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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 15 KB, 320x480, 48166045ne_12_n_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10603651 No.10603651 [Reply] [Original]

I gave these as a gift to a girl who said she "really likes me". She said she liked the gift.


>> No.10603657

wow have u held hans yet

>> No.10603685
File: 57 KB, 567x800, 1447284040450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The situation is fucked up and gay as hell :
We met in London England. I approached her. She gave me Her number. Then she went back to Japan. (She's Japanese).
She sent me Japanese sweets, snacks noodles. Even though I told her not to (I can buy it @jp stores). I sent her swiss chocolates from Switzerland, and these emp armani gifts.
We never held hands or kissed. Nothing. We sent each other emails for 4 fucking years. She says she can't take a long holiday because of her job.
She said she "really likes me". But maybe she's with another guy, I don't know.
Women in Japan refuse men who don't have steady jobs. Lowest birth rates. Etc. On the news they call it sexless Japan.
She told me she doesn't have a bf.
we're exactly the same age.
Many of Her childbearing years were not spent with me though. *(pic unrelated)
Although she is a cute girl too

>> No.10603686

shes keking you m8

>> No.10603689


you got anything else going on?

if that's your only ladyfriend, i would say cut that shit out, m8. probably takes up some of the energy you could be putting towards real women in your area. specially when you talking funds. that shit is most likely never going anywhere. you'll be happier without an emotional anchor in a different empire.

then again senpai, if you jus get off to it like on a "she's wearing those knickers i bought" sorta thing and it doesn't cross your mind elsewise, no harm no foul eh?

>> No.10603690

dude just meet someone local


>> No.10603712


>> No.10603722
File: 125 KB, 768x1024, 1445396704506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with white women in western Europe is that they reject white men who aren't 10+ good looking masculine male models. Then they let themselves get gang raped and murdered by black men and muslim men who systematically REFUSE to date the women of their own race.
So the white man is supposed to keep creating white girls so that the evil rapist black man can use her as a fuck puppet.
most white chads probably know this. And so they deliberately AVOID getting white girls pregnant, because they don't want to be forced to watch their innocent white daughters getting raped by black men. White women of childbearing age are only 2% of world population. There's not enough of them to supply demand.

I like this Japanese girl. But many wish they were born with 2 white parents.
so the whole thing is awkward.
What are your thoughts on this?

I like fashion And design on this gift though

>> No.10603724

she's wearing two underwears???

>> No.10603727

I hate muslims and niggers too but you need to take a break from /pol/ my friend

>> No.10603728

hahahahahahahaha what the fuck is this post

>> No.10603731

what kind of insecure faggot are you?
i'm a white man living in switzerland and on my best days maybe a 7/10 but i never even remotely had problems with picking up white girls

>> No.10603736

new pasta?>???

>> No.10603738

>3.5/10 with shitty taste on clothes (ARMANI) and weabbo (JAPANESE KEK) confirmed.

>> No.10603743

Has to be bait. No one could be this delusionally autistic
This is like pol on steroids and I mean pol is bad enough.. You're broken

>> No.10603745

kek = kek

>> No.10603748
File: 44 KB, 624x351, economic migrants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm white.
I did have sex with white girls who were the same age as me, as a teenager.
But I have never been with a white girl in my life. They rejected me and denied me a happy life.
I know that white women reject black men and muslim men on tinder pof okc. That is a well known fact.
but in real life : white women get raped and murdered by black men & muslim men every day, in 2015.
The situation is completely fucked up.

>> No.10603750



>> No.10603752

then why don't you get your shit together and get yourself a loving and caring white gf/wife so you can "save" her from the evil black and muslim men?

>> No.10603754

tfw when white, having a white loving gf and I have never gave a shit about this.

>> No.10603756
File: 60 KB, 500x626, LiveLeak-dot-com-899_1445136855-4439c4329f5b178d4bfc37_1445136866.jpg.resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read a newspaper you retard.
White women are raped and murdered by evil rapist black men and muslim men every day in 2015.


>> No.10603760

if you care that much, stop shitposting on an korean rice cooking board and do something about it faggot.

>> No.10603764

>post a ching chong pic

I bet your pee pee is small

>> No.10603773
File: 104 KB, 575x560, ice creaM 1444616954941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always with these false accusations.
"All white men who don't rape and murder white women like the evil rapist black man & muslim man, are gay and have small dicks" - theory.
It's a retarded theory.
non-whites can't produce white children.
You can't say all white men are gay etc. Just because they aren't rapists.
It's completely retarded

>> No.10603776

he's not talkin about all white men, only about you. i'm pretty sure you would make a good little kek with your little pee pee

>> No.10603789
File: 224 KB, 595x894, cleaner 1445644955644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Any white man who doesn't rape white women like the evil rapist black man is gay" - theory.
Non-whites can't produce white children.
your false accusations are crud.

>> No.10603791


I have no clue about the racist bullshit on this thread, but I bet that cleaner has a daughter who is hotter than those bimbos.

>> No.10603794

nah, you're just a pathetic pussy with no social skills, so you sit in your basement all day long and shitpost about all the evil blacks' muslims, foreigners etc. and how it's all their fault and not yours.
typical whiny /pol/ poster right here

>> No.10603795



seriously though, nip genes are fucking inferior, they have the proportions of dwarves.

>> No.10603798

That is not true at all. Those women didn't date you because you are obviously an autistic fuck.

The only way for you to find good women is to hang around places you enjoy. Be involved with projects related to your passions, which can find like minded breeding partners.

>> No.10603803


Who is that girl

>> No.10603810

>this thread


>> No.10603815
File: 39 KB, 635x479, f66f6760b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Any white man who doesn't gang rape and murder little white girls like the evil rapist murderer black man and muslim man, is autistic" - Theory.
non-whites cannot produce white children.
the evil black man refuses to date the women of his own race because he knows he is a disgusting subhuman rapist.

>> No.10603830

Both sides???

>> No.10603837
File: 296 KB, 500x412, 23456789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was dating a non-practising muslim turk for a while, fantastic lay but he was whiny and didn't have his shit in order. he fucked me better than any german guy I had.
8/10 would probably fuck a muslim again.

>> No.10603842
File: 227 KB, 648x432, 1446716058085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking this guy seriously

>> No.10603863


it's a man baby!

>> No.10603866


It was then David realized his monitor wasn't plugged in for the darkness had thrown him into a dark Labyrinth.

>> No.10603868

Bait or race traitor either way kill yourself

>> No.10603871


Literally translated: Both sides of my stomach

But should be read as: My sides

Of course they wouldn't say this at all in Japan, but w/e. Gotta have some fun with languages

>> No.10603872

>The problem with white women in western Europe is that they reject white men who aren't 10+ good looking masculine male models

top kek m8 you must be one ugly motherfucker with zero personality

still you can always just move to one of the baltic states, women out-number men there so you'll see tons of these ugly af guys being swarmed with beautiful women when you go out, it's literally bizarro world over there

>> No.10603874

congratulations, you don't belong to the poor, white trash-population who can't afford to into gated communities

welcome bruv

>> No.10603884

I also had an indian guy, who in bed suddenly thought he was and acted like he was black. also had a very ugly dick. turned me off indians forever.

>> No.10603900

that has nothing to do with what I said you dumb cunt.

kill yourself you subhuman

>> No.10603905
File: 238 KB, 1342x1342, 1445753849949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Any white man who isn't a rapist murderer like the evil black man and muslim man, is a man baby" - theory.
non-whites cannot produce white children.

>> No.10603910
File: 86 KB, 440x782, LiveLeak-dot-com-899_1445136855-006aWce3jw1ex4z2javc1j30ci0m875i_1445136861.jpg.resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-whites cannot produce white children, you subhuman rapist genetic shit. Off yourself

>> No.10603930

> the problem
stop right here, armchair social scientist. you can't analyze your own life's problems, don't even think about something more complex than your acne.

>> No.10604012
File: 17 KB, 615x409, Fabrice-Kapena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-whites cannot produce white children. This isn't about acne.
white women are raped and murdered by black men and muslim men in 2015.
Read the news

>> No.10604016

get a fucking life.

>> No.10604025

Buy some emperio armani you fucking cunt

>> No.10604313

>now we get our 2nd /fa/ schoolshooter
why are worse than /pol/ at this rate

>> No.10604611

Shut the fuck up you goddamn autist

>> No.10604667

oh lord have mercy

well it looks like we all learned to sack up and don't settle for eromance

>> No.10604688

LMAO this is the funniest shit. Your whole world view is used around utter bullshit that you believe because it makes you feel better. In reality, you're a failure and white girls don't want you because you're probably a fucking weirdo.

>> No.10604714
File: 21 KB, 600x399, 1447408833970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-whites can't produce white children. It's a scientific fact

>> No.10604731

OK? And what relevance does that have? Go back to /pol/ man, nobody takes people like you seriously anywhere else.

>> No.10604855
File: 51 KB, 526x701, 1447434259149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy emporio armani for her.

>> No.10604916

Just race mix like the cool rappers on TV

>> No.10604994

I don't know why everyone is freaking out over this post. A lot of the guys who like Asian girls have this exact same mentality.

>> No.10605001
File: 388 KB, 612x960, 1446708864708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It started with a picture of emporio armani pants.
By the end of it, I was called a faggot, a kek, a pussy, a failure, a subhuman, a fucking weirdo, ugly, delusional, autistic, a shooter, shitty taste in clothes, and told to kill myself.
You guys take fashion to another level.
you have a lot of respect for fashion

>> No.10605091

For the record you are also a narcissistic retard

>> No.10605163

go back to /b/ you edgy faggot

>> No.10605169
File: 132 KB, 63x50, sunglass d63d8a1d.x50.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spoke about fashion, regarding : emporio armani. I gave you the link. I posted the photo.
You retard.
That's what the post is about. It's to discuss fashion.

>> No.10605170

Ok guys he's just an autistic troll.

>> No.10605174
File: 513 KB, 960x933, 1445403656280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Emporio Armani for her. And pls stop being a god damn faggot.

>> No.10605252

Is this going to be some new Densha Otoko?

>> No.10605392

Hey guys did you know that non whites can't produce white children?