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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 456 KB, 963x2186, 1415662231801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10756595 No.10756595 [Reply] [Original]

>Walking down the street today
>Navy mohair jumper
>American vintage cargo trousers
>1460 Doc Marten boots
>Cute girl walking the other way
>She stops and says "i really like your outfit"
>"ah thank you very much..."
>felt great man

Anyone else had any experiences like this?

>> No.10756600
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>>Navy mohair jumper
>>American vintage cargo trousers
>>1460 Doc Marten boots

>> No.10756627

stay mad

>> No.10756631

the only reason I got into fashion was because I wanted people to avoid me desu but I've had grills compliment my slp boots a couple times

>> No.10756637

>dad dies a few years back
>going through his old clothes to make space
>find beautiful prada parka with beaver fur lined collar
>fits fantastic on me, get a lot of compliments
>still feel guilty for wearing fur

>> No.10756716

I'm not mad, your outfit is objectively horrible.

>> No.10756767

lmao that didn't happen

>> No.10756795

subtle bait
7.4/10 nice job

>> No.10756834

>beaver fur

Confirmed for never interacting with a beaver, fucking obnoxious cunts destroy shit and build dams wherever the fuck they want. Almost as bad as otters, fuck otters.

Foxes on the other hand are cute and fluffy and dindu nuffins, shouldn't be made into coats/10

>> No.10756878
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>Have big feet
>with every 1 size increase, I get less options

Life sucks

>> No.10756881

What ones?

>> No.10756894

I went trough my mums old stuff and found an amazing levis jean jacket

>> No.10756897
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>be gay
>go to 2 year high school reunion bullshit
>wear lunar core-esque fit
>qt boy compliments on my palladiums
>he gives me his business card
Feels good

>> No.10756902

harness boots from fw13

>> No.10756927

I've complimented a guy in a coffee shop who came in wearing them too, first time I've ever seen SLP boots, I was stunned. Where did you buy yours/how much?

>> No.10756948

fuck off dumb slut

>> No.10756952

What an intelligent post, did you come from reddit, sir?

>> No.10756959


>> No.10756980

>into crossdressing casually on my own
>find myself perusing female fashion way more than male

>> No.10757020

wow great story fuck off no one cares

>> No.10757295

>120 lbs
>asked if i want some cookies
>reply no thanks trying to lose a few pounds
>death stares from everyone around me

>> No.10757463


>> No.10758391

>tfw 6'1 and found out that i no longer need to wear belts for 30x32 pants
welp, time to start exercising

>> No.10758401

please tell me this peen queen has nudes? anybody?

>> No.10758446

that's pretty gay buddy

>> No.10758474

I know

>> No.10758494


Are you my incredibly attractive red-headed coworker with a child?

She brings some kind of home-made salad type thing to work, and tells people she's trying to lose 15 pounds. Half the people who work there could be obese.

>> No.10758555

who is this semen demon?

>> No.10758590

>with a child?
Like I'm dumb enough to let some money pit like that ruin my vagina. I don't eat salads that often. Also I'm blonde.

>> No.10758594

Recommend boots to ride with my motorcycle?

>> No.10758784

>be at hotel with friends for weekend before one of the people there goes to colorado for break
>one of the friends with us' grandparents owned the hotel
>three of us decide to run to a nearby starbucks because why not, it's 2 am and we have nothing better to do
>me and the friends that's about to leave for out of state have really nice fits on
>me: red varsity jacket, green flannel, pale jeans, these glasses (https://www.eyebuydirect.com/prescription-glasses/fashion-glasses-thin-line-gunmetal-p-13129?SR=sr3_111611773_go&gclid=Cj0KEQjw18-rBRDogrTg4Lusuu0BEiQACs8YQotx2n_qU6Bz0gR3724IyY_BQPy7c0ZMz3IuDexPB7YaAvZK8P8HAQ)), and a red oklahoma state football hat
>friend: raf sweater over a black hoodie, black skinnies, white old skools
>we go in, order our shit
>slightly ugly girl complements my friend on his outfit, he says "thanks" and something else to her that i forget
>cute girl complements me, i tell her i like her hair and glasses
>we chat for a bit to find out that they're from the other town over and that they were about to get a room at the hotel we just came from
>we flip shit, all go back together
>they get a room, but come back to our room until sunrise so that we could do vaguely sexually provocative things, but mostly just hang out and have a fuckload of fun
>this changes at 5 am when me and the cute girl are on the bed away from everyone else while they play smash and do stupid shit
>she blurts out straightfaced and casually, in the middle of a conversation about dogs, that she wants me to finger her
>am surprised by the shift in tone from just casual friendliness, but i was down, regardless
>we sneakily continue on with the above mentioned

to be cont.

>> No.10758812

>this was all done on the one bed in the room, under the covers
>all throughout, she forcably stifles what would appear to be large moans otherwise
>she finishes somewhere near 10 minutes in
>after she reorients herself, we join their smash game
>girls leave at 7 am
>wake up later that day at 3 pm
>us and the girls go to b-dubs, which is 30 seconds away in walking distance from the hotel, and then we go to see star wars at 9

this all happened this past weekend. this was the best time i've had with my friends in a while. me and the girl are also hanging out on new years eve/day. all is well.

>> No.10758841


fuck off you fat piece of shit

>> No.10758874

*tips fedora*

>> No.10758909

wtf are you fucking gay... foh with that shit you sound like a fag rn

>> No.10758957

Keep it up, Anon, thanks for sharing your positivity. Much needed around here.

>> No.10759030

i got out of a shit relationship prior to the events in this story, i've been on a roll of positivity all month. i'm glad it's rubbing off onto a few others through a medium like this. have a good new years, senpai.

>> No.10759206

>country lies near the tropic of cancer, so its hot and never snows all year round
>cant wear sick layers because hot
>cant wear nice sweaters
>cant wear nice jackets
>cant wear shorts because too shy

>> No.10759213

I like you...

>> No.10759226

Hey can you recommend those frames? They are pretty cheap and I have been looking for an extra pair of glasses.

>> No.10759266

>be manlet
>have an asymmetrical, wide face
>hair is very fine and hard to style
>will never be effay
No dreams, only tears now senpaitachi.

>> No.10759597

>Spend years trying to collect rare menswear
>Spend a huge amount of money on pretty cool shit
>Have Raf 03 hoodie, original Prada creepers, Rick Dunks, Helmut astros, etc
>All I want is a Raf Jil 08 marble print anything
>Have never found it. Will never find it. Would trade all of my pieces just to get the shirt and trousers


>> No.10759624
File: 1.14 MB, 5242x985, IMG_20151129_010330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visiting home town
>high school friends invite me out for drinks
>put on nice monochrome fit
>apply Spicebomb I got for Xmas
>slam 4 drinks at the bar
>take 2 big bumps of blow in parking lot while smoking a cigarette
>still feel socially awkward and self-conscious

T-thats effay right friends?

>> No.10759690

Probably motorcycle boots so that your feet don't die when you crash or something.

>> No.10759726

this is the type of prime cunt right here that with only this one picture provided, you immediately decide you would marry and impregnate a women of this caliber. Who could disagree?

>> No.10759737

why didn't you say anything to the cute girl? you probably could have hit it off if said you liked her outfit as well.

>> No.10759770

>i got into fashion so people would avoid me
what. where is the logical jump that you're making here. and then there's buying slp as if it's not likely to get noticed. just what.
please be bait

>> No.10759776

why would you go to a social event dressed like a meme? what went wrong in your upbringing that has led you to make such poor decisions?

>> No.10759801

>find a girl
>a bunch of her female friends say that they like my style on a couple of occasions
>she says that she doesn't see what they like
>asks me why i dress like a faggot
>dumps me after two weeks

>> No.10759810

well I look like a druggy too, fits my lifestyle. People say I look intimidating.

>> No.10759851
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>easily have the money to buy multiple pieces of clothing I really love
>cannot buy said pieces bc saving that money for other things that are more important to me


>> No.10759855

>2 year high school reunion
whats the point of a 2 year reunion?

>> No.10759865


>> No.10759884
File: 35 KB, 470x447, 1324254387274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to go buy weed at a friend of a friends house
>only white guy in room
>dealer and his friends come into the house after a while
>sees my jacket hanging up on the door
>asks whos jacket it is
>I reveal it to be mine
>He gives me a nod of approval and "Sick jacket senpai"
>I felt cool

>> No.10759898

>tfw attractive, dress well, but boring as fuck
Lads, how do I become interesting and learn how to socialise?

>> No.10759899

Fat little girls always check me out and it makes me sweaty

>> No.10759904

Get interested in learning about other people and pursue happiness in your own life. Both those combined will make talking to anyone easy over time.

>> No.10759906

Finding out which girls got hotter and who has died since graduating

>> No.10759927


>> No.10759936

lmao, this is an inherent skill. I've met quite a lot of attractive people in my life and so many of them are in exactly your predicament. Be and do other things than be attractive, and dressing well.

Fashion is really a dreadful hobby at times.
You spend all this money, time, and effort to look "/fa/" while your life passes you fucking by. I can't wear these clothes in 10 years, can't starve myself for 10 fucking more years.

>> No.10759970

he's cultivating mystique by being coy

>> No.10759979

The reason you dress well is precisely why you're boring and unlikable.

You've spent the time you should have been socializing and developing your character on finding ways to make people think you've spent time socializing and developing your character

Fashion isn't an end in itself. It's a compliment to a personality. Without the personality, it is nothing. You're a passing image, a nameless mannequin, a retarded faggot.

>> No.10759988

wow, fucking dumb bitch

>> No.10760007

imogen poots

>> No.10760128

Yeah kinda wish i had, oh well

>> No.10761623

ive had plenty of experiences like that because i dress nice and i act like i know that i dress nice. girls find me charming as well so usually when they want to show a small bit of interest towards me they compliment something they know i like

>> No.10761688

that book

>> No.10761850


Nothing is objectively horrible, retard. You can't quantify horrible.

>> No.10761973

post the set

>> No.10762032
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>> No.10762045

I could see someone crazy pulling that off

>> No.10762065

I don't disagree, but it would surprise me. I'd love to see it too, because I'm somewhat interested in watches. From a practical point of view it's not a very good timepiece compared to other options in the price range. So it would be a purely aesthetic accessory with very little worth in any other way.

>> No.10762098
File: 15 KB, 540x402, yivG9wu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone says my response trails look like crocs

>> No.10762314


Well then you don't really have the money, then, do you?

>> No.10762408

What jacket?

>> No.10762414

>You're a passing image, a nameless mannequin, a retarded faggot.
Magnificent rule of 3/ bait and switch

>> No.10762478

Have a kid like a normal human you fucking cunt

>> No.10762480

>tfw 5'7 and wear 30x32 pants

I'm a genetic freak

>> No.10762496

if you somehow ever see her again in public, you HAVE to approach her. that'd be dope

>> No.10762581

well no, I do have it, it's right there
I can spend it if I wish
but I know I shouldn't

>> No.10762658
File: 326 KB, 1280x1228, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F0bd6f260732d0509c3caf9ee3fdd297e%2Ftumblr_nxbrmxAmGI1t17o3io1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6'2" 143lbs, feeling good about body
>people starting to notice my hair is actually curly and complimenting me
>my crush fell in love with me
>no money
>party almost every single day because no hobbies
>feel empty inside

Feel like killing myself tObEhONEST

>> No.10762890

they do, why the fuck would you buy those you fucking idiot

>> No.10762893

party until you die anon

>> No.10762923

there's not much of a difference desu

>> No.10762951
File: 21 KB, 217x320, 1430494866731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only 6 ft 1 5/8
>tfw 203 lbs fat
>tfw size 11 in shoes so everything looks retarded

i got great hair though so thats nice

>> No.10762999

Same desu its the worst

>> No.10763008

What jacket?

>> No.10763305

would go into a steampunk inspired fit perfectly, its an old dive helmet, after all.

>> No.10763337

I will when I'm [strikeout]used goods[/strikeout] ready to raise a family. I work around pregnant women all day - it doesn't seem like the life for me. Plus, do they make effay maternity and nursing wear? Didn't think so.

>> No.10763359

You're the hero fa deserves but not the hero fa needs right now.

>> No.10763448

wow chill man. no need to starve yourself I'm 6' and 135 lbs and eat pretty much whatever I like. Just go to the gym a lot and hit the treadmill.

>> No.10763457

Ok yeah you're heavy but at least you're almost 6'2 thats fairly tall

>> No.10763584

Stfu fatfuck

>> No.10763610

>be me
>literally nothing wrong
>feels good man

>> No.10763618

Coolest thing I ever heard said about me was some people I met at a hostel telling me I looked like Leo in Romeo and Juliet. Personally don't see it but thought that it was pretty cool.

>> No.10763662

>be me
>get paid by govt to stay home and watch cartoons all day
>feels good

>> No.10764064

>did work for Dries Van Noten and Valentino
>still single

:( the only thing i want i cant have

>> No.10764072

>literally nothing wrong

pick 1

>> No.10764086

a "no" probably would have been sufficient tBh

>> No.10764088

Me too man, i just sit around chill and jack it all day

>> No.10764128
File: 496 KB, 300x238, tumblr_ma25c30kbP1rt6bpoo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walking to library while wearing a flannel and grey sweater with the sleeves rolled up, khakis, and some random leather boots.
>run into a group of friends
>one girl says I'm "literally too cool for her right now"
>suddenly showered in compliments on mediocre fit

Found out later that she wanted to hook up with me so it wasn't really a genuine compliment on the fit. Still felt good at the time.

>> No.10764144

>be me
>shitskin with actually shitty skin (acne everywhere)
>befriend tons of females from cute to pretty hot
>none of them try to hook me up with their friends
>none of them will just tell me if I'm that I'm an ugly nigger (probably)
>all of them get awkward if they think i'm making moves on them which I'm usually not, I know I'm too ugly to do it

honestly want to kill myself, i dont even care about grades or money or anything, i'm just lonely and splurge on fashion to numb the pain

>> No.10764155


Why would anyone like you mate? You don't like yourself and you sound depressing to be around.

>> No.10764156

Have a gf of 3 years but cannot stop thinking about this other girl. Literally the First thing I think about when I wake up and fall asleep is her.

>she tried to kiss me the other night while I was wearing raf and cav empt

I love my current gf but I do get bored of her. What do lads

>> No.10764159
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post pic to rate, you can censor the eyes

>> No.10764178

>always notice girls checking out my shoes or my clothes

>> No.10764207
File: 52 KB, 640x480, Black-Male-with-Acne[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I befriend girls by being that fun guy, I usually hide how depressed I am unless they're really good friends with me, which is like 1 out of 10. That being said, whenever I do have confidence and make moves (regardless if its with a random at a party or trying to date someone I think I have something good going with) I always get turned down, even when the girl is probably below my level

im honestly too insecure to at the moment, but regardless of how I look, having acne like pic related probably drops me from like a 7.5 to like a 5

>> No.10764210

you are gay my nigger

>> No.10764214

Tbh I wish I was, I know I'd have an easier time with it than being straight

>> No.10764242

sorry for text wall

>6'2, passively skinny & defined body without trying, have been told I have "model proportions" (whatever that means), girls compliment my looks/ skin/ hair/ hands and nails constantly. doesn't mean shit to me, still passively unhappy/ not excited with what I look like.

>I get complimented almost too much in person to the point where I'm almost kind of tired of it, or even expect it, and it makes me feel like an asshole. I'm almost too quick to say thanks and to try to steer away from generic follow up questions ("what do you put in your hair?" "where are your shoes from?" that I feel like I'm always almost rude and dismissive. the last thing I want is to make someone feel bad for reaching out to a stranger and making a nice gesture but I just want to live...

>spent about $3500 completing my "grail" footwear rotation in the last year or so and much more $ on the actual clothing I own, but getting bored of almost everything I have and I don't even want anything else. I still care heavily about what I look like but clothes used to be this fun thing to obsess about and plan out cool outfits with and make me go outside more... and now I hardly find it exciting at all, I just wear the exact same thing on a day to day basis (rick bomber, black hoody, black jeans, ricks) and put zero effort into actually coordinating an outfit with the rest of the shit I own that I've spent thousands on

what else... con't I guess

>> No.10764245

>one of my fits is posted all over the internet to this day and to be honest I thought I'd be glad to blow up a little but I kind of hate it. I'm tired of seeing that fit and every time it gets posted ten more people ask "what _____???" like they've never seen it before. people I haven't really kept in contact with since high school have randomly told me they've seen me posted on fuckin reddit... baka

>my ex girlfriend was a heavily depressed, body dysmorphic, vegan anorexic/bulimic and pretty much almost died from her lifestyle. I dedicated over a year of my life entirely to "saving" her (read: forcing her to eat, not purge, etc) because I loved her an insane amount . I stopped going to school and exclusively worked full time/ babysat her for a year. was extremely stressful, lost a lot of weight myself because we lived together and I turned into a quasi-vegan... and subconsciously started restricting my own diet (which annoyingly I still do to this day). we've since broken up but I'm still extremely stressed, depressed, and clothes don't make anything better.

tldr; I'm virtually slp bodytype, have great hair, "known" on the internet, get complimented regularly, had a cute, fashionable, deathly skinny (until I forced her to gain weight) girlfriend who is the epitome of those horrible pro-anorexia threads that people on here circlejerk to, can afford all the raf and rick shit that yall have wet dreams about, own and participate in virtually all the dank effay memes, and none of that offers me fulfillment in my life.

>> No.10764385
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>Referring to yourself as a shitskin

C'mon fambz

>> No.10764413

>walking up into bae's shop
>bae smiles and great me with a "you're so stylish"
Simple things man

>> No.10764418

I know right, she is literally perfect

>> No.10764442
File: 48 KB, 480x357, 1364220044137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10764445

post the fit then you wasteman

>> No.10764449

>dropping out of school to protect some depressed pathetic little weirdo just because she gave up pussy

never gonna make it

>> No.10765068

A no is so final, though.

>> No.10765226


ever since I bought my SLP harness boots grills have been eyeing me and stuff, it first started with one grill asking me if she could touch them, but a few days ago this grill smiled at me, said hi and said she liked my boots, doing some research I've found out that Harry Styles wears them too so I assume the attention I'm getting it's because of that, so I'm don't wear them as much as I use to now because of that.

>> No.10765430


:( this post made me really sad. I hope you feel better anon. try some psychedellics

>> No.10765729

Didn't you dye it black and ruin it

>> No.10765832

does anyone know her name?

>> No.10765902

that nigga gay i refuse to listen

>> No.10766028

It gets better senpai

>> No.10766048

in many countries beavers are considered pests
so you should definitely not feel guilty
plus its dead already
might as well not waste it

>> No.10766063

how feminine are you
post pic

>> No.10766113

What jacket?
start dating your crush if you arent already
get some hobbies like photographing or hiking

>> No.10766132

Christ. Who is this semen demon.

>> No.10766147

those crusty ass feet tho

>> No.10766161
File: 209 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2015-12-28-17-02-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only match with cute girls
>all efforts to initiate conversation fall flat
>will likely spend New Year's Eve alone

>> No.10766191

got a pic of the fit ?

>> No.10766231

>be me
>okay with how I look
>semester starts
>progressively care less about appearance
>comfy > looks
>semester ends
>it's now Winter break and my skin's broken out so I'm self conscious and don't want to go anywhere

I'm also starting to reevaluate my fashion and hair and everything. Is it possible for someone with straight hair to make it wavier? I heard no poo works, or sea salt spray.

>> No.10766232


>rarely match with cute girls (or girls in general)
>the ones that do respond (sometimes)
>finally going on a date this week

Yo keep your head up, tinder can be annoying for some of us but it works eventually. With that being said, most of us on /fa/ will probably be spending NYE alone so just know you aren't alone in that sense!

>> No.10766262

How do you start a convo with someone online? It's always felt weird to me and I never know what to say.

Not just with tinder, but even other social media like twitter and fb. Am I just overthinking it or nah

>> No.10766293

This is so fucking frustrating.

I've got this literal model match I got off well with but I went away and now I haven't exchanged anything at all for a couple of weeks.

>> No.10766313

How do you start a convo with someone IRL? It's always felt weird to me and I never know what to say.

Am I autistic ?

>> No.10766335


I usually just do something really simple like "hey! how are you?" Maybe even a :). Maybe a "Hey I really like your style!" I never do any of that corny pick up line shit.
idk it is weird but if they respond back you're good. If they don't, then onto the next one.

>> No.10766343

I always think I'm gonna sound too eager or some shit. I get social anxiety and I still think talking to new ppl in person is easier than online.

>> No.10766368

i know these feels. i get social anxiety when it comes to starting a convo with a completely new person. i just cant do it and feel like an autist

>> No.10766426

ask if she do anal

great conversation starter and easy to cover up if she if put ff/takes it as a joke. Also an instant in to wanting to bang, skipping the shitty small talk

>> No.10766564

probably thought you were gay.

>> No.10766893

How to make my crush fall in love with me? Help me senpai

>> No.10766933


>> No.10767002

>buying clothes for the sole purpose of standing out

Dude Harry Styles is a fashion god, wear those boots.

>> No.10767694

not a bad thing, you just have priorities.

>> No.10767725

Honestly just load your hair up with a bunch of good product and then just run your hands through it every couple hours. Makes your hair look a lot more interesting.

>> No.10767746

Iktf. I have dunks, a raf bomber from ss2000 and a bunch of other really rare grails but the marble shit is so fucking rare.