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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 285 KB, 1280x803, top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10659684 No.10659684 [Reply] [Original]

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?

>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?

>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?

>Post a pic you like.

>> No.10659711

>be me
>Solid 8/10 looks
>dress reasonably well
>still shit personality
>people don't like talking to me
>I still have my clothes at least

>> No.10659715

whats shit about your personality?

>> No.10659730 [DELETED] 

im active in the local music scene and frequently throw large house shows and parties. i can handle my alcohol and drugs very well but i tend to not get super fucked up any more because it stopped being fun. i know all kinds of people from all kinds of backgrounds. i produce music and have DJ'd at mid sized festival and i am in a locally successful band. im working on an audio engineering degree at university as well. i have a qt gf with a good sense of style. i like what i got goin on.

>> No.10659738

I'm reserved & awkward.
I can overcome it for short periods of time if I'm trying to spit game, but I can't keep it up. Probably why 80% of the girls I've slept with has only been one time.

>> No.10659751


Does your breath stink?

>> No.10659757

This is me
sadly I'm only 6'

>> No.10659759
File: 596 KB, 1330x2000, Basquiat Crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?
I've been told so
>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?
Formerly successful student of architecture slowly transitioning to depressed slacker.
>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?
I never actively attempted to cultivate my taste or personality, so mostly a product of my upbringing and environment. (I'm really thankful for my parents' aesthetic and music taste, for what it's worth)
>Post a pic you like.

>> No.10659775

are u me anon?

>> No.10659789 [DELETED] 

>no, i'm more social and joking than I should, probably

>I live healthy, look decent, got a great runner's body, dress decently, but very lonely, not many friends, even less a gf

>it just happened. didn't dare to drink alcohol when I was younger so I ended up playing video games instead

I just wanna fit in now. fuck all the "be yourself" shit I got brainwashed to believe when I was younger

>> No.10659804

find someone you can be comfortable with maybe? it can be a one timer but what if you just hid your personality until you become close? i have a similiar case to yours and this method works fine for me

>> No.10659810
File: 45 KB, 463x450, 1448548476541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think you have an /fa/ personality?
Doubt it. I'm quiet and don't really care for others feeling most of the time. I only care for those I'm friends with.
>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?
I'm homeless, I sleep on the roof of an apartment and save my belongings at a friends house. Saving money + work doesn't pay enough.
>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?
I traveled a lot when I was younger, like 25 countries. I was bullied a lot as a kid because since we moved a lot I never got accustomed to the local cultures, thus leading to me only worrying about myself.

>> No.10659837

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?
I'd think so. Small circle of friends that I've grown up with and other circle that I talk art/fashion/politics/lit with. Decently outgoing, and if something's bothering me I'll drink a lot.
>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?
Last year of Uni, work at an art gallery that sends me to art fairs to sell art, have a job lined up at decent company after grad to do fashion/creative work. Very happy with what I've done so far.
>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?
Built it. I spent my teens never going out and constantly reading about art, fashion, or lit. Knew what was 'cool' and essentially faked it until I made it.

>> No.10659845


How does the "fake it till you make it" work?

How do you not come out as a tool and a tryhard to those who have known you for years?

>> No.10659853

I never talk about my interest / swoon about bands or movies because I think it's pretentious. in terms of clothing I also stick to well cut classics because I don't want to seem "scene".
I want people to find out about me but this never happens. it only led to people thinking that I'm boring.

>> No.10659880 [DELETED] 

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?

desu /fa/ms? maybe. honestly this is something I pay no mind, I'm just myself can't be more satisfied about it.

>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?

Lesbiancore College plebfag, going to lay off a semester to work & buy high fashion.

>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?

Style is about dressing for yourself not for the others.

>Post a pic you like.

>> No.10659890
File: 71 KB, 652x575, webcam-toy-photo15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?

desu /fa/ms? maybe. honestly this is something I pay no mind, I'm just myself can't be more satisfied about it.

>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?

Lesbiancore College plebfag, going to lay off a semester to work & buy high fashion.

>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?

Style is about dressing for yourself not for the others.

>Post a pic you like.

>> No.10659909

Being called a poser/tool happens when you claim a certain lifestyle, and are not committed to it or don't know what you're talking about.

Ex: a person claiming a skater image but can't ollie or have no knowledge about the culture.

In my case, the 'fake it till you make it' attitude wasn't claiming to be associated with a subculture, it was feigning that I was confident and very social. I did this right as I entered Uni and it's been the way I am ever since. None of my friends that I've known for years thought I was being disingenuous, they were happy that I was becoming more social and outgoing.

>> No.10659911
File: 11 KB, 172x236, planet of the apes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?
i'm really not sure about this one, but i'll divulge...

im talkative, but only to close friends. also i'm very open to speaking with strangers, but i hate forcing shitty conversations eg "how was your summer" that neither of us care to have.
Basically i hate people that ask you how you are but don't listen to your anwser so i try only to have "real" conversations. this creates a barrier for people trying to befriend me where i seem cold and distant but i just don't know what to talk about.
when i get to know and like someone, i can be super sweet but also super mean, but i rarely lie, or keep my opinion quiet.

>>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?
depressed fourth year student that oesn't really have any prospects after graduation despite haveing good GPA in STEM major. spend most of my time studying and my spare time watching movies, listening to music, reading, discussing shit on 4chan

>>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?
definitely a product of my upbrining
parents were always super into talking with strangers, but dad really DETESTS people that lie and pretend to be interested when they're not.

sage for offtopic
if youre wondering why i posted, its becasue getting these ideas in words helps me understand myself

>> No.10659943

Your major and gpa are useless unless you go out and find opportunities. Start applying for research and internships. Talk to your professors to get references or the possibility of grad school. Don't let your hard work over these 4 years go to waste, I've seen so many bright STEM kids that got too caught up in studying and student life that they never thought about post grad shit.

>> No.10659952
File: 206 KB, 1094x849, 1421144692742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?
I don't think so myself, but several people have told me I do
>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?
Depressed lazy bum in senior year of hs, spend my time partying and procrastinating
>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?
I never consciously tried to change my personality, so mostly upbringing and people around me

>> No.10659964

I can be quite dominant in situations, most of the times I'm the leader in groups, in the club people go where i go. Im not sure if i like it, but that's just who i am.

>> No.10659988
File: 701 KB, 1280x793, Cascades on South River, Shenandoah National Park, Virginia-X2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?

>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?
White-collar yuppie with extra money spent on expensive pursuits like engineering classes and weirdly expensive sports, dumb adventures like learning to fly, and socializing/womanizing. What very little genuine free time I have is unfortunately spent on here rambling because my self control sucks sometimes.

>>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?
Work. All work.

>>Post a pic you like.
Just got back from camping in Shenendoah, near the stream pictured (just a lot wetter/more gray). Worth it.

>> No.10660030

i tried pretty hard to get research for my 2nd and 3rd year summers, but my department is super fucking competitive, so i didnt' get anything. and now i'm all disillusioned about grad school and shit so now i don't know what to fuckign do with my life

>> No.10660040

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?
Somewhat, more no than yes.
>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?
Coming from a successful family, upper-middle class.
>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?
With my somewhat recently found passion for fashion I try not to change my personality, only my look. And my look matches who I am. I stay true to who I am.
>Post a pic you like.

>> No.10660140


>> No.10660155

goddamnit are you even trying to not live the perfect life?

>> No.10660176
File: 263 KB, 500x384, 1443051523302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?
ppl tell me im rly dramatic n look sad a lot but i also kinda make ppl laugh

>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?
broke but selling drugs n kind of making it

>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?
ifeel like it developed organically

>Post a pic you like.
this was a good show it was. ok.

>> No.10660182
File: 134 KB, 960x720, chicothedogg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?
Kind of boring. Loud around my friends but quiet at work and when I have class. Girls avoid me because I always look like im glaring

>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?
Go to class, go home, listen to music or watch anime (getting kind of sick of playing vidya), go to work, sleep for 6 hours

>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?
About halfway through highschool I hit a point where I was just sad all the time and started glaring at everything and became really isolated from everything I guess
It's not a personality im overly happy about because it's stirred people and girls away from me, so I guess its from upbringing

>Post a pic you like.
I like pic related :)

>> No.10660290
File: 71 KB, 719x719, hair.inspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?
Really outgoing when trying to make a good impression, altough all the girls ive picked up like this said im unreadable they dont know if im into them or not and this is probably the reason they started dating so yes i'd say i have a /fa/m personality.
>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?
In Uni go to classes hang out with friends and late night studying. Kind of cool i dont have to work since Uni is basically paying me to go in inb4 europoor
>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?
Really started working on it but realized that i have it all naturally so i gave in no effort either i was talking to someone important or someone who didnt matter. People like me because they think im mysterious and this is somehow intresting to them.
>Post a pic you like
started 3 weeks ago to grow this cut out and its going and fitting me really well

>> No.10660451
File: 64 KB, 460x693, BoisterousPenguinSlaughterer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?
Nope. I'm quiet around new people and pretty talkative around my friends.
>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?
I chill while playing video games and browsing 4chan, holy shit that sounds depressing. I have friends and stuff, so I guess I'm not completely hopeless. I still don't know what to do with my life, and apparently time is running low.
>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?
I grew up without any siblings so maybe. I'd like to become more outgoing that shit is hard. I tend to overthink things and I can't even bring myself to talk to girls I'm clearly interested in. I'm trying to improve though.
>Post a pic you like.
I, much like this bear, seem to have a traffic cone on my head and I can't get it off.

>> No.10660784

>solid 8/10 looks
>people don't like talking to me
yea you gonna have to prove those looks to us, haven't met a single >7/10 that nobody would talk to

>> No.10660790

>be me
>solid 6/10
>literally no personality

how can I end with my life, /fa/ms?

>> No.10660800

You can literally fix 3 of those if you actually made an effort.

>> No.10660808 [DELETED] 
File: 371 KB, 500x375, 1447444411565.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?
i honestly can't tell. i get along really well with my friends and can make good conversation and make clever jokes but there are some people i just can't talk to very well. usually girls i like lol
>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?
college student teetering on the edge of destruction by attempting to balance music and physics majors
>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?
i've never really put effort into shaping personality
>Post a pic you like.
pic rel

>> No.10660810
File: 6 KB, 125x192, 1412773721244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you already lost at life
what are you even waiting for?

>> No.10660834
File: 639 KB, 1425x1425, 1396930124914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?
Yes but only when I'm happy. I become an apathetic/slightly snarky introvert when I'm in a major depressive phase.
>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?
Socially things are pretty good however I'm single, depressed, jobless and need a car. Oh and I'm in a full time band that's good but I've been a band guy forever
>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?
Both, it is a reflection of how I handled my upbringing and me growing up or changing a lot this past year or so
>Post a pic you like

>> No.10660865
File: 266 KB, 1536x832, o-LOST-IN-TRANSLATION-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?
I don't know. Im a private person who usually keeps to myself but really opens up around close friends. I can be outgoing in situations; can fake it til I make it
>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?
Sophomore business student in college. D1 track/field/crosscountry runner. Most of my friends are teammates with a few close friends back home.
>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?
Have been pretty quiet all my life. Prefer very close friends to many acquaintances. Learned to do stuff by myself. Bullied a little in grade/freshman year of high school.
>Post a pic you like.

>> No.10660892
File: 292 KB, 3013x5329, IMG_5578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?

Probably not. I care a lot about everyone around me which tends to mean that no one ever gets that 'effay' distant cool vibe from me. Though being friendly is probably good enough.

>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?

Trust fund baby student. I go to Boston University and am one of those obnoxious fucks that lives in the Brownstones and parks his overly expensive BMW out front.

>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?

Entirely upbringing. I am who I am and it's a godsend that people like me for it. Or my money.

>Post a pic you like.

This is a picture from my Flickr that I took on top of a hill near my house a while back.

>> No.10660989

No. I'm essentially a NEET with nerdy hobbies: playing guitar, programming, daydreaming, drinking with friends and playing video games and there's nothing /fa/ about any of those things... but why should they be? I've literally never worried that for a second.

I just don't really see the connection between fashion and personality. Being /fa/ is superficial. It's fine to focus on the external from time to time, I mean your outward appearance is the first impression you make... but it has little to nothing to do with your personality, which is a much more essential part of who you are. I can't imagine being so committed to appearances that you let it influence your lifestyle decisions.

Nah I'm good... people generally like me, and most importantly I like myself so who fucking cares if I don't ride my teal dyed Arabian stallion into the sunset or play hackey sack with the earl of San Marino on top of the wing of a flaming jet.

>> No.10661222

>tfw great personality around people, but only after i've observed them and am comfortable with them progressively after a period of time

>tfw can't small talk and seem boring af to new people. Was so used to making friends through people I already knew that i can't make friends myself

>> No.10661228

good personality is something that is egoistical/funny
Anything else is meme tier

>> No.10661241
File: 169 KB, 909x1023, 1447355855692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?
Is recovering from severe depression effay?
>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?
College student, dog walker, involved in a bunch of extracurriculars
>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?
>Post a pic you like

>> No.10661267

Ever since I swallowed the Red Pill the quality of my life has improved. My life has stopped being a lie and I have been more enlightened. I have learned that women are not to be trusted, that liberalism is a lie, and that equality is overrated. It's so depressing, though. Seeing all the Blue Pills out there, just brainwashed and dumb.

>> No.10661276
File: 212 KB, 1920x1080, 1448713358919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?

i don't know. what is a fashionable personality anyways? i'm distant like a g h o s t so maybe

>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?

i have 0 friends. i dont like the people who want to be friends with me and the people i like are too cool to be friends with me.

i attend a prestigious uni and unfortunately i'm doing really average because i hate my major

i spend all my time alone learning new (odd) skills because that's the only way i can avoid feeling empty and like i'm a waste of space

>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?

even if i worked to build my personality, wouldn't that still make it a product of my upbringing? it would have shaped the desire to build a new personality, would it not? anyways i'd say the top 3 things that shaped my personality are:

1. born to non-americans in america
2. only child with no other family in the US
3. early use of the internet

>Post a pic you like.


>> No.10661278

University student, social life, always broke af
>if that isn't effay

>> No.10661312
File: 336 KB, 1200x877, 1431123748234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>personality type

>current lifestyle
ROTC uni-student (becoming air force PJ). Taking classes I enjoy because pretty much free ride. After I serve my time as a PJ I will become a paramedic in wherever I please. I don't live very extravagantly although I came from an upper middle class family. Most of my free time is spent just making other people's lives better because das wut iz about mane.

>work for personality
I do what makes me happy and that is helping people. My parents were nice people but neither of them were the "champion of underdogs" like me. My personality entails working but I did not work to become the person I am today. I just did what I loved and went where my heart took me

>> No.10661323

The letters under personality type are from the myers Briggs personality test. You can take it for free online if you just Google "myers briggs test". INFP-T means mediator but you can read up more on the different personalities

>> No.10661464

Jesus shit we sound like the same exact person except I only have like three friends.

>> No.10661528
File: 150 KB, 496x640, Lancia Stratos Pirelli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?


I'm extremely talkative, outgoing and 'likable' among new people, but I mainly developed that trait in order to entertain myself and better my networking skills. I can be manipulative but don't actively try to.

I generally don't like other people, I'd rather be around people but they're almost expendable to me. Unless people are interested in collaborating or actually doing things with me I don't really keep around friends for more than a few weeks. I feel like people who aren't constantly changing and evolving are too two-dimensional. They get boring fast, just 'hanging out,' going out to get food or see a movie, that sort of thing.

Call me an elitist or an egotist. I'd rather work on bettering myself, being inspired by my own thoughts. I'm happy, and happier not feeling bogged down by other people. I have a few friends who each serve a certain purpose, but if they were no longer to share that hobby or project we would no longer be friends.

>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?

Working as a freelance penetration tester, trying to expand my business. Apprenticing as a leather jacket crafter. Making music and designs. Traveling. Working on and riding/driving cars, motorbikes, and bikes. Researching, reading. Make or thrift most of my own clothes. Backpacking, climbing, flying.

>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?

I worked on developing aspects of my personality for personal gain. I think that pliability comes from my father who instilled individuality and independence as what he believed to be the most important traits.

>> No.10661551
File: 276 KB, 568x594, 1406531249126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your anything like me, you'd want to start throwing yourself out there. It helps to be on your toes when tossed into the lion's den of social situations. That shit makes me shake for some reason, teeth chatter, slurred speech, its messy. It get's better I suppose.

>> No.10661566

I consider myself a realist.

I consider the real world when it comes to matters of politics, race, gender, and social issues.

I'm always throwing down the realness in every situation I am in.

>> No.10661571


surrealist here, fuck off

>> No.10661580

What's wrong, you can't handle the REAL?

How can you stand up for the surreal if it isn't . . . real? Stop fucking around and get down with the REALNESS.

>> No.10661581

Existentialist here. Why am I even typing thi

>> No.10661607

I used to be an introverted self righteous douche, now I became an extrovert self righteous douche.

I used to be the kind kid that was pushed to do several stupid things, mainly because of abandonment issues. I wanted approval from someone, so I used to do the most stupidest shit ever like stealing shit from minimarkets, keying cars, drink over pressure, do insanely dangerous drugs over pressure and such and such.

The thing about being and introvert is that is not something you can change, even if you want to fit to a certain group you will always look bad. And that's what describe my personality, I always have to host all of the shitty parties in the apartment I'm living in right now. People talk to me to go ¨hit¨ girls mostly making myself the fucking clown of the group.

Anyways, I grew up like this, and I certainly think that things wont change. Is either being the lonely weird boy or belong the weird boy that gets along with everybody.

Is not that bad, over the years I have found several worthy people around myself, people that truly care for me and would give everything to protect me in case something bad happens, and that's something most of the people haven't experienced.

>> No.10661620

I'm sorry for my gibberish, I'm kinda drunk right now.

>> No.10661624

>realist with politics, race, gender, and social issues
>code language for being racist, sexist, and classist under the guise of libertarianism

>> No.10661640

If you're an existentialist, then you exist which means you are into the REAL. What's up realbrah

>Mistaking REAL for racism, sexism, and classism
>D- do you even real

>> No.10661643

>I used to be an introvert, now I became an extrovert
>The thing about being and introvert is that is not something you can change
Please explain or clarify.

>> No.10661647

nice cut, bro! really shows your originality! :)

>> No.10661653

I'm kinda drunk, anyways, I've been forced to be outgoing (sorta speaking), Is common knowledge that people traits don't change over years, so that's how I described it.

>> No.10661768

>in a world with over 8 billion people.

>> No.10661874
File: 87 KB, 540x361, hair inspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"How do you not come out as a tool and a tryhard to those who have known you for years?"

Literally the only thing that I resent about myself right now is that I care so much about that.

I go clubbing overseas and at my friends cities and I'm a completely different person. I'm who I truely want to be. When I'm at home I feel like I'm still supposed to fit into the same sub-culture I was when I was 16/17.
>up until 13 skated, went to hardcore gigs, beach lifestyle with group of about 8 mates, 4 chicks.
>from 13-17, had to move to middle of nowhere, hang out with 3 nerdy white kids as everyone else was black
>age of 18 been reserved, working, not really associating with anyone, but to scared to thrive and be the person I really am as everyone I know will think I'm a try hard poser
Getting to the point of not caring about a lot as I reflect on the past and I get angry at what I missed out on. But the one thing I still care about it how every connection I've made over the last five years will judge me or the worst and try discredit my personality without knowing where I've come from.

Endless love to the person who helps me solve my dilemma, 12 months of reclusiveness and still no solution. I'm about to burn every bridge I've made and become an asshole desu it's making me resentful to every person who has held me down I'm about to break.

>> No.10661971

except that I'm an ugly cute 5'7 manlet lel
total hit with the fah chinks doe

>> No.10661984
File: 105 KB, 540x960, Snapchat-112607875932209614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think fashion is shit. Wear what makes you happy, not to be a dick. I live a strange lifestyle, still gotta figure myself out. I think my friends have had a great influence on my lifestyle, but excessive masturbation is not a good habit. Eat my rotten asshole

>> No.10662008

you are cool guy anon. see you in hell

>> No.10662501

Good lord, we're the same.

Some we'll get the confidence man.

>> No.10662886
File: 32 KB, 248x245, INTJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>not the most /fa/ guy in the world, but typically the most in the room.
>strongly opinionated and emphatic
>people assume I'm some tightwad elitist with an ego the size of brazil
>I'm actually fairly humble, if I'm allowed to say that about myself.
>I like plebeians when they warm up to me and vice versa.

I try to not be standoffish. Thats where I need improvement but its hard given my predispositions.

>> No.10663462

How do these plebeians warm up? elavorate

>> No.10663625

Once I get to know them I learn they aren't just retards and that they're actual human beings.

Its a pretty common English expression.

>> No.10663710

shit nigga

>> No.10663745

preddy much me, what's uur enneagram?

ive been into math since i was a child because of its aesthetic and ive learned to be humble about my abilities bc of the assumptions of people with high minded or aesthetic interests. who thinks im a prick?

>> No.10663858

I started an enneagram test but its too long and I really don't owe anything to a stranger so if its fine with you I'm just going to go through life not knowing what the results are.

you're as much a prick as I am thb.

>> No.10663999

>9/10 looks (pretty much everyone i meet tell me im handsome)
>most people annoy me
>don t have any friends i share my interests with
>try to find new and interesting people but rarely do
>smoke drink and smoke weed a lot
>i know girls like me bud i don t really give a shit about them

>> No.10664027

Me but I'm 5'10

>> No.10664048
File: 55 KB, 481x854, 12309404_898780030203791_123243442_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have an effay personality?
I suppose I do.
I'm very talkative and LOVE to hear about other people. I've got a lot of friends, close ones too.
I'm not afraid of girls, I'm comfortable with them and have no problems with them either.

>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now
A fairly active lifestyle.
I take care of my school as best I can, but I go party and socialize every weekend. I drink a lot and smoke as well, but more for the fun of it, than just for the effect.
I try to stay healthy as best I can, and avoid getting fat. I'm doing alright in that regard.

>Did you work on your personality?
Not really, but I guess I did in some ways. I've always wanted to be as good a person as possible and try not to step on others toes, but still not "fold" my own personality on behalf. It's about mutual respect.
I try to talk with everyone and learn about them, I make a deal out of it.

>Post a pic you like
Last weekend I took this picture with a friend of mine at a party, and I think it turned out well. She told me: "do your best model pose!". I'm drunk way past any reason, and it just sums up my life well. Drinking, socializing, doing what I want. Mostly.

>> No.10664050

>77 kg aka 169lbs
>chemistry at European uni
>Personality is too charismatic for /fa/
>try to better peoples' view of me, keep talking about my own flaws (not degrading) and open discussion when feel like it should happen.
>nopic hihi

>> No.10664085

ur personality is not effay at all if you are what you describe, but neither is mine because who cares about being some edgy autistic meme on a chinese imageboard :^)

>> No.10664094

What is an "effay" personality then? I mean, I thought it was "effay" to get along with everyone.

>> No.10664104
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I can't stick with normal people
I'm considered either snobbish, too boring, too wild, too serious or too vapid
they always have to say something about my looks, my likes and the way I express myself.
the only friends I have are my autistic ex gf, a teenage weed dealer and a girl who's always talking about how she wants to end her life for good. I have no fucking hope

>> No.10664129

effay sounds like being against sweatshop fashion (and everything that surrounds that ideology), yet maintaining alpha personality but being pretty introvert.

Or at least, that's what 'they' hope.

>> No.10664143

You seem like someone I would hate :/

>> No.10664158

And why is that?

>> No.10664239

what school you run for senpai?

>> No.10664259

this is me

>> No.10664559
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there must be some self-help book to help you with this.

Something I read somewhere had this message: People don't care at all about anything that you do. If anything, they will judge you in the present and forget about it when they come back to think about themselves. For example: when you start growing your hair, people will notice. But you will keep growing it, and growing it and growing it, and the day you cut it to the point where it was before, they will be shocked because they couldn't imagine you without your long hair.

I believe change comes from commitment. Commitment to a lifestyle, a moral code and a set of habits. If you commmit to something for a long enough time, it will become a part of you.

>> No.10664784

There is nothing more effay than a shitty, self-absorbed personality

>> No.10664841

I like to think that I have a pretty swell personality.
A bit strange, but good!
It took a while to be this way, but a lot of what you turn into is based off of your surroundings.

My parents are fairly opposite in how they act, yin and yang you know?
My dad, this rough and tumble skater from out west getting blasted at parties and taking no shit from anyone.
He worked hard to get where he is, grew tough out of a family that shaped him like a rock.
He grew smart out of neccesity, hating those that wouldnt think logically.
Dad was fucking data.

And then theres my mama, sweet and caring and will let you get away with a lot before she squares off with you!
Mother and nurse through and through, she was the woman of the house at 15 taking care of her father and three brothers.
She had a lot of of pain and it made her tough, but in the best way, able to take it all and take it with a smile :D
I took what they taught me and tried to shape myself around the best parts of themselves.
Yes, Ive had my own experiences that changed me but most of it is from them.

Ive learned to kind and calculating. I can be a stonewall and a cannon.
I wont search for a fight, but I will win it.

Life will shape you op, you just have to let it shape you in the right way!

>> No.10665035


>> No.10665096
File: 57 KB, 500x501, 1445912355602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lost all my close friends due to me pushing them back and not hanging out anymore

>spend all my time on different sections of 4chan getting more autistic by second

>recently became effay, makes me more unapproachable IMO because its different than everyone else but I do get compliments once in a while by people I know already.

>thankfully a 7/10

>no personality so I get no girls, from what I've seen you have to make the first move unless your an 8+

>can't grow a full beard, yet the shit grows back instantly when shaven

>A family member is severely sick, he is a former shell of himself.

>hold me senpai. Health and mindstate are everything, never forget that.

>> No.10665113

Youll get through it man, find yourself.
God is an important in fixing yourself

>> No.10665151
File: 794 KB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?
Depends on what you consider an /fa/ personality.

>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?
Sleep-deprived art student. Sometimes I go for a few days without eating a real meal.
>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?
A bit of both. I'm pretty quiet, though I'm a lot better than I used to be it's still pretty bad. I think that I'm at least somewhat well-liked. I care a lot about not making things difficult for other people, which I think has a lot to do with my upbringing. Although I've made efforts to be a little more self-centred in a good way, and to project confidence in myself
>Post a pic you like.
It's probably gonna be sideways

>> No.10665733

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?
Yes, I'm cool as fuck, I'm the dude who is never mad and who can talk to anybody

>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?
Making art, reading and writing lit

>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?
Not a part of my personality

>Post a pic you like.

>> No.10665743


>> No.10665749

I don't know anon. You seem pretty full of yourself.

>> No.10665766

I'm not very important. my one redeeming trait is that I'm pleasant to be around. So I consider myself cool as fuck no matter what. It's the one thing that mean people can't take from me.

>> No.10665773
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, Naganohara.Mio.full.550269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people avoid me
>I don't talk to them either
>minding my business at uni
>go home
>workout for the gains
>sleep tight pup

Gains and anime are my only friends

>> No.10665859

what? it's an actual style.

>> No.10665871
File: 12 KB, 357x283, 1436930704141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your style. I try to do the whole confidence thing, it works I guess. Although I have been called conceited, whether or not they were joking Is a mystery to me.

>> No.10665895
File: 796 KB, 980x504, white wine drinker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally no life living with parents in japan
>every jap is interested in talking to me
>dont like japs
>try to stay away from others
>dont wanna talk to people cause they remind me how shit my life is
>theres nothing i can do for myself
>at least i have my clothes

>> No.10665899

r u me?

>> No.10665903

>Raised by my grandparents cuz parents 2 busy cheating on each other
>Taught to avoid competition, embrace humility
>Today I'm an ugly fucking dumbass slacker who has never tried to excel in his life
>See kids at my college literally kill themselves over bad grades or not getting into a program
>As long as I have a skateboard, pussy and friends who gives a shit

>> No.10665932

I never tried to do anything and I'm still in computer science at my university.

It's sad to see hard working people fail to get into a program, especially when you're only studying to earn a quiet, comfortable life.

>> No.10665941
File: 514 KB, 1280x1920, https%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2F424b7ea0b01771f0c9993ff570bd7b21%2Ftumblr_nk4p5bzydp1r79qbvo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?
I work hard and try to make the best out of life. I'm pretty well adjusted. Can't skate, play classical violin, straight edge, I think I have a good personality but it's definitely not fashionable or 'in'.

>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?
College student, it's stressful and lonely but learning stuff in school is pretty awesome

>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?
I worked hard to get here. I have a privileged upbringing and never had to work for anything, so building a work ethic was difficult. I was raised in a traditional eastern then a more western environment during my preteen gears and the change threw me off a lot, I felt very displaced and still do, but don't let that affect my work and my life as much anymore.

>Post a pic you like.
Taylor Hill my favorite model :D

>> No.10665952

Art school...

>> No.10665961

i really like this picture

>> No.10665968

preach. my grandmother came from a rich asian family where the siblings literally killed each other for inheritance. One of my great aunts "mysteriously" drowned in a fountain...

As long as I have enough cash to survive and buy clothes I'm all good. My siblings can take my inheritance all they want

>> No.10665970


>> No.10665976

whats funny

>> No.10665982

i really
really like this picture :)

>> No.10666001
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>> No.10666019
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Probably. I'm on the quiet side and enjoy my tea and books, but I have plenty of confidence and do really cool things. (flying, modifying cars, search & rescue, volunteering, traveling...)

I spend most of my time on college (engineering undergrad) and extracurriculars. Free time is used for hobbies, cooking, and fitness. I drive home from college to see my girlfriend every few weeks. I'm middle-class and well taken care of.

Personality took a /lot/ of work. I'm naturally very self-sufficient but public speaking, leadership skills, etc all took a lot of work to hone.

>> No.10666034

I can outdo you all.

>Handsome Adonis
>Brilliant (would list e-credentials, but just fucking believe me)
>Dressed head-to-toe in haute couture
>Ineffably charming with the personality of Marshall Applewhite
>Graduate early and have Claptonian cocaine binges in my condo, even though I never touched drugs before
>Induced 7-month-long episode of Catatonic psychosis, couldn't talk, couldn't sleep, couldn't tie my shoes, couldn't multiply single digit numbers, couldn't even understand people when speaking. Levels of anxiety that led to several hospitalizations. Think Edvard Munch.
> Fiancee left me, withdrew from all courses, was in two car accidents (narrowly missed killing three pedestrians), smoke over a pack a day, live with parents due in light of suicide risk, suspended licence, look like an old leather bag now.

I win.

P.s. Stay away from the tooski

>> No.10666084
File: 1.00 MB, 1500x1945, pinnacleoffits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?

somewhat. i'm just me, and that me is constantly worried about the future, my surroundings; academic, social, and financial obligation, and about how i look. i've been told i'm sweet and nice by most girls, as well as attractive by a dollop less, even though i only consider myself probably a 6 with a slight jewnose, acne, and a slightly fat face.

>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?
one of repetition and subpar physical, mental, and emotional health. things look upwards or downwards in accordance to the seasons, school activity, and how my social life goes.

>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?

i can't really think of anything that has made a major change to my nature or personality, other than a few changes made upon my outlook of my situations, brought upon by the influence of friends and whatnot. otherwise, like i said, i retain the personality i was raised to have.

>Post a pic you like.

my favorite fit of all time honestly.

>> No.10666177

Am I fa, yes.
> wake up and rip a line a cocaine in the shape of the hieroglyphic first letter of the name of whatever slut I banged the night before
>shower screaming while fetal
>slam 40 mg of ketamine
>pick three from: shoes, socks, shirt, pants, underwear. Which depends on how good the k was
>snort two lines protein powder and 1 line crushed adderall ir for breakfast
>wipe all the dried semen and coke residue off of my pentagram tat on my neck
>sprint to work
>working tight sales job, on track to get a pay bump before the holidays because Sales are best in the branch and helped my manager with a paper jam.
>forage in the nearby traffic island for berries to consume for lunch. Drop 4mg xanax and 1hydrocodone to relax
>breaks over cocaine
>steal a bike and go home at end of workday
>put on my rick owens bracelet and take the bike to the local bars to get lit
>smoke crack on the way
>meet exclusively 10/10 babes take em back to see how I live and get based
>chug a bottle of Jaegermeister and break the bottle over my head
>cut myself by retracing the outline of my pentagram with a shard of jaeger glass
>head home with the babe
All in a fa days work

>> No.10667369

Woah mr edgy, easy there

>> No.10667401
File: 495 KB, 640x961, lel5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?
>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?
I'm a waiter who works three days a week and spend rest of time smoking bongs and reading plays/riding my bike
>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?
my family are plebs and my upbringing was plebby
>Post a pic you like

>> No.10667407
File: 1.60 MB, 1280x720, kars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a force of nature.

>> No.10667419

You are writing like one of those okcupid hipster girls who try hard to make it seem like they put zero effort in their profiles.

>> No.10667442


It means you are hot and they are projecting mistery on u

>> No.10667443

You are me

>> No.10667476

you sound like an uncultured bumpkin thb.

>> No.10667578
File: 158 KB, 500x367, kurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I left school and now I just do whatever I want without giving 2 fucks about what's to come. Might have fucked up my whole future, but i'd rather have fun now and die soon than going with the flow and growing old living like a normie ayylmao

>> No.10668239

I don't have a personality to begin with

>> No.10668260

>"live 4 today xDDDDD"

you are a normie you faggot.

>> No.10668283

>7/10 at best
>dress pretty basic, still getting funds to actual build a wardrobe
>pretty chill and open guy, very relaxed
>hang out with friends on weekends or days off of work
>all my coworkers like me because I like to organize shit, especially pur vinyl collection
>No gf or anything cause not good at overcoming the anxiety that comes with flirting.

I dunno I'm okay I guess.

>> No.10668323
File: 107 KB, 791x1023, 461-bloc-31-260708-CtyT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think you have a /fa/ personality?

Never longed for that, but I have no problems socializing if I have to, but mostly I don't feel the need. I'm also ok dealing with girls but it's hard to break the ice because I'm not very talkative, I mind my business most of the time. I'm well cultured in literature and other topics, maybe this can work as a bonus.
>What kind of lifestyle do you live right now?
I'm a student, waiting to discuss my thesis. I moved back at my parents' house and I don't do much else except studying, getting high and see friends.

>Did you work on building that personality or is it a direct product of your upbringing?
It's part of things I've been through, I changed much during the years, especially due to intense relationships I had.