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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 143 KB, 600x800, me on the left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10677239 No.10677239 [Reply] [Original]

Let's not kid ourselves here. He was effay as fuck.

>> No.10677244

oh shut the fuck up already

>> No.10677252

He's dressed in kukcore though

>> No.10677253

No seriously, if he wasn't a killer, I could have posted him here and he would have been effay.

>> No.10677257

No he fucking wasn't. Look at those shit awful boots (with no socks no less), no one on this board would be caught dead in those. And then that shitty generic GIT R DUN camo undershirt, fucking Wal Mart tier. The only thing that is decent is his haircut.

>> No.10677262

>The only thing that is decent is his haircut.
and his bomber

>> No.10677271

No, It's the way that his shirt comes down under the sweater and his black jeans are kinda laxed, and then his haircut.

He's effay you mong.

>> No.10677280

Yea okay, people that wear shitty chunk wannabe tactical boots are eFfAy bro. Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.10677287

His boots don't devalue his fit entirely and if you think that you honestly should put your head between a door and slam it repeatedly until you no longer have the mental faculties required to refute my claims.

>> No.10677310

>/pol/ shilling

/pol/ is the /invasion/ board

It should have been banned long ago.

>> No.10677353

You'd have been mocked off this board for failing the fashion 101 rule of matching your belt to your shoes.

>Shitskin brown belt
>Black shoes.

>> No.10677364

looked pretty effay while wearing that kevlar

>> No.10677365

I think OP is actually just literally autistic.

>> No.10677389

Par for the course for a /pol/tard

>> No.10677411

>mfw I dress in the similar way
>mfw not killed anyone

>> No.10677420

4chan is a shit hole

I recommend exiting your 4chan tab every time you open it,

no matter how many times you do it,

exit again

it's a sort of contemplative practice

this place can not do anyone good

>> No.10677424

>>>>>>>implying there are actually rules to fashion

>> No.10677428

What's hilarious is that he looks better than most of the posters here, yet he's just a guy in a sweater, pants, and boots.

>> No.10677446
File: 18 KB, 600x600, lowquality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are.

Colour theory
Matching your belt to your shoes

pic related

>> No.10677458

actually thats not bait

there are suggestions but there are no rules

>> No.10677486
File: 181 KB, 625x626, 1389505906744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm going to pretend that there are no fashion rules because I can't except that my cuccboihusbando dressed like he's mentally retarded and mommy forgot to put his outfit together for him.
>Not bait

>> No.10677492

belt/shoe combo is a rule

be autistic as much as you want

>> No.10677541

No there aren't. Those are just popular trends in fashion right now, that doesn't mean they'll be around forever or are the be all end all rules tou must follow to be "fashionable "