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/fa/ - Fashion

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10721441 No.10721441 [Reply] [Original]

Are thinkpads /fa/? Also /fa/ tech

>> No.10721448

shut the fuck up

>> No.10721455

im from /g/ too, and nah.

thinkpads are /fa/ to tech-savy folks, but to everyone else they scream man-child.

apple is the true /fa/ brand unfortunately

>> No.10721472

What makes them non /fa/ to normies? Also what other computers/tech would you consider fashionable, I quite like the look of the chromebook pixel or the surface book

>> No.10721499

I had one in college that my dad gave me - the internet worked 5% of the time and it had a 20 minute charge but I loved it. I studied writing in school and loved typing on it.

>> No.10721512

i think they look sleek as fuck (albeit in their own respect), they're durable as fuck, and functional as fuck, personally I think they are a jack of all trades laptop

>> No.10721701

Apple is kind of pleb tier, everyone and their mother have a macbook.

>> No.10721759

>but to everyone else they scream man-child

>> No.10721787

This tbqh senpai

>> No.10721789

Love me some goddamn Thinkpads, typing on one now.

The only real issue with Thinkpads that I can think of is that the cheap ones blow ass. I know someone who got one of their <$1,000 laptops and it was a genuine piece of shit. Conversely, the one I'm using now I bought in ~2013 as a sort of beater laptop and it's still chugging along like it's brand fucking new.

>> No.10721834

It has to be a thinkpad no other lenovo product is that renowned, and **30 seems to be the generation that was three last real thinkpads although there is a classic one IN development

>> No.10721845

>but to everyone else they scream man-child
Yeah, because everybody is up-to-date on their memes.

In reality, they would look at the Thinkpad and think "Hmmm. That's clunky looking."

>> No.10721855

as long as you don't skip leg day, it seems fine to me. You're gonna need legs thick as NYS to support that lap top, cause it ain't just a fap top, cha feel burh???

>> No.10721858


>> No.10721866

>but to everyone else they scream man-child
Nah, only autists on 4chan do that.
People in real life will look twice at it only because it's not as thin as their MemeBook Pro.

>> No.10721921

Can't wait til the classic one is release.

I hope they don't fuck it all up.

>> No.10721989

I own a Macbook myself, and while I constantly make fun of how it's a meme laptop, I've had it since 2011 and it's as fast as the day I bought it.
While I have several friends whose PCs are slow as shit not 3 months after they got them.

>> No.10722005

That's because you're friends with retards.

>> No.10722309

This is probably a true statement

>> No.10722344

Got one myself for uni.

I call it the monolith.

>> No.10722359

I think they are ok. I have a Vaio Z as my primary laptop but a X220 for my back up. It's a decent little machine and the design is functional which meshes well with certain aesthetics.

>> No.10722419
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>> No.10722427

I know a guy with a 2005 MacBook and I shit you not it still works while I have a year old laptop that stops the very second I forget to do some cleaning

>> No.10722430
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>> No.10722432
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>> No.10722466

Pure sex
Looks dope but it's kind of placebo at that point

>> No.10722471

>What makes them non /fa/ to normies?

they look like shit

>> No.10722472

>own a x200
>everybody asks: when are you getting a new laptop
>people get startled when it beeps starting up in the library
I still love it though

>> No.10722500
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>> No.10722502
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No ragrets.

>> No.10722506
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>> No.10722508

what is it m8

>> No.10722517

Terrible answer apply yourself nigger
Code keyboard?

>> No.10722601
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This one is a nice and reliable piece.

>> No.10722616

Last time I had a tech talk with a woman with fashionable woman and I made her try some Torpe HHKB and silenced Realforce, she just reacted as "so you like old keyboards, huh?"
Only people into technology care about technology. As some other anon mentioned, normal people just want what is advertised to them, hence apple.

>> No.10722618

thinkpads are techwear as fuck

>> No.10722620


>> No.10722624

But he's right tho
They're really damn ugly. Sorry m8 that's it

>> No.10722626

>kind of
implying not 100%

>> No.10722628

Well, a sleek looking ultrabook is fa
The new zenbooks are fa. Macbook are fa.
Gotta be a maximum of 14" tho, it's not fa if you can't elegantly waddle around with it in one hand

>> No.10722631

Typing this on a X1 Carbon (dual-booting Windows & Linux because university) and it's way lighter than any of my friends macbook pros or even airs. Runs well, just can't play intensive games which I gave up on once I got out of high school anyway

>> No.10722640
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I would say no, thinkpads are not /fa/, simply because they are clunky. They are functional work tools, not fashion items.
Apple dominates because its the only company that spends mayor effort on looks and stylishness. If you want an alternative, look at the samsung series 9, pic related. I'm typing on one, besides the keyboard which is just meh I'm super satisfied

>> No.10722646

An relatively /fa/ although I study something 'stemy': Euro equivalent to information systems.

At the same time I use a relatively new thinkpad (t450s) and it compliments my style more then some macbook could. Also its way more functional obviously.

>> No.10722691

tbqh yes
i've always used a macbook pro but i got a T410s for work and the thing works flawlessly
best laptop keyboard i've ever used too

>> No.10722915

As opposed to every person having a windows operated laptop?

>> No.10723038

Apple used to be /fa/ but is pleb-tier right now.
Laptop: Dell XPS13/15 (2015-models) and Asus UX305-series on #2
Phone: Sony Xperia Z5 is literally sex

>> No.10723053


>> No.10723101

This, and their designs look VERY dated.

>> No.10723138

>chugging along
>like brand fucking new
Pick one senpai

>> No.10723433

weeaboo homos should like thinkpads

the design was inspired by japanese lacquered bento boxes

>> No.10723612

Why did you fucked up?

>> No.10723615

Riced linux confirmed /fa/

>> No.10723639

This is still a fucking terrible answer...WHY are they dated looking? What about them looks bad, just saying "hurr durr that just look bad they look old" means nothing

>> No.10723649

what design?

>> No.10723657

buzz off, pleb
>tfw commoners think they're qualified to discuss "design"

>> No.10724064

Source on that? Id like to read up on it

>> No.10724087

I think a thinkpad's sheer functionality is effay in itself

>> No.10724117

I bought into /g/'s Thinkpad hype and I got a T60 on eBay for $34. I was going to make it my throwaway laptop--a nonvaluable for cafes and travelling. After replacing the Windows OS for Linux, and trying the laptop out for a couple of minutes, I became a fan. I upgraded the RAM the next week and I ended up with a very good general use laptop for less than $50.

>> No.10724119

Thinkpads are /fa/ in the same way that Zuckerberg is /fa/. Utilitarian. Effective.

>> No.10724183

To me Thinkpads are most /fa/.

>> No.10724298

KMAC2 + red PBT dye subs.

>> No.10724314

If I didn't know anything about keyboards, I would probably think a HHKB and Realforce (white ones anyway) were "old" keyboards as well. I think the best way to show off how fashionable keyboards can be, would be with with some classically beautiful colorware.

KMAC2 with black on black PBT dye subs,
HHKB2 in black with the black on black keys.

Black is a bit boring, but it looks good to the average person. The black on black makes it look more minimal and I think most people could appreciate it's design.

>> No.10724440
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The X1 Carbon is light, durable, and relatively sleek compared to typical thinkpad design. Though, the Thinkpad logo stamped on the lid is so dorky and office-retro, but I guess that's part of its charm.

>> No.10724460

x1 carbon is dope. Best purchase I made for uni

>> No.10724485

Really I love the thinkpad logo, the lenovo logo I could do without, wish it was still run by IBM, probably the most based tech company ever

>> No.10724491

For my job, I interact with a lot of tech start-ups. The real gods of tech use Thinkpads and the like. Wannabes/mediocre coders use Macbooks. Then newbies whip out their Toshibas.

>> No.10724497

T420 here

even though I'm a informatics/security major this and a Nokia brick phone are my only electronics

with the right style it's probably the most fashionably appropriate, if you have a cyberpunk/80s/thrift influenced style

i think it's good in being a bit more definite and polarizing, a genric HP shitheap is really unfashionable and a Macbook is normie stuff

any sleek small notebook is pretty much neutral though, like the X1

>> No.10724529

I was just considering purchasing a used macbook air from a friend tonight and retiring my trusty thinkpad.

I consider this thread to be divine intervention.

>> No.10724561

you can check out the wiki page and google RIchard Sapper, he was the designer of the think pad

>> No.10724594

I've got a L540 for 550€ and it works great.

I had to struggle a bit with windows 8 tho.

>> No.10724650

people will think you are poor and cannot afford a newer laptop

(I had a thinkpad and, with few exceptions, people just thought was old)

>> No.10724690

Nice choice senpai ;)

>> No.10724722

Dell XPS for the point between that Mac look and functionality and business-leaning horsepower. Undercuts adjacent Macbooks by about 200 quid. Zenbooks aren't bad, and as stated a few posts ago, the X1 Carbon is a very nice laptop to use.

>> No.10724731
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Equally /fa/ to car/g/o pants.

>> No.10724744

Thinkpads, while uneffay for normies, are pleb deterrents.
If you want effay, go for Dell XPS like some people said, or the Dell Latitude series

>> No.10725019
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ms wedge

>> No.10725090

The pixel is really nice, if you install an ssd and some distro. I think the surfacebook is overpriced

>> No.10725104

I use my T42 as a dedicated jack station.

>> No.10725210

>The pixel is really nice, if you install an ssd and some distro
It already comes with an SSD, there is no hard drive option.

>> No.10725294

thinkpads and macbooks are the only laptops that both have appealing designs and are worthwhile

>> No.10725307

A bigger ssd, doesnt it have like 128gb?

>> No.10725377

What's the newest old ThinkPad I can get cheap ?

>> No.10725457


>works in IT

please check urself normie.

>> No.10725532

Only goes up to 64gb I think
T430 it t420

>> No.10725581

Shallow normies are nor effay

>> No.10725587

Dell latitude e6440 owner here. Though on a rational performance / price ratio my laptop is more advantageous than a T440, the Dell just looks plain and thick.

Maybe it's just because the grass is greener elsewhere and if I had chosen the Thinkpad instead, I would regret not to have had an aluminium - magnesium - another metal that I forget chassis.

>> No.10725590
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What's wrong with Samsung?

>> No.10725700

They're pretty much meh tier in areas such as phones and laptops. There was definitely a time when they were the best in Android phones, but they've fallen.

- Software design is horrible
- Bloated software slows down and drains the phone
- Hardware design has always been meh with the exception of the S2

>Windows laptops
- Poor support
- Expensive for what you get

>> No.10726545

I don't think the device itself is effay. It's mostly about the environment in which you use it.

Most of the laptops can loog good if placed on a clean setup with a pure interface on the screen.

remove the bloat. it becomes /fa/

>> No.10728044

it's a cigar box, sapper even says as much

>> No.10728045


>> No.10728354

They are techwear of notebooks = functional and effay at the same time = best you can get

>> No.10728378

If I bought an Apple Macbook, would I be able to run Fallout 4 on it or

>> No.10728383


if you did either of these things it would be pathetic

read a fucking system requirements page you moron

>> No.10728466
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what cameras are effay?

pic related

>> No.10728626
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most /fa/ keyboard : KBC POKER II

preferably with blank keys

anyone who disagrees is a craster

>> No.10728650
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>> No.10728708


>> No.10728723

There are so many custom 60%s that look way better.

>> No.10728790

fuck all you faggots saying macs arent /fa/. ive been using macs since 2005 when i was 13. just because more people are using them now doesn't mean they are any less cool

>> No.10728828

Took a while for someone to post something that isn't a keyboard or computer

>> No.10728881

>tfw x1 carbon gen 3

>> No.10729246

lmfao samsung

>> No.10729285

>I like this thing

>> No.10729310

dude this is 4chan lmao

>> No.10729419
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>> No.10729442

Whenever I see a Thinkpad I think of desperate virgin dudes but then remember that the world isnt all about memes

>> No.10729446

what cam is this

>> No.10729463

>apple is the true /fa/ brand unfortunately
Being a mindless consumerist drone who laps up anything from a company who doesn't even let you do what you want with your own machine isn't /fa/. Sorry.

>> No.10729509

Yes. Of all modern laptops, I think they most resemble the classic designs of tech in the 90s (which I think was the golden era for tech designs).

When will the "sleek, thin, and sans-serif" meme end?

>> No.10729622

I'm not even into photography but MUH DICK

>> No.10730458
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Film cameras will always have the aesthetic advantage imo.

>> No.10730474

Apple makes the best laptops, no question. Fag Dicks I am not a marketer.

>> No.10730484
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Yes they are army tank-tier

>> No.10730490

Fujifilm X100T

>> No.10730491
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He doesn't have an /fa/ riced thinkpad

>> No.10730492

>What is mirrorless?

>> No.10730516
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Samsung shill pls go

>> No.10730541
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>What is ugly?

>> No.10730691

>a company who doesn't even let you do what you want

Like what, checking facebook?

>> No.10730695

anime isn't /fa/ though

>> No.10730701


>> No.10730704
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>anime isn't /fa/

hahaha nice one

>> No.10730722

it really isn't
besides the "we're on a chinese childrens' cartoons imageboard" argument, anime is so utterly full of fluff it's insane
I don't think my personal interests/tastes in film/television align with what I consider /fa/, but how could it be over-long seasons of on the whole bad (and bad in such a way as to be uninteresting) animation over simplistic plots made as escapism?
again, I don't think my tastes are /fa/, I used to watch/care about anime, and I don't have a counterpoint/counterexample in conventional tv

>> No.10730733
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It depends on the genre senpai. I am not into that kawaii brain dead shit or the edgy 7 year old shonen. School life manga (the ones that aren't full of retarded exaggerations) or 2deep4me stuff is pretty good.

>btw this manga is shit

>> No.10730734
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that's just a sony camera with some wood and a Hasseblad stuck on it for a big price increase. the photography community hates it

>> No.10730739

saying anime isnt /fa/ is like saying movies aren't /fa/. anime is literally short for animation and encompasses a wide variety of genres and styles. when you say anime you probably mean the stuff intent on being marketable by being full of tropes and having waifus on the basis of selling merchandise. there's a lot of more sophisticated and actually quality stuff you put under the blanket of, "anime sucks." not to bring up semantics, but by what you mean when you say anime, yeah anime isn't /fa/.

>> No.10730750


Thinking about getting a X100S and saving a couple hundred bucks, can't imagine the T is that much better.

>> No.10730751

omg i kinda wanna get cable lifters just to fuck with people when I put on shitty bootleg vinyl i have

putting yr equipment on heavy/vibration dampened stands actually does reduce noise tho (especially if yr in an old wood building near a busy road)

remember /fa/ buddies: good sound is mostly cuz of yr room

>> No.10730752

yr probably a corporate shill that does IT support and codes shitty apps in his spare time while his body pillow is drying

>> No.10730756
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No just a CS student. Nice attempt though

>> No.10730759

Apple products are the only /fa/ products
end of

>> No.10730771
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>parabola linux
>corporate shill
Holy shit, are you retarded?

>> No.10731394
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>looks nearly the same
You tell me, bro.

>> No.10731535
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What are


What is


>> No.10731544

Just installed GNOME for the first time.

Have to say I like it a lot.

Want to eventually be an i3 fag.

>> No.10731563

>tfw using a Samsung laptop right now

It's lasted me 4 years but it's on the way out now. Battery died after a year and a half iirc. Also, I dropped it once and broke the audio output port.
Aside from that though, I've always hated this laptop. I'm not even sure why.

>> No.10731592
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>> No.10731814
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Leica, their digital cameras look the same as their 1960's film models

>> No.10731829


not the same guy, but samsung is fine hardware wise. that's why you gotta dualboot using some linux distro.

>> No.10731882

Oh fug mang my dick. Sauce?

>> No.10733356

Olympus is really the only exception nowadays. Nikon DF maybe but holy hell that hipster tax.


>> No.10734507

They're fine, but they're also nothing special. Since there are so many good options to choose from, I really can't think of a reason why anyone would buy any Samsung model laptop unless its dirt cheap.

>> No.10734772 [DELETED] 

/g/ checking in. The X series are plenty /fa/. Rice up a Linux DE for best results.
Beautiful. How do your frequent are package updates with the Parabola repository? I've run Arch for the better part of three years and I'm considering making the switch.

>> No.10734784

/g/ checking in. The X series are plenty /fa/. Rice up a Linux DE for best results.
Beautiful. How do frequent are package updates with the Parabola repository? I've run Arch for the better part of three years and I'm considering making the switch.

>> No.10735746

Updates are typically on a daily basis or at least multiple times a week. Just realize that some of the black listed packages will piss you off. I would stick to arch but it is really up to you.

>> No.10735800
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I'm a new comer to the Arch nebula. I believe this will also be a temporary state and that I'll end up changing the distro on my main computer in few semester / years.

What are the reasons that motivated your choice for another distro? Which specific points in Arch didn't fit your taste?

>> No.10735815

The small X series thinkpads are /fa/ as fuck. They are quite thick, but their small size balances them out. Anything bigger than 12" and its just a mess.

>> No.10735874
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the ducky mini is pretty fly. People seem to complain about the bezel but it's not big enough to notice when using it.

Pic related is the worst led setting though, I have mine on a slow spectrum cycle.

>> No.10735919

I see. So does the repository just function as a mirror with the blacklisted packages filtered for syncing?
Nothing. It's my favorite and continues to be my favorite. Just thinking about trying something new.

>> No.10735934
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best looking camera ever made. I own two

>> No.10735991

>I see. So does the repository just function as a mirror with the blacklisted packages filtered for syncing?

Pretty much.

>> No.10736384

Like 3 months can actually make a difference in the speed of a processor, you're friends tried to download drake mp3s from russian websites and have bitcoin miners and tor nodes for beast porn on their machines, I swear I generally don't provoke arguments on the internet, but please shut yo ass if you don't know what you're talking about