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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 74 KB, 650x455, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10624237 No.10624237 [Reply] [Original]

Post advice, stats or pics

>> No.10624293

Absolutely disgusting. This body is hideous.

>> No.10624295

Best way to lose around 5kg?

I'm 6'3 and I flutter between 63-66kg, I want to get down to 60, I don't eat much and usually I will have a small amount of plain yoghurt then grilled chicken and vegetables for dinner, so I'm consuming ~1000 calories per day.

I'm also doing sit ups and press ups, which I know will make me 'heavier' but I would like it toned also.

>> No.10624312

>I'm also doing sit ups and press ups, which I know will make me 'heavier' but I would like it toned also.

There's so much wrong with what you just said that I'm going to have to direct you to /fit/ where you'll be laughed into oblivion

>> No.10624327

I'm the same size as you. You shouldn't lose anymore weight as it becomes a health risk.

>> No.10624361

I'm asking for health advice on 4chan, I don't think being laughed at will make this any more humiliating. I do them each night along with a lot of walking, I'm not trying to become fit and healthy, it takes nearly no effort for me to not look like a skinnyfat hence why I do such minimal exercise.

>> No.10624373

I'm pretty skinny and I think healthy, toned, slim bodies look great

but if you seriously want to look like this you should seek psychiatric help

>> No.10624392

Ules you are auditioning for a historical film about concentration camps you should gain some weight, being this thin is not good for you, I was as thin as you are now and every time I caught a cold or got ill I was wiped out for weeks because my body had zero energy reserves (fat) to digest and fight off the illness, also I felt cold all the time so I had to wear tons of clothes which meant nobody could even see how thin I was, please gain some weight and get down the gym, you don't need to look like a body builder but it is nice to at least look healthy.

PSA, more girls (and boys if that's you thing) like a little light muscle than the skeletal look.

tl;rd beef up some and get that pussy/cock

>> No.10624421

I'm 6'2 and 64kg. Don't go any lower you anorexic retard, you're going to kill yourself.

>> No.10624448
File: 48 KB, 540x357, lucky blue 'can fuck my bitch' smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you've been in a skinny phase all your life

>> No.10624452
File: 168 KB, 500x692, Luke Worrall, Ash Stymest & Cole Mohr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10624457

man, ash was goat before he got fat

>> No.10624479

eat food faggot..

>> No.10625023

Make me, dick weed.

>> No.10625025

not thin

>> No.10625185
File: 6 KB, 190x265, perfect body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking faggots. What's so cool about being a lightweight little bitch? There is nothing "healthy" about weighing less than a little girl.

>> No.10625197

and here comes /fit/ with their repressed latent homosexuality

>this is disgusting! but there's no way i come here to jack off to y-your twink bodies, no way

>> No.10625203
File: 39 KB, 640x512, manorexia-anorexia-manorexia-anorexic-thinspo-male-thinspira-demotivational-poster-1276564538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disregard caption

>> No.10625208
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>> No.10625213
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>> No.10625220

This shit should be banned. Are you so brainwashed by feminism and jewry you actually legitimately think that anything more than kek core actually looks better on a feminized skeleton than on a well built man? Because it doesn't.

Just because starvation is easier than maintaining a reasonable build doesn't mean it makes you look better. Enjoy eating dick, faggots.

>> No.10625251
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>> No.10625267

Do you have morphans syndrome?

>> No.10625300
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>Enjoy eating dick

Yes please

>> No.10625359

I used to think I was perfectly straight until I saw all these beautiful well dressed twinks

>> No.10625360

>I'm not trying to become fit
Don't worry, you never will.

>it takes nearly no effort for me to not look like a skinnyfat

>> No.10625378


>feminized skeleton
>OP pic is a male skeleton

your words don't make sense

>> No.10625748

I have an apple in my bag.
Should I eat it ?
Only had a couple cups of coffee and some water today

>> No.10625907

do it.

>> No.10625935

What time is it where you are?

>> No.10625967

Yes. Pectin is GOAT

>> No.10625995

Luke > everything else

>> No.10626018
File: 88 KB, 540x540, 1445601229312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really dont think these threads are healthy or constructive, misery craves company so i can only imagine the self flagellating little goober who has to make these threads in an attempt to lure more naive young men and boys into his cult of self loathing and emasculation.

its a lot like what faggots do, they cant breed so the best way to produce more faggots is molest boys or indoctrinate them from an early age.

thinspo for women is one thing, thinspo for males is symptomatic of deep seated societal sickness.

>> No.10626045

shut up faggot, stop eating until u die

>> No.10626067

>gender equality
>actual mental illness that a post on 4chan wont make a difference

>> No.10626070

I'm all for thinspo, but this is repulsing.
There's a line to be drawn, and this is far over it.

>> No.10626099

marfans, dick head

>> No.10626112

>repressed latent homosexuality.

/fa/ calling /fit/ homosexuals. Holy fuck! the irony!

>> No.10626653


what is this, what are you doing?

>> No.10626663

>implying the kikes aren't in alliance with big gym and supplement companies.
We also look better in clothes. Sorry, meathead.

>> No.10626694

>tfw eating at 600 calorie deficit for a month and still haven't loss facial fat.

>> No.10626700
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What are best way to stop cravings?

>> No.10626703
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move over children

>> No.10626707


>> No.10626709

how to cop a flat stomach?
I'm a skinny dude, but have like a gross gut to me, and I need to get rid of it ASAP.

>> No.10626711

take a picture too little information this could be one of many things

>> No.10626712

If thats your body, maintain maintain maintain.

Really good shit

>> No.10626715

this is kind of fucked up

>> No.10626724
File: 28 KB, 500x491, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We need a pic of your belly. What's your diet like? Could even be your posture or lack of abdominal muscles etc

>> No.10626725

but anon im super self conscious about it, like unreasonably so.
that and i just ate so it's even worse and eck

>> No.10626731

I eat pretty much nothing but Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Saltines, Water, and Milk. I splurged a bit today and got a pretzel and small soda, but that's about it really.

Oh and Chicken sometimes as well, home baked.

>> No.10626736
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I like not eating


It's just got torso mate. We are here to help you look like your ideal body.

>> No.10626739

don't include your face this could help you

>> No.10626740

Double check your body fat percentage
after that look up stomach vacuum on youtube. It's a work out.

>> No.10626744



Lower your sodium intake for starters. Also try to stay away from carbs and empty calories likes sodas and sugary stuff. Anything above 20-40g of sugar is bad for you.

>> No.10626746


Pretty fucking obvious what your problem is senpai, you don't eat any fucking vegetables or fiber

>> No.10626747

i would guess it's not fat and instead it's something like bloating or worse

>> No.10626751

still look up vacuuming
its how to get a flat tight tummy

>> No.10626761

Gastrointestinal Symptoms
Anorexics may experience a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms, all of which are believed to be caused by malnutrition and underuse of the gastrointestinal tract. Chronic undereating actually causes the musculature of the small and large intestine, which churns and digests food, to atrophy. The anorexic may experience stomachaches and bloating as food sits in the stomach longer than usual. The constipation anorexics often suffer from is frequently confused with fullness, a feeling they use to rationalize not eating.

This delayed emptying of the stomach and the bloating that accompanies it can lead to yet another uncomfortable symptom, reflux. Slightly different from the "acid reflux" caused by eating too much spicy food that many overthe- counter medications claim to eliminate, this type of reflux causes food to rise up into the esophagus or sometimes even into the mouth, and can increase the likelihood of developing bulimia.

All of these problems normally reverse relatively quickly with weight gain.

>> No.10626771

>going full starving African child mode

I'll skip a few meals but doubt anyone here would go that far

>> No.10626813
File: 522 KB, 1200x800, supremeeck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perpetually sweating this, I'm like completely freaking out please help.

Excuse my slight body hair and shite quality

>> No.10626873
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Could be your posture.

>> No.10626958

holy shit
fucking listen to me
build up your inner abdominal wall BY VACUUMING
but yeah your posture might be off.

>> No.10626976

you can loose 30 pounds from a cokediet easily, its expensive af so your food budget is already out the door but its happiness

>> No.10627005

thanks, i found a couple vids, is there any set i should stick too? I've read between 10-20 but i want to do this as effectively as possible, for obvious reasons

>> No.10627131
File: 49 KB, 800x600, webcam-toy-photo9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what should i do to lose this i have problems controlling myself from food i used to be very fat 80 to 85 kg but i am now 70 kg but would like to improve any tips on how to lose it or control myself from eating i used to be really good at it for about 2 months but have lost my power to control myself as much

>> No.10627186
File: 58 KB, 583x604, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look around you. What do you see? More fat people or thin people? They eat KFC by the bucket loads like pigs. Now, you have potential with you body. Being thin is liking trying to be perfect, you'll never get it, but you will be extremely close to achieving it.

Track your weight. Write down what you eat and how much calories you're consuming as well as the sugar and sodium intake. Sugar is the spawn of evil; 90 g is the maximum amount you should consume. Never go beyond 2000 calories and each day, week and month try to lower it.

Most weight loss is about self control. If you need to starve away the hunger start drinking more coffee or green tea. If you think you're drinking enough fluids, you aren't. Cigs are alright but addictive. They will certainly help you if you're weak willed pussy faggot.

No one wants to be a fat shit and everytime you eat a cake or order extra fries with your meal you are failing yourself and are taking steps backwards in any progress.

>> No.10627192

im glad you survived the holocaust but you should probably go eat some food

>> No.10627199

Is it possible to enjoy stuff like KFC and the like while still properly maintaining thinness? I will admit I really do enjoy some Chicken occasionally, as well as some sweets very rarely.

>> No.10627202

maybe try eating three times as much food and lifting weights and become the hulk you were born to be

>> No.10627211

i have 6000 kj a day its just not working cut it down to 5160 using my fit pal, thanks man this is why i love you guys feels like a home

>> No.10627223


Cheating is still cheating. If you want to learn self control buy yourself KFC, but don't eat it. Just leave it in sight so you can smell it. The next day throw it away.

>> No.10627366

Current height/weights?

I'm at 5'11 and 128 but feeling a bit down on it.

>> No.10627373

whoops meant to write 5'10

>> No.10627394

/fit/ are actually the most homosex board after /lgbt/, /y/, /hm/ and /cm/.

no joke.

>> No.10627444

people do realize that clothes cover your body right? no one would ever notice whether you're a bit chubby or a skeleton normally. you don't need to change your body unless you're really fat/skinny to the point of health problems. or unless you're wearing summer clothes that show skin, in which, again, the only problems are being too fat or too skinny. no one wants to see a beanbag the same way no one wants to see a tree branch.
though i suppose if these threads help motivate people, then it's good as long as no one becomes anorexic.

>> No.10627508
File: 248 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'2 / 61kg

>> No.10628107

I'm 5"10 too
125lbs but in the process of going to 120lbs

>> No.10628110


>> No.10628117

I like the idea that people can find skinny attractive and muscular attractive, as long as it's still healthy.

The problem with this image board is it's crammed full with impressionable teenagers who take everything at face value.

I am almost at the point of ignoring all text and just looking at photos

>> No.10628168

>the only problems are being too fat or too skinny. no one wants to see a beanbag the same way no one wants to see a tree branch.

My guess is that it's less for other and mostly for themselves, although they probably do get girls(or guys). Attraction is fucking weird and plus most people here probably aren't looking for a sorority girl.

Also anywhere else they would probably be laughed at and ridiculed because everyone's told their whole lives eating food is the best way to good health as they eat pizza and pasta every day. People can't even accept soylent despite getting a good explanation of what it is.

That combined with self esteem issues or disdain for other people leads to not be comfortable with themselves, it's probably a way to differentiate themselves from others telling themselves that others wouldn't do what they did like >>10627186

>> No.10628184

that's basically my body at the moment, pretty happy with it

>> No.10628996

5'10 130...

>> No.10629008
File: 891 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_20151120_171919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10629478

what to do for thin waist and fucking massive hips? pls /fa/, need you.

>> No.10629480

Exercise by doing cardio for like 15 mins, do weight assisted workouts for 30 mins, then do 15 mins of core exercises. If you don't sweat while doing it, then you aren't doing something right
Start eating healthily, eat more proteins, vegetables, and fruits than carbs
That'll fix ur shit up senpai, doing what I listed keeps me thin and healthy looking

>> No.10629487
File: 2.65 MB, 1280x800, 2pooky.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks mr skeltal

>> No.10629525

Stay the same bc I would most def fuck you in this pic

>> No.10629603


>> No.10629703

Wtc undies?

>> No.10629761

Threadly reminder:
Three cups of vegetables and fruits can amount to the same number of calories as two chocolate chip cookies.

>> No.10629833


>> No.10630503


check out how skinny and cute Hannah Diamond looks in this vid

>> No.10630536
File: 673 KB, 1456x2592, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you're supposed to be any better? for fucks sake I'm 6' and 75kg and people tell me I look pretty skinny, I have no idea on how you faggots can survive. being anorexic is likely beyond awful unless you stay around the house all day.

>> No.10630718

you won't die with 5kgs less.

also metabolism and sleeping a lot and skipping breakfast because I prefer to sleep more.

Don't eat more than you need and have good genes.

>> No.10630732

i'm 6' ~62kg and still skinny fat

>> No.10630752
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I'm 54kg (~119) and 180cm (~5.9). I want to get skinnier and skinnier because I'm just not tall enough due to problems with breathing (oxygen intake matters). I think that being skinny somehow compensates for not being taller.
/fa/ggots, is it even possible to become a model when you're below 6'?

Anyway, I'm not anorexic or bulimic, I love food and I'm just naturally skinny, but just recently I started forcing myself to eat less and eat healthier. Not really doing a good job since I tend to eat a lot of fast food. So some days I eat just two toasts and an apple and another time I eat microwaved pizza for breakfast and junk food for the rest of the day - this one makes me feel super guilty, but not guilty enough to stop.
/fa/ggots, I don't smoke cigarettes, but I think I should start doing so, just to be able to mask my hunger with nicotine.

>> No.10630774

6'5 72kg need to get toned

>> No.10630775

>180cm (~5.9)
180 is 5'11

>> No.10630776
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>> No.10630781

6'2 and 64kg is well within the healthy bmi range please stop talking shit fatty

>> No.10630804


saying "toned" shows how little you know about diet/exercise. Stop doing it for your own sake.

>> No.10630826

actually that might be my bad internet english, understood the word as low bf & defined

>> No.10630828


stop sperging. toned is a recognized term for wanting to lose weight and gain muscle.

>> No.10630831

It's not. People will vaguely know what you mean, but people who accept it as a "recognised term" are not people you want to be taking advice from. Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.10630838


getting toned simply means losing weight and gaining muscle, you're only getting mad about this because toned is a trigger word on /fit/

>> No.10631076


>> No.10631100
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>> No.10631104

Why would you post this in a thinspo thread

>> No.10631106


>> No.10631134
File: 16 KB, 152x185, 1430626362053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like maintaining that takes a lot of work
mirin tho

>> No.10631135

Being fit doesnt matter when your face is that unattractive

>> No.10631146

"here in my garage"

>> No.10631167

ive seen the dudes face on fit hes handsome as fuck, like superman tier

>> No.10631260
File: 240 KB, 444x604, eBWFGSy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm also doing sit ups and press ups, which I know will make me 'heavier' but I would like it toned also.
>1K cals in a day
>thinks he's going to gain any weight

>> No.10631317
File: 66 KB, 640x960, d5d26570-1c38-11e5-8381-05fbafb8189f_GettyImages-478527030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is hands down the goat thinspo ever
i'm obsessed for this guy lately