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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 530 KB, 2592x1456, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10674909 No.10674909 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that physique>fashion

>> No.10674912
File: 31 KB, 680x680, 1449098453205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ bullies need to leave

>> No.10674917
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You know it's true. That's why I've never heard an argument against it

>> No.10674930
File: 23 KB, 234x344, burakku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing that comes even close to be called back muscles
>Halo 3 poster

>> No.10674944
File: 2.51 MB, 286x258, 1382818810556.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That lower back

>> No.10674955

even if that's true
the person in that picture is clearly lacking physique

>> No.10675651

He's not nearly as bad as you guys say, except for lower back maybe... i would like to see your physiques since you're so eager to talk shit of others :^)

>> No.10675662

Same fag gtfo

>> No.10675666

Is it just me or does this look shopped??

>> No.10675671

I deadlift 4 plates and my lower back still doesn't look jacked it's normal

>> No.10675683
File: 43 KB, 500x663, 1448063892656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can have a good physique and be un/fa/

you cant be /fa/ without a good physique

eat less and exercise more lads

>> No.10675729

you look very top heavy op

>> No.10675741

>eat less and exercise more lads
No, you should eat more and exercise more, you need calories and protein to improve your physique

>> No.10675766

not if you're a fatass. unless you're really, really thin, an healthy diet is always preferable to enormous calorie intake to get "big".

>> No.10675770


>> No.10675912

doesn't change the fact it looks bad

>> No.10676092

Being /fit/ without being /fa/ basically perpetuates the dumb meathead stereotype

You can be /fa/ without necessarily needing to be /fit/, but if you are looking at attracting women, doing both probably couldn't hurt.

>> No.10676098

>gay goyim who hasnt heard about leg day detected

>> No.10676149
File: 33 KB, 456x342, ohyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's see you do it better

>> No.10676160

being in shape helps

not dressing like shit helps

crazy eh

>> No.10676169

That's the problem you only deadlift lmao4plate

>> No.10676174
File: 155 KB, 668x1190, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I seeing some jelly haters in here??????

>> No.10676182

hahah. get back to the gym, manlet.

>> No.10676186

Not just trying to talk shit here, but your waist looks really small compared to your shoulders. Arms look weird too.

>> No.10676194
File: 52 KB, 640x640, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. I'm a god

>> No.10676195

ottermode is literally the most you can work out while still looking good. I'm too small and should probably work out, but I'd rather look the way I look now than like that abomination.

>b-buh muh girls
personality / ability to not be autistic trumps both physique and fashion in that regard, and I don't dress to pick up girls

>> No.10676201

eg this guy >>10676194 is already a bit too big to look good, and I would imagine most of /fit/ calls him a spooky skeleton

>> No.10676223

Why not both?

>> No.10676233

?? broad shoulders and narrow waist is a good trait in men

>> No.10676242

you're thinking of women

>> No.10676245

"physique says fashion"???

>> No.10676254

You literally came here and asked for this. Its a fashion board. We like to look fashionable, that entails us being skinny so clothes look better. Being relatively fit is definitely fashionable. /fit/ and /fa/ should go hand in hand.

>> No.10676255

>Not being both

>> No.10676262

>trying to gain muscle or size on a 1000kcal diet

good luck with that :)

>> No.10676286

Calories doesn't always mean eat like a pig. I was skinny fat but started lifting heavy and eating at a slight surplus. I put muscle with not a lot of fat gain. It's called a lean bulk.

>> No.10676293

daily reminder you cant look good in clothes with bodies like these

>>10676174 (garbage ass body btw)

>> No.10676327
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Then why look like sloppy shit without clothes?

>> No.10676341
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>> No.10676345

Ottermode > Skinny > "Ripped" (all the bodies in this thread)

anything else is /fit/ propaganda or fatty batty whacky

>> No.10676348

senpai you no dis /fa/ rite? shaking my head to be honest
>>>/fit/ dat way senpai :ok_hand:

>> No.10676353

would touch butt

>> No.10676358

No girl will think you look manly or impressive even if she somehow desires to take off your assassins creed looking outfit, senpai

>> No.10676361
File: 53 KB, 325x506, please love me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i have a /fa/sique ?

>> No.10676366

Lookin juicy m8

>> No.10676452


>> No.10676858

No, I'd fuck yoI though

>> No.10676878

ITT: homos from /fit/ trying to tease homos from /fa/

>> No.10676885

how the fuck is this thread still up

>> No.10676901

People need to have a balance of both worlds.

The problem with 4chan, namely /fa/ and /fit/ is the tendency to go into extremes.

This is why we have skinnyfat dregs in modern couture. This is why we have slovenly, yet athletic dudes.

Somebody who is athletic, or at least physically fit, and who is able to put himself together with nice clothes is beautiful in my eyes.

>> No.10676918

nice vocabulary

>> No.10676951

>I'm 18 and I just heard this word for the first time a few months ago

>> No.10676967
File: 893 KB, 482x1066, rp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muscles are for fags

You literally cannot look good unless you are girlishly thin, pic related, I'm wearing literal garbage and I look better than every single meathead in this thread (and not just because I'm 6'1" instead of a muscular manlet)

>> No.10676980

I just heard it today, so that's why I said "nice vocabulary" unironically you fucking fag bitch.

>> No.10677338

You've never heard slovenly before???

>> No.10677385

you look fucking retarded and weak, no real woman would look at you

>> No.10677655
File: 75 KB, 524x585, 1448742834098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please tell me what to do to achieve this body? I don't want to go to /fit/ because there's too much autism over there. I have already read the sticky though, but eh

I'm 6'1 - 6'2 135-140lbs right now. I've always been skinny.

How many calories should I take in each day? What kind of exercises should I focus on?

>> No.10677663

You look fat lmao

>> No.10677669

you look like shit, dont talk about thin people looking good when you look like that. youre making god tier skinny people like me look bad

>> No.10677673

u need to be 5'7 to achieve this

>> No.10677680
File: 49 KB, 472x590, 1448743047974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why? I know manlets have it easier to get "defined", but there most be a way for us lanklets. I want to get model-tier, not anything to brag just something like pic related f a m

>> No.10677682

what if I'm 5'7 though?

>> No.10677685


>> No.10677694
File: 31 KB, 274x365, 1448742867658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideal body


>> No.10677698

This is what I've been going for for about a year, its a hard one to accomplish.

You're extremely skele right now so eat at least 3500 cals a day. Do a regular 4 day split.

Day 1 - Chest/Tri/Abs
Day 2 - Back/Bi
Day 3 - Shoulders/Abs
Day 4 - Legs

This is what /fit/izens call ottermode. One of the hardest to achieve but you don't need to use roids like everyone else on fit to achieve it.


>> No.10677728
File: 103 KB, 333x500, 1439844056112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot, based anon.

Imma need to go buy whole lotta food tomorrow then and stop being lazy with cooking for myself haha. I have to be honest ( T B H ) and admit I've been in a "real" gym before aside from when I was in high school ofc, and idk I have nobody to go with neither since I'm a loner and am a little afraid of the DYEL looks. Maybe if I go at night or something haha, but if I could cop a couple weights or something to do at home that'd great. /blogpost

Btw, what're the cons of using roids? Is it just the social stigma? and what do they actually do?

>> No.10677739

Just because you can't get girls doesn't mean other people can't. Face it, you are socially awkward and have an ugly face, which is why you didn't post it. Rather than have a shred of self awareness, you told yourself it's because you don't have muscles that girls don't like you.

> my entire life revolves around trying to make females attracted to me

>> No.10677789

>tfw balding so I'll have to get fit again before I can shave it

Why God? The fa body is so much easier to maintain and doesn't look tryhard.

>> No.10677859


Uh what

Ottermode is the easiest and fastest to acheive

You just lift for ~5-6 months then get a low bf %

>> No.10677875

he has very little muscle he's just shredded.

>> No.10677878

Mate look at the size of your fuckin noggin, the only thing I'm jealous of is the lack of knowledge in that big ass head.

>> No.10677955

You can get an effay physique by eating lean and exercising. Being a thick weirdo is not effay.

If you

>> No.10678083
File: 18 KB, 620x620, Get Naked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated post

>> No.10678087

Skinny fat detected. Enjoy your future gut overhang

>> No.10678089

You need a lot of cardio for that low %body fat & some simple compound workouts to build muscle.

Basically, eat healthy & swim all the time. Otter mode got its name from swimming.

>> No.10678094

You won't get DYEL if you show up on the reg & ask questions/get help from people who frequent your gym.

They catch a lot of flak, but gym bros are literally the least judgmental people you'll find in a gym if you're making an honest effort to better yourself.

>> No.10678097
File: 3.03 MB, 359x202, 1448888507867.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>broad shoulders
>good trait
you fucking what?

>> No.10678102

do not worry about your DYEL looks. nobody gives a fuck. lift for yourself and stay healthy bro. we're alll gonna make it

>> No.10678147

I would totally butt rape you, princess.

>> No.10678160

Implying a good shoulder to waist ratio is bad

>> No.10678177

I don't think that guy got the male hip to ratio memo.

>> No.10678180

All I see are exaggerated lats which simply look utterly atrocious. Working out doesnt justify a lack of taste. Goddamn drones...

>> No.10678690
File: 43 KB, 480x800, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay salty /fa/ :)

>> No.10678768

Mirin your triceps, care to flex that monster??

>> No.10678778
File: 55 KB, 480x642, tumblr_ml5v5hn7iX1rz8rr6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10678787


You play h3? BM2L here whats your gt

>> No.10678809

Good meme

>> No.10678864

nice knock knees

>> No.10678939
File: 106 KB, 500x477, 8188348703_fee60df0fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not both

>> No.10678955

>that hernia

>> No.10678963

Hey look another /fit/ crossposter flaunting his noob gains. I'm glad you put on 10 lbs and can squat your bodyweight now grats.

>> No.10678985
File: 57 KB, 480x800, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only for u senpai

>> No.10679010

>Click here

>> No.10679178

>he lift for a few months
>think he's hot shit now and not the insecure teenager he always was and always will be
>Halo 3 poster
>that entire room

No matter how much you lift you're still a manchild and everyone can spot that shit by looking in your eyes.

Never forget that. The aura surrounding you is the aura of a child.

>> No.10679216

jeff pls go

>> No.10679222

OHP 3 x 8
sunburn x F

>> No.10679759
File: 40 KB, 736x1110, e0e1f05730e405d5bd361a1a33b60913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me coming though.

>> No.10680082

Nice cock senpai

>> No.10680300
File: 26 KB, 304x400, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muscles don't look good in clothes

>> No.10680405

Lean but little. Abs on little guys is like big tits on a fat chick; no one is impressed.

>> No.10680411

A healthy diet isn't a caloric deficit unless you're a fat fuck. Read our sticky little guy.

>> No.10680487
File: 25 KB, 500x276, 53764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10680615

fuckin juicy traps how do I achive?

>> No.10680647


Not the guy you replied to, but my problem is that I do not want my legs to get bigger. Currently I'm wearing 29" in waist size for Nudie jeans, and I'd like to stay there. But everyone says DONT SKIP LEGS HURR DURR. Does it really matter if I skip legs?

I'm 180 cm and 62 kg btw.

>> No.10680706

This works to an extent. I lean bulked when I started, but now I'm a year and half into lifting and I have to eat at a pretty large surplus to have any consistent gains. If I don't eat at about a 500 kcal surplus I end up stalling out on lifts and hit plateaus until I up the eating.

I'm going for a much larger amount of muscle mass than the average /fa/g likes though. A lean bulk could realistically get you looking "toned" (skinny as fuck but with visible abs and pecs) though if that's all your after.

>> No.10680859

Gotta disagree with the calorie estimate. You can only put on so much muscle mass at once. An extreme beginner might see a two pounds a month muscle gain. In order to avoid gaining too much fat, caloric surplus should be just above the level required for that much muscle (with 3500cal surplus roughly = 1lb gain). That means ~400 over maintenance every day, or around 2300 for a sedentary anon plus maybe 150 for every gym sesh, so 2500/day.

3500 is very very very hard to manage. I'm having enough trouble just eating 2200 after a long cut on 1800/day.

>> No.10680956

the only thing this thread has proved is that I have knocked knees, thanks I guess

>> No.10680982

You're a walking sack of cheese

>> No.10681087


>> No.10681317


>> No.10681345


>> No.10681917

>starve yourself like an idiot

>> No.10681945

Daily reminder that actually learning how to fight > aesthetic

Hows it feel knowing you'll never actually be able to use that precious meat for anything practical, fuckdick

>> No.10681955

Daily reminder that owning a gun > learning how to fight

Hows it feel knowing you'll never be able to do anything else than scream like a little bitch when the shitskins pigs come for your ass with the AK, fuckdick

>> No.10681957

Owning a gun and knowing how to fight > owning a gun

Hows it feel knowing youll never be able to stand up like a real man against non-lethal attackers trying to jack you and your girl, fuckdick

>> No.10681964

>daily reminder
go home fit, physique only goes so far. you need to be fa if you want girls with even an ounce of personality.

>> No.10681966

this is true, i started wearing actually good basics and the girls just came out of nowhere

its dope, instead of scrambling after some girl i got my own pick of the litter. all because i updated my /fa/ significantly by barely doing anything

>> No.10681968
File: 89 KB, 480x813, IMG_20151005_095054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seagull girl here
fashion > fat muscles
manly men are disgusting
talk shit post fit

>> No.10682590

at this point you're /fa/ in anything you wear because body
is the ultimate fashion

>> No.10682628

>being a cloud

>> No.10682666

Let me blow you

>> No.10682671

As a girl I hate bodies like that so much, disgusting

>> No.10683266


>> No.10683962


We all suck at the first two so we try to make up for it with the last

>> No.10683974

elbows are the biggest part of your arms.


>> No.10683985

personality = fashion >>>>>> physique
that being said i want to start lifting to get as big as possible and only wear rick tanks shorts and geos

>> No.10684399

>thinking 4pl8s is good

>> No.10684402

ur just skinny tho. get some muscles pls.

>> No.10684422

daily reminder that physique means form, size, and development of one's body so even a fat fucking 5'3' manlet like yourself has a physique. It just happens that being skinny is a better one.

But I do agree, physique matters more than fashion. no matter how good your fashion sense, being a fat retard will ruin every fit.

>> No.10684821

This. Eating more and healthier

>> No.10684914
File: 598 KB, 673x680, TITS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of the hardest to achieve

>> No.10685450

>manlets only have good physiques because of the extra willpower the gain from their low self-esteem

>> No.10685592

How to be fat: the post. Pls go back to /fit/ with the fatties
fat, overinflated, ugly
super fat
Ideal body
fat and overinflated
This is all of /fit/
We are going to have to make way because you are fat as fuck
are you retarded? It's precisely the opposite. it's way easier to get abs when you are an overinflated doucheballoon. just like it's way easier to have big tits when you're fat. You've got it backwards. Getting abs and staying skinny actually takes hard work and dedication and is nothing like gorging on shitty food and then going to the gym to overinflate your muscles to the point of uselessness

I will live longer than all of you

>> No.10685598

>b-but you can't look good in clothes like this!

come on. yes, you will not be able to pull off the slightly homosexual/asexual, gaunt, YSL look, but even you God-King tricky ricky has muscle mass.

super skinny high fashion stuff will be inaccessible to you, but these is so much more to fashion than that. fashion, to me, is a way to protect/enhance an aura, attitude and personality and a super skinny physique isn;t essential to that.

>> No.10685622

wow is that pigfuck? he looks awesome now!

>> No.10685645
File: 41 KB, 500x294, 1428277486667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to thinspo the thread of the people who will die in a week due to anorexia

>> No.10685648

A God Hahahahahah
Put at least 40lb more muscle on and then you can think you look good
For now, fuck off

>> No.10685664

wow. fuck the haters, your body looks nice. workout regime and diet?

>> No.10685688

>it's way easier to get abs when you are an overinflated doucheballoon

>> No.10685693

Eh, to a point physique > fashion. But if a swole bro is extremely non-fashionable, then that is bad. But physique and fashion, bingo.

>> No.10685705
File: 354 KB, 674x478, ew wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice hair dude

>> No.10685706

I've always thought that brad looks amazing in fight club. does that make me gay?

>> No.10685711
File: 52 KB, 608x720, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh you fucked him right there m8, you fucked him good

the best fighting style is still parkour tho, i mean they can't hit me if im not there right

>> No.10685754
File: 208 KB, 1080x1070, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This triggers /fa/

>> No.10685774

she's cute but dresses like shit and looks like she's dumb as a fucking post

>> No.10685783

Daily reminder that it's physique+fashion

>> No.10685785

back to /fit/ - fatties with delusion

lol OK keep being stupid then. more muscle mass = more area for fat distribution = abs show at higher bf%

seriously if you think stuffing your face is justified by you cranking weights until you feel better, you may have mental illness. bigorexia is so rampant on fit that it's sad. you guys try to end up getting big and muscular but you end up as large pudgy lumps

the big issue here is also an issue with /fa/: people that take a personal pursuit (fitness or fashion) and turn it into a sexual pursuit to appeal to the opposite sex. these people are the fatties, these people are the people dressing by numbers on /fa/, these people are the ones that feel the need to cross-board shitpost

look at me - you will never be this thin again because you spend too much time cranking out unnatural exercises to overinflate parts of your body, hoping desperately to appeal to the opposite sex

>> No.10685788
File: 207 KB, 713x1412, IMG_20151206_094922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic lol

Bring on the jealous fatties

>> No.10685790

it doesn't
i just look and see nothing attractive

>> No.10686020

I don't think you understand how bf% works

you look like you are probably around 120lb at most. Maybe carrying somewhere around 12lb of fat on your body putting you at 10%

someone who is fit may be carrying close to twice as much fat on their frame because they also probably weight twice as much.

More fat =/= a higher body fat.

>> No.10686064

ewww smoking

>> No.10686087

that just makes it even more obvious that adding muscle mass and staying the same bf means you're getting fatter too

also I'm 155 with between 8-9% bf

>> No.10686090


>> No.10686131

do you mean "fatter" in the sense of carrying more bodyfat

or "fatter" in the sense that your just physically larger

>> No.10686138

0 muscle

>> No.10686155
File: 128 KB, 600x800, fber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are smaller than high school girls

>> No.10686183

>Underrated post

>> No.10686195

can a femboy be /fit/ and /fa/?

>> No.10686198
File: 34 KB, 400x400, anime nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can and should kill yourself

>> No.10686256

doesnt matter unless ur hot

>> No.10686259

my dick is thicker than those 4'6 she males thighs

>> No.10686670

post pics of your goal body.

>> No.10686949
File: 152 KB, 472x502, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat kids pls calm down. Dumb clothes won't help you

>> No.10687295

fatter, as in, they have more total fat in pounds

fatties detected - neither of you will post your physique because you're fat

>> No.10687411
File: 955 KB, 360x360, spooky laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>middle school hair
>middle school physique
>middle school camera skills

>> No.10687670


>> No.10687750

Ber this fag can't find any clothes that /fit/

>> No.10687827
File: 1 KB, 22x21, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ber that your BMI is 26

>> No.10687964

senpai this

>> No.10688087

this is the horrible truth. if you're skin or otter mode, you can dress like a homeless man and still look attractive.

>> No.10688664

I think you look way better, I also like guys so...

>> No.10689507

Need to work on those traps breh

>> No.10689511

not an excuse to dress like the shit you are

>> No.10689535

Tall and skinny master race

>> No.10689762
File: 517 KB, 1224x790, IMG_0461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awkward since they're right, don't be so sensitive.

>> No.10689872
File: 168 KB, 595x1117, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10689886
File: 106 KB, 919x804, ss+(2015-12-05+at+06.02.45) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/fa/ggots on suicide watch

>> No.10689915

no one mentioned his birthing hips? the jews really fkd u over with the bottled water man

>> No.10689929


>> No.10689933

knock kneed fuck

>> No.10689934
File: 2.68 MB, 1667x1137, JSUT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're face had more definition when you didn't care

>tfw you start working out and eat at moderation
and run a lot plus regular strength training

>tfw you start browsing /fa/ and your face literally becomes sloppy shit and start eating less and less even though that's not the fucking reason your face is so disgustingly feature less

Anyone help plz

I really don't understand my fucking body

>> No.10689936

you have the most punchable face

>> No.10689942


>> No.10690260
File: 174 KB, 563x898, 1449441712306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not fat but working on goal body. Pic related. You just lowered your body fat and will be pleased with just that. Disgrace 0 muscle maggot.

>> No.10690271


>> No.10691123

let me guess you've never had abs before?

>> No.10691136


Looks like you hit puberty.

>> No.10691827


>> No.10691881

Steal Tom Hardy's genetics

>> No.10691913

nice hips gynofag

>> No.10691984

what a fucking meme
the guy has a smooth athletic body
you shit for brains and probably not abs

>> No.10692011

your upper chest is like super long? makes your chest look small
veins on abs tho.

>> No.10693093
File: 387 KB, 979x1306, IMG_0800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it looks huge in that pic, lighting and angle I think.

>> No.10693211

why would you censor that

>> No.10693320

posting half nude was bad enough, not about to show blatant cock outline desu

>> No.10693676

This doesn't look very good.

>> No.10693683

I use to love it when DG wasn't meme yet.

>> No.10693751

>has nice female attributes
>ruins them with abs
>is a slut
it does trigger me because its wasted potential

>> No.10693916

Roids speed up your process but you still need to work very hard to get big. They can hurt you without proper moderation.
Reddit.com/r/steroids is your friend
Inb4 hurr hurr le reddit

>> No.10693918

you probably gained bodyfat bro. Also, just because you don't care doesn't mean you were gaining. I wouldn't be surprised if you often ate less than your calories burnt per day so the days you carelessly ate way over just balanced it out

>> No.10694160
File: 191 KB, 1066x800, tumblr_nhw5327wjQ1u7hig7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skip legday
>look like pic related in a couple of months