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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 82 KB, 427x707, image-01_noexif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10695713 No.10695713 [Reply] [Original]

What styles work well with violin hips and a big ass? This shit isn't flattering and I need an office party dress.

>> No.10695716

you need to lose weight in order for any dress to be flattering

>> No.10695727
File: 35 KB, 450x311, bb8611b360ca2642518692c3c87aa97ff0d6baf79a2f1fbcfe6e0e5582af5e0b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10695728

Definitely taking this into account, not in denial. 5'3"/133 so while I'm technically "healthy," it seems that any extra weight doesn't sit well.

>> No.10695732

no, it doesn't. I'm not judging you, though. not a bad person for it or anything.

/fit/ and /r/fitness has plenty of information on how to get your body into shape.

>> No.10695733

>technically healthy


>> No.10695734


>> No.10695735

>What styles work well with violin hips and a big ass?

justsitonmyfaceforawhilefamcore works great

>> No.10695745

Appreciated! Moved from an active job to a desk job a year ago, it's amazing how much of a difference that's made. Dress shopping was a rude awakening.

>> No.10695752

I'm not deluded, perhaps I should have said "technically" healthy there.

>> No.10695762

There are lots of options for dresses that fit lose below the waist

>> No.10695776

Without really jumping into the mob too hard, a protip from someone who also sits in an office a lot:

Make a makeshift standing desk.

It's not particularly true that it burns more calories (standing does only marginally, to the point where it really isn't worth it just for that), but it helps orient your body properly, enforces good posture, and keeps you efficient. Assuming you have your own office, you can also pace around a lot more readily.

Last year I was particularly bad about sitting around a lot and I suffered for it - especially because I was recovering from /fit/-related snap city. My standing desk did a lot to diligence me in the right direction.

>> No.10695785
File: 63 KB, 736x1104, flare2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you'd look good in a fit and flare dress, OP.

>> No.10695815

Are you pic related? I think that dress is just a bit too small. I agree with >>10695785 as being a good option.

Obviously you need to drop 10 pounds minimum but you already knew that. I'd say you should weight 110 max at 5' 3"

>> No.10695877

Yeah I think I'll look around for something like that for now, I'll need something by Friday. Thanks!
Yeah, 115 is my ideal weight, really. I've been down to 100 at this height and I looked too skeletal for my likes.

>> No.10695882
File: 283 KB, 504x552, dat_feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayo gurl you make that dress look slutty, ain't nothin' wrong with that

>> No.10695909

Now show from the back

>> No.10695940
File: 200 KB, 400x224, haaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 30lbs lighter than a man whos 6'2" and has fat on him
keep telling yourself you're healthy lady maybe you should fuck off to /fit/

>> No.10695949

>tfw weigh two pounds more than you at 6'3
i dont think im technically healthy though

>> No.10696076

compression undergarment for the office get together then lose weight

>> No.10696081

Are you an idiot? I clearly agreed that it isn't actually healthy and expressed that I plan to lose about twenty pounds. You're just an inflammatory ass, m8

>> No.10696088

He's just a troll, but seriously take it easy on the cupcakes during the party

>> No.10696097

Just turn around for us and let us see your inflamatory ass

>> No.10696121

Ha, yeah I'll take it easy. Lame of the year to realize you need to lose weight though, for real. But I really do have a lot of clothes that will honestly look way better when I do.

>> No.10696184

wew lass, this body shape is my fetish

id hit that til the cows come home

>> No.10696230


>> No.10696266

You're almost dangerously underweight. I'm quite skinny at 6'0 135.

>> No.10696300

Shut the fuck up fatass

>> No.10696317

lol try harder faggot

>> No.10696333


>technically healthy

you shut the fuck up.
you're fat. and when you try to justify that by saying 'i actually work out a lot' just stop yourself because no, you don't.

>that being said something like >>10695785

>> No.10696341

Do you have a Paypal account?

>> No.10696508

I never said that? I wouldn't say that. Cause I don't. I should, sure. But I admit it, dude. I said technically in quotations because I recognize that BMI is antiquated and simplistic, leading it to be misunderstood and that my body fat percentage is not in fact, healthy. Good job, dude.

>> No.10696535

BMI is antiquated and simplistic that's why they had to raise the definition of fat and obese, otherwise youd be considered obese. Lol

You're not as healthy as someone who is your size and 20lbs lighter. Your extra weight causes a strain on all of your internals which reduces your length of life in the long run. Just remember that 30 years ago youd be OBESE

>> No.10696549

I mean, obviously I'm not as healthy as I would be less twenty pounds. But I also would argue that someone my size would also not be considered obese thirty years ago, but if you'd like to cite a source in more than willing to check it out.

>> No.10696560

dude, you're beyond retarded.
she's fat and grossly misshapen but there's literally no possible way you can assert that its significantly unhealthy or that that weight could be considered obese. its fine to have an opinion but stop shitting up the thread with pseudo-science

>inb4 whiteknight
>inb4 jealous fatty

>> No.10696568

i think probably just a less clingy bottom half would work well.

fit n flare like others have suggested, or even one of those thicker pencil skirts would probably smooth u

>> No.10696634

Yeah, I totally realize my body's way to distribute fat isn't attractive. I actually do look totally normal in jeans and a t-shirt though. That said, I plan on eating healthier, exercising, etc. cause at the very least I'll be damned if I let myself go up a clothing size.

>> No.10696648

We're going to need to see the back to make a better suggestion

>> No.10696655


meanwhile flared skirts and regular fit blouses with a blazer will do the trick

>> No.10696679

yo u dont need to pander to this insulting bullshit weight isn't a character trait
lose weight if u wanna but dont do it because some dude on 4chan claims he doesnt wanna fuck u

>> No.10696691

yeah but, thats just my opinion. doesnt mean you're unhealthy or need to diet or else youre gonna die or joint failure or something, like the cunt above me was posting.

its purely aesthetic at this point

>> No.10696692

I didn't just mention that I didn't want to Fuck her I brought up how she is unhealthy and only hurting herself in the long run because I care for her. Meanwhile you're telling her to be a fat lazy piece of mediocre shit

>> No.10696697

lmao do u really think she doesnt know these things... how fucking condescending are u dude

also those are ur words not mine i didnt prescribe any course of action for her

>> No.10696707

She came here for help and advice not for some dickless queer to tell her she's perfect you fucking freak

>> No.10696724

yeah.. fashion help for an event shes attending in a handful of days
"lose weight" isnt practical advice for what she came here for

>> No.10696729

So instead of telling her the truth you just tell her she's fine the way she is? A fat Fuck?

>> No.10696743

no i told her what she should do in the interim to dress the body she will have in several days when she needs to be wearing a party dress

i trust that she knows what she should do in the long run in order to dress the body she wants (which she has given every indication is the case...) without talking down to her to say something that is fucking obvious

>> No.10696998


Are you two kill yet?

Get my level faggots: 6'1 175 slim/muscular build.

>> No.10697006

I'm 5'8 and 130lb, I have the same problem OP :(

>> No.10697028

>Yeah, I totally realize my body's way to distribute fat isn't attractive.

It's normal. Just hit the gym. Also wear black it's more flattering.

>> No.10697197

wew gril someones mad
not our fault someone cant stay away from the coca cola and dreyers
go to /fit/ or to a doctor for liposuction this board is for the
>A E S T H E T I C

>> No.10697276


>> No.10697296
File: 649 KB, 850x707, 1449616361897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just look fat.

You might not have lumpy hips if you weren't overweight.

>> No.10697298

well whether or not your hips don't look lumpy while you wear jeans and a shirt, you have a gut, so I don't think you wouldn't look fat wearing that too.

>> No.10697311


P.S I want you to sit on my face after a long day at the office, even if you've done multiple poo-poo's and pee-pee's.

>> No.10697413

Bitch, I'm 5'10/130 and have noticeable fat.

>not in denial
>I'm technically "healthy,"
No. Just no! Stop. Go lose weight or quit complaining.

>> No.10697426

this is why you never fuck chicks in dresses at office parties

you take them to the back and when they manage to squeeze out of all those spanx layers you just end up fucking the marshmallow monster from ghost busters and catch the clap for the effort

>> No.10697431

>165 lbs
>with fat
anon she's not the one that needs help

>> No.10697441


"i hate labels"

"you're just a fat shamer, a slut shamer, a bigot, a manspalianer, a gender is a binary-er"

"i seriously hate people you label people like you do, i am a gender fluid , pansexual, gender neutral feminist.....no labels!!!!!"

you fat shamers!

>> No.10697450

honestly easiest quick solution would just be to wear spanks or some other body shaping thing.

>> No.10697524
File: 59 KB, 540x471, 1449285864719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get my level faggots: 6'1 175 slim/muscular build.

>> No.10697571 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 599x337, 12299311_10208259653310394_8639860518605861108_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hungry skeleton
choose one

>> No.10697575
File: 20 KB, 599x337, areyouserious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6'1 175lbs

>> No.10697658


Do 500 crunches a day and that fat will soon shift.

>> No.10697668
File: 6 KB, 390x470, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10697676

imagined if your body worked like that

people would look fucking terrifying

>> No.10697685


Crunches are easy and need no equipment.
Building core muscle (any muscles) helps burn fat.

>> No.10698344

She won't build enough muscle to change her metabolism. She'll only develop some abs and she'll look even fatter than before. She needs to be at a caloric deficit to lose weight, and das it.

>> No.10698377


Pure skinny looks shit. You need muscle too.

>> No.10698388

I totally agree but I think she only cares about losing weight.

>> No.10698398

watch a bunch of fetty wap music videos and dress like the hoes in them.

>> No.10698414


>you'll never have a gf that looks like jessica biel

>> No.10698417

my god...

>> No.10698433

can we get a pic of your ass so we can form a better opinion or whatever????


>> No.10698482

The only tips you'll get on /fa/ for losing weight is starvation.

>> No.10698505

"Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you, for on Him the Father, God, has set His seal."

>> No.10698517

That's the best way. Thinspiration threads are best advice. And I don't even have an eating 'disorder'

>> No.10698533

How do you spread your arms out with that junior size shirt?

>> No.10698573
File: 47 KB, 562x446, go-be-fat-somewhere-else.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not being fat works well, m8.
I am a rude faggot to you, but that is the only chance you will actually take action, after being called fat from half the thread.

Stop eating ANY SUGAR at all! this is so important, since our food is flooded with sugar like crazy. Avoid softdrinks and stuff. Look up what the most sugared foods are. Do some workout and eat just less.
>it's that fucking easy.

This hard to loose fat on the belly is the result of sugar. Your body is not really fat, which is good. change your diet. And stop buying ugly dresses, looks like a fucking long sweater, because of that neck part.

>> No.10698583

If this girl lost 8 to 10 lbs. she would be muy deliciosa ayyyyyyy

>> No.10698592

you probably have amazing genetics for fat deposits - rubenesque

>> No.10698615


Nice denial names you fat enabler.
Good job being brainwashed, tumblerina.

>> No.10698625

Yeah, man! You sure showed that Blue Pill kekold who's boss! Keep fighting the good fight, my Red Pill brother! I am not from Reddit!

>> No.10698628

>implying it's me
>implying you're bigger than the dude on the pic

>> No.10698759

>Stop eating ANY SUGAR
stop reading from there. Don't listen to this retard. Consume less sugar, both your body, especially your brain needs glucose to run even the most simple of functions, ATP.

>> No.10698761

lol in the mirror you can see your disgusting kankles

>> No.10698770

Also, not many people don't know this, but over eating veggies and rice is the same as over eating a bag of sugar. The only difference between the two is greens and rice has fiber, while a bag of sugar is just pure energy.

>> No.10698785

You look like you have a nice figure OP.

I'm sure 10-15lbs slimmer, you would be a bombshell but for an overweight chick you aren't bad

>> No.10698795


I suggest you to watch this and also to go fuck yourself afterwards, m8.
The food nowadays contains enough sugar so that you almost cant avoid taking it to you.
>Stop eating ANY SUGAR
Ok, for autists like you, this is meant to stop actively eating any sugar, since you get it anyway, so awoid sweet stuff.

This, Its also mentioned in the movie.
Basically a balanced diet and some exercises will always be a good way to go. one should eat vegetables and avoid any additional sugar.

>> No.10698798

Your hips are lumpy because of the elastic in the underwear. Forgo the undies several hours before the party and drink some water/beverage to smooth out those marks.

Get rid of the necklace, that dress calls for nice bracelets and rings.

Your bra does not fit and therefore your breast fat is unsightly and sticking out of your sleeveless dress, I'm guessing you don't have implants.

Better fitting bra please.

>> No.10698849

This. But I wonder if that ass would stay perky when she's naked or if it's being held by the clothing.

>> No.10698876


It's a really unflattering dress choice.

>> No.10698880

holy shit underrated post

>> No.10698901

Top banter, mate. Thank you for that!

>> No.10698925

>stop actively eating any sugar
No bro, that's bad. Bad. You know the function of sugar is for the human body, right? Also I already seen the video. OP needs to just needs to consume less sugar.

>> No.10698957

I actually reread you comment, disregard>>10698925. I apologize.

>> No.10698970

Thank you, how nice and rare. Usually discussions get really ugly on every board.
Have a nice day mate.

>> No.10699057

that's absurd

>> No.10699092

In the short term. Spanx
In the long term diet and exercise.
Right now go for anything A line. Because your OP pic is giving me flashbacks to a dance lesson where my hand was resting on a roll of flab.

>> No.10699099
File: 669 KB, 750x1333, 20151207_081125(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ma'am, your'e perfect

>> No.10699206

> all this rage'
calm down babe

>> No.10699323

It really isn't. Basic biochemistry/biology knowledge. suffix -ose means the molecule is component of sugar. Greens are mostly made up of cellulose, or stored starch.

>> No.10699356
File: 41 KB, 480x326, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, try to ignore the negativity you're getting here. It often seems like the average skinny/fa/g thinks he's close to model tier status, just for being skinny. Rare threads like these trigger them.

I'd suggest a dress that starts flaring slightly above or on your hip and ends at the knee. Not sure on the color, sleeveless. Start shopping/fitting ASAP though.