, the chicks coat is way to big, prolly some trifted shit, scarf careleslly thrown on, dont even get me started on the guy,
you fags are impressed by anything thats not the norm, even if its shit, there are some way nicer outfits in this thread and theyre getting shat on, i know /fa/ has turned into a shithole full of teenage imbeciles, (just look at the WAYWT threads) but this is seriouslly disapointing

>> No.10809051
File: 436 KB, 269x960, meow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he /fa/? i think he's very /fa/

>> No.10809053

nice af really

>> No.10809062

im >>10809014
I dont think its 'goals'. I like/wear dark clothing usually and hers looks pretty cosy. not really a fan of his so much

>> No.10809076

u just put your chick in your jacket, nothing imporessive about that

>> No.10809117

she's gud, dresses well and if that's an indicator, is in an art school

>> No.10809120

lol nice try yeah I found fashion through her. she dresses like that on her own.

>> No.10809125

that's my tumblr waifu. gtfo cuase she doesn't have a bf.

>> No.10809141

so is there actually something wrong with me for not wanting my gf to dress in revealing shit?

girls say im insecure cause i dont want the chance of someone seeing my bitches underwear.

>> No.10809168

i feel the same way, i'm pretty possessive but she's also possessive so at least she and i are toxic together

>> No.10809176

>tfw rare vaporpepe

I like your taste in memes, saved :^)

>> No.10809200

Dude we are picking from what has been posted. Is it ideal? No. Is it atleast in the right direction? Yes. Do I have a gf to dress up in all black thrift clothes? No. Therefore "goals"

>> No.10809234

yeah same man. i admit im paranoid but i try hard to be self aware and this problem doesn't make sense.

>> No.10809266
File: 485 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she is pretty effay. She's 4'9" and wears a lot of cat ears and like dark colors. Also has colored hair, kinda reminds me of a cute anime girl. Cuban and French Canadian heritage.

>> No.10809275

She asian? Thai?

>> No.10809277

ur face a pumpknimm!!!

>> No.10809294

Dude lol I know her. Not surprised tho, she def gets on 4chan.

>> No.10809304

Nah, no asian blood. Cuban and French Canadian lol

2016 is the year of headless horseman core senpai

>> No.10809328

why are your girl's biceps bigger than yours???

>> No.10809353
File: 223 KB, 1080x1080, IMESSAGE_RECEIVED_05_04_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably more /fa/ than me desu senpai

>> No.10809355

Because hers is pressed on my arm flattening it and making it appear wider

>> No.10809364

i want a girl who will press her biceps on my arm

>> No.10809379

Don't we all anon

>> No.10809454

your girl is really basic bruh

>> No.10809457

race traitor

>> No.10809644

she's half white so not really m8

>> No.10809786


>> No.10809798


>> No.10809811

best in thread, moar pics

>> No.10809834
File: 235 KB, 612x612, tumblr_nm2nuvgAvW1tvwwfeo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I follow that girl on tumblr pretty sure she doesn't have a bf. qt as hell tho

>> No.10809968

My wife wants to be effay, but her job holds her back. She's a pastry chef and a cake decorator on the side so she is quite literally always wearing an oversize white button down and black tights with an apron from her extensive whacky apron collection.

She has nice little legs and hips and her hair is always done nicely, but there's no point in being /fa/when she gets messy every day for a living.

Though its hot as fuck when I come home to her in nothing but that white button down, stockings, garter belt and crotchless panties. Plus, cupcakes. And she tastes/smells sweet too from all the sugar.

>> No.10810021

What are you doing on /fa/?

>> No.10810074

post pics please

>> No.10810079

Who is that....berry?

>> No.10810133


>> No.10810220

nah some asian girl on tumblr. berry never wore julius/obscur or real rick. never got to that level of effay before hitting that needle to get thin

still would berry tho

>> No.10810238

how that ass tho (;

>> No.10810253

She's dead right?

>> No.10810271


>> No.10810282 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10810312
File: 76 KB, 1080x726, 12494569_1096134547086359_981424538_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in love

>> No.10810342


>> No.10810369

I think she has an amazing control on her use of h, maybe. She used it purely for dietary reasons.

>> No.10810446

>tfw knee socks look like sausage casings

>> No.10810458

pretty nice, would chop of head/10

>> No.10810469

happy 4 u 2 :)

>> No.10810478

oofty m8, some quality crumpet right there

>> No.10810488
File: 606 KB, 438x368, me on the right.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are an effay couple

>> No.10810490

scuzzy as hell

>> No.10810493

im so lonely

>> No.10810514

you lucked out

>> No.10810524

No you're not

>> No.10810620

look in the mirror once in a while and think about your lives

>> No.10810627

all these niggas getting baited this hard baka

>> No.10810629

if that really is you then great, that looks like a nice relationship, a very, sweet honest kiss. good for you.

>> No.10810632


>> No.10810653

Same, feels so damn good.

>> No.10810664

same,but with long arms, sometimes i have to cop medium and alter that shit

>> No.10810665
File: 2.38 MB, 4272x2848, image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of the time she is wearing black leggings, hightop converse, and some random sweater.

10% of the time, when she's trying, mostly dark colors. Black draped tops with a bralette and some high wasted black jeans and black boots. (Like pic related)

>> No.10810675

the truly /fa/ girlfriend, not fashinable tho, just /fa/

>> No.10810684

> ugly SE azn gook
Truly a pasty cuck

>> No.10810695

Sure buddy. Lol.

>> No.10810697

what does that even mean?

>> No.10810708

Looks unsettling like my gf, different bedroom styles tho

>> No.10810733

you could do better bro, but whatever floats your boat.
happiness & good vibes to u

>> No.10810739

Personality goes a long way. Plus, she sings/dances. Keeps things interesting.

>> No.10810775

>Plus, she sings/dances
if it's anything but ballet she's trash

>> No.10810849
File: 12 KB, 555x368, shia eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't need this

>> No.10810880

you are me

what kind of sad music you listen to?

we'll get there someday man....someday

>> No.10810886

Is her name Abigail?

>> No.10810899

I don't even have a girlfriend and know that it's generally a bad idea to imply your girlfriend's personality makes up for her looks.

(Hope she doesn't browse /fa/)

>> No.10810904

Ben Shapiro?

>> No.10810922

He's a 6'3" Native American and I can't convince him to do anything with his long hair past putting it into a BRAIDDDDDDD

>> No.10810946

who is this berry? link or something?

>> No.10811250
File: 106 KB, 1440x1080, 1445879084585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She works in fashion and is a model and have no idea why she's dating me.

I'm a skinnyfat neckbeard manchild.

>> No.10811334
File: 575 KB, 1146x1920, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Ff8979ca890cec06178e5ca50b70262cc%2Ftumblr_nadh1bfo5W1rvhwhbo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10811342

mamma is weirdly thick

>> No.10811356

fuck i wish i couldve seen the twitch chat when this happened

>> No.10811366

my gf is korean so she has p good taste in fashion

>> No.10811372

goals as hell

>> No.10811375

lol disgusting

>> No.10811379

whyd you drop trip sieg?

>> No.10811489

Why would you? Hair like that is qtaf

>> No.10811493

i got 50 pounds on that dude easy

>> No.10811539

tbqh I wouldn't

those sandals are dope tho

>> No.10811548

There are some things in life that are so great that you are meant to miss them.

>> No.10811668

psst u hav acne

>> No.10811719

lmao she did h?
shes not dead tho, still posts on ig

>> No.10811723

knoch should stop wearing julius it really doesnt look good :/

>> No.10811739

if even this guy can get an attractive girl then just kill me already

>> No.10811775

you look like a lesbian

>> No.10811788

kek enjoy getting cheated on because you're a controlling bitch

>> No.10811864

Fucking delete this

>> No.10811865
File: 33 KB, 500x332, Jeromes Dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that off minor shirt is elite but not /fa/

>> No.10811881
File: 86 KB, 578x568, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's life in your fantasy word, kissless loser?

>> No.10811929

this shit looks like The Walking Dead cosplay

>> No.10811938
File: 85 KB, 960x834, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream I had a gf to snuggle with last night because of this thread

>> No.10811950

tryhard and without a really aesthetically pleasing style whatsoever, you know, what /fa/ actually looks like

>> No.10811959

Girlfriend? What's that?

>> No.10811976
File: 105 KB, 700x524, Screen Shot 2016-01-08 at 11.36.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you look miserable.
this girl will put you into a pit of despair.
i bet you end up hurting yourself.

even captcha bro says "lookout".

>> No.10811982

Yeah, cause girls like her look at guys like you. Oooooookay.

>> No.10811991

Kissless Virgin, you dumb fuck.

>> No.10812025
File: 50 KB, 426x640, IMG_13811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf is a local model (as in cover of local stuff like *area* bridal magazine). She's totally effay, especially when she was blonde. She's brunette now, but it's only a slight loss.

>> No.10812033

My gf is a failed model also (local mags, events, etc). Now she does shit like goes to clothing companies and tries clothing on so they can adjust the fit. Fitting model or something it is called. She needs to go to college

>> No.10812403

not surprised, like rl kno her err thru tumblr?

lol i don't rly despair over girls anymore. & i was trying to look dead af

>> No.10812457

britfag or?

>> No.10812545

whats that t shirt brew

>> No.10812930

oh wait. this girl actually follows me on tumblr

>> No.10812949

looks vain as fuck

>> No.10812965


>> No.10812972

lol why australians are so pathetic?

>> No.10812985
File: 26 KB, 480x480, 12298822_1648877332037136_1100869768_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10812994

tfw u see a fammiliar place on /fa/

>> No.10812995
File: 57 KB, 750x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10813008

Literally mallninja. Also probably underage. Now drop trip and leave.

>> No.10813030

I read mallninja as mangina.. both are probably applicable

>> No.10813205
File: 43 KB, 737x689, DSC9132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10813226
File: 1.81 MB, 933x933, swswsw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he likes jeromes dream 2

>> No.10813335

so how is jan

>> No.10813409
File: 45 KB, 540x960, 12023007_10207569432131967_40232310_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pretty effay

>> No.10813423

proof or nah?

>> No.10813443

not really

>> No.10813448

girl literally has a post on her tumblr page on how she doesn't have a boyfriend haha what?

>> No.10813450

pretty effatty

>> No.10813495

what the fuck

>> No.10813510


>> No.10813550

fuck you

>> No.10813591
File: 75 KB, 720x1081, wowsocute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck mane....
you have a pretty good life. Your girl is a qt


>> No.10813799

>I will NEVER EVER have a gf

Why have sick fits if you cant share them?

>> No.10814098

>TFW your model gf leaves you

I-is commiting suicide alone effay g-guys?

>> No.10814258

says the ugly fat faced dude, who tries so fucking hard.

>> No.10814273
File: 1.39 MB, 920x1228, Screen Shot 2016-01-08 at 8.26.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate them, obv <6. I just need a fuck buddy ;p

>> No.10814309

L 6/7 for that butt
R 7
basic saltines

>> No.10814329

left no/10
right decent/10

>> No.10814727

tell her to come to london

>> No.10814900

downright awful.
Shes a product of that late 90s goth scene so even tho shes not wearing hot topic costumes and dresses like a professional office worker, shes very opposed to anything that could actually work for her. Cheap as shit Deb/Rainbow/payless type garbage that is bought based on price (cheaper than walmart; $4 tops, $6 pants).
Nothing fits her
nothing looks good

"its cheap so i save money"
No woman, cuz that shit is destroyed after 2 washes

"These pants/shoes/shirts have lasted me years!"
No, because you own so much shit that you only get around to wearing any individual item once every 8 months.

and shes so attached to her old band shirts that she wears at home which are 3 sizes too big.

Took a friend shopping recently. Dont know or care if she was offended that i didnt bring her. Had so much fun slapping outfits on a tall, skinny, beautiful person that didnt object to anything i said or default to shitty stores.

>> No.10814945

? wrong thread