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File: 63 KB, 700x388, 796643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10794966 No.10794966 [Reply] [Original]

Do you miss the alternative subcultures like goth and emo

>> No.10794983

they still exist

>> No.10794984


>> No.10794989

Lmfao no

>> No.10794990

Yes, tfw not as much goth chicks that worship me when I wear full Rick

>> No.10795008

>goth and emo in the same category

nigger who are you?

>> No.10795024

Fuck that, they should die.

>> No.10795038

we still have the rick owens goths so no

>> No.10795481

we still have the same things except now we shave the sides of our heads

>> No.10796924

this tbqhwyf

>> No.10796935

white people are so embarrassing

>> No.10796939

What exactly IS emo music?

95% of people get this easy question wrong!

>> No.10796941

minorities smell like shit and are at the bottom of the social ladder

>> No.10796943

American football

>> No.10796963

the teletubbies theme song

>> No.10796979

d-dismemberment plan
title fight

>> No.10796980

imo, emo and goth styles can both look good if they are done right. theres no definitive right way to do it, basically just know basic dos and donts of style and dont go full retard with your shit

>> No.10796981

emotional music

>> No.10796988

follow the Rob Dobi guides and you're golden

>> No.10796990

emo and goth are respectable, yeah. Scene is the inexcusable garbage.

Just don't shove act like a "goth youtuber" and you'll be fine

>> No.10797683

Blood on the dance floor

>> No.10797772

Did emos or goths emerge in a particular location? I feel like they just suddenly appeared out of nowhere and were ubiquitous instead of spreading out like subcultures usually do.

>> No.10798126
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inspo thread? or style check thread, my tastes are still maturing.

>> No.10798136
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they both started gaining traction in the 80s, but emo was waaayyy different then. it was basically emotional punk (as opposed to political), then transformed into a kind of nerdy-cute ("grandpa's sweater vests") sappy/angsty music style, then suddenly bred with scene and goth to give birth to the emo we know today.

if it seemed to come out of nowhere, you were just not watching carefully.

pic related, 2nd wave emo, after punk and before MySpace

>> No.10798156
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a more accurate 2nd wave emo.

>> No.10798167

Post punk revival ?

>> No.10798214

i would thoroughly enjoy an inspo thread or style check thread

>> No.10798456

mid-2000s emos and goths manage to have more heart and soul than the average twitter millenial

>> No.10798566
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>> No.10798618

Wow that's actually really interesting ! Never got into the emo scene even in my baby goth days, but I only ever saw it as that weird scene/goth/cyberpunk ish kind of mix for teenagers that was only loosely connected to emocore.

>> No.10798647

i miss myspace ..2003 to 2007 was so kweel man.

>> No.10798690

What do all the angsty teens dress like these days? Doesn't seem to be any of that kind of scene/emo shit any more.

>> No.10798748

>Do you miss the alternative subcultures like goth and emo

I walked into a Hot Topic with a bunch of friends recently and was basically screaming on the inside the entire time.

But girls in goth shit can be fucking hot.

>> No.10798757

its all dudes silly, just submissive traps trying to trick guys

>> No.10798868

soft grunge

>> No.10798917

Cap'n Jazz, Moss Icon, Snowing, American Football, Indian Summer, Still Life, Pedro the Lion

>> No.10798920

Trve emo style is basically cuckcore

>> No.10798923

memekids (vape, s a d, tech)

roadmen (nu-chav, grime etc...)

#LADs (straya and brit fratboys)

prep (2013 hipster dropouts an "real men")

2nd gen fuccbois and late hypebeasts (or "cuccbois", catching-on very very late on trends like skinny jeans x long shirts x hy haircut...)

skater/hip hop/stoner (been around for a few decades, just changed a little over time but very little)

yeezy fans (worst of all)

>> No.10798926

It's two guys banging then making a song about it.

>> No.10798960


>> No.10799899
File: 328 KB, 1401x759, hottop2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mid-2000s emos and goths were millenials though, it's a 20-year generation.

Gen Xers made goth what it is in the 90s, older millenials made emo what it is in the 00s, and newer millenials don't care about subcultures.

angst is ironic rather than sincere among kids now, so pastel goth/soft grunge lets them express it a bit without deviating too far from the norm.

social media brings a lot of pressure to conform, highschool subcultures are dead.

>I walked into a Hot Topic with a bunch of friends recently and was basically screaming on the inside the entire time.
Hot Topic now is more about pop culture and Comic-Con shit than anything alternative, pic related. (a somewhat recent comparison of old versus new Hot Topic.)

>> No.10799912

i miss cute scene girls from myspace so much

>> No.10799949
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will post some fits i like. if you like goth/altfash let me know what you think.

>> No.10799963
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its mostly about the hair make up if you askme, the clothes are pretty much secondary.

>> No.10799977
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makeup inspo

>> No.10799986
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body goals

>> No.10799987
File: 109 KB, 940x627, Hyped-Vision-Manuel-Pallhuber-Rick-Owens-Michele-Lamy-Paris-Mens-Fashion-Week-Fall-Winter-2015_O1A3379-940x627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theyre still around

>> No.10799992
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>> No.10799997

Id like the pale make up for the skin what is recommended and affordable for it if you would know?

>> No.10799998
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>> No.10800020

skinny, but not tight, jeans
vintage graphic-tees
comfy sweaters

Taking Back Sunday
Jimmy Eat World
At The Drive-In

and then it suddenly got super dark, gloomy, and fucking retarded.
black everything, stupid piercing all over the place, sharpie markers around the eyes and on fingernails, neon highlights in hair...

>> No.10800023
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how pale are you naturally? if you are already pale, i have had success using a light liquid foundation from a drugstore brand, then apply Manic Panic vampire white powder oved it with a kabuki brush. you then need to contour a bit to bring back facial definition, i use grey/brown eyeshadow to bring my cheekbones, nose, and jaw back. white flattens you so it is important to put shadows back on your face.

this does not give me a cakey-white clown look, just a very pale look. gotta blend up your ears/down your neck also.

>> No.10800026
File: 75 KB, 620x372, oberst201327120705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i miss them?

american foosball, sdre, tbla list goeson
basically this

>> No.10800037

lol I remember it took me 3 long explenations from 3 different emo kids i had on friends list in myspace, for me to understand what emo was.

They never cared about actually explaining it with their own words, they just linked me to their favorite music bands and their music.

>> No.10800056


I remember this style from late 90s movies and TV, but I don't think I ever saw it irl. Then again I grew up in a small midwestern town and was probably 5-10 years too young to get first hand experience in college. Had no idea this had any connection to the emo I remember though.

>> No.10800097

the look became kinda mainstream, and hipsters grabbed a lot of the aesthetic as well. that pic is from about 2003 (misattributed to 1999 sometimes) issue of a mainstream magazine, about the time emo was changing and becoming popular, with its defining look changing pretty rapidly iirc.

>> No.10800116

this is a goid article about it: http://emo-fever.com/emo-history.htm

it includes the way emo and scene are related.

>> No.10800127
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*good not goid

have a modern emo as apology

>> No.10800138

its like grunge but good instead

>> No.10800139
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>> No.10800151
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>> No.10800157
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>> No.10800182
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>> No.10800192
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>> No.10800203
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end dump for now

>> No.10800213

well im white but my face has a bit of a redish tone on it so not so pale. It sounds like you really know your stuff but unfortunately I have no idea what most of these things your saying mean! how did you learn to do your make up? Ive tried myself and wasted alot of money!! and yeah I got the cakey/mime look. Is it all about the kabuki brush because I dont have one of them.
Got any video tutorials you can recommend please?

>> No.10800307

Do you have skype? I think if you'd be willing to share it I would love to talk to you and be friends.

>> No.10801364

>my face has a bit of a redish tone on it so not so pale.
try ELF's green primer. it looks weird in the bottle but goes on clear, the green tint helps cancel redness. it is also cheap as fuck but decent quality, like most ELF products.

>how did you learn to do your make up?
/cgl/ desu. i read the makeup, goth, and shironuri threads. jfash aesthetics are different from effay aesthetics but makeup basics are the same, and basic techniques are not any different for men than for women. (if you seek help there and are male, do not announce your gender, they are salty about male newfags.)

>Is it all about the kabuki brush because I dont have one of them.
for me, it is about good skincare (for a smooth, healthy base), primer, liquid foundation, and then using the big kabuki brush to pat the powder in (pat it, not brush it). i also use a sealer spray (ELF mineral spray) after foundation and before and after powder so it stays in place.

i do not know of any good youtube tutorials at this tim, have http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1hRdbZOtrWU bookmarked but did not watch it yet.

sorry anon, i fail at online socializing. no skype or other chat account, i am a loner flake.

>> No.10801419

>ELF's green primer
>green tint helps cancel redness
agreeeedd omg this shit is essential

>> No.10801432



>> No.10801460

>he says as he types on his computer in a nation created by white people

>> No.10801468
File: 130 KB, 500x381, The-Horrors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the British indie/britpop revival 2007-2009. No britpop club nights in my city anymore and people arguably dress like shit in comparison to it.

>> No.10801701
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so that turned out to be for eye makeup.

for the white look, i did not like his white skin video that much, but he has a good male goth contouring video: https://youtu.be/i36p07NNUrg

i use pic related over a light foundation for a pale effect, but the best tips for pale skin are really about skincare. avoid sun damage, exfoliate once a week, and moisturize a bit before applying sunscreen. a lot of my own cakiness was caused by dry skin, and getting good at skincare gave me a smoother canvas to work with.

i am staying away from liquid whites like Ben Nye or Mehron until i get good enough at what i do to go more dramatic.

>> No.10802010

: )

>> No.10802207

what the fuck

>> No.10802272

Except that pic related looks fucking terrible.

>gladiator sandals

>> No.10802937

better inspo pics encouraged sincerely, anon

>> No.10802995


Not that guy, but you're all wrong! real emo is stuff like Ampere, Yosuke, I Hate Myself. The few of you that were less wrong all listed fake emo/wiener rock/twinkle daddy stuff. But really, it doesn't matter.

>> No.10803004

This article is mostly, if not completely incorrect if we're discussing the genre and it's progression. In fact, pretty much everyone in this thread is wrong if this is what everyone believes.

>> No.10803005

Goth and emo was the worst shit holy fuck

There would always be some emotional faggot kid who would complain we called him emo or some shit like that back in elementary school. This happened several times to different kids, some whom were even actual fucking emos, and they'd always take it really personally. It was like the genderfluid hipsters of 2007.

>> No.10803021

>not mentioning gray matter

They were siq desu senpai

>> No.10803053

Gray Matter was definitely important to the original scene but is not really emo

>> No.10803087

>Jimmy Eat World
>fucking Weezer

Not sure who those other artists are, but I can guaran-fucking-tee they're not emo based on your 2 idiot choices.

>> No.10803273


>moss icon and indian summer aren't real emo

are you retarded?

>> No.10803291

that feel when people debating "real emo" is itself an anachronism of mid 00's internet music wankery

hearing "emotive hardcore" still triggers me to this day

>> No.10803406

>you'll never have a cute goth/emo gf who's always sad, emotional and wears dark and latex clothes

>> No.10803430

how has no one mentioned Hawthorn Heights yet?

>> No.10803571

>people debating "real emo"

It's about ethics in music journalism dude

>> No.10803584

Scene kids like OP posted have been in decline since about ~2008 were completely overtaken by the Tr00 pop-punker sometime around 2013.

Jesus, it's like you people never read Stuff You Will Hate (rip)

>> No.10803591

i do, because goth and emo chicks were the easiest to fuck in high school. unfortunately, finding a clean one was rather difficult

>> No.10803592

>always sad
no fucking thanks

>> No.10803595
File: 100 KB, 670x670, Panic_at_the_Disco_Death_of_a_Bachelor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still listen to panic! at the disco, and plan on buying the new album. i'm not sorry about it

>> No.10803605

>They all had herpes because dirty pierce shops lmao.

>> No.10803610

You deserve to be executed

>> No.10803768
File: 73 KB, 375x500, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got talking to a scene girl in the smoking area of a club
>namedrop that I used to listen to BMTH (didn't mention that I was fucking 11 when I did)
>she starts stroking my beard and drags me back in to dance
>tfw bj in the toilets

It's all good fun but more recently I found out that I have genital herpies, so there's no doubt in my mind where it came from.

>> No.10804481
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>> No.10804583

>posting dad-skramz

fttp, lord snow and i hate sex are lmaoing @ you

>> No.10806077
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>tfw no androgynous gothic waif gf/bf
>tfw not an androgynous gothic waif

>> No.10806081
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>> No.10806088
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>> No.10806093
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>> No.10806097


nostalgically yes

but if youre over 19 then you need to cut this shit out

start dressing like a young adult instead of a kid

>> No.10806105
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>> No.10806112
File: 69 KB, 499x750, tumblr_nt5jy79Rqz1reyxklo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fancy inspo

>> No.10806116
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>> No.10806122
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>> No.10806133
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>> No.10806136

How do I get a gf like this?

>> No.10806143
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>> No.10806189

Its shit dude you don't want it. Trust me on this one, anon.

>> No.10806208
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become gay or bi

that is bakasoseji, a tumblr/instagram fashion blogger dude

>> No.10806219
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>> No.10806271
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I miss subcultures in general, there's no diversity fashion/music wise where I live, just the same boring people everywhere

>> No.10806454
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the social media age encourages sameyness for popularity points (likes, notes, upvotes). people-pleasing becomes more important than self-expression when it feels like the world is watching.

i think alternative fashion has the power to protest this mindset, but even in alternative scenes (and even on /fa/ which is fucking anonymous), everyone wants to meet everyone else's standards.

i am hoping this changes.


sorry anon. bi life has so many cute options, i hope you find a gf with his aesthetic someday. he always dates cute altfash girls and is prob straight.

>> No.10807069
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how to dress goth and effay without looking like a Rick Owens clone?

>> No.10807250

So emos are hipsters?

>> No.10807283

This is dope af.

>> No.10807291

Tfw missed out on grail cross zip gareth pugh

>> No.10807315

hipsters copied emos

>> No.10807553

How do I into this hair? Is it like that cause it's burnt from bleaching?

>> No.10807557

i thought they still exist

i see these little girls walking around town in nirvana shirts and eye liner still

>> No.10807559


thats just entry level tumblr

>> No.10807563


hipsters are grown up indie kids, what are you talking about

>> No.10807566

Dude i had a 13 year old girl ask me what it was like to grow up in the golden age of music

idk what the fuck the bitch was talking about she listed shit like AFI, nirvana and green day as top ranking bands for her and her friends.....

bitch you know those bands were considered shit when i was your age right?

at least the kids who loved the fuck out of nine inch nails are gone

>> No.10807579


afi was good before december underground.

all that other pop punk/emo stuff was garbage.

>> No.10807599

>90s/early 00s goth
it was very costumey
While someone can be inspired by the motif, and it can be done real well in an editorial setting, it is easily taken into realm of costume wear and doesnt function as a real world aesthetic

>> No.10808043
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>> No.10808985

most of NIN's material was garbage that sounded identical to everything else Reznor had ever done, but the downward spiral was actually pretty good

>> No.10809071
File: 548 KB, 750x463, russell-mills-nine-inch-nails-hesitation-marks-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the downward spiral was actually pretty good
this was top-tier NiN imo, it went downhill after The Fragile.

that said, the tour for Hesitation Marks was fucking magical. the album is meh but the show blew my mind. the guy who did art production for TDS also did HM, and the art design of the live show was insane.

i would wear Russell Mills-core if i could.