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10659106 No.10659106 [Reply] [Original]

What are the secrets to aging well, /fa/?

>> No.10659117

Diet fitness genetics

>> No.10659125

Genetics play the biggest part, but you can also workout, eat clean, and not drink/smoke and hope for the best desu.

That's basically it.

>> No.10659133

don't be a girl kek

>> No.10659134

be asian

>> No.10659147

Pretty much this, but skincare and surgery can also do a lot.

>> No.10659151

Lift weights, that can help

Don't smoke cigs

>> No.10659179

>tfw my dad and all my uncles aged well

>> No.10659186

Don't tan, exercise, eat well, don't stress, and get plastic surgery if necessary.

>> No.10659194

sun cream every single day is the main one. but also a vegan diet should help. and dont smoke or have a stressful job

>> No.10659220


>> No.10660453


this desu

after 23 it's all down hill from there

>> No.10660852

being a millionaire with good genetics helps.

>> No.10660897

Cold showers

>> No.10660907

How so? Heard its great for the skin but care to elaborate?

>> No.10660928

don't drink don't smoke xD

>> No.10660931


>> No.10660933

That's pretty much it

Also cold water has better healing properties

>> No.10660941

low body fat (like 8-11%, sub 8 and your skin gets fucked)
some muscle mass (especially in the shoulders and chest, but not around the hips or waist)
good hairline
always wear sun screen and sunglasses outside, if not a cap. the sun ages the face a lot
keep well hydrated with water and moisturize twice a day

>> No.10660985

Do you start them warm then cold or straight cold? Isnt it fking hard in winter? Especially mornings.

>> No.10661009

Bastard even got french manicure

>> No.10661017

pitt was a high school athlete and has always taken good care of himself physically. a healthy lifestyle really starts to pay off by the time you're his age

>> No.10661019

>ot a cap. the sun ages the face a lot
>keep well hydrated with water and moisturize twice a day

So nerds age less ?

>> No.10661084

how is the 2nd thing connected to nerddom

>> No.10661122
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perhaps anon meant NEET's age less due to the fact that they never leave the house

>> No.10661182

I need to know this as well. I am willing to try hot-to-cold, but there's no way I can do straight cold showers in the winter mornings.

>> No.10661187

Moisturize and avoid the Sun.

>> No.10661207

it's definitely better to do it during the summer

for winter will depend how you feel

>> No.10661230 [DELETED] 

By funding anti aging research

>> No.10661243

don't touch your face and stay emotionless.

no srsly,

Rubbing/pulling and smiling and curling of the eyes will accumulate damage over the long run and stretch your skin elasticity.

>> No.10661309


>tfw facial atrophy from not moving your face

>> No.10661346

don't be white.

>> No.10661486

salty chinklet detected

>> No.10662417

Better healing properties? What are you a mage level 35?
Cold water helps close your pores. Helps reduce acne.

>> No.10663112

Maria boy.

>> No.10663128

>>10659106 Diet, excercise and a fucking beautiful head of hair

>> No.10663205

itd be harder to go from a hot shower to a cold one, because your warming your body up and then suddenly making it go colder

so you'll feel more of a difference/discomfort doing it that way

>> No.10663209


>> No.10663226

>but also a vegan diet should help
please don't listen to this fag

>> No.10663236

try doing exercise before, some cardio n shit, your body will be hot, so you wont feel the need of hot water from start

>> No.10663298

The only thing that matters is that your bathroom is well-heated when you step out.

Never step out into a cold room.

>> No.10663416


Also having a professional photographer with a professional camera and some photoshop retouching helps too.

>> No.10663438
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Lets see I think the list goes something like
>cold showers
>stay out of sun if possible
>dont make too many facial expressions (mostly just dont raise brows to avoid forehead wrinkles)
>low body fat
>change pillow case every other day
>shampoo once a week depending on hair length
>stay active
>eat healthy
>something something facial cleansers moisturizers

Oh and don't use makeup

>> No.10663454

Raising your eyebrows doesn't cause forebears wrinkles. Stop spreading myths

>> No.10663467

Then what does?

>> No.10663468

Just like any part of the body, sunlight and terrible diet

>> No.10663564

But I notice them alot more after a day of eyebrow raising, as in, the lines are more noticeable for longer compared to when I dont and they're almost invisible

>> No.10663567

Being healthy. Not being unhealthy.

>> No.10663670

Drink more water. Your skin is elastic if your skin is still wrinkled after you relax your eyebrows, you're either dehydrated or older than you think you are.

Good Genetics > Good Diet > Good Skincare > Not Smoking > Exercising

>> No.10663679

>your skin is elastic
Seems about right, I'm 19, i'll drink more water thanks