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/fa/ - Fashion

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10615923 No.10615923 [Reply] [Original]

last one is long gone

what'd you eat today, /fa/?

>> No.10615938

small bowl of rice and some mints

>> No.10615946
File: 68 KB, 500x704, OneWeek-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three 400 calorie servings of Soylent.

>> No.10615951

3 eggs, 2 sausage patties, 6 cups of black coffee, 1 cold brew black coffee.

may have an ounce or two of almonds later. we'll see.

>> No.10615952


how is that going? i've heard lots of mixed reports on weight loss while on a pure soylent diet.

>> No.10615956

Nothing yet, waiting until it hits 8 so I can eat. Probably going to eat some chicken soup. Down 17 lbs since I started. This is so much easier than tracking calories, and exercise.

>> No.10615961

Wow, a skinny girl with big tits. How mad does she make obese "people," I wonder.

>> No.10615962

>This is so much easier than tracking calories, and exercise.

"this" being what exactly? intermittent fasting and not eating anything?

>> No.10615964


I exercise so much I will lose weight unless I specifically try to eat everything. I had six eggs and a can of tuna for lunch, and chicken noodle soup and fruit for dinner.

I think I might have a little more jaw definition now than I did two weeks ago. My neck used to slope upwards my chin, now it's less atrocious. When I get to ~10% I'll probably look pretty decent.

>> No.10615967

I eat about 800-1000 calories every other day, and fast the rest.

>> No.10615987
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>> No.10616046
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tfw no thin gf

>> No.10616078


how do you feel on your off days? i feel like you'd just be really drained and distracted by hunger.

>> No.10616100

1200cal master race

>> No.10616108

lol how old are you guys? i remember i bought into this thinspo shit /fa/ polluted my head with like five years ago too. then i realized shit's unattractive af.

>> No.10616152

So, guys I have a question for you that stick in these threads: How do you go on actively working on getting and maintaining a thin af body? Like, do you go through starvation and exhaustion and just endure it in order to get a skeleton figure? I have regular weight and want to try getting to sub-normal weight just to try some styles but it looks like the suffering that comes with it makes it not worth it and potentially unhealthy.

>> No.10616162

>do you go through starvation and exhaustion and just endure it in order to get a skeleton figure?


>> No.10616165
File: 115 KB, 500x679, freja full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hnnngg so cute!!!!!!!


>> No.10616184

its a big lifestyle change, you have to start liking and enjoying hunger, you will eventually

eat like 500-800cal per day or less if you can, allow urself one cheat day per week (purging optional but i dont recommend getting in that habit) but stay under 2000cal, do cardio, drink lots of water, then eat to maintain when you get to your goal weight (use a TDEE calc and either meet it or stay slightly under it), use myfitnesspal and manually set a calorie goal cause it usually way overestimates your required calories if youre thin, track all calories with that

>> No.10616190

>ITT: muscular atrophy and amenorrhea

>> No.10616198

>Apple, slice of pineapple, and some raisins at 8am
>Black coffee at 10am
>Popcorn at 3pm
>Salad at 6pm

I'll probably have a banana to finish the day.

>> No.10616202
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>> No.10616208

What do you guys do on your day to day? This lifestyle of eating just a few pieces of food seems to provide too little energy to have a normal lifestyle without compromising your health. I'm digging the looks btw.

>> No.10616214

I haven't noticed a weakness in strength after going from ~2,000 cal a day to under 500. I've been on this diet for almost a month now. It's been harder to wake up in the morning, and I sleep longer, but that might be because of depression which is completely unrelated to the diet.

>> No.10616265

3 cups of black coffee for breakfast, pop tart for lunch, small pasta for dinner with water
I'm skinny as shit and it's bc im just too lazy to eat

>> No.10616281

I do feel drained, and my mind is always cloudy. The hunger isn't a big deal, most times I can just ignore it, and if I can't I just start to look forward to my meal.

I've only been doing this for about 3 weeks though.

>> No.10616286

>pop tarts

Disgusting af. If you have a sugar tooth, buy dried fruit. Plenty of sugar and carbs in that, and it's fruit. It's also less calories.

>> No.10616299

spending all your money on clothes and having nothing left over for food because you're horrendous at budgeting sure makes it easy to stay skinny....

>> No.10616313
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>> No.10616335

5'5" 114 lbs, 19.0bmi. haven't eaten since 2:30pm yesterday and it's 8:15pm now. I am very sleepy and low on energy.
i will get to 110 soon :( but my friend wants me to eat.

what do, should i just go smoke

>> No.10616337

A bar of dark chocolate with almonds and unflavored greek yogurt.

>> No.10616388

i would eat once every 24 hours at least 800 calories, avoid any carbs.

>> No.10616393


>> No.10616409

Jesus fucking christ.

Go eat.

If you wanna lose body fat, just hop on a goddamn treadmill or something.

>> No.10616408
File: 13 KB, 156x257, dickowns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks looking like a heroin addict is still /fa/
>mfw i realize working out is modern couture

>> No.10616434


she's a camwhore

>> No.10616437

i have to get weighed tomorrow morning, i'm absolutely terrified of that number being fucked with by eating this late
i'm getting some + a cigarette

i'm very weak. my feet keep going numb and i have a terrible stomachache/nausea. this is awful and i can't even make myself eat my 20 calorie soy noodles

>> No.10616473

wtf man, i eat a shitload of food and can do like 50 pushups but my bmi is 18. how much is your fat%

>> No.10616480

>wtf man, i eat a shitload of food and can do like 50 pushups but my bmi is 18. how much is your fat%

i have no idea
i'm also a girl and my metabolism is fucked from years of this shit. also, cigarette and caffeine worked. i feel much better

>> No.10616507

this is so fucking stupid

>> No.10616514

how does it feel to know you're not gonna live past 30?

>> No.10616569


>> No.10616609

>tfw was thin as fuck during high school
>kinda let go a bit during first years of college
>have a thin gf now
>trying to get perfect again

>> No.10616620

Why don't you faggots just do a keto or low carb paleo diet and stop fucking starving yourselves

>> No.10616623

Coffee with a little creamer for breakfast
Apple for lunch
but pigged out for dinner with some Steamed rice and Carnitas
gonna let this digest then do some jump rope+Push up/chin up sets

>> No.10616632

eat a piece of toast with some peanut butter on it
you'll burn it off during sleep

>> No.10616650

Yo, you'll probably kill yourself and ruin your reproductive system.
Eat a bit of fat or something pls

>> No.10616664

Eat some meats, you idiot; you're killing yourself.

>> No.10616735

this general is fucking twisted

i hope this is all a joke

anorexia killed my best friend, get help before it's too late

none of you are going to listen though

she didn't

>> No.10616750

you can't die from anorexia

>> No.10616755


starvation and malnutrition yes

>> No.10616763

i drink vitamin water so i should be fine but thank u for ur concern

>> No.10616777

Tell that to Karen Carpenter.

>> No.10616798

wish i wasn't this thin

>> No.10616835

she died from internal sadness

>> No.10616837

I've been on soylent for 2 months now, eating it for all 3 meals a day. The one thing that sucks is that I retain alot of water weight, which makes me bloated sometimes. But yeah steadily losing weight on it, i feel great, you can always take/eat things to combat the water weight.

Tastes just like pancake mix if you buy the 1.5 powder, and if you have problems with textured drinks then the 2.0 bottles are good (costs $1 more per meal if you care about price)

>> No.10617313

Lol man I'm anorexic and you absolutely can die from it. Just don't take it too far and you'll be good
It actually has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness (at least that's what they told me in treatment)

>> No.10617318

Anorexia Nervosa has the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder, as high as 20%.

>> No.10617377

>implying this thread specifically condones anorexia
this is just about being thin

sorry about ur friend but we arent her and a lot of us wont make the same decisions this is just about weight loss

>> No.10617389

Beats having multiple personality disorder

>> No.10617393

Black coffee, a banana, a salad, and a big ass 2/3 lb burger. It fuckin rocked dude

>> No.10617926

10 cigarettes so far
2bottles water
100mg vyvanse
30mg adderall
a few peanuts
probs not going to eat rest of the day

>> No.10618007

Lmao go vegan , hi carb low fat, eat a load and stay lean .Being cold weak and tired is lame

>> No.10618053

Where is the line between being skinny and being anorexic?

I really like the skinny look but I'm curious how often is it natural vs an effect of a very strict diet/mental issues.

Personally, I've always been on the skinny side, since I just don't like eating too much and I'm too lazy to cook.

>> No.10618055

a granola bar

>> No.10618197

how do i lose weight the most healthy consistent manner over time

i try to lose weight all the time and always give up

>> No.10618325

lmao desu senpai

>> No.10618339

Lose the sugar, drink more water.

Like ketchups? Cut that out too.