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/fa/ - Fashion

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10685905 No.10685905 [Reply] [Original]

/thinspo/ general

what have you eaten today fa??

FAQ/glossary/links: http://hastebin.com/raw/qanedewaki

>> No.10685918
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>> No.10685919
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>> No.10685920
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>> No.10685924
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>> No.10685927
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>> No.10685928
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>> No.10685994
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6'4" 160lb

I don't even have to try

>> No.10686023

I'm 6'0 and 120 pounds as I continue to diet
So that's good, I think?

>> No.10686024

weak willed today lads

had an egg and toast for brek and then an egg and cress sandwich, so at about 800kcal already :/

>> No.10686026


shouldn't i be skinny as fuck? i look skinnyfat at best.

>> No.10686077

lol no you're prime skinnyfat weight

i'm 5'10 and 127lbs and im still in skinnyfat territory.

>> No.10686109

that's pretty skinny

>> No.10686120

I'm this but as a girl and I think it's way too fat

>> No.10686145


very lean with very low bf%, bench press is at 135lb right now and improving quickly

>> No.10686172

5''10 / 180cm
110 lbs / 50 kg

Im actually just too lazy to eat

>> No.10686193

Cute af.

>> No.10686205


>> No.10686244

lolno im 6'1 145 lean as fuck you must look like a jew

>> No.10686250

funny how this fit looks great just because hes skinny as shit

>> No.10686498


i was maintaining ~125 but im going for 120 now

>> No.10686530

>4 eggs
>3 slices lunch meat
>3 slices white bread
>1 large red-velvet cupcake
>2 glasses of water

Feels good, mang.

>> No.10686531

wow, non-retarded metrics
thank you anon for existing

>> No.10686545
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>> No.10686551

Nope. What >>10686077 said. I'm 5'10 130 myself.

Not if it's distributed in your tits and ass. Yes, if it's in your stomach, thighs, back arms head or feet.

>> No.10686585

187 cm
I gotta go down in wheight, any tips other than stop eating at all

>> No.10686587

any tips to get a skinny face, like those hollow cheeks and a more showing jaw bone

>> No.10686588
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check the faq in the OP

>> No.10686599

is this possible as a girl?

>> No.10686606

i dont know, i am not a girl though, but it probably is

>> No.10686609

a lot of its genetic but just losing weight in general helps, make sure to never mouthbreath (get in the habit of not mouthbreathing when you sleep) and hold your tongue on the roof of your mouth instead of the bottom

kinda yea

>> No.10686618

Holy fuck, he's got some disgusting sausage hands.

Get food poisoning
Do coke

>> No.10686652

are you serious, will coke help me lose wheight?

>> No.10686676
File: 1.31 MB, 281x272, crow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 years old
135/62 kg

3 pizza slices, 5 pancakes, two bowls of oatmeal, chicken w/ rice, 4 ham and cheese sandwiches, ice cream, 2 bananas.

played badminton for 1.5 hours.

dunno why i dont gain weight kinda hate being skinny.

>> No.10686712

Question: does anybody else have problems shitting while doing the eat less thing? BMI is 19 and I need to take off that last .5 but when I eat half meals my tract gets all fucked up, why?

>> No.10686865

Yeah, any stimulant will help because it suppresses hunger and will keep you active. Just remember to drink water

>> No.10686877

I'm you're weight and 7 inches taller and im still trying to lose 5 more, for perspective

>> No.10686880

175cm, 58 kg, girl. Been eating 500-700 kcals/ day for 2 weeks or more and i can see a slight improvement, the fat in my face is slowly getting down. So it might be possible but it all depends on genetics and your own facial bone structure.

>> No.10686883

It would, but I'd advice just to use another stimulant drug like amphetamines( see:adderall). Safer, easier to get, cheaper, and you might actually do some studying while on it, too.

>> No.10686892
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>> No.10686902


>> No.10686912


Also had this issue and doing intermittent fasting. Drinking lots of water helped tackling the constipation for me.

>> No.10686914
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>> No.10686944



>> No.10686962

Tfw 5"9' / 121lbs and hourglass shaped.
Do I still have a chance to be effay ?

>> No.10687035

i'd lick yuris boipussi

>> No.10687191

I have lost 40 pounds within a few months but my face is still chubby and it doesnt make sense. I know the answer is to lose more weight but its very frustrating. Im 5 11' 150

>> No.10687294

Don't lose more weight or you'll become a skelly, start exercising more. you weight below average for your height

>> No.10687362
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>> No.10687458
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awesome job keep going!!!

this is not the thread for that shit

>> No.10687593

5'10 140 lbs but i still have a bit of fat around my stomach/hips but mostly my chest (man boobs) how do i get them to be completely flat? should i just eat less than my bmr and exercise? i think i'm hovering around 15%-18% body fat

>> No.10687623

Has anyone had any experience with abilify and weight gain?

>> No.10687630

also, i know this isn't /fit/ but advice would be greatly appreciated!

>> No.10687658
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Been eating quite badly the past couple of weeks, probably been on around 1500 calories a day but I do at least 10k steps a day. I feel so horrid, I think I may have body dysmorphia guys

>> No.10687715

anyone have experience with puffy nipples lol

5'5 manlet supreme 106 pounds and for the most part i like how my body looks, however i have very slight manboobs due to me being previously chubby, and then skinnyfat. theyre not visible when i have a shirt on, or a tight shirt but shirtless i dont have a 100% flat torso. i have puffy nipples which is really what amplifies them. when its cold and my nips arent erect, i actually retain my skinny look and it's nice but usually it sort of works with the slight manboobs and makes them bigger. is there any way to lose the puffiness or should i just continue the weight loss and completely lose my manboobs?

>> No.10688192

bump dor help

>> No.10688196

I found most my depression meds caused weight gained and stopped them, they were fuckin' with my head worse than my natural state anyways - but be aware some of them come with wild withdrawal symptoms.

>> No.10688230

Yes, just eat less. It's just conservation of energy. So you can either eat less calories, or eat a bit more and exercise. I'd argue that eating a bit more and exercising is a healthier way, but the end result is whatever your net calories are is what the progress will be.

>> No.10688235

you gay ?

>> No.10688241

cant really see your body but your legs are great

>> No.10688259
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Disgusting. What's the appeal on looking like a jew freshly escaped from Auschwitz ?

Here's what a healthy alpha male look like.

>> No.10688279

ew, im 6ft 141 lb

>> No.10688283

ew says the skinny fat loser.

>> No.10688292

all lean muscle senpai

>> No.10688336

So this.

>> No.10688348

auschwitz weakling still.

>> No.10688378
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Consumed around 1500 calories today.
6'1 150 still have a lot to lose When will my fat thighs go awayy.

>> No.10688426
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am I effay

>> No.10688461

Stop, pretty collarbones make me think gay thoughts.

>> No.10688479
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6' 140lbs

>> No.10688484

Not with those pants

>> No.10688491


>> No.10688499

stomach fat gotta go

>> No.10688768
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>> No.10688774
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>> No.10688779
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>> No.10688785
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>> No.10688787
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>> No.10688790
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every thread until you love it

>> No.10688794
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>> No.10688798
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>> No.10688801
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>> No.10688802

good stuff

>> No.10688807
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>> No.10688812
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>> No.10688821
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>> No.10688826
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way more attractive on the left
shoo shoo hungry skeleton

>> No.10688833
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>> No.10688842

im a grill, about 5'8 and 125 lbs. i have such a long way to go. its not so much my weight im concerned about, its how i look. my thighs are so muscular so my legs will never be skinny enough, my arms are fat and my stomach is definitely not how it should look. i stopped drinking soda and eating fast food. what else can i do to get thinner??

>> No.10688843
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>> No.10688844

looks delicious

i like both. these thin fuckers and that buff dude

>> No.10688848
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>> No.10688855
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>> No.10688862
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>> No.10688868
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>> No.10688873
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>> No.10688877
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>> No.10688884

tone up your muscles idk... show a picture so I can help more

>> No.10688888
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>> No.10688893
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you fucking

>> No.10688896
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>> No.10688906
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>> No.10688908
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>> No.10688909
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>> No.10688913
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>> No.10688925
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daily reminder to be careful

>> No.10688928

>having folders of anorexic girls on your computer
>being this much of a fuck up in life

you guys make me feel good about myself

>> No.10688937
File: 31 KB, 600x449, Melissa5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have pictures of the 2008-2009 /fa/ female tripfags. they were pretty skinny and cute imo.

>> No.10688945
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w2c boots wow.

>> No.10688954
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>> No.10688956
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this isn't the same girl right?

>> No.10688957
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that's all

>> No.10688962

>bmi around 18.4 and hasn't really budged for months
>tfw will never hit that 16 bmi

do I just do this DNP shit I see over in fit?

>> No.10688963

I always admired how girls can go beyond. we males can look great /thin/ but can never get to those levels while keeping fair looks. Beautiful.

>> No.10688965

oops meant this 1

>> No.10688992
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>> No.10689002
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fucking quints checked faggot cured my cancer

>> No.10689018

Right looks more fashionable (w2c sweater) but by god would I fucking rail the girl on the right.

>> No.10689446

okay i know this gets asked a lot but

whats the quickest way to get rid of skinnyfat?

>> No.10689458

eat <1000 and it'll be gone before you know it. Also, cardio.

>> No.10689472

eat below your weight maintenance calorie intake. Unfortunatily, it will probably take alot of time.

>> No.10689708
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not even jewish

>> No.10689715

Being skinny isn't in anymore, stop harming your bodies and embrace them. :(

>> No.10689721

>eat <1000
do that for long and you're going to wind up in hospital. even doing that for a week you'll be weak and tired as fuck.
don't do this, please.

>> No.10689793

been doing this
it feels shitty but i like it, i barely work out anyway haha

>> No.10689810

Holly shit reading this while in bed and doing those exactly wtf, how does it help though?

>> No.10689833
File: 64 KB, 414x625, 414full-andreea-stancu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss when people were skinny at fashion shows.

Being in isn't in anymore.

>> No.10689836


>> No.10689840

underrated post

>> No.10689869

what's the music?????

>> No.10690064
File: 33 KB, 870x960, 12122425_1082250101786290_2772824462895819747_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gained weight again though. Was pretty happy with this look

Any tips regarding water retention etc?

>> No.10690065

Debussy - Clair De Lune: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIsQPdC9YnY

>> No.10690072

Don't eat too much salt or sodium. So, stay away from pre-packaged stuff. But don't get too dehydrated, that's not something to mess with as it'll really fuck you up in ways you never know.

>> No.10690077

step up your game son

I've eaten nothing for about twenty days niw. I feel dizzy and sick all the time and my teeth are really loose

I've got my blankets and duvets and am just rolled up in them all on my floor, as I have a nap every few hours.I pretty much just lie here all day on my phone, only getting up to make strong coffee and go for runs.

I'm hoping to go for 40 days like Jesus

>> No.10690079

holy fuck anon mirin hard

>> No.10690094
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Nicely done, wish I had that willpower and time. I have to have some energy to get to work.

>> No.10690204
File: 63 KB, 413x580, 1448863145702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: People with tape worms, people who survived long sieges, people who were sent to labour camps under inhumane conditions, and people who were stranded for prolonged periods of time with no skills to survive in the wilderness.

>> No.10690411

post pic

Also seek help

>> No.10690684

why ythis bitch wearing 9 bikinis

>> No.10690696

For those who want to loose weight real fast, I recommend one of the most unhealthy diets:
Coffee, cigarettes and adderall.
Just be careful, cus I'm now underweight because if that.
5'10 110lbs

>> No.10690701

Sounds perfect
do you eat nothing at all for a couple of days or?

>> No.10690707

>tfw wish I had access to adderall or speed :(

>> No.10690711

I eat 1-2 sandwiches a day.
Ham, cheese, lettuce and tomato.

Also stay away from weed and shrooms, those make you fat.

>> No.10690716

Can I do this without the adderall? I'm on antipsychotic pills though which usually make you more hungry, which sucks. But today I ate two sandwiches and walked for an hour and it feels okay so maybe I'll continue...

>> No.10690732

I eat under 1000 calories a day and walk for about 2 - 3 hours a day yet I don't noticibly lose weight. wierd

>> No.10690741

You sure can, I only started taking adderall due to ADHD but only coffee and cigarettes dropped me about 20 pounds.

>> No.10690742

Thanks just made me lost faith

>> No.10690747

lose* sorry

>> No.10690751

im all about being thin but if you start smoking to lose weight youre actually mentally deficient

>> No.10690757


Then it's either you're lying/exaggerating one of those things or both.

Fucking idiot.

>> No.10690758

you're right actually
I smoke but I wish I didn't. it's disgusting and is isn't good for anything and it did not even make me lose weight it's just expensive and unhealthy as fuck and I'm pretty retarded for doing it lol

>> No.10690760

I started smoking due to peer pressure in high school. I'm sure most people here started because of that as well

>> No.10690780

it's not faith, its science

you consume less than you burn, your body switches to its storage

your body burns about 1600 - 2000 per day just doing nothing. basal metabolic rate (BMR)

your weight x 11 is usually a rough guess how much your body burns at standstill

let's see if that guy was 170 lbs, then 170 x 11 is 1870

3 hours of walk at quite a high pace is 900kcal

1870 + 900= 2770 minus food intake, is 1770 calories burned a day

a pound of fat is roughly 3500 calories so he would lose 3.5 lbs per week. 14 lbs a month, 28 in two months. 170lbs - 28lbs= 152 lbs

just a rough estimate
>this is not including differences in metabolism, !!!!!****how much you move during the day outside of that walk****!!!!!, which can be a __massive__ difference. I'm talking thousands of calories.

>> No.10690814

>hoping to go 40 days like Jesus
son you do realize Jesus most likely had more fat that you bc diets back then were mostly animal fat and so he burned that, youre most likely burning muscle at this point which is unhealthy, at least drink some milk or take calcium pills for ur bones and teeth bc ur bones gonna be super brittle by the end of this if this continues,

>> No.10690850
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Holy shit guys, this is too much, I always tough I was around 145-155lbs but I just weighted myself since a long time today and turns out i'm actually 134lb. (6'2 btw)

I know that most sound amazing for this thread but I'm actually trying to gain weight to get to that 155-166 range and get as fit as the ottermode physique.

It's just so hard to eat for me, and I'm aleays think I'm eating a lot but I'm really not. What to fo senpai

>> No.10690918

shit b8

>> No.10690922

You got more to lose friendo. Also body hair is the opposite of effay

>> No.10690935
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>> No.10690938

Ew wth

>> No.10690952

How does weed make you fat

>> No.10690988

i've been vegan and have picked up running ~10-15 miles a week for 6 months now

i am finally beautiful

>> No.10690990

rofl this is literally the ideal body for girls age 16-25

if you think he needs to be skinnier you definitely got body dysmorphia / self image issues

>> No.10690996


>> No.10690998

for girls?

>> No.10690999

I'm a girl lol

>> No.10691074

thanks mon

>> No.10691086

She's the best man

>> No.10691089

Go to Mexico, and eat like the locals. There is a reason why they are all fat.

>> No.10691094
File: 346 KB, 599x593, 1449514097639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips of truth

>> No.10691114

Lol, I can resist the munchies.
When I do weed nowadays, I resist my munchies (perhaps chew some gum) & drink water all night.

>> No.10691130

But its not fun to resist since food tastes so much better

>> No.10691131 [DELETED] 

I'm on a PSMF so eating about 1000-1200 calories a day of mostly chicken breast, greek yogurt, and protein powder. (a lot of vegetables)

5'8 and 145 pounds right now, but I look skinnier since I have intermediate strength. (Not that skinny fat)

>> No.10691139


pick one

>> No.10691153

Does anyone have meen pasta about fat girls and how they can newer be effey saved? Pls post, I need to keep my spirit hight.

>> No.10691171

I bet her ass it bony af though

>> No.10691177

You look great! Love your legs.
What do you usually eat?

>> No.10691184

>weed makes you fat

No, it doesn't. You are doing it wrong.

>> No.10691190

Dont worry about getting thinner legs. Only homosexuals like bird legs.
But do some cardio to lose fat and drink alot of water to lose that water-weight.

>> No.10691216

You will, after 3 months you will see differences. I'm on the same boat as you, but I eat around 800 kcals ( poor student here) and walk daily to uni. Also no food after 6-7 pm.

>> No.10691242
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>> No.10691248
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>> No.10691263
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>> No.10691278
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any good boots that aren't chelseas for skeletons like myself?

Would prefer something combat-y but everything i see looks huge and clunky and would make my silhouette weird

>> No.10691367

5'10' 104lb, get on my level fags

>> No.10691407

>for girls
lol how's that been working out for you?
not great right faggot?

>> No.10691475

1. 8 oz white rice 6 oz 90/10 lean ground beef with Greek yogurt/cucumber sauce
2. 4 tablespoon hummus, 1 oz pretzel, 4 boiled eggs with mustard
3. Repeat meal one but with 5 oz pork tenderloin
4. Two 5.3 oz Greek yogurt
5. Two scoops optimum whey, 2 tablespoon peanut butter, one banana
6. Usually fruit or more meat if I'm hungry, maybe a coffee

I'm 5'11", about 190 pounds. 32 waist

>> No.10691816

i want to get some combat boots too

>> No.10692570

5'9 110lb
Am I /fa/ yet?

>> No.10692705

Eat less if you want to lose weight family. That was like 2200 calories in one day

>> No.10692807

>women hate people who are in shape
>lanklets on /fa/ are this delusional

>> No.10692814
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Hey, lads. Could anyone give me some helpful advice? I've began taking evening walks in addition to the walking that I do to uni classes. I am looking to remove stomach fat and cop thinner thighs (too bad targeted fat loss doesn't work lol). Hoping to eventually reach 110 pounds (50 kg).

>5' 7" (170 cm)
>~133 pounds (60 kg)

>> No.10692817

I look pretty similar to this, any info on shedding that last bit of stomach fat?

>> No.10692911

Corcoran 978

>> No.10692925

get better underwear

>> No.10692934

literally me, no skinny fat tho

>> No.10693367
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>> No.10693372
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how do I look

>> No.10693387

as someone who lifts, defintely the goat normie physique, if this is you props man.

ive been lifting since February, and i could be much bigger but as a high schooler and someone who likes fashion i dont want to bulk (especially cause ppl will think im getting fat). really, my goal is to get to a low body fat and just eat at maintenance so im forever having a nice body in the eyes of teenage girls.

>> No.10693389

this is the ideal body for girls period

>> No.10693390

my goal physique even though ive been lifting for 10 months. i do it casually and dont want to bulk, so rn im tryna get a low body fat and just build as much muscle as i can so ill always look good

>> No.10693393


>> No.10693478
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is thin and hairy effay?

>> No.10693537


>> No.10693601


>> No.10693743


>> No.10693768

I'm in the same position. I'm only 20 and my body has started getting slowly covered with hair it's starting to grow in the weirdest places, such as on the shoulders. I'm removing the one in weird places, but then, out of all the following body parts, which would all of you keep shaved clean?

>> No.10693868

Is it possible to lose 10kg in 1.5-2 months?
How do I into?

>> No.10694107

eat 1000kcal less per day than you expend

>> No.10694110

Your belly is fucking hideous

>> No.10694116

Yeah how come girls can get such thinner legs? I rarely see a guy as thin as the pics you're referencing

>> No.10694117

Fuck off fatty

>> No.10694119

im light underweight (60kg, 1,84m), but i actually want to gain weight. but im too lazy to eat through the whole day

>> No.10694122

Too beefy not skinny

>> No.10694133

How much do you think i weigh

>> No.10694135

Perhaps wider-set hips? Male and female pelvises are very different after all.

I'm not considered fat by most people (165cm and 52kg) but I've never had a thigh gap even during my lowest weight (~47kg).

>> No.10694322

no I'm saying that you shouldn't change your appearence for the sake of pleasing retarded pleb vaginas, how insecure are you?

>> No.10694332
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>> No.10694361

similar pictures??

>> No.10694362
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Yeah, wtf is wrong here.
Fucking anorexic skeletons.

>> No.10694364

Shit anon

>> No.10694366

those legs fuck

>> No.10694753

been up since 830 am and i've only had a protein shake and fish oil so far.

I love psmf and ec stack

>> No.10694771


you mean stomach

>> No.10694776

What're people's goal weights and how close are you to reaching?
5"10 125lbs :/
Going down to 120, if I don't like it will lose bit more

>> No.10694819

drink a lot of black coffee

>> No.10694859

i think coffee blocks me up

>> No.10694860

lots of water and lots of coffee. coffee will dehydrate you making it more difficult given that you don't have any water in your system.

>> No.10694877

thanks senpai, was considering tablets or something, ill try the water

>> No.10694923

this doesnt look good

>> No.10694952


>> No.10694996

my goal is 140

I'm about 160 - 170 atm, probably closer to 170

6' , 31 waist atm

>> No.10695024

im 6ft, 140 lb, 28 in waist. im hoping to get to 130-125 but its hard getting those last loads off

>> No.10695057


>> No.10695061

Same! We're going to make it!!

>> No.10695137


trying to get to 120/54.4 too

>> No.10695149

Fuck off back to /fit/

>> No.10695293

looking to go to 165@6'9". trying not to fixate on a number and more on what it looks like though

>> No.10695302

i flipped the fuck out and went full crazy bitch this week
i haven't eaten since Sunday ~6pm, and that was just roasted veggies

5'5", 117lbs. i don't even care anymore, i want to see how far i can go

>> No.10695625

How do I make myself puke?

I've already tried looking at the WAYWT thread

>> No.10695656
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>> No.10695657
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>> No.10695659
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>> No.10695673

tfw skinny fat, used to be 60kg but my gf is near-forcing me to eat more

>> No.10695677

> gf forces him
lmao at this subhuman

>> No.10695678

use a warm end of a toothbrush. it's easier than using a finger bc you won't stop yourself
drink a lot of water right before trying
if you want to vom enough you can vom senpai

>> No.10695680
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>> No.10695687

if you have spare money you can buy some drugs for throwing up

>> No.10695696
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>> No.10695702
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Are veins effay?

>> No.10695763

6'2" 143 currently. 18 lbs to go!

>> No.10695859

just restrict, dont start purging cause itll escalate and get fucked trust me

>> No.10695960

yesterday: coffee, water, chicken breast with some steamed broccoli
today: coffee, vyvanse, adderall, water, 16 cigarettes

>> No.10695986

this thread is fucking gay

>> No.10695995

You guys make me sick as fuck. You are no different from fat people. You are anorexic. Go to the gym and eat or something. Im not saying be fat just be normal. Youll probably die soon if this goes on.

>> No.10696060

tfw when no veins... if i lose a shitton of fat (currently maybe 18% BF), will I get veins?

>> No.10696071

I'm trying senpai, but I don't have much of a gag reflex
I dunno man, restriction used to come so naturally. Never used to binge last year, hardly had an appetite

>> No.10696213
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i know im a fat fuck but is there any hope for me?? pls dump advice also

>> No.10696223
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>> No.10696233

Do drugs

Become a cum dumpster

You'll get skinny real quick

>> No.10696295

what are your stats?

>> No.10696297


seriously though, should i just switch to a 24 hr gym? so when i get off late i can go, and then hit the sack?

>> No.10696327
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why not /leanspo/

>> No.10696332


>> No.10696348


>> No.10696387

except hair color

>> No.10696393

>no way of surpressing hunger

Cigarettes, stimulants, or just drinking water are all options for you.

>> No.10696394

like height and weight? im about 5'7 and 130 lbs

>> No.10696399

how do u like adderall in comparison to vyvanse? do they both suppress hunger?

>> No.10696440

i think 115lbs is good for 5'7. bmi around 18, isnt too bad. that should be your goal, looks like you need to shed some lbs at the least for sure

>> No.10696454

personally i like vyvanse way more
i just take the adderall on days when i need a boost
vyvanse completely kills hunger for me with no jittery strung-out feel at all
adderall is a lot more physical and i crash harder on it imo but it does the job
adderall by itself kills appetite but only for 5hours or so, where vyvanse lasts 10+hrs

>> No.10696470

not willing to damage my lungs
do that already, but just have to piss alot

>> No.10696509

they both supress hunger yes. i use adderall more recreationally. will usually snort the IRs. good for a boost
vyvanse i prefer because it last so long. and you feel stimmy. it's sooooo easy to not eat on vyvanse
plug for benzedrex. can buy it at cvs and is a really stimmy otc

>> No.10696541

If you have manboobs, you're way over 18%

5'9" 160lbs 14% bf here and nothing jiggles. Lose weightm and exercise.

>> No.10696588

>5'9" 160lbs

>> No.10696720

I'm 5'8 and 145 pounds right now, but I'm probably around 14-15 percent bodyfat (I'm at intermediate strength level, not skinny fat)

My waist is less than 28 inches.

I'm trying to cut to 130.

>> No.10696831
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i am 5'10 130 and feel skinny-fat

>> No.10696840

you look skinny fat but your height weight is decent
do some core exercises & try and tone it a bit

>> No.10696905

i got to these and my heart started to beat fast, like i just had a close encounter with death

>> No.10696908
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I think the framing of the video make her look thinner than she is
She was a Victoria Secret Angel and had a normal angel body at the time of the video
pic related is a more recent pic of her

>> No.10696914
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wrong pic that was her in 2002
this is her most recent

>> No.10697168
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6'1 137 trying to lose about 5-7 more pounds. I really just need to quit drinking I think.

>> No.10697188

You don't need to quit drinking. If you drink heavily you probably eat a bunch of shitty food at 3 AM or have shitty hangover breakfast food. Cut that shit out. Drink a ton of water before sleep when you're drunk as fuck, wake up in the morning and go run on a treadmill for 40 minutes.

>> No.10697264

How can I get a bigger ass, without bigger thighs, while staying thin?
This is high priority due to my homosexuality.

>> No.10697274


Squats = Butts

work it, gurllll

>> No.10697287

literally same

>> No.10697313

won't this make my thighs bigger?

>> No.10697338


>> No.10697347

Glute bridges.

>> No.10697359

made me lol irl

>> No.10697382

6'5 176 pound, how much should i loose?

>> No.10697452

I'm a girl and I'm 5'7, 140 pounds at the moment but I feel like I should be 121 or less. Luckily I have a strange body and I do have a thigh gap atm, still my thighs and tummy are way too fat. Planning on only eating a salad today.

>> No.10697530

hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggg who is this

>> No.10697532

wtf is with americans doing this with their underwear. it looks stupid.

>> No.10697534


How much do you think this gook weighs

>> No.10697554

lmaoing @ ur life

>> No.10697617
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>> No.10697747

this kills the human

>> No.10697748


jesus fuck im out. go educate yourselves faggots

>> No.10697758

Stimulants like adderall or vyvanse or cocaine.

>> No.10697779

in the long run? maybe. for 1-2 months? nah

>> No.10697781
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Leanspo general?


>> No.10697819

You're in an eating disorder thread what do you expect. Stop being such a autistic fitizen
It's pretty clear what people mean when they say tone. Even if it's not technically correct, you should be socially aware enough to not sperg when you see someone say it

>> No.10697909

motherfucker looking like a ken doll. you're in the wrong thread, matey

>> No.10698194

you need lots of steroids for this. that guy is a pro bodybuilder.

>> No.10698252

I do not have an eating disorder ;)

>> No.10698268

i dont think you understand

>> No.10698291

anyone else get intensely irritated when they dont eat for a while

>> No.10698300

nah i just get tired as fuck

>> No.10698302

i get irritated after i binge eating (due to anxiety), when not eating i just feel sleepy

>> No.10698306

i just get tired and then a bunch of energy for no reason then tired again

>> No.10698330

how to tone up saggy stomach? Lost weight (12st to 9.5 st) and now im skinny fat and dont want to kill myself to sort it out

>> No.10698408

waist- 29
gw- 110
After uni, living at home with a puerto rican family, put pounds on me. It's literally so disgusting that I can barely look in the mirror.

I'm going to frequent here for some hardcore support and advice.

First off, how the heck do I get my hands on adderall without a script?

>> No.10698658

What are some good diet suppressants?

>> No.10698660

Sorry my bad

>> No.10698735

ECA stack
aspirin isn't necessary but it helps some people.
Also be careful and don't take too much, Ephedrine is controlled for a reason.

>> No.10698753

always amazes me how literally every chemical/medication/whatever you want to say recommended in this kind of thread is not available otc in my country

well aspirin is, obviously, it was invented here but you know what i mean

>> No.10699066

Lmao rupe you're fine.
It's Danny boy

>> No.10700071

5ft 2in girl and 125 right now.
I got a hell of a long way to go but I'm hoping to make it to around 100 or 90 or less.
I've cut down to a sandwich, a glass of milk, about half a cup of yogurt a day, and about 5 bottles of water a day. Any advice anons?