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File: 298 KB, 1800x1200, Casey-Neisat-Balenciaga-Glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10721664 No.10721664 [Reply] [Original]

How much of your personal style is completely yours?

>> No.10721667


>> No.10722190

Nice taste in youtubers op. Casey lives an interesting life

>> No.10722205

no, casey is a fag, and so are you, you are a normie casey is nothing but the posterchild for basic hipsters all over the world, he lives the mainstream "alternative lifestyle"

>> No.10722210

:^) no need to be upset

>> No.10722215

:^) no need to be jealous/cucked/fucked/shitted on

>> No.10722216

not mad at u, just casey :)

>> No.10722219

i dunno 1% at best

related to your pic, theres a friend of mine that seemingly bases his hobbies, style, and interests after casey and its a little strange. hes kind of a piece of shit if you really pay attention and he's not exactly the best dresser the world has ever seen so i find it odd he is so infatuated with him. also he's black lol

>> No.10722237


nothing is completely yours unless you made it

>> No.10722276

>you are a normie
back to /r9k/ with you fucking trash

>> No.10722457

Honestly, IMHO originality is dead, every style has been done, and few styles can be original without making you look like an autistic faggot

>> No.10722459

fuck that's scary
you're like describing me like you know me except i know you're not because i haven't gone down the rabbit hole that bad to the point where i've actually started a blog or bought a boosted board
but i have been fantasizing about it

>> No.10722461

autists are the only original people left on earth then?
that's pretty poetic

>> No.10722480


Good god I hate his face

>> No.10722483

good lord for the love of god dont go down that rabbit hole friend

>> No.10722495


>> No.10722529

>boosted board
i think i'm gonna have to buy one of these. not because of casey or the style but they just look fun as fuck

>> No.10722540

ikr. and what about that fucking baby of his. I just want to smash its fucking head in and then force Casey to make a vlog about it.

>> No.10722545
File: 390 KB, 374x374, 1411607971724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le edge

>> No.10722549

I don't see anyone around campus wearing Nascar shirts or rocking palewave occasionally.
Plebs really

>> No.10722551

If you want to make a pie from scratch you must first create the universe.
No one has any style devoid of outside influence unless they spent their entire life in a plain white room eating nothing but oatmeal an having no outside contact. Personal style can be original in the way it pulls from specific influences, but it will never actually be entirely unique to that one person.

>> No.10722558

yea i'm definitely buying one or the next generation of cheap but effective chinese copycat boards that spring up once boosted board goes full mainstream

>> No.10722857
File: 174 KB, 1024x768, IMG_3527.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree with you, the only reason he is amassing such following is because he is so fucking ugly.

He lives a cool life, but since he is not studmeister 4000 it's all cool with everyone else, because at least we are all better looking.

>> No.10722867


>> No.10722884

None. All I ever do is mix urbancore with hipster clothing and any other stupid style in between.

>> No.10722898

My style is a mix between inspos from the internet, basics from online shops and the brands that my local stores provide. brands like drykorn or CLOSED which i don't see often in inspo threads.

>> No.10723021

2011 is it you?

>> No.10723063

This is really relevant to his vlog he posted less than an hour ago.
He copped a new one of a kind leather jacket he had custom made from his design input... and it looks pretty good

>> No.10723083

I make all my own shirts (either sewn or screen printed) , don't know how to make shoes yet, pants/hats likely thrift cops. so that percent.

>> No.10723121

A hundred thousand i Think . cloth

>> No.10723247

itt: angry autists cry because casey is uglier than them but still has a wife and loadsamone

>> No.10723275

he also has mental problems and a kid out of wedlock.
I really don't see what I should be jealous of apart from his friendship with Karlie.

>> No.10723280

he's pretty dumb and childish i'll give u that.
also makes a ton of clickbait thumbnails and titles

>> No.10723620

>mental problems

>> No.10723635

he's retarded.

>> No.10723654

i make most of the stuff i wear, as far as shoes go i just customize them

>> No.10723678
File: 22 KB, 800x558, casey neisat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10723694

is anyone's personal style completely theirs?

>> No.10723734

KEK god damn

>> No.10723773

Casey is a fucking kike

>> No.10723796


My tastes are dictated by thrift stores and whatever I can paint on my shit. The rest is just images and silhouettes I once found and thought to be interesting.


>cringy shit I liked as a teen
>stuff with enough pockets
>muh black, grey, white wardrobe

>> No.10723805

Caseys forehead looks like a cement fuckin cinder block

>> No.10723814

no but in the circle of people you know, unless someone else wears very similar stuff to you, it'd be known as your style

>> No.10723841

People hating on Casey cause his life is better than theirs :^)

>> No.10723860

Seriously whats the point in beme? Its like a worse snapchat story

>> No.10724459

>lives downtown
>le alternative media economy
>muh boy toys
epitome of bourgeoisie. being rich is a prerequisite for many important things today but unironically enjoying it to the fullest degree is less than honorable

>> No.10724464

There was never originality. The clothes that a person wears always exist in relation to those around them.

>> No.10725690

i put no effort into my appearance lately and as such i fall into the style category of the billions of people who also put no effort into their appearance