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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 32 KB, 210x240, char_28518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10744835 No.10744835 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no money to buy actual nice looking clothes
>tfw sad about everything and life has no meaning
>tfw incredibly average grill face
>tfw no boys are interested in me at all
>tfw will never be skelly

>> No.10744841

be my gf

>> No.10744856

At least your not a short male!
>Want to cop pair of boots but no money cuz Christmas
>Fucking killer deal as well

>> No.10744862


>> No.10744869

cop after christmas youll have money then

>> No.10744883

what's your email

>> No.10744885

Some guy selling em. I'm sure he won't hold out long for me

>> No.10744888
File: 55 KB, 604x604, 1445384971672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no money
get a job.
>existential crisis
this happens because you're probably bored at home all day and have got all the time in the world to ponder. again, get a job or find some find some friends.
>avg face
I can't fix that. perhaps losing weight will make your features more prominent?
don't bother, work on yourself before even attempting a relationship.
just purge, bulimia is good for you :^)
I'm kidding, don't.

>> No.10744891

Id suck on her toes while she looks in digust at me.

>> No.10744894

no time for job, too busy with school and outside activities nearly every day of the week until around 9:30 pm. and i get stressed out and im bad at coping so i binge eat and cant lose weight from the 130 lbs im at

>> No.10744897

post ur twitter or instagram real quick first

>> No.10744900

You don't need a guy. You need to take a break.

>> No.10744906

i have neither

>> No.10744908

i am on break right now which is needed. i just dont want to go back, im miserable at school and in the activities i do, but i cant quit either of them. im unhappy with what i do and am insecure about myself and im tired of it but i cant seem to break my habits

>> No.10744913

Post pic of self desu

>> No.10744915

Habits are hard to break no doubt. What are you studying? Only thing I can think that would be hard would be engineering or programming

>> No.10744919
File: 238 KB, 1408x1024, 1448026148657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw obese
>tfw losing weight but not fast enough

>> No.10744920

130 lbs isn't that bad depending on your height

>> No.10744921

Well make it senpai.. Someday.

>> No.10744928

im around 5'7 5'8
i just have big thighs and i very untoned stomach

>> No.10744934

Kinda hot senpai

>> No.10744946

ty ty, but it generally doesnt look good in terms of w the clothes i wear. i cant do much about my thighs bc its mainly muscle but i just wish my stomach was more toned

>> No.10744947

exactly the same. engineering major here. should be applying to jobs but I feel like my subconscious is avoiding it as a way to rebel against my major choice which I seem to hate and not be amazing at like everyone else is

>> No.10744963

Sorry but no such thing as spot reduction. Gotta work out everything. Preferably in tights because that that shits hot.

>> No.10744965


>> No.10744978

I know you

>> No.10745033

Stop complaining. I go to uni at Cal and still make time to work so I can live comfortably and dress the way I like.

Comp Sci major btw.

>> No.10745040

Go work harder and seek a goal and you'll make money and find passion. Guys aren't going to like you and find you attractive unless you put yourself out there - sitting online won't help. Skelly isn't attractive.

Reevaluate your priorities. School is obviously high, but "outside activities" sounds nebulous. If they aren't servicing you and only serve to stress you out, consider dropping them.

>but i cant quit either of them
Bullshit. You're in college, ostensibly. People drop shit all the time.

>> No.10745087
File: 140 KB, 1440x810, 1437369840568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of music do you listen to?

>> No.10745135

>mfw doctor put me on high blood pressure pills and im in my early 20s
>been losing weight
>never feel like it's ever enough
>fucking failure at university and trying to squeak by
>haven't actually cared about how I dressed since high school and even then, I had shit taste. Still do desu
>try every summer to get a job, but each time I don't get hired I'm crippled by failure and just spend my summer break in a hibernation of depression.
>self conscious all the time about my broad shoulders, baby face, weight, and skin color.
>no gf

For some reason I still go on and I dont know why OP, but I'm sure you're not as hideous as I am and can still nail down some effay looks.

>> No.10745156

Piss off animefaggot

>> No.10745173

It's going to okay

>> No.10745181


just fucking kill yourself

my cock would stiffen so fucking good if you videotaped yourself hanging yourself

fuck yeah

>> No.10745185

xD good roast senpai

>> No.10745324

>have no /fa/ friends, all my normal friends ask "why do you spend a lot on clothing"
>currently can barely buy anything i want because the Canadian dollar is absolute shite and shipping is never available or completely unreasonable

>> No.10746993

Try and work on your abdominal muscles.

>> No.10747010

>believing in the spot reduction meme

>> No.10747015

No i'm talking about building muscle mass in the abdominal area; not getting rid of fat.

>> No.10747017


>> No.10747133

too fast will leave stretch marks or scars
so slow and steady is the way to go

>> No.10747142

>like qt on the internet but have no way to approach
>got some new shit in the mail that i bought on sale and its really nice

>> No.10747343

You keep going cause you know you can make it senpai

>> No.10747387
File: 36 KB, 500x611, received_1133449246680081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been eyeing this girl for the longest time
>finally we start dating
>have no self-control
>get caught cheating 1 month after

Killing myself has never been easier

>> No.10747390
File: 34 KB, 248x274, 1450619289231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite what chinese cartoons tell you, men aren't interested in timid, shy females.
If you are outgoing, interesting, and have some quirky hobbies, maybe you like anime, whatever, you will get a guy regardless of how mediocre you look.

>> No.10747397


>> No.10747803

I have a thing for shy chicks actually

>> No.10747915

you're the worst type of human.

>> No.10747917

>men aren't intrested in timid, shy females
That's just false.

>> No.10747925
File: 79 KB, 604x402, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this feel very well.
>was between paychecks so had to pick up a shirt for work at zara
>anon why are you shopping there? aren't they expensive?

>> No.10747970

>tfw your parents are probably gonna get you shit tier mall clothes for Christmas
I know it's the thought that counts, but damn homies.

>> No.10747981

You're gonna be able to make it, but you need to stop sucking your own pity dick, seriously.

Man the fuck up. Study and get good grades, those are non-negotiable. Your high blood pressure is likely diet and exercise related, get that shit in order because otherwise you're gonna die fast. Stop trying every summer to get a job and actually just go get one, even if it's some awful manual labor shit: I guarantee you that you're either bombing interviews or being too selective. If all else fails, freelance program or something shitty like that for pennies.

Girlfriends come to those who have their shit together at some level, not people who wallow in self pity for an entire summr.

Good friends need not ever be /fa/.

This is entirely your fault.

>> No.10748013

itt: hey guys, i'm a girl and single and not like other girls: the thread

>> No.10748171
File: 141 KB, 640x640, emotions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw attend presetegious uni (thx affirmitive action) but shitty grades
>tfw on antidepressants
>tfw sick of excuses, I just want to do well
>tfw hopelessly crushing on girl in one of my project groups
>tfw although depression is lifiting still feel crippling loneliness due to lack of intimacy with opposite sex
>tfw gonna bs my shrink to prescribe me adderall so I can scrap together a half decent GPA for grad school

as for the positives

>tfw being more social that before due to antidepressants
>tfw slowly making more friend albeit nothing that will last beyond college
>tfw loving supporting parents (although this is a double edged sword as I sometimes feel I am letting them down)

>> No.10748236


>> No.10748248

I just wish my parents would get me anything for christmas

>> No.10748250

bro you don't want to lose weight too quickly or else you'll end up looking like a flying squirrel. Some pain today will pay off tomorrow. We're all going to make it, brother.

>> No.10748258

>tfw wanna die

>> No.10748267

>go to a good school

>have a bunch of cool friends that enjoy my company

>am wealthy

>everyone in my family hates each other

>14 year old brother recently started having delusions and is on anti-psychotics

>father who is essentially nonexistent in my life recently diagnosed with anxiety disorder.

>have crippling depression for reasons I don't understand and fearful that I may lose my mind due to my genetics

>> No.10748324

Can relate all too well, just take every day in stride and realize that these problems aren't unique, and that you can overcome them with time

>> No.10748874

r u me?

>> No.10749225

fucking idiot
you should defo kill self

>> No.10749240

Ayy we are the same weight except I'm like 6'1

>> No.10749242

why did you have to specify that you have a "grill face"? just so you could get validation from retards like >>10744841 and >>10744934? you're the most annoying type of person.

my advice for you is to stop watching anime, get your fat ass to the gym, and eat less. 130 is fucking huge and fat chicks are a no go for everyone with decent standards.

>> No.10749249

>acne and bad skin all over the face
>short and skinny
>can't grow a proper beard
>can't shave the upper lip because of the acne
>can't cut hair because I don't know what to say at the barber and I don't want to ask my mother
>think I look disgusting to females

>> No.10749254

LOL all universities in Cali are jokes, I'm in Med school at Berkeley right now and it's easier than high school. Working and going to school (in Cali) is literally the easiest thing in the world. Especially an easy major like Comp Sci.

>I'll take my beef roasted

>> No.10749258

>tfw no boys are interested in me at all
Then go talk to some guy you think is cute and get to know him. That's what I did even though I'm spaghetti af, I put effort into making things happen. If things don't work out then brush it off and try again. Your prince charming isn't gonna fall out of the sky and save you hon

>> No.10749303

>guaranteed replies

>> No.10749307


- Roaccutane
- Start lifting
- Browse men's hairstyles and find a style that will suit your hair type + face and go to a quality barber. Don't skimp on your hair, it's the second most important thing when it comes to bring attractive.

>> No.10749320

>but you need to stop sucking your own pity dick
But the pity dick is so big, so thick, and so hot it feels so good to have the pity dick down your throat

>> No.10749343

tfw mid bender and your heads all tight and youre switching swiftly between nauseating anxiety and soft calmness

>> No.10749369

>go to thrift stores
>anyone can be a skelly if you actually try
>life always works out if you are kind to people
>be happy for what is to come

>> No.10749378

>tfw used to be skelly
>finally recovered after eight year struggle
>bmi around 18, pretty neat
>then got put on antipsychotics
>bmi now 21

Jesus christ I'm a fat piece of shit. But the meds work really well so I don't want to quit them. Maybe I should start running again.

>> No.10749400
File: 54 KB, 255x132, hamlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw graduated with BA 1 week ago
>final grades fucked up, grad school may be impossible
>no idea what to do after college
>suicide feels coming back full force
>H&M and Palladiums are the only clothing I can afford at my shit retail job

Merry fuckin christmas

outside of the prestigious uni (it was mediocre at best) I feel you hard on all of that familia

>> No.10749456

hang in there man. I'm sure you'll figure things out.

and dont be afraid to reach out for help. good luck anon and happy holidays

>> No.10749461
File: 42 KB, 570x382, deckstar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw good job, car, apartment (planning to buy a house in 2016)
>tfw can't decide what pieces to buy, because it's never cold enough where I live to warrant properly layered fits
>still wearing relatively basic shit because I'm so indecisive


>tfw no gf, not ever

>> No.10749476

Womenare filthy sluts, just ask any male to fuck your anus and nine out of ten will agree.

>> No.10749521

Perhaps you should consider looking into men who are shorter than you

>> No.10749525

>tfw exactly reverse situation

>> No.10749528

What would you rather be:




>> No.10749537

It's much harder to ask for a female, because they are very insecure.

>> No.10749662

I'm not insecure you fucking cuck

>> No.10749692

ya and i'm not lonely ever lol

>> No.10749747

>tfw gained 15lbs since I started uni
>tfw now considered obese
Time to loose some weight after the holidays

>> No.10749764

how old are you

>> No.10749777

>tfw you're a mesomorph and the only way to look good it's getting /fit/ and dressing manly
>tfw no matter how much i'll starve myself, i'll always have big legs and no jawline
>feminine personality and bisexual

goodbye cruel word

>> No.10749783

>tfw typo

>> No.10749859
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25, m8. Living the life.

>P.S. I don't actually work on Wall Street

>> No.10749874
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2 r9k for fa 2 fa for r9k

>> No.10749979
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you must be boring and cynical as shit

>> No.10749993

you should stay over there desu

>> No.10750184

Please do.

>> No.10750291

>tfw live by myself
>tfw not a single friend
>tfw barely talk to family
>tfw used to do loads of things in my life
>tfw no motivation to do anything anymore
>tfw full wardrobe of designer clothing but rarely wear it
>tfw even fashion is slowly starting to bore me

hmmm. I'm not sure I feel anything at all

>> No.10750297

Get yourself a dragon dildo and enjoy the enlightenment that prostate massage can bring.

>> No.10750310

lol dude wow

>> No.10750440

Sounds like your average case of depression. See a therapist.

>> No.10750540

I know what it sounds like. Believe me, it's not that bad, I was always rather an introvert. I can't take therapists seriously.

>> No.10750572

>always get caught unprepared by winter
>decide not this year
>get nice warm clothes, put away summer clothes
>actually get hyped for comfy clothes and layering
>winter suddenly warm to the point that it was 70 degrees today on Christmas Eve
Well I sure am glad I bothered doing that.

>> No.10750594
File: 198 KB, 500x375, 1422165540449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can pull off androgynous glam-rocker look
>Almost everyone where I live is either an emo, a trendy hipster or a chav

>> No.10750630

Only date +6'1

>> No.10750650

>doing awful in school, one semester to turn it around or I'm out
>taken almost two months to get paperwork done for my shit geek squad job so I can actually start and stop being a shit mooch
>was always hungry skeleton until I lost my health insurance and adderall prescription in the spring, now at a healthy weight but not as effay
>depression and anxiety getting worse as I fail for the first time in my life
>got some nice new cops for Christmas
>effay bf is still going well, love going out with him because we look so good together
>new apartment in the spring with bf
>get complimented every time I go out on either my fit or hair, people say "you look like a model!"

Well balanced I guess but I really can't stand to fuck up anymore..

>> No.10750664

>can't decide whether to spend my money on good quality clothes or plastic surgery
>desperately in need of both

>> No.10750694

Russian fa feels
>tfw ruble fell twice and you buy clothes from american/european stores
>tfw you earn near 1000$ per month and thats very good salary in Russia for 21y.o.

>> No.10750695
File: 119 KB, 550x550, sad_frog_pepe_by_happy_fox-d975aqq[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw need moisturising shampoo but mummy bulk purchased three 900ml bottles of tresemme 2-in-1
Almost through one of them but there's still two left

>> No.10750710


>> No.10750792
File: 25 KB, 496x511, 6c082073dec853a8c96e8ff879590c35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't stay away from my ex because everyone else is too pleb
>has better taste in style than me
>better taste in interior deco
>always asking me to read philosophy so she can discuss it with me
>super kinky, loves my dick, calls it "perfect"
>other women are painfully boring in comparison

>> No.10750813

Speaking of falling ruble, do you know any good Russian online shops? And I mean high-quality clothes that are handcrafted in Russia, like boots f.e.?

>> No.10750838

Why is she your ex than

>> No.10750857

It's worth a shot dude, swallow your pride and see what they have to say. Continuing to do nothing isn't going to help.

>> No.10750868
File: 646 KB, 512x481, 1445172534757.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she's controlling and self loathing and emotionally abusive. I can tell she's improving and constantly working on herself though.

Who else am I gonna talk to about Heidegger and Bergman movies?

>> No.10750966

emotionally abusive is a red flag dude, I spent 1,5 years of my life on a relationship that should have lasted 1,5 years and not 3. It won't be worth it and you'll be happier on your own

>> No.10750980

Been there, homie. Don't worry, she's still my ex. I'm forgiving, she's geuinely remorseful, there's no way I'm dating her again and she knows it. We're cool now. We hang out and have sex occasionally. S'all good.

>> No.10750987

if you can live with still having her around then go ahead, I wouldn't be able to let go of my feelings for her if I was in your situation but that's just me

take care of yourself bro

>> No.10751007
File: 43 KB, 342x377, trollface2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is bait, but such is life for manlets. Tall girls always complaining that no one wants to date them, but the perfect man for them is just below their line of sight.

>> No.10751010

>ugly but pretty /fa/ for where I live
>gets me my first gf at 18
>go into it not caring that she's been quite promiscuous in the past
>it's now freaking me out that she'd just fuck strangers at festivals and from clubs

I should REALLY talk to her about this, but I don't know how to have this conversation. I'm not even an /r9k/ beta that wants a virgin girl or whatever, but the fact I missed out on teen sex and all that stuff, combined with her being so experienced in it whereas I'm so inexperienced is fucking with my head.

>> No.10751016

you sound like a faggot
"cali" lmao

>> No.10751021

Thx, friend. I don't catch feelings like that though.

Merry Christmas, dude.

>> No.10751042

You too dude, wishin you a sweet new years'

>> No.10751134

That's not even "fucking up" something that's straight up trash senpai desu

>> No.10751143

That's how people here say it, where do you live that you think otherwise? I swear people with no experience talk though they have the most

>> No.10751157


those gaudy obnoxious gold bracelets really FUCK THIS FIT UP SENPAI

>> No.10751183

>be 20
>studying and still living with my mother
>live motionless life but whatever
>mother is mentally unstable and goes off on me for basically no reasons
>not mentally/emotionally fine either so it's god damn mess
>had some bad break up and her constant screaming sank me into depressions
>want to move out
>ready to give up my free time I waste doing nothing anyway to earn money for rent
>can't do it because I know she's not bad person just has mental problems
>can see she's afraid she will end up old and alone
>can't leave knowing how shitty things used to be

If at least my failure of sister who moved out already could support her a bit. Seriously fuck her she's 25 and fucking 10/10 model looks with artistic talent and yet she works in fucking dead end job and has constant relationship issues.

>> No.10751188

I was born and raised in California.
Only transplants and niggers call it "Cali."

>> No.10751200


I was born and raised in cali. I call it cali whenever the fuck i want.

You sound like a cuck.

>> No.10751205
File: 29 KB, 720x807, dealwithit5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I just walked past a bunch of girls outside my apartment while I was carrying my Christmas Eve McDonalds

>> No.10751210

This is why everyone hopes the drought in California is permanent

>> No.10751213

What did you buy? I tried the two holiday burgers, the chicken was the alright, the beef was kinda salty, needed a tomato or something

>> No.10751218

Nothing special. Two McDoubles, medium fry. Eating it now by myself on this wonderful Christmas Eve.

>> No.10751223

Mcdouble is my go to snack too family


>> No.10751263
File: 160 KB, 500x666, 1368039284715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw spend £600 on clothing
>tfw not enough for new headphones
>tfw hair is a mess
>tfw need new shoes and belts
>tfw no qt skinny gf to go shopping together and spend new year's eve with

>> No.10751273

you now realize you're doing exactly what i have done for years

>bites into my christmas eve mcdouble

you guys are turning into me

>> No.10751300
File: 222 KB, 433x451, sp0jci4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone on /fa/ is eating McDonalds by themselves on Christmas Eve

I'm calling someone in another thread a fuccboi as we speak desu senpai. What a great time to be alive.

>> No.10751312
File: 11 KB, 235x212, 1445807378209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lose 60 pounds going from 260-200 at 6'3
>Can't lose the fat on my face no matter what I do

>> No.10751316

>shit retail job has me working at least 8 hours a day every day besides Christmas
>entire room is full of trash, clothes, etc
>too tired to clean after work
>only 2 people in department, can't have anyone take shifts from me
>still not making enough to live and buy nice clothes
>no time to socialize or try and get gf

Seriously how do adults live day to day without blowing their fucking brains out? I'm very close and I'm only 18.

>> No.10751327

Try not to think about it, I hope you are in college or something because working retail for life is shit tier

>> No.10751328
File: 47 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4th year in 5yr uni program
>classmates are all hipster, tumblr fucks
>in the south, so no /fa/ friends
>"why do you always wear black"

>obligatory tfw no gf

Kill me

>> No.10751335

>tfw you're effay as fuk and no bf

>> No.10751337

are you a girl?

>> No.10751343

your body just likes to store its fat on your face, and it sucks cuz you cant show off dat jawline but at least you dont got it worse than me. my body stores all the fuckin fat on my ass and my thighs and i look like a fuckin girl fuck my life

>> No.10751359

Sieg confirmed for BillyMC


>> No.10751361

If you want me to be...

>> No.10751364

Even better, pls be my bf

>> No.10751753


>> No.10751762

god damn who is that

>> No.10751786

You kidding me? Here, in Russia, only 3 good designers - Gosha Rubchinsky, Plokhov and ZDDZ, thats all.
Good quality shoes make Georgian designer - Nutsa Modebadze and Ukranian designer - Konstantin Kofta. But their boots cost like Rick Owens geo.

>> No.10751789

>working retail

If you don't change your life soon you are going to be stuck in that shit boi.

I'm 18 too but I'm going to college.

Good luck man but get a degree or some shit.

>> No.10751798

Yeah don't worry pals I'm in college. But I'm at a community college for 1 more semester and I'm trying to save as much money as possible for when I go to a UC. My mom is poor so I don't really have another choice, unless I move to Alabama with my dad but who tf wants to live in alabama?

>> No.10751851

Thank you for your reply, but it's not pride. I've read quite a bit of psychology and I find their methods really silly. I would have to laugh if I heard them say "have you considered [some trivial solution to what I perceive to be your problem]".

I know how to get friends/gf/have an active life, I just don't really want it. Maybe its just that I have a lot of obligations right now, uni, moving, etc. and I feel tired all the time. I think I shouldn't have fallen for the skellington meme and should start eating normal again. Being skinny sucks when it comes to dealing with obligations.

>> No.10751855

How much money you earn per month?
Relly, u got funny promles guys, especially you. I work supervisor in russia, Moscow in retail. This job is very good for 21yo guy here, I have five people in subjection. So, and i earn only fucking 1000$ dollars, really. Before problems with ruble and Ukrain, and fucking Putin, i earned 2000$ as manager.
And thats all, here, in Moscow average earning is 500$ per month now. Fucking shit. I wanna die. It means Raf Simons x Adidas shoes for example will cost for you near 700$ if you got problems like in Russia. Fuck this, i hate my country and this fucking president.
So, you see who really got problems?

>> No.10752099

Damn that sounds rough man, I'm sorry. I only get about 800$ per month, but when I get my tax returns at the end of the year it's pretty big. I don't really know much about the politics of Russia but that sounds pretty shitty. Why not try and save enough to leave?

>> No.10752168

For the most part youre on the right track. Do not become apathetic to life youre living: exceed it. Become a motherfucking boss at what you do and having glowing reference afterwards.
Finish school. It can be the difference between an hourly wage and a salary.
Also, dont rule out my home state so quickly. We dont have big cities, but we enjoy a very low cost of living and have notoriously friendly residents.

>> No.10752218

Yeah the low cost of living is the reason my dad moved there in the first place. I'd be living in Huntsville and probably have a bit of an easier life if I was there, but I live in California rn and while it's insanely expensive to live I love it. Thanks for the inspiration though man. I won't be able to handle even another year of retail shit so I'm trying to make 2016 my year. Overall, do you think I'd get more work done if I lived in AL for maybe a year?

>> No.10752246

California has exponentially more prospects than alabama, unless your major will be in manufacturing, agriculture, or something to that effect. Or even a medical degree. Lots of interest in that here.

Alabama is a great place if youre looking for a stepping stone to a semester abroad type deal, but not much else. If you dont come here with a master plan, expect to live in mediocrity.

Thats the souths real problem: lots of unskilled labor and few urban centers dont make for much economic success (unless youre a foreign investor looking for cheap, first world labor)

>> No.10752250

In short: make the move if you want to learn, but not earn.
Although, you didnt mention if you'd get in-state tuition living with your dad. That could change things.

>> No.10752279


>> No.10752333

Good to know. I don't want to or plan to live in mediocrity, and my major is currently graphic design but no matter what it's gonna have to be something in that general field. I should probably stay around here. although a change of scenery would be nice for a while, my dad wouldn't be paying for my tuition or anything, most likely just giving me a free roof over my head and free meals every day, so just general stuff. I just feel like I'm close to being stuck in this shitty retail position forever unless I make a big jump and I'm not ready for that jump, you know?

>> No.10752334

Drink gallons of water daily f a m

I am living proof that it works

>> No.10752401

Tfw jerking off out of boredom

Tfw got nothing for Christmas

>> No.10752405

I am a sinner but a humble servant.

>> No.10752478
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>tfw today is a gym day

I have not felt less like working out than I do today.

>> No.10752494

guys rate my proportions:

> 5'5''
> 110 lbs
> male

>> No.10752509

Patrick, is that you?

>> No.10752531



I've been hospitalized at as young as 9 and have shit. I just learned how to manage it and I'm the most stable guy I know 2bh. I'm a little to calm these days.

>> No.10752537

>just got off work
>being forced to go to family christmas in 6 hours where i dont even know or talk to any of them
>have to go to work right after
im just going to wear my yeezys and sit by the food all day and browse /fa/ on my phone

>> No.10752555

Nevermind, just emotions, sorry.
>Why not try and save enough to leave?
I love Russia, you know, the country, architecture in the cities, without politics and people. People here are dumb and believe in propaganda of our goverment, politics and all this shit. And it's hard to leave all you loved before.
Also, if i leave it means I surrender, that's not cool.

>> No.10752744

>tfw walk around with that sullen, pissed off expression that models have in fashion shows

>> No.10752761

>tfw finally got 20 y/o at school qt gf that lets me fuck her bareback

I think she might be the one lads

>> No.10752809

same, anyone got any tips for getting rid of 'resting bitch face'?

>> No.10752865
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>> No.10752871

Multiple feels

>haven't had internet for a while
>got laid and more dates than before in the same time frame

>realising the crushing reality vs dreams/goals
>haven't been dj'ing for close to a year due to sudden anxiety from nowhere
>haven't hit gym either and have lost weight due to not eating for few weeks

>friend can't stop harping on about his gf and telling me I should get one even when I tell him I prefer being single every single time fucken


>> No.10752923

>fucking around and doing what I want
>"So you got a gf now?"
>"Nah, I don't particularly want a gf right now"
>......"What do you mean?"

Like, damn, can a man just enjoy developing himself and having fun without clambering for a female to clasp onto?

>> No.10752954
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>the sweater you were looking for goes out of stock the day before winter sales
>sold out everywhere

>> No.10752955

>no job
>no money
>majoring in physics so have no time for job
Fuck me, why didn't I pick an easier major.

>> No.10752968

Tbh I like it. It probably looks ridiculous to others, but I don't care. I want to let people know that I am in pain and want to die. The 'resting bitch face' (I hate that meme term) is a good way to do that.

>> No.10752980

>I hate that meme term

But it's exactly what you look like to other people, Mr. Edgelord: a gigantic bitch.

>> No.10753044
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>tfw have spent 15 hours trying to sew and hem my own button-down shirt from scratch
>what I have looks like shit

>> No.10753095

wrong board neckbeard

>> No.10753169

Bruuh were barely 25 at that point,all he can incessantly brag about is that he gets constant pussy,while I'm fucking 3 girls at this current time and barely mention it so everyone thinks I'm a loner loser.shaking my head

my mum is drunk dancing rn lmao

>> No.10753194

Why are people so desperate to have a partner. It's literally just annoying being together with someone, you're just as happy by yourself.

>> No.10753347

Probably feel it validates their existence/accomplishment as a normal function human. Which is not entirely untrue but If that's all you've based your existwnceand youth on then lmaoing at you boy

t. Horny nigga

>> No.10753362

post fit

>> No.10753388

Are you t-thick then anon~?

>> No.10753400
File: 7 KB, 177x200, I+_914768f559bf2ef059610042c3502c6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw coming to terms that i'm no longer a 28 waist
29 masterrace, r-right guys?

>> No.10753481


>> No.10753488

>people constantly commenting on how skinny I look
I actually agree to be honest could use some muscle

>> No.10753953

Well those really aren't proportions. Tell us your leg size and torso size. Tell us your measurements when you go buy shit. Other than that, with the info you provided I'd say your measurements are good. But it all depends, I used to be 5'4 94lbs but that was skinny fat and it didn't look good. Now I'm 5'8 110 lean muscle. So are you skinny fat or no?