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10792526 No.10792526 [Reply] [Original]

ITT minimalist interior design inspiration
Post some inspiration. I need your help /fa/
Acquired a semi large late 1800s home, 6 br's for me to utilize
Planning on an "art room" "music room" "library" "bedroom" also an office in one of the larger main level rooms.
Will most likely be given cheap used shit from my family, can I make this work? Probably goodwillcore tier shit
Will be bumping with some things I like

>> No.10792528
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>> No.10792536
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I like this. Concerned with colors. I think sticking with black is safe but I will most likely have late 80s light wood.

>> No.10792542
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>> No.10792547
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>> No.10792554
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>> No.10792592
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>> No.10792606
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>> No.10792610
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>> No.10793348
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>> No.10794364

W2C abstract impressionism when you're poor student

>> No.10794439

OP how did you manage to get such a massive apartment? Where do you live?

>> No.10794446

Post pics of your house, I'm curious to see what it's like

>> No.10794482
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>> No.10794489

you sound like a 15yr old faggot from portland.

>> No.10794504

i like this

>> No.10794635

Sorry for such a late response, not an apartment, it's a house. Luck desu
>shit programmer who was "recruited" by someone who knew a wealthy person in my family
>partner at consulting firm for a few months, left but made some $$$
Now I'm going to move into the tristate area and try and start my own firm or just continue programming with whatever I can find when I move.

>> No.10794636

Will soonish
I'm from Iowa, finally got over poverty, just wanting to start fresh

>> No.10794645
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>> No.10794661
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Will be my office room, taken from living room
Will post more soon, driving

>> No.10794674

>driving and using phone to shitpost
i have to call police, sorry

>> No.10794692
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>> No.10794706

You can't, the paint alone costs hundreds. Large prints/posters maybe?

>> No.10794724
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Partial living room

>> No.10794728

Shitpost? How so?

>> No.10794743
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Dining room looking into living room, I like the sliding doors

>> No.10794762


>> No.10794795
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Front door / landing

>> No.10794803
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>changed name
Sorry, was using that in mu
Kitchen, with matching fridge in stainless / black oven and micro on top / fan

>> No.10794806
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Also in kitchen, to the right of sink

>> No.10794822


>> No.10794954

get wrecked shut-in

>> No.10794999

Gonna be tough making that over into euro minimalism from U.S. old people without totally re-doing most of it.

Also why did you get a 6 bedroom house just for yourself? An inner city tight apartment or comfy innawoods cabin sounds nicer if you're ronery to me for that price...

>> No.10795003

do it yourself

>> No.10795040

It was available, it's relatively cheap, it's nice, I wanted multiple rooms so I can have multiple themes
>music room for my guitars and keyboard and machine
>library to enjoy a book, which will happen rarely but I like the option
>room to put my paintings that I've acquired / received. Have two large walls covered with paintings etc etc
I want a large home, even if I'll be alone in it
> guest bedroom

>> No.10795053

Any thoughts on how I could decorate it aside from Euro minimalism? I may just leave some things really blank and just have what I need and a little extra, and make sure everything has a purpose

>> No.10795059

Edward's house in Twilight is pretty nice tbqh

>> No.10795067

C-can I be a housemate? I'll help you move in and stuff.


>> No.10795074


>> No.10795076

you would need to paint over the wallpaper (if you can even do that) and do something with the trim mostly everywhere for the Euro Minimalism idk what else

>> No.10795094
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>> No.10795110

you can anon, but removing them isnt rly hard either, just water and patience

>> No.10795111

Within two months I should be moved in / hopefully all done w/ whatever I'll be doing, and I will post the aftermath
I appreciate all the contributions and welcome any other opinions

>> No.10795120


>> No.10795125

Another question for you, is what I've posted at the start of the thread "Euro minimalism" and would all minimalism be considered euro inspired?

>> No.10795134

Not sure if I'd honestly want roommates, not that you were being serious

>> No.10795215

easiest would be to just go all out and do an old timey layout desu. Except to get good furniture looking like the late 1800s/early 1900s is expensive af

>> No.10795307

didn't seem too bad, just get rid of all the shitty wallpaper and carpeting and choose nice colors. you can prolly hide a lot of shittier detailing with some paneling or drapes. get a ton of ikeacore shit

>> No.10795319
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Bro I'd move in with you if I weren't poor, 18 and living in Ireland.

>> No.10795394

That's unfortunate, but
> I wish you the best of luck my friend

>> No.10795419
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You're unusually decent /fa/tty. It's refreshing. You're a good guy.

>> No.10795609

I've been around for a while, never was a fan of the condescending bigot attitude that's common all over the chan, I appreciate the compliment

>> No.10795851

I'll let you fuck me

>> No.10795856

I don't fuck boys, sorry qtpie

>> No.10795899
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Barcelona chairs really get me hot and bothered. Can these work with a antique-ish / classic style?

>> No.10795935
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>no plants
>no rustic shit
>no country style anything

Wasting a lot of money to have a boring house

>> No.10795967

Give me a few examples ?

>> No.10796349

>learn a little woodworking and build your own furniture, once in a life
>be intelligent, save money and buy nice wood furniture that lasts forever
>get some plants
>paint the walls cream or some yellowish color instead of boring white
>get warm yellow lighting instead of plain white

>> No.10796462

>yellowish walls