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/fa/ - Fashion

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10683877 No.10683877 [Reply] [Original]


My little /fa/iries, here's some tips on how to dress.

>> No.10683882


>> No.10683885
File: 84 KB, 610x458, wn4pim-l-610x610-jumpsuit-trippy-psychedelic-black--white-bodysuit-suit-cat-body-tight-dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some dresses how to trip

>> No.10683895


more tips my /fa/ggots

>> No.10683906

i dont dress for girls
i dress for the satisfaction of myself

>> No.10683910

thank you OP! wolo

>> No.10683921
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>> No.10683927

who gives a fuck what these sluts think lol, girls just want guys to look good in photos next to them, dress to be yourself, not an accessory

>> No.10683938

>>girls just want guys to look good in photos next to them


>> No.10683941

>a skater look but with a suit, and clean shoes though

is that girl ok?

>> No.10683942

women ar ecluceless

>> No.10683946

>girl who looks like a chimpanzee complaioning about short shorts

this video is hilarious

>> No.10683954
File: 19 KB, 217x320, just brenny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What qualities do you find attractive in a man


>> No.10683959

>tfw none of them likes rick owens
>tfw spend thousands to be /fa/
>tfw find out girls don't care they want confidence

just kek my fuck up

>> No.10683971

wut bitch I'm WOLOWOLO fight me

>> No.10683973

they literally don't know what they like.

you could put a good looking guy with anything they supposedly don't like and they would love it.

they seem to know shit about fashion, and in their heads they think the normal guy would look attractive to them, but it really wouldn't.

i'm gay btw so not even interested on what straight girls like that think what real men wear but that's what i think.

>> No.10683980
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Gotta love the skater look

>> No.10683988

Wanting a partner to rely on you is your highest quality to his/her fuck these girls lel

>> No.10683994

ah, i would say everybody is different. one must not be too rash to generalize everyone

>> No.10684008

>>music guys look good.
Literally confused whores.

>> No.10684021

british women (besides the black ones) are fucking deformed

>> No.10684042
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were all gonna make it brah

>> No.10684049

>still thinking coon-fi-dance helps
If you ugly you ugly nigga

>> No.10684056


Girls are memes man
Fashion is almost a meme as long as web someone ask you what brand you're wearing you pretend you have no idea, don't dollow fashion, and just found it "laying around"

>> No.10684064

Hate to say it but most of em looked basic as hell.

>> No.10684076


No, not all of us.

>> No.10684087
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>> No.10684098

Are there any actually good youtube fashion channels. All I'm getting is pleb shit

>> No.10684100

>karl lengerfeld

>> No.10684104
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>tfw no matter how much weight I lose, how good I dress, how much I better myself, I'll still be a small dicked manlet half slav-half kebab

>> No.10684105

'must be successful' obviously wants some poor scmuck to work his ass off to pay for her nonsense...

>> No.10684109

iD and showstudio

>> No.10684145

eugh this editing alone is making me sick, desu senpai

>> No.10684165

I dont want to sound fedoracore but in this day and age and with their being so many options, is a long term relationship possible? Women seem fickle and indecisive. That they would leave at the first sign of hardship.