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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 38 KB, 642x390, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10637890 No.10637890 [Reply] [Original]

What is the difference between R MFA and /fa/ ?

Please post pictures of WAYWT archetypes from both boards to figure it out

>> No.10637893

reddit is confusing as fuck to me

>> No.10637897
File: 66 KB, 636x477, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One is gayer than the other. I'll leave you to guess which one.

>> No.10637901

[spoiler]there is none

>> No.10637910

Redditors usually say the same about 4chan "it's too confusing, who is who?, who's OP?" Etc

>> No.10637917

Sometimes redditors got good fits. Faggots dont.

>> No.10637916

the two intersect pretty thorougly

>> No.10637924

>What is the difference between R MFA and /fa/ ?

Culture is the only difference.

>> No.10637931

Mfa is more of a hugbox. More normie. Seems to be mainly engineering students who want to dress better to get girls.
Fa is harsher and has more mentally ill people. (Drug users, anorexic kids, narcissists) Less normies. Lots of contrarians. Id say there are more people here who know more about fashion beyond entry level shit than mfa

>> No.10637939

I'd assume the basic fits tend to overlap, because trends tend to come and go and both reddit and /fa/ notice them, but even though half the time /fa/ is cancerous, it doesn't feel like the up vote fishing/one-up-ing party that reddit is.
I honestly can't stand the whole idea of karma. It doesn't feel sincere

There they spit out whatever they can to get up votes, here we spit out stuff to get b8.

>> No.10637945

MFA has a lot of old people and normies who think wearing a sport coat and wolverines is the pinnacle of fashion.

Fah is a bunch of fags who dress in memes.

>> No.10637946

instead of upvotes, we have replies
they both work the same way in that they're metrics of how much attention you've garnered
this leads to attention-whoring in the forms of karma bait or shitposts, both of which suck in their own ways

>> No.10637949


>> No.10637996
File: 53 KB, 600x791, IfEsug5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFA is reddit, so it's hated by most people here.

/fa/ is mostly edgy teens (see the survey) so they really like hating on things until they grow up, eventually.

MFA is populated by people who has more money and knowledge about clothing and fashion than /fa/ (yes). the mean age is much lower on /fa/.

it's actually quite strange that MFA is talked that much about on /fa/, when the /fa/ users are much closer to teen-MFA in age, budget, and style/fashion knowledge (slim to none).

it may be a controversial claim to say that MFA knows more about fashion/style in general, but MFA has plenty of knowledgeable users contributing - and /fa/ has nearly none left at all.

MFA waywt fits are usually made fun of here, but the reasons for this are mainly 1. cherrypicking bad fits 2. mocking good fits that are in a style most users on /fa/ don't like.

/fa/ waywts are currently attempts at modern streetwear, monochrome, pale, SLP, some high fashion (mostly meme brands), hints of sadboy aesthetic, and occasional failed gothninja resurrections.

MFA waywts mostly feature more "mature" styles like "dadcore", prep, plain dresswear, the now outdated lumberjack style, officewear, vintage clothing, "hipster clothes", some SLP, and classic and more discreet streetwear elements. also occasional high fashion brands and techwear.

/fa/: young. somewhat poor. experimental youth style.

mfa: older. a bit richer. more of a classic, safe, and "boring" style.

>> No.10638004

Did this nigga really put on a trip to type out an essay?

>> No.10638010

You kind of got it. Congrats.

>> No.10638014


>> No.10638032


MFA is people praising ryan gosling, david beckham and james bond. Their ideal is the generic "ideal male" or "rich, fit, and dad" that won't ever change, and that is a man in his late 30s, really fit, w an unkempt thin beard, somewhat tanned, combed hair, no tats, and married. It's not bad, it's just really basic, the problem is that 95% os those people know nothing about fashion and most of them also don't have near the looks to pull it off, so you see a lot of cringey stuff.

FA is mostly a bunch of angry young people shitposting so they can fit in the effay secret senpai clubcore, waywt posters are terrible and try to mask that up by replying with memes. It's closer to fashion since there is experimentation and different styles, but it's shit. look up r/streetwear, it's basically the reddit FA experience

>> No.10638046

Just go on lookbook tbqh

>> No.10638048

why make a post like this
fucking hell, YOU belong on reddit

>> No.10638050

Kom tillbaka för första gången på ett år, kul att se aatt du fortfarande är omkring STHLM. :)

>> No.10638053

not a new trip? stop saying nigger

>> No.10638056

I thought posting walls of text was a reddit thing...

>> No.10638086

I'm an engineering student.. and you're absolutely correct. There are always 3 or 4 guys in class who look textbook MFA.

>> No.10638091
File: 70 KB, 612x612, 33206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's quite hilarious to see how you get triggered by a longer-than-average post

yeah, that makes sense considering that most of the retards here don't have the capacity to read or write beyond 2 lines of text

beklagligt snarare. fly medan du kan!

>> No.10638102

by classic, you probably mean manlet faggot in a button down & red wings

>> No.10638108

not really


(top mfa waywt of oct 2015)

>> No.10638112

true but I feel that /fa/ can have better inspo sometimes and ideally would be more accepting of weird or uniqueness

>> No.10638132

Haha, är nog ingen fara. Brukar oftast lessna på folket här efter några månader i taget

>> No.10638559
File: 37 KB, 312x471, 1448072906880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they mad af tho

>> No.10638586
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>> No.10638603

ändra trip till fjollträsket

>> No.10638630

It's really the same as the difference between the sites. Reddit is the most square place on the internet, and their general sensibility is reflected in their agreeably-rugged-engineer-kek fashion.

/fa/ is more interested in fashion and the, I don't know, choleric way of thinking comes from 4chan.

>> No.10639276

They discourage the use of downvotes in their WAYWT threads

>> No.10639343

här, ha en le upboat :-)

>> No.10639357

/fa/ is younger. /r/streetwear is more similar

>> No.10639424


they're not the same

upvotes increase visibility, replies do not

>> No.10639427 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 533x396, plsmatt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peak /fa/ trip culture was late 2012-early 2014 around the world cup

senpai without the homo

s/o to lamy
s/o to john/abo/samson
s/o to turny-al-daesh
s/o to matt
s/o to mifune "that manlet never saw me"
s/o to yawn
s/o to uuuuhhhh "little italy"
s/o to trunks
s/o to poet
s/o to hated "im white xD"
s/o to og snapfam
s/o to ether gang
s/o to tinychat squad
s/o to rakuten crew
s/o to cringe boyz

>> No.10639432
File: 27 KB, 533x396, plsmatt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peak /fa/ trip culture was late 2012-early 2014 around the world cup

/fa/m without the homo

s/o to lamy
s/o to john/abo/samson
s/o to turny-al-daesh
s/o to matt
s/o to mifune "that manlet never saw me"
s/o to yawn
s/o to uuuuhhhh "little italy"
s/o to trunks
s/o to poet
s/o to hated "im white xD"
s/o to og snapfam
s/o to ether gang
s/o to tinychat squad
s/o to rakuten crew
s/o to cringe boyz

wordfilter lame

>> No.10639437

I've been browsing 4chan for 6 years and have occasionally browsed leddit for 2.

It took me like a week to fully figure out 4chan's userface, and after 2 years I still haven't fully figured out reddit's.

>> No.10639457

The difference between /fa/ and r/mfa is that one is on 4chan and the other one is on Reddit.

Look through it yourself:

>> No.10639504
File: 44 KB, 540x378, af34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I go to link and see all top rated and then click on new

>> No.10639510

Is this man and his face real
Show us

>> No.10639566

>peak /fa/ trip culture
Tripfag worship / cult of personality is absolute cancer.

Those years were pretty good for /fa/, but it certainly wasn't because of tripfags,

>> No.10639586

Both boards are full of kids who try to "fit in" while spending little money.

There are some really top-notch oldfags on /fa/, who know fashion and own lots of expensive clothing. Same can't be said for MFA based on their waywt.

>> No.10639631
File: 1.71 MB, 1345x2392, JlVRLjs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Initial reaction from the info like the color post and the waywt threads MFA is for people who what to look like everyone else with basic brown and black jackets. Also there was shit like this that got upvoted. MFA seems to be for people who can't dress and want other people who can't dress to compliment them on it.

>> No.10639635

brah, fags here will compliment that

>> No.10639644

No they wouldn't
You're my least favorite trip btw
You should stay in your own threads

>> No.10639648
File: 500 KB, 800x4496, hiJfB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10639653

Oh boy

>> No.10639700
File: 63 KB, 379x282, Putin Sneer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you need actionable intelligence; if you need to get something done; if you need a no-shit answer to a no-shit question; if you want to feel normal for once in your life: go to reddit.

If you want some cheeky banter with the lads and to ensure that you will NEVER meet the girl of your dreams, stay on 4chan.

>> No.10639705

The one with all the trap threads

>> No.10639710

Or 4chan will tell you your clothes/face looks like shit. Reddit will compliment you on your choice of colors.

good job the joke was 4chan was gayer

>> No.10639714

4chan will tell you your clothes/face looks like shit even when it doesn't.

Only exception is extremely attractive males, for some reason.

>> No.10639722

>i am a victim of rape, i posted my best outfit and got made fun of.

>> No.10639730

I have never posted a photo of myself on the internet. I just call it as I see it, m8.

4chan is needlessly hostile, but it's all about the bantz brah, all about the bantz. Some people like that. Redditors don't.

>> No.10639731

Suppose you post an average, mediocre fit on both sites.

4chan will likely tell you it looks like shit, pointing out its mediocrity.
Reddit will likely compliment you on it, in effort to build solidarity in mediocrity.

Which do you think will actually drive you to try to improve?

>> No.10639742


>> No.10639749

The majority of people (read: normalfags) cannot deal with that, m8.

Haven't you spent even two seconds on a fat rights blog? They will happily show you the efficacy of shaming tactics. It works on certain types of people -- they're the exceptions. And those type of people enjoy 4chan's culture.

>> No.10639765
File: 518 KB, 1104x4072, impIert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10639767

If there were a male equivalent of "basic bitch," he'd wear an outfit comprised of items in this infographic.

>> No.10639770
File: 535 KB, 720x760, nFxdDxR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These posts are all going through top and pulling the infograpics btw im not digging for this shit

>> No.10639773

Wtf is wrong with that, assuming it fits well on a nice physique its better than most retards' way of dressing

>> No.10639774
File: 523 KB, 1200x948, BQfIMZ7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10639779
File: 343 KB, 2000x1500, xP8xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10639784
File: 649 KB, 1000x3148, vlfNyaM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1800 upvotes for this one

>> No.10639788
File: 549 KB, 1106x3528, zSjSmTn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like they think they can pull off these looks. Atleast 4chan thinspo/skincare/hair and face threads are all very popular. You come here to see if there's hope for you.

>> No.10639790

>interested in fashion
>if a rapper or meme celebrity wears it

>> No.10639793

good basic for a basic style, no doubt.
most of this stuff will look not-bad, but not great, but certainly better than what most redditors (and 4channers) wear on a daily basis.

>> No.10639794


Literally the only good thing in that is the fucking nikes.

>> No.10639801

Actually not too bad. I'd cop most of that t b h

>> No.10639802
File: 319 KB, 1275x1650, ThzTAen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10639804
File: 658 KB, 2000x3000, NlRzEOp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same thing of who can actually pull these off

>> No.10639808
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>> No.10639809
File: 744 KB, 3021x2417, GWYYPz6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10639812
File: 319 KB, 1200x3237, uv0OmRi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10639820

the stuff being posted now is essentially the same things we have on Young Stalin

>> No.10639822

I'm not talking about "shaming tactics." It's criticism - cold, harsh, anonymous, yet sometimes brutally honest, criticism.

Besides, an outfit is something that someone can (almost always) improve instantaneously (within the general realm of their budget, of course). Of course, improving a whole wardrobe takes time - but, little bits of honest criticism in WAYWT can help it in the right direction.

Personally, I try to point out what people are doing right, along with what they're doing wrong. But, if nothing really works, then posters should be honest about that.

>> No.10639824
File: 22 KB, 250x160, IMG_20151123_152241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /fa/'s old infographics from 2010-2013 are the exact same before the current crop of 16 year old kanye worshipping edgy faggot millennials appeared

>> No.10639829

/fa/ is filled with those 1 in 20 assholes that wouldn't talk to you irl the way they do here.

the other place is how most people irl are

>> No.10639831
File: 1.06 MB, 1600x1350, h5zm7N9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10639833

stop spamming these
we get it

>> No.10639835
File: 32 KB, 320x320, afrt2534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10639837

yeah i've stopped it's gotten boring

>> No.10639839

But I'd say there's some value in hearing that perspective, since you'd never hear it out there in Obamaland.

>> No.10639842

was it really necessary to make this...

>> No.10639855

>They're all tiny twinks unlike a muscle bound freak like me

>> No.10639858

thanks though


>> No.10639860

saw someone wearing those today with a lime green outdoor coat with like a pattern with yellow zigzag pattern on it. Hes some frat bro women probably dig them.

>> No.10639862

ayy lmao

>> No.10639863
File: 156 KB, 410x232, How_Mac_Got_Fat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image

>> No.10639874
File: 2.30 MB, 1280x720, strawtengu lurks.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/malefashion > /fa/ >>>> /r/mfa

>> No.10639916

>not wearing those with some gonia on when leaving the house for class

>> No.10640488

This is all really bad except for like 2

Sure fa is retarded too but seriously?3/4 of this stuff hurts to look at. Especially that fucker with the manbun and all the amishcore

>> No.10640499

Are you serious?

>> No.10640505

this is legitimately awful

>> No.10640532


as someone somewhere said:

/r/malefashion is what /fa/ would look like with a downvote button.

>> No.10640535


Yes, I'm serious. Are you serious?

upvotes literally vote UP a post.

(You)'s just link you to responses.

>> No.10640541

Yes, and yes, but a long chain of replies attached to a post have a pretty significant effect on visibility.

>> No.10640546

I miss casie mod

>> No.10640553


reddit's interface significantly changes how discussions carry out

IMHAHOTBQFAT(in my humble and honest opinion to be quite faithful and true) reddit shouldn't be used for discussion in so much as the comments on a youtube video should

4chan 4ever~

>> No.10641286

lmao, exactly
this is literally the old shit on young-stalin
some are worse, some are stolen, but it's the same design ethos

>> No.10641339

true desu

>> No.10642009

You cannot deny the substantial effect, on the board those listed had,barr a few ano ns.

>> No.10642296

not really, lol
the only thing women dig about frat fucbois is their money

>> No.10642303

/r/mfa is basic dudes trying to dress well, /fa/ is a bunch of angry twinks draped in $600 black layers

>> No.10642310

styleforum.net beats all you poor little faggets

>> No.10643723

im looking at the cop or not thread right now on mfa and its pretty terrible

>> No.10643736

Do all of you post on both enough to really understand the differences between the two? I don't know shit about Reddit besides that gonewild is a million times better than soc.

>> No.10644076


>who's OP?

A fag

>> No.10644079

/fa/ is the only half chan board i visit

>> No.10644089

>le upvote 4

Not sure what you mean with mfa being rich though, all I've really seen from them is middle class men trying to step up their casual wear by wearing unorthodox brands

>> No.10644091

>"Today I'm going to visit the 4chan and defend my dearest reddit"

>> No.10644095


>> No.10644098

>angry redditor

>> No.10644099

Mfa is the kind of place that boring, techy guys who drive a new model econobox go to in order to dress for the opposite sex without feeling bad about themselves

/Fa seems more like a place with bants, more knowledge and interest in 'edgy' designers with plenty of narcissism thrown in.

/Mfa is GQ magazine and /fa is iD magazine.

>> No.10644104

Aren't those the /fa/ sticky guides from like 5 years ago? Outdated as fuck.

>> No.10644119

>more knowledge

you can't honestly believe that

>> No.10644126

The funny part is - they all look just greate, INCREDIBLY better than fa. Its so sad to say, but really, kek.

>> No.10644131

>more knowledge

>> No.10644228

lamy tha gawd rest in peace sweet aus prince

>> No.10644233

wow sensei

>> No.10644354


>> No.10644423

Go back to reddit faggots

>> No.10644636

but the stuff is good for a basic style as in boring basic bitch style.

>> No.10644671

>mfa being rich

mmm, yeah, no.
what I wrote was:

>MFA is populated by people who has more money [...] than /fa/

>MFA: a bit richer [than /fa/]

relative to /fa/, that is.

that's because /fa/ mostly only has their allowance to cop sicc fits for

>calls other users retards for being functional illiterates

b r i l l i a n t

>> No.10644683
File: 1013 KB, 2988x5312, THOrUZa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to FFA just to see if they're better than MFA
>see this on their WAYWT
>All Saints with Geos
Jesus christ. Fuccgirls everywhere.

>> No.10644695

Nailed it.


>> No.10644755

so it's either disgusting sheep normie wear or edgy fagcore? Is there no inbetween? :((((

>> No.10644782
File: 41 KB, 720x405, 934981_411773102271423_736561840_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to impress blue pill pussies of the "real" world (the community of their suburbs)
Play it safe, the boring style. Too bad they have beta face and look like faggots.
Trying to impress each other. More experimental, but we are all autists.

MFA is learning to dress unexpectedly. Really it's about fitting in. /fa/ is about expressing your autism. Wouldn't have it any other way desu

>> No.10644880

i dont like her pants and that top has potato sack silhouette,a skirt and leggings could work to transition the drape well,but goddamn you sound like a brand bitch

on the fashion front
The funniest part is that /fa/ "experimental high fashion board" is literally comparing themselves to mfa a board solely created to help unfashionable un-stylish people learn how to dress up for work and learn the difference between an ocbd and a dress up shirt.

The D-Grade Student bullying on the kid going for extra lessons.

>> No.10646043


>> No.10646269

both mfa and /fa/ are sad losers. difference is, /fa/ wears clothes that say that

>> No.10646817

accurate tb h

>> No.10646831

so now that /fa/ has gone to off the deep end where is there left to go

>> No.10646846

>Id say there are more people here who know more about fashion beyond entry level shit than mfa
Maybe, but the people here who know anything about fashion has got to be about one percent of the regular population.

>> No.10646848
File: 666 KB, 582x644, Screen Shot 2015-11-26 at 1.11.34 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are some scrub ass kids from my HS trying to dress fresh for Mock Trial.

I don't feel bad that they have shitty taste

>> No.10646868

fit on the right would be fine if the collar was tucked in, knot was smaller, hermes belt didn't exist, and those weren't cap toe shoes.

middle dude needs to ditch that sweater and tuck in his shirt and hem his pants.

left guy... i don't like it, but it fits well. again, hate the cap toes, but whatever.

maybe you can help them out a bit before their next trial.

>> No.10646872

oh, and i think a red tie on the right's fit would set the whole thing off nicely.

>> No.10646876

and i meant square toe, not cap toe. sorry lads.

>> No.10646883

what type of baller HS kid has a hermes belt

>> No.10646884
File: 38 KB, 102x232, Screen Shot 2015-11-26 at 1.23.52 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I only liked this fit

>> No.10646945

>everyone on MFA is a fat fedora wearing manlet
>a couple of people made comments to WAYWT threads saying that the fat manlets would have better fits if they lost weight
>fatties get salty
>fat manlet mods make rules against calling out fatties

>> No.10646960

>taking advice from a discussion board based around fashion
>fashion - one of THE most subjective socially decided aspects of life
>not just shitposting every and now and then

ya'll some losers

>> No.10646980
File: 913 KB, 750x1334, M7pqysZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> That last pic
> lunarcore as FUUUUUUCK without being standoutish.

>> No.10647178


>> No.10647182

That's some new shilling

>> No.10647549

That says more about you than about the site desu

>> No.10647642

I stopped coming to /fa/ after goth ninja stopped being a meme and people started to wear it unironically. Was genuinely surprised. Been here for all of the shitty tripfag drama like the one fag who talked shit and we caught him samefagging

>> No.10647653

ree? or who

>> No.10648753


>> No.10648891

where can i get the 4th graphic tshirt

the one with the dude skating thru the cementary

>> No.10648900

still better than what they usually post

>> No.10648905

it's probably fake

i've seen my fair share of fake lv/gucci belts around campus

>> No.10648910

this dudes from teenmfa

>> No.10649404

i fucking forget his name because he was a fat fuck with shitty hair. Cant make a worm into a snake etc etc.

>> No.10650616

>what is cherry-picking

>> No.10650774

ermm no? is just a disgusting nigger on fake geos

>> No.10650789

r/mfa has actual adults posting. However, most of them lack any interest in anything but smart casual looks.

/fa/ is filled with 18 year olds who not only lack taste, but also funds and confidence, which results in 99% of them wearing minimalist garbage, exclusively wear white, black and different shades of grey, call anything that slightly resembles a blazer dadcore and lack understand of basic tailoring and a shit ton of other things. I also think that this board houses WAY more illiterate niggers than reddit does. You can literally spot a black guy by his punctuation, use of lmao and his inability to capitalize letters.

styleforum used to be great but then most of the people realized that it was a shit page with only like 5% contributing and the rest bitching, which results in the most valuable posters leaving for other shores (or they simply stopped posting all together, who knows).

Pick your poison.

>> No.10650863

>coming here from reddit to hate on /fa/

jeez louise, you people

>> No.10650884

I only click on gifs/webms in pornthreads that have x+ replies, depending on the age of the post. 0 replies need not apply

>> No.10651140

These are meant for beginners as the title clearly states.

This is pretty good for a beginners guide who needs to redo their wardrobe from scratch. Obviously you'll need to build upon it in the future and figure out your own style.

>> No.10651155

definitely wouldnt, this is straight dad core

>> No.10651199

my eyes have begun to bleed

>> No.10651285

I fucking threw up.

>> No.10651291

go back to reddit faggot

>> No.10651307

>I disagree with you
>then I hate you, so I win HAHAHAHAHA
Stop posting, not defending fit, but just stop.

>> No.10651356

It's actually pretty easy i figured out reddit within the first couple days of me using it. I think you're just a tard

>> No.10651385

if someone you hate expresses an opinion you disagree with,
you feel something different from when someone you like does so

i support anon's right to post his feelings

particularly bc that trip is one i also find very annoying

>> No.10651600

Go back to getting touched by your dad, lel.

>> No.10651834


>> No.10651874
File: 843 KB, 3110x2073, fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're both autistic.

>> No.10651891

Can rock usernames and people are okay with that
Can use trips and people will shit on them. 4Chan promotes anonymity
Upvotes, leading to fishing
__________, leading to brutal honesty
Uni aged (and thus taste) plus dad core
Heavily Japanese streetwear influenced, hates dadcore stuff

>> No.10652649

>leading to brutal honesty
I seriously hope that the people on this board arent honest half the time. I mean, the vast majority of the posts are shit posts, right?

>> No.10652668

Shitposts =/= opinions

>> No.10652689
File: 48 KB, 1112x181, Clothes Make The Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10653401

I saw a guy ask wtc some basic shit but just because it was from a videogame some dude started spouting about anime clothes and referenced the black mannequins as someone who wasn't really in the know

All comments I read were shit. That was earlier today, first and last time browsing

>> No.10653413

Redditor's always whine and say that 4chan looks cheap and has a poor layout, which is weird considering the ugly Reddit layout.

>> No.10653504

Fuck that Innerpiece guy is a faggot. He's all over MFA, talks like he knows shit and can barely dress himself

>> No.10654643


>> No.10654660
File: 25 KB, 426x640, 12167131_1919493284943510_603315608_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brand name field jackets and not just getting surplus at super cheap comparatively

>> No.10654720
File: 1.41 MB, 1024x951, mSqs7uq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, reddit has really dated unfashionable clothes that literally only flyover cvcks wear. pic related from yesterday's waywt, utter trash. be embarrassed if you like it

>> No.10654726
File: 1.26 MB, 2387x4243, 5657905fc879dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same waywt thread I am literally vomiting at how dated and unfashionable and out of style mfa is

>> No.10654729

>that haircut

so meme

>> No.10654734

post fit

>> No.10654736

But this actually is fucking awful
>those boots
christ what a disaster

>> No.10654748

what does one of my fits have to do with a discussion of reddit's average taste exemplified in the pics I posted

>> No.10654757

mfa more entry level. it's decent

imo /fa/ better for more obscure/alt fashion.

both very autistic, but /fa/ is the angry side of autism spectrum while mfa is just clueless/overly complimentary.

>> No.10654773

sick monochrome lonely teen core, I just hope his grandma won't get mad when she finds out he didn't take off his boots before going into their living room

>> No.10654777
File: 10 KB, 172x232, 1407236969487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfa is for manchildren
/fa/ is for actual children

>> No.10654780

trips of truth

>> No.10654800

genuinely best answer in this thread

>> No.10654816

no comment on the equally bad if not worse >>10654720?

>> No.10654985

MFA is lots of people who don't know much about fashion, so they come to learn. as a result, there are tons of basic outfits (see the MFA uniform). Additionally, there's a lot less experimentation, hence the circlejerk over clarks desert boots, OCBDs, Red Wings, and americana. The voting system tends to make it a lot friendlier and supportive, which leads to some fairly mediocre fits and stagnation.

/fa/ is relatively more experimental, in that the outfits are often intended to emulate various internet trends and high fashion concepts, as opposed to just trying to 'dress better' or 'dress more maturely'. While the fashion over here is generally better imo, it's a lot less helpful and more incendiary.

>> No.10655615

That literally means nothing you fucking prick

>> No.10655713

/fa/ is such a hug box bubble it seems

the peacoat desert boots meme is as dead there as it is here desu, they aren't trapped in a weird 2008 time loop

>> No.10656432

>yfw this post killed the narrative of the thread

>> No.10656651


acceptable fits from left: 3, 5, maybe 6 if he didn't look so shy/awkward

>> No.10656706

>the fashion over here is generally better imo


>> No.10656830

This. Leave as fast as you can when you feel like you have your style figured out. I only come back here for the keks.

>> No.10656852

this nigga just posted a reaction youtube link