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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 626 KB, 921x922, Screenshot_2015-12-19-23-02-03~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10733480 No.10733480 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10733497

holy fuck its almost like girls enjoy it when dudes wear simple but aesthetically pleasing fits

>> No.10733507

w2c shoes

>> No.10733516

This. I've gotten compliments from both men and women. That's why I scoff at "street wear" and that faggy wannabe ninja shit.

>> No.10733531

It's funny how everyone on /FA/ makes fun of stuff like this, but can't hold eye contact with a female.

>> No.10733548

I don't get it. What is he doing?

>> No.10733554

Not being a tryhard.

>> No.10733568

reminder that lack of eye contact with a female will alert her to the fact that yo're an insecure and anxious bitch and will instantly turn her off of you altogether

unless she likes beta men but in that case youre just a cucklord who is probably shorter than your girl

>> No.10733582

lol I know the guy that made this, he asked me to take the pictures of him then I saw this pic on his twitter later that day. This wasn't made by a girl, girls don't give a shit about your clothes, girls care about you confidence and personality, this was made by my friend Samuel who wanted to show off his new joggers.

>> No.10733606

most girls make fun of this type of shit on twitter

>> No.10733614

The jogger pic is a selfie tho

>> No.10733619

nah, he was pointing at me to angle the camera down more

>> No.10733649

OP here, got this off some girls' instagram

>> No.10733659

>the ppl who believe this are the same ones who will buy anything if its considered trendy

just sayin, /b/ros

>> No.10733663

this is just a reminder that anyone can make these infographics and you shouldn't take to heart the opinions of strangers on the internet

>> No.10733664
File: 1.57 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being a preppy

lmao @ ur life

>> No.10733665
File: 75 KB, 640x923, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10733669

>shitty old-navy-tier attire
>buttonup under sweater under a bomber
>shitty fitting pants
lmao @ your "lmao @ ur life"

>> No.10733673

That's dumb as fuck, the dude is just hot.

>> No.10733678


>that pic

dnc (does not compute)

>> No.10733705

the pants are retarded

>> No.10733722
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>> No.10733802

haha nigga thts a good joke

>> No.10733811

>dressing yourself like a meme from 2013

>> No.10733814

Some girls don't care about what you're wearing, some do.

In my own experience, the more interesting girls do care about what you're wearing, but obviously I'm biased.

>> No.10735046


>> No.10735048


>> No.10735136

>Wearing joggers
>Dressing right

>> No.10735238

why are you even on a fashion board if your goal is to appeal to the masses
strange statement there

>> No.10735264

This shit is fucking gay.
Just as bad as those faggots who rave about h&m apparel while spending a shit ton of money on faggy Abercrombie & Dick clothing.

>> No.10735920

this could be a prep fit but the shoes and pant are awful

>> No.10735938

not the guy you're responding to but what is 'prep' exactly?

>> No.10735946


Brb gonna kill myself.

>> No.10735972

lmao i aint tryin to dress like every other nigga

>> No.10735976

so you don't want to look good

>> No.10735977

high school southeast asian/mexican/black nerd who is really into league of legends and anything labeled an "esport"

>> No.10736059

Sure these are great fits, if you're looking to attract basic bitches.

>> No.10736069

Mixed Boys <3 <3 <3

>> No.10736072

I agree with this sentiment, it's obviously a bias, but people who care about appearance tend to also be more interesting and expressionistic.
That is obviously not always what you like.

>> No.10736352

So literally just a plain shirt and some pants?

>> No.10736382
File: 2.68 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-12-20-12-47-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this

>> No.10736415


>> No.10736447 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 700x933, 2193194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me gusta las pijas y las porongas

>> No.10736470
File: 25 KB, 480x640, 11737190_1683581191875776_1972389669_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me gusta el pene. hombres ya saben

>> No.10736487

thanks for the inspo anon <3

>> No.10736563

>I dress to appeal to women
Must suck to be a virgin or still give a shit about sex. Dont worry, though. By the time you ~10 different partners you will realize that sex is (more often than not) nothing more but an inefficient workout.

Women hardly ever know what to do in bed. Its a goddamn waste of time. Especially the attractive ones just lay down.

>> No.10736606

But that is streetwear

>> No.10736618

this board is full of virgin so no one knows about that

>> No.10736666

what if its sort of on and off

was with a girl the other day

when I was talking with her I had eye contact like 70% of the conversation, glancing away for a second every few seconds

is that bad?

>> No.10736668

You're overthinking it.

Nice quads.

>> No.10736673


i guess you don't look awful but thats not prep lol

good b8

>> No.10736679

Wasted those quads senpai

>> No.10736720
File: 95 KB, 248x280, 1363120835465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dressing to get girls

>> No.10736772

this t b h
anyone who purposely tries to dress to attract females is an insecure cuck

>> No.10736806

Lg g4. Idk why it does that.

>> No.10737040

nah 100% eye contact is weird you dont want to stare into her soul anon. 70%-80% is good.

>> No.10737050

i don't dress to attract girls but i'm a kissless virgin so i can't get over it i'll always have this complex
no matter how much i suceed or better myself there's always that burden on me

>> No.10737059

(1) Go to Latin dance club
(2) Dance around with girls until late night

Once they get drunk you'll basically have to fight them off with a stick unless you're some sort of Latina undesirable (fat, short, creepy, Latino, black, etc.)

I'm only half joking.

I'd rather get kicked in the dick than dress like that, frankly.

>> No.10737065

Sex really isn't that big a deal. Just be yourself and talk a bit more and the sex will come.

>> No.10737077


What do you dress like? If your dress sense is proving to be a disadvantage what clothes are you wearing? It's your personality + face that will mainly get their attention. You don't really wear clothes specifically to attract girls' attention, you wear what looks good on you

>> No.10737123

it's not a disadvantage, i just wanted to say that i'm not trying to be someone i'm not just to "attract" girls, i see many guys do that with clothes or when they get into lifting weights

>> No.10737126

>Just be yourself


>> No.10737153
File: 511 KB, 720x404, mfw.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw foreveralone handholdless virgin who never talks to girls but at least I don't dress like shit, nigga

>> No.10737232

People seem to generalize a lot in these threads

Lmao this post

>> No.10737360

lol at these fucking neckbeards. by be yourself I mean don't be a tryhard and try to act cool and shit. just be yourself and dont be all weird about shit and you'll be cool as far as women.

>> No.10737413

"Myself" is looking at online photos of haute couture pieces I cannot afford, posting on fat-shaming forums, and listening to music.

>> No.10737420

Well-fitted, yes. Do you think you have to do all this ninja layering shit?

>> No.10737446

So? don't be fucking weird about and you'll be good. if it doesn't pertain to the conversation don't bring it up only a sperg brings up his hobbies without it having anything to do with the current situation or conversation. most of the time you can even play the shit off if you don't care so damn much about what some random women you just met thinks.

>> No.10737464

What if it's winter?

>> No.10737483


>latina's don't like black guys


>> No.10737518

isn't it like that for everyone? most people can appreciate how good "different" things look, but might not have the courage to wear it

>tfw customers constantly tell me they can't pull ___ off like me, because they aren't tall and skinny

>> No.10737777

lol fuck off kevin go back to reddit you lil bitch

>> No.10737789


>> No.10738587

Well, I was thinking I was unattractive. Sawing you somehow boosted my ego.

>> No.10738662

that's not nice

>> No.10738669

someone I know gave me this exact same advice, and he also lives near DC

guess it really works

>> No.10738675

you met Bateman ?

>> No.10738681

nah the guy's an undergrad
iirc bateman's a lawyer

>> No.10738922

looking normal.
girls like normal.

>> No.10738929

All the boys in my school dress like this so how come the girls arent over themselves with hornyness? Maybe because noone is as athletic as pic related.
When girls say they like his clothes it is because the straps on the backpack and the contrast on the sleeves pronounce his well built breast and shoulders.
Dressing like this wont help if you are fat or skinnyfat, you will just look basic as fuck, the truth is that anything will look good on you if you have a athletic body.

>> No.10738946

nah, you good f.am
it's a lot better than starring at her like an fucking creep

>> No.10738952

>quad HD screen at 2560 x 1440

should have quite a bit of data, at low compression PNG... I might say arbitrary shit.

quads boy

>> No.10738953

Wear a decent coat

>> No.10739102

this basically goes in against what you said earlier

Many people in this thread probably actually are spergs, btw.

>> No.10739160

>not being tryhard
>taking pictures of what you're wearing
pick one

>> No.10739387

oh god why is this so true

>> No.10739680

girls aren't attracted to insecure boys who validate themselves based off clothing
they are attracted to confident and nice boys who view clothing as an extension of their taste
you are not your khakis, and you aren't your slp either
grow up and be a mature person, it's far more attractive than being a materialistic asshole

>> No.10740202

>you are dressing yourself right
This is infuriating

>> No.10741423

:( hit close to home

>> No.10741442

that shit doesn't even fit and his body is busted

>> No.10741446

18% bodyfat


>> No.10741454


>> No.10741477


>> No.10741507

how to be a basic bitch

>> No.10741520

just dress like harry styles if you want girls you colossal faggots

girls love it


>> No.10741599

Fuck off faggots that type of shirt are my favorite type of shirt, they look good in you even in your worst day.

>> No.10741661


>> No.10741668


defeatist virgins detected

>> No.10741720
File: 364 KB, 564x1086, 1415406767472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its so fucking basic

>> No.10741725

most people seem to interpet streetwear as dressing like a hobo with a windfall of cash

>> No.10741829
File: 10 KB, 240x250, 1450589363824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10742365

Says who? A Black Tweeter nigger wench? Ok

>> No.10743672

a basic white girl

>> No.10743703

girls are more likely to boink you if you dress nice

>> No.10745169

boink ?

>> No.10745172

Boink as in "bink" or ya know "bonk"

>> No.10745425

Because, quite frankly, I can browse wherever the fuck I feel like.

>> No.10745969

If you appeal to the masses, you're automatically well-dressed. If you try to be edgy, you're badly dressed.

The simplest way for dressing well is copying the majority's style and adding a few personal touches. Deal with it.

>> No.10745999

However, a girl's concept of "dressing nice" is VASTLY different from /fa/'s concept of dressing nice.

As the other guy above put it, chicks dig normal. Just wear shit that suits you and don't overdo it. Done.

>> No.10746016

Aqtually no, lmao. Just leave this disgusting waywt threads - nobody really think here being ugly disproportional skelly faggot in black pants is even ok.