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10570249 No.10570249 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a male model.

>> No.10570253
File: 325 KB, 1280x1920, slp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post proof

>> No.10570259

heigh weight measurements
which brands did you walked for in paris/milan/ny/london?

>> No.10570276

6ft4" 80kg
Biggest brand I've walked for is Louis Vuitton. That was in Paris.

>> No.10570286

what is your sex life like?

Worst thing?

Best thing?

Favorite designer?


>> No.10570293

are you straight?

>> No.10570303

My sex life is OK. I see a lot of asexual-looking ladies at work. Depending on where I am, being a male model can be a pussy drier or a pussy wetter.

Worst thing is probably makeup, the face that everyone assumes you're gay, the pretentious designers, etc.

Best thing: I like what I do, I'm making a fair bit of dough, I get free clothes (though not as much as you might think).

Favorite designer was either Ralph Lauren when he did Cary Grant or OG Givenchy (not today's Givenchy).

At the parties everyone's doing cocaine but I just drink. I've done cocaine a handful of times but you never reach your peak so it's so addictive. Fuck that.

>> No.10570304

post a pic qt

>> No.10570309

I meant the *fact that everyone assumes you're gay

>> No.10570375

do you prefer coke vyvanse or adderall?
how many calories do you eat per day?
do you work out?
how much do you smoke & how much do other models smoke?

>> No.10570377


Ive heard the hours can be killer.

Are you planning to tradition to something else eventually? Also how did you get into it? Scouted or what?

>> No.10570381

How did you get into modeling?

>> No.10570383

coke out of those three but I only really drink.
I honestly don't count calories. I just don't eat shit.
Yeah I lift casually and swim when I can.
I smoke every now and then. Photographers often make you smoke for pictures. Most models do smoke though, it's encouraged in the fashion industry.
I'm from Sydney but right now I'm in Madrid.

>> No.10570387

is this your full time job? how old are you?
did you get scouted or apply to agencies?
i have a very unique/attractive face and am very skinny but unfortunately 5'10 :( do i ever have a chance at modelling? like do you ever work with short models?

>> No.10570395

post a pic

>> No.10570396

Yeah a good night's sleep is pretty rare but I don't complain.
When the industry decides I'm too old I'll probably go into carpentry or a trade if I can't become a writer/journalist.
My sister went to a fashion festival in Sydney and took me with her. One of the scouts there gave me his card and I called him and he said I had a job if I wanted it.

>> No.10570399

how does it feel looking better than most people you walk past on the street?
how good is the pay, do you travel often (at least twice a month)

>> No.10570403

how much would you say the saint laurent models eat?
because they look like they eat one piece of fruit/some nuts every two days

>> No.10570404

Yes it's my full time job. I'm 19.
I got scouted but at a fashion festival, I was lucky. Most models actually apply but tell people they got scouted.
Yeah post a pic if you want me to tell you because I guess I know what designers look for in models.
I've been told I look a lot like Cary Grant.

>> No.10570406

what's your drink/is there one preference in the industry? beer has too many calories, etc
how would you rate your life 1-10, 10 being amazing & 1 being suicidal?

>> No.10570417

Funny because only in the last 3 years I've been considered handsome. I'm 19 and people called me ugly until I was 14 then when I was around 16 girls started calling me "tumblr boy" and when the school photos were taken that year a handful of girls said that their mothers had said that I'm very handsome, which I thought was funny.
I mean it feels pretty good. I always know that even when I'm at my lowest I still look good.
When I'm feeling depressed it always makes me feel better when I see girls checking me out in public.
But then again looks/money/material items only make up 10% of overall happiness.
Yeah Saint Laurent models are probably one of the thinnest. Different brands have different ideals, but it's still similar.
I eat as much as I want (I do kind of have a slight eating disorder, for e.g. I have to eat slow or I throw up).

>> No.10570423

why wont you post a pic

>> No.10570424

Beer has too may calories? What kind of stupid BS is that?

90% of the calories in beer is from the alcohol, that means 10% leftover is carbs.

If you're drinking beer that's 100 calories, the same amount of alcohol from a shot is going to be 90 calories.

Drink whatever you want.

>> No.10570431

I'm a big whisky guy. I love scotch. When it's warm I'll have a gin and tonic. Most common drink in the industry is vodka and tequila. Absolut often supplies the parties with free vodka.
Right now 6/10. I'm getting happier though, slowly.

>> No.10570435

That dude isn't even good looking?

>> No.10570437

I know people in the industry who browse /fa/ and it would be embarrassing if they saw me posting this. The industry is quite rough.

>> No.10570446

heh reminds me of myself
19yrs here, lost 50lbs so far this year, started in january
look normal/ almost good for the first time in my life
not great but definitely normal

>> No.10570458

he is literally a model for slp that lurks /fa
he is most certainly good looking ugo

>> No.10570461

he is, just so fucking skinny his face doesn't show it much. if he gained a few lbs to get a non-skelly face he would be good looking to non-anorexicfags

>> No.10570479

>At the parties everyone's doing cocaine...
Can you comment on the quality? Genuinely curious.

Do you have a social media presence? I've read (on Fashionista) y'all have to be careful of your posts.

Thoughts on Bradley Soileau.

No homo.

>> No.10570484

Neither is kiko or yumi or any of the ayy lmao chimp looking fucks out there but they are still models

>> No.10570488

There are 175 calories in a 12oz bottle of my favorite beer.

There are only 100 calories in a shot of whiskey.

If you have six beers in a night, that's 1,050 calories.

If you have six shots of whiskey instead it's only 600 calories.

It all adds up in the end.

>> No.10570491

What's the industry standard for male model height? I've only really done a one off shoot for a friend and also have possible shoots for event organisers in the future. I'm 5'10 and model.com said male model height should be 5'9-6'+
Is this true?

>> No.10570495

I couldn't tell high grade from low grade yayo but nobody seems to complain.
It's usually supplied by the hotels so I'd assume it's high quality.

I have a facebook account under a different name with about 100 friends.

Never met Bradley but he seems cool.

>> No.10570497

your definition of what is good looking is obsolete
get with the fucking times

>> No.10570503

It depends on the designer. I think you'd be fine.
catwalk models are generally taller than others.

>> No.10570506
File: 508 KB, 515x563, 1434858407172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know people in the industry who browse /fa/
Why would someone in the fashion industry care about /fa/? Fashion week threads usually only have like four people in them.

>> No.10570509

who do you talk to in a hotel to score some blow tbqh

>> No.10570512

how do i become one of those models you see on ads inside stores

>> No.10570520

Most models are awkward and lots of them go on 4chan. More than you'd imagine.
You gotta have connections. It's only at certain parties.
Get some polaroids taken and apply for a job.

>> No.10570536

am also a mayul maudhel, also lurk on /fa/ a lot because idk how to dress myself so i look for inspo

currently on a break from modeling to finish school doe, bc i got scouted when i had like 2 more semesters to go

>> No.10570545

Oh nice, which city?

>> No.10570548

you got a throwaway e-mail or something?

>> No.10570555

Thank you for answering. I have another question that came to mind.

Have you bumped into any celebrities behind the scenes? DEETZ

>> No.10570562

you OP?
my MA is in dallas, currently not on their mainboard bc school, but my agent still keeps tabs on me and stuff which is cool. says they will sign me again as soon as i finish school n stuff

>> No.10570573

^ me

Met a very drunk owen wilson, made lots of zoolander jokes at me. also a bunch of the dallas mavs at a different party

>> No.10570575

Yeah, you wanna contact me?
Yeah I have! I've met famous models Adrianna Lima, Francisco Lachowski, and Simon Nessman. Adrianna is HOT AS FUCK (but she seems really thick), Francisco is beautiful (no homo), so is Nessman. Nessman is realllly awkward though and he's dating the fuck down.

>> No.10570582

yeah got a few q's about modeling I would rather ask through there

>> No.10570595

666goodguy at gmail

>> No.10570609

yo so im signed to a good agency in toronto but my book is shit

got any hot tips on how to be less awkward in front of camera?

>> No.10570611

That's awesome. I fucks with Owen Wilson.

>(but she seems really thick)
>really thick
That's how I like 'em desu

Another q for you two. I'm a sucker for shoes. Do designers have a few sizes of shoes at the shows for the models to wear? I'm guessing yes?

>> No.10570613

Why wouldn't you just want to get a real job after you finish school?

Modeling pays shit and it's nothing you can turn into a career. Plus the working conditions are shit. The stereotype about models all being dumb as fuck is true

>> No.10570632

Yeah, booze.

Not usually. Designers make the clothes and models have to fit into them.

>> No.10570636

sent u an email

>> No.10570637

>models are idiots
Yeah, most of the models I've worked with are idiots - but there are exceptions to the rule. However, most of the models have no plans to educate themselves which I found to be rather depressing. I do recall a runway class, shortly after I was signed, after which I was criticized for being "a thinker", lolol.

>get a job
I really like to travel, and modeling has let me do that a good bit.

>working conditions
really haven't been bad for me. at all. only thing thats lame is having to be 200% obsessed with every little detail of appearance - it helps with da ladies bc i always had to "look like a model", but it was exhausting

>> No.10570653

Does the top of the industry look down on the scene of certain countries, let's say Mexico or Argentina, what are your/their thoughts on agencies and models from these places?

>> No.10570673

Is the demand for male models (still) rising?

>> No.10570676

Is this you OP?

>> No.10570687

Still haven't got it. it's 666goodguy @ gmail . com

Not really. A lot of the top models are from countries around Mexico and Argentina. Some of the hottest models come out of there, e.g. Adrianna Lima is from that area. Idk about the agencies, they're probably dodgy.



>> No.10570694

just sent again

>> No.10570700


>> No.10570702

no pizzzacat (kek)

>> No.10570715

Yeah man I'm not getting your email. I'll email you and you reply.
pizzzacat @ gmail . com ??

>> No.10570717

yep that's it

>> No.10570722

emailed yuh

>> No.10570724


>> No.10570734

Can a person still be a model if he/she has shit teeth and shit nose?

>> No.10570768

Depends. Shit teeth is almost always associated with shit facial growth, so most likely no. But there are some cases where the face has grown well but the teeth are still shit.

>> No.10570780

possible to start a career in your late twenties?

>> No.10570790

Unlikely but possible.

>> No.10570796

How old were you when you started?
I'm 18 and I think I got the face but I need to work on my body, how long until the ship sails?

>> No.10570802

I was 17.
Body doesn't really matter, just don't be low bf. You've got a good 3 years to get started.

>> No.10570806

I mean just be low bf, not DON'T be low bf.

>> No.10570854

Do you have any unique face feature? is that necessary to get into the business?

I mean I consider myself good looking, like 2012 circa Justin Bieber ¨good looking¨ or ¨cute¨ idk. Are people like me way to average in order to get into this shit? or I'm just to blind to see any model like this?

>> No.10570950

Imo I think I'm more classically handsome than uniquely handsome. No it isn't.
There are many different looks.

>> No.10570960

1: have you ever met Luka Sabbat?
2: Is racism very prevalent in the industry?

>> No.10570982

No I haven't.
I wouldn't say so. It's a very liberal industry. A very cultural marxist environment.

>> No.10571033

how pervasive is abuse/manipulation within the industry? do you get ahead by giving head? are models coerced into doing things for more opportunity/work/whatever?

>> No.10571053

It's there but you just have to not let them take advantage of you. I've never had to do any sexual acts to get ahead. I'm not as effeminate as most male models so that might be why.
Most of it is rumour.
The modelling industry is a lot like the acting industry, connections are what's most important. Not even looks.

>> No.10572083

How do you apply? Just take pictures of yourself clothed and in underwear and send them to agencies? I'm assuming you don't really need to attach a CV as it's not exactly relevant that I've worked at fucking McDonald's. Anything like motivation though?

>> No.10572102

>When I'm feeling depressed it always makes me feel better when I see girls checking me out in public.
End my life ; _ ;

>> No.10572103
File: 6 KB, 249x242, 1446530156323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post pic or you're not model.

>> No.10572120

>tfw got scouted but havent been contacted yet
if he didnt give me a card does that mean it was a scam or shit agency?
dont give one shit if i cant model just want some closure on this desu

>> No.10572142


>> No.10572145

I just turned 18. How soon should I get involved with the industry if I want to model?

>> No.10572307


like 2 years ago

>> No.10572327

what is prime age for modelling? does your agency pay for your travel expenses?

>> No.10572360

post face kid

>> No.10572454

Are there any models with huge cocks and any models with tiny ones?

I presume you see a lot of each other naked.

And which model has the most amazing tits who you have seen naked?

>> No.10572488

What's the weirdest experience you've had in the job?

Quite a general question but I can't seem to come up with anything better fám

>> No.10572725

how much do you hate yourself?

>> No.10572898

are you gay?
How many dicks have you sucked to get some work?

>> No.10572999

>Adrianna is HOT AS FUCK
hell yeahh brother

is she nice?

>> No.10573168

hello it's slp anon

thanks pal

>> No.10573222

i think u r hot bb

>> No.10573233

OP you said models and people in the fashion industry browse /fa/, what threads are you guys into?
Does anyone like the cringe threads? desu those are my fave.

>> No.10573269

you are everything i aspire to be, and i never will

>> No.10573315

i like architecture, interior design and threads about boots, i'll read anything interesting though cos i'm usually on here when bored
also more often than not i post without saying it's me so we've probably chatted before and you didn't know it

thanks baby

>> No.10573328

do you like being a lil bitch?

>> No.10573369

Op can you post some photos like the ones we need to send to ask for a job? It doesn't have to be yours

>> No.10573412


>> No.10573472

not OP but i'm SLP anon, the industry term for the photos you need to ask for a job is called 'Polaroids' so google 'model polaroids' and you'll get examples. Spread the word because it seems nobody knows that

>> No.10573511

can you pls answer this
also is 5'10 too short for modelling even if you have an androgynous/unique face and very skelly body

>> No.10573520

how many times have you been fucked in the shitter

>> No.10573525

prime age for modelling is like 16-20 for girls and 18-20 for guys, in europe, but america has a lot of fashion like ralph lauren that'll use models at 30

for guys 5'10 is fine, on photos you look tall, i know a lot of guys like that, but they get paid from e commerce more and less runways

>> No.10573562

do you have to be completely acne free to be a model?

>> No.10573664

>they get paid from e commerce more
how to into this? im a college student thinking about sending pics to a couple agencies but not really sure how to go about the process

>> No.10575384


Hey. Theres a spain /fa/ whatsapp group. Send mail to Effay.spain@gmail.com

>> No.10575395


well take some pics, and send them to a few local agencies, check their website they might have open days / application forms

being a college student i can confirm it's a cool part time job

>> No.10575423
File: 661 KB, 1991x2497, TIM B 05-11-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got paid today for the showroom in saint laurent, and this might be interesting for some of you folks

as you can see the actual saint laurent ss16 show barely pays, it's the jobs like showroom which nobody ever see's which actually pay you the money, which is kinda why as a model i'm doing well, but i have like 0 exposure

>> No.10575443

Who do you think those 4 people are?

>> No.10575445

do you only work for slp? im confused as to the whole way it works really
like modelling for an agency vs modelling for a designer
does an agency set up stuff for you to do or do you need to do it all on your own?

>> No.10575447

im not a model and always participate in the fashion week threads

>> No.10575506

i'm in a contract with an agency, it's like 50/50 so nobody's the boss, i pay them, but they give me work and direct me, i work for ysl in the sense that i'm exclusive with them and always have been, so i can't promote any other brands, but i can still be in magazines etc. My agency sets up everything, i don't do any work, i just get emails or phone calls asking if i'm available for a certain date, they then organise it with the client (be it magazine, photographer or brand) and then they send me all the details that i need to know.

It's really annoying because they decide what i need to know, for example I don't get a lot of information that i'd like

does that clear it up? I model for an agency, i get paid by ysl to work for them, in my own case they've paid me a lot more to only work for them, but i pay my agency a cut as if they were my receptionist or something because they do all my leg work, i just board the planes and go to the shoots etc

>> No.10575552

does your agency cover your travel expenses? and are all agencies similar in the sense that you need to pay them?
im wondering if it's worth it if you're not a big time model like you. like if you need to pay the agency your own money but aren't actually making a lot, you'd run the risk of losing money, no?
i think i understand the premise tho

>> No.10575574

i don't know, i know saint laurent cover all my expenses, and i think usually it's the clients, but agencies can pay for you and then sometimes they'll charge you out of your next pay

i wouldn't say i'm a big time model, i just work for saint laurent, me and hedi get on pretty well and i think he likes me a lot, but you wouldn't know because i have 0 exposure.

I lost money on the womans ysl show in march, i missed my train to paris cos i overslept, so i bought a flight, did that and when i'm in paris i find out they probably won't use guys in the show, so i'm expecting to go meet the people and sign papers but it never happens, i go to see the show (guys aren't in it) and at the afterparty i'm supposed to sign loads of shit to get paid, but i got so drunk i just didn't,t and so i lost money on the flight to paris and the food whilst i was there

>> No.10575682

So you think the best way to get into it would to just get some photos taken and bring them to an agency?

>> No.10575691

yeah i mean you have to be proactive, even after you're signed, if you turn down loads of jobs you won't go anywhere, i'm super lazy which is why i have no exposure

>> No.10575711

Right. I'll keep that in mind thanks for the advice friend.

>> No.10575820

brodiecakes what's your ethnic heritage?

>> No.10576319

english, i have baron dupuytren's disease, so i can trace mine to vikings, maybe that's where my height came from

>> No.10576459

Are you still as skinny as in that pic? Also do you get designer clothing for free or for a lower price?

>> No.10577495

what's that?

>> No.10578481

Don't get shit for free, I've stolen a few things and sold them, I'm probably a bit fatter but not noticeably, that's a terrible picture of me though

Long to explain, basically my hand is gonna seize up and stop working when I'm older, at the moment i can't make a fist

>> No.10579070

at least youre pretty i guess :')

>> No.10579092

what agencies would even take a look at me if i was 5'10 ? :'(

>> No.10579108
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 151024-143329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'd be surprised, obviously there's no agencies called "under 6'3" but i mean i'm way too tall to be a model and here i am, so it's more likely than you think

thanks pic related is of me from the other day, but i was really stoned

>> No.10579113

lmao thats true, guess i have to just put myself out there, wow even when your high you look effay :')

>> No.10579117
File: 62 KB, 640x640, 1444589562147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a male model.
AMA :^)

>> No.10579123
File: 1.01 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's you then 100% apply

Also if it isn't still apply just cos it's funny, people take this fame and money shit too seriously, all the people who model take it too seriously which is annoying for me cos I literally do it for a free meal every now and then and cos it's funny to mess around

>> No.10579128
File: 213 KB, 1920x1200, 903588_10152821119279251_8129634358342093890_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also is that a maine coon cat? i really want a huge cat to ride into battle but i have to wait until pic related dies

>> No.10579131

god damn, can i add you on fb or something ? <3

>> No.10579136

ya if you want my fb is tim brodie (who would have guessed)

>> No.10579144

nice fit lad.

>> No.10579145
File: 252 KB, 635x600, 1445935265977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that's not me, I'm actually an average looking guy

I have the perfect YSL physique though, but I have a huge nose and an overall asymmetrical face

>> No.10579147

ive always wondered if u actually own an e3

>> No.10579152

i think personality is a way bigger factor than people realise, i don't think hedi likes me and uses me because he likes the way i look, because all the ysl guys look the same, i think it's that he knows i don't take myself, or modeling seriously and that it's enjoyable for him, or that he just likes my personality because he's seen me in some awful states and i think he's just interested in me as a person rather than an image, so i mean if you think you're sociable and likeable it shouldn't matter

>> No.10579156
File: 60 KB, 1218x951, 1444499080817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every single time I post that picture someone asks what race the cat is lol

I don't know desu, there's quite a few races that can grow very big though, just google it.

>> No.10579157

I did, I sold it in 2011.

>> No.10579158

Can you elaborate on the personality of some female models that you've encountered? Are they sincere and nice, or are they snobbish?

>> No.10579159
File: 55 KB, 720x1184, faberyejim_1446732733097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i model yet?

>> No.10579161

not the model but m8 what do you think its life. some girls are snobbish some are nice. lol

cant generalize all female models

>> No.10579164

I love u slp model thank u for gracing /fa/ with ur presence

>> No.10579172
File: 347 KB, 1280x709, tumblr_n9webky7w31tii8vso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers mate. Interesting advice. What's Hedi like?

>> No.10579173

The YSL girls are portrayed as being this super exclusive clique of super talented girls, but I don't really like them, they're up themselves and think they're so cool and random and crazy and they're snobby. The YSL parties suck because Hedi takes photos, most of the models all whore out for the camera, and you can probably tell, they all act crazy and wild to get exposure or to be in the next show, and it's sooo uncool and lame when you're watching them pretend to fall over and take ages to get back up because they want a photo, even the street cast kids do it, so there's only a few cool down to earth people in the YSL lot, but they're super, and also we're the ones who get more work funnily enough which is what I was saying about the personality, because I don't whore out for him I think he wants to get to know me better, or atleast knows that I'm genuine, and I've been asked to go to LA so they can design the new collection on me, so fuck you snobby models hahaha

>> No.10579174

do you think i should grow my hair out a bit if i was to apply anywhere ?

>> No.10579179

fuckkkkk i am so jealous of you !!!!!!!!

>> No.10579185
File: 251 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a funny guy, he's quiet and is work orientated, but he's polite, and actually really sweet, the team he has is tiny and he's very close to all of them, and he likes his models to fit into that little family, I get on well with him because I can speak okay French so it's fun to converse with him, also we like similar shit, so when I was in the YSL studio he caught me taking pictures of the place which is absolutely not allowed, but I told him I like architecture, and so he explained how and why he designed it, and he takes a lot of photos on his iPhone which I think he uses for personal reasons which I find really endearing, so if I'm chatting to a stylist he might suddenly take a picture of us talking and make no deal about it

Pic related is studio

>> No.10579195
File: 246 KB, 1080x713, 322871_467602393285411_1224405408_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha god fucking damn, you're living the life.

how I regret not paying attention in French class back when I was in high school...

>> No.10579201

you can speak all the french you want but you will never walk along side hedi ;_;

>> No.10579204
File: 18 KB, 284x339, 1405431157633 (2015_09_18 12_40_44 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why even live?

>> No.10579207

just hope in your next life you are tall and skinny :'(

>> No.10579211

most agencies tell you not to even bother on their websites if youre under 6 feet :'(

>> No.10579214

Then find one that doesn't say that,
go as it is and let the agency tell you what to do or not do

>> No.10579242

what music do you listen to tim ?

>> No.10579250

you seem like a person thatd be fun to chill with and do drugs. remmeber this pic, your hair longer looks cool

>> No.10579254

do you get tagged in slp stuff? like do you have runway stuff up on fb, id like to add you as well if thats the case

>> No.10579255

how do you even pronounce hedi correctly? ive always wondered

>> No.10579258

Hi - Dee

>> No.10579272

This guy is most definitely ugly. He looks like your typical 4chan browser.

>> No.10579285

post fit and face cunt

>> No.10579319

It's Hedi like Eddie with a H, but I don't think he or anybody really cares

>> No.10579323

what about his last name ?

>> No.10579355

conflicting answers

>> No.10579614

it's [eˈdi sliˈman], that's in French though.

>> No.10579673


How tall is he? He told at some point, but I don't remember.

>> No.10579689

6'5 i think

>> No.10579709
File: 224 KB, 640x1136, IMG_8579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yup i'm 6'5, i'm bored as fuck at the moment so keep the questions up, also more pictures i took of the YSL studio, their latest couture campaign was shot in these studios so go look at the campaign and you can see my photos from behind the scenes hahaha

>> No.10579716
File: 118 KB, 764x718, 1443491335773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never ever be an slp model

Why live?

>> No.10579720

it's very different from what you'd expect

>> No.10579725


definitely apply, gorgeous eyes. be prepared to be treaten like shit from time to time though. based cat

>> No.10579730
File: 742 KB, 1280x1918, alina-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just b urself

>> No.10579739

Did you go to a modelling school? Do you think there will be problems if you dont go? im pretty interested in becoming a model. Should i just send my pictures to agency and do they need to be professional?

>> No.10579749

Modelling school is a thing? And yes you should send photos to agencies... How else will you be a model? And no they don't have to be professional.

>> No.10579751

what the fuck is a modeling school??
they probably exist, i believe you pal :) but it won't affect your chances at all, i mean girls get scouted at 16, they don't know hot be slutty until they're like 18. Yeah take some polaroids, it's a professional kind of photo, but done in an amateur way.

Good luck pal

>> No.10579754

I dunno, i have just heard that they help you a bit but maybe thats just bullshit. and by just sending pictures i dont need to message them in any other way?

>> No.10579760

Some basic info, but DON'T come up with some sob story, they don't give a fuck about that

>> No.10579762

also i know my main message when i come forward is usually about you guys applying, just wanna say don't take it personally. Even now i'm signed to a London agency, and i meet foreign agencies to see if they like me, but they never do cos i'm just too tall

include your measurements, and i mean you're gonna have to measure yourself silly. Also give your age but a good agency will (if they like you) never ask you to pay for them to give you new polaroids, similarly if they wanna meet you to take some polaroids like in an open audition, they'll still never make you pay so be wise

>> No.10579765

thank you man

taking pics tomorrow

>> No.10579773

>At the parties everyone's doing cocaine
Even a pretty-beautiful-cool-cosy-comfy girls? so sad...

>> No.10579783

post one here just because
also make sure you google male/female polaroids to see what you're aiming for, all 3 profiles and maybe 1 of you just posing? Men have to be topless

>> No.10579793

How tall are you? Im 6'3 myself, thats the sweetspot right?

>> No.10579798

is that shirt slp? i remember you posting a paisley shirt a while back but don't remember if it was this one.

keep posting man, stuff like this keeps /fa/ interesting.

>> No.10579799


>> No.10579802
File: 1.93 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_8581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah 6'3 is the sweeet spot so thank your parents. I'm 6'5 but my agency tell everybody i'm 6'3, and when they are surprised i just tell them i grew

shirt is from zara, the one i posted before was Pretty Green vintage paisley hahaha that you remember, are you the guy who asked me about it?

>> No.10579804


if i get in i dont want to be known as the one who posted his pictures on a finger painting forum
also will do

>> No.10579806


His first name is French and last name Tunisian, it's pronounced something like 'Eh-dee Sli-mahn' H and E are silent

>> No.10579809
File: 177 KB, 1500x1072, 1435617650038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd never do it on /b/ but here generally the people are alright i don't mind my pictures so much, but i hate that one in the cape can every delete and use this instead so i have cheeks

>> No.10579812 [DELETED] 

should i put on my most effay clothes in the posing picture btw?

>> No.10579827

i didn't ask but thought it was cool. I saved in my bookmarks but lost them.

zara lol, looks kind of like the tunic slp had last year

honestly really jealous, im neet right now after quitting school so making money as a model (especially slp) would be pretty amazing.

one last thing, would you care to post your measurements (waist, hips, chest, also what size jeans you wear) want to see how I compare I'm about 6'2'' and skelly but I'm not certain how my measurements would stack up against a slp model.

>> No.10579836

Where you from? And could i get ur mail or something, im really serious about this model thing, and would love to have someone with a bit experience to talk about it

>> No.10579837

i'll show you my model card thing, they have my measurements on, mine aren't like against a white wall or anything because i've done things, i actually updated my polaroids last week, i'lll get them off my agent and will upload them as like a template for you boys

>> No.10579846
File: 1.10 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add me on Facebook just search Tim Brodie, I'm pretty reachable, whilst looking for my model card (it's just a card of your pic and stats for easy reference) I found my original Polaroids from when I got scouted

>> No.10579847
File: 194 KB, 640x1136, IMG_8580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from UK BS sixteen now repping in Bethnal Green (London)

yeah man i'll help you through, probably worth mentioning that i met a guy on here, who wanted to be a model, so i convinced him to try and he's with an agency and everything in Canada which is cool

>> No.10579854

Thanks for the response boys, have you heard of Bram Valbracht? How big is he? He is a boy from my neighbourhood

>> No.10579865

they're both me, and nah i don't sorry pal, if you're dutch i'm good friends with Kiki Willems though

>> No.10579879

Not person you replied to but isn't Kiki Willems the one who was in that recent ad that hedi got a lot of shit for? Not super recent, 2ish 3 months ago I think
Apparently because her bmi was "unhealthy". how tall is she?

>> No.10579898



Being a little bimbo and asking what is "s"?

>> No.10579901

Seam? I'm from /o/ and someone linked me here. I have no idea what this is even.

>> No.10579903

Sorry man honestly couldn't tell you but I think it's my upper chest

>> No.10579909

these are the original pictures you sent to agencies? great body btw, do you know your bmi?

>> No.10579925


>> No.10579946

lol hf

his shit with vogue man netherlands was awful though

>> No.10579953

Hf? Han Fortmann?
Oh well, i give him that, it's quite sick to be on the cover

>> No.10579965

not him but hf means have fun, dunno why he used that in this context.

How do i lose cheek fat. i have model tier cheekbones, chin and jaw but i only get hollow cheeks when i pull my mouth to one side of my face. i'm like 12-14% body fat

>> No.10579969

Hf is also the school, he and i went to, so yeah..

>> No.10580014
File: 563 KB, 1920x1080, DSC_0151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



fucking shit graduating gift tbf

>> No.10580025

Hi I just started modeling aswell and I'm also
6'4 (74kg atm). Was your length also an issue for some agencies?

>> No.10580031

Hahahaahaaha, but who are you though? I prob know you

>> No.10580039

pretty sure you might know already, assuming you're >>10579159

>> No.10580048

he really isn't /fa/ just circlejerks over some anorexic guy who looks like he's balding and doesn't get much sleep because half of the userbase is retarded

>> No.10580050

Is it you Damjan?(or w/e you write that)

>> No.10580062

yeah it's me

what are you up to now dude

>> No.10580073

fatty hater gtfooh

>> No.10580086

Still in school lol, fucked up 2 years, but these exams going to be easy. What study are you doing?

>> No.10580098

is having a big adam's apple bad for modelling?

>> No.10580108

none, just dropped out

did you get crushed by warmenhoven yet

by the way, I have to go to school to pick something up, so just shout if you see me

>> No.10580121

Will do, got new mentor now, so thats better, fuck that women. Just look out for a guy with stutterheim jacket and memesmiths :^)
Why did you drop out though?

>> No.10580150

beautiful studio/whatever, holy shit

>> No.10580160

Fuckin tell em.

>> No.10580170
File: 163 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any hope? It's always been a thought in the back of my mind that it would be fun to do. I shaved my stache since this pic. I need a haircut tho.

>> No.10580177


>> No.10580182

Dunno, maybe for some obscure shit, but not the typical handsome guy with good features

>> No.10580194

it's a bit complicated but mostly lack of motivation.

are you still hanging out with people who were in our class?

have you got fb

shoot me an e-mail if you want

should still work

>> No.10580213


>> No.10580223

Alright! Well I'm still in class with Roel, but all my friends are off that school now, so i hang out with him now

>> No.10580231
File: 18 KB, 230x209, 1393945096853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can an extremely hairy, balding, 5'7 guy with glasses and bad teeth be a model?

>> No.10580241
File: 215 KB, 640x426, desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any potential?

>> No.10580246

damn you don't know how cool it is for me that you're answering my questions.

Do you dress in designer clothing aside of the studios?
Also, what will you do for a living if you get too old for modelling? That question kinda sounds like a question a worried mom would ask but still, I'm curious. Do you have any degrees?
Also I really look up to you. I'm also very thin, but not out of shape, I do have pretty big gap between my legs even if I try to close them.
I assume you're still in school, do like people around know that you model? Dont you get attention for walking for these huge brands?

>> No.10580269

No, not at all, sorry

>> No.10580270



you have a wider face, haircut doesn't help your look. if you're tall and thin enough to make your proportions interesting there's a chance. otherwise you're normal/attractive but not model

>> No.10580275

I'm a manlet so I'd never have any hope, what kind of haircut would you suggest?

>> No.10580278

Grow it out

>> No.10580281

You can dream :^)

>> No.10580292


>> No.10580293


i could see how it's tempting to comb it up like it is currently if you're insecure about your height, but with your hairline and face it'd look better swept to the side with slightly drooping bangs.

>> No.10580298


>> No.10580330

right on

like I wrote, send me an e-mail, if you want we could hang someday

I don't really hang out with anyone from HF anymore, most moved.

>> No.10580341
File: 435 KB, 750x655, 20090101_016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any chance

>> No.10580351

Nice eyes?

>> No.10580354


green/brown, largish, been told they look egyptian once

nothing hugely remarkable though

>> No.10580366

Hmm you are quite average, nice cheekbones, but missing a bit of jaw. You could give it a try

>> No.10580374

why aren't you conducting this discussion on reddit OP?

nobody cares here we're just here to talk about watches, fragrances, shoes, jackets, and what to cop and what not to cop.

>> No.10580388

Is there a sub with good discussion about modelling? Without tumblr bs

>> No.10580389

speak for yourSELF!!

*sassy head toss*

*says 'yas queen' to myself*

>> No.10580390

are you kidding? /fa is obsessed with modelling.
and people are clearly interested seeing as lots of people are asking the models questions

>> No.10580394

are there any casting calls in Paris? or do i have to take the photos and send them?

>> No.10580398


i'm 6'2"/135lb if it matters

i think i have a bit better jaw than that photo shows due to the lighting

>> No.10580433

a very american look, slightly fem, i like it but very forgettable, it kinda depends also on your eyes.

i can see you getting something like Hollister, Express, etc. maybe Levi's but I highly doubt anything high end, you look like a less appealing Nicholas Hoult.

>> No.10580437

i am also male model, we all are male models!!!

>> No.10580470


i kinda get how i could be unremarkable. can't complain about not standing out or looking weird though.

anything i could or should do to stand out more? play the lucky b card and dye my hair a stupid color?

i've got a 27 inch or so waist though with my height. maybe a chance of slp type stuff? or runway in general. just personal preference as i'd generally only consider modeling in order to potentially make some fashion industry connections. i'm definitely no luxury print-ad face or anything near that though

>> No.10580491

possibly but i think you are still too young, lose weight

>> No.10580492

wow you look so american

>> No.10580496

Nice body but nothing really that special. You are handsome but not model level I think. Like an above average American but good body/stats for sure

>> No.10580524


maybe it's the bandana? hah


thanks. any ideas for anything I could do to stand out? or should I try?

>> No.10580541

suit size?

>> No.10580556

You could always try a non generic haircut? Go to haircut inspo threads and look around maybe? I think a non traditional haircut would make you standout, especially bc you have a model body.

>> No.10580566


>> No.10580578

After emailing OP I got pics taken and sent them into a local agency

thanks OP :')

>> No.10580603
File: 146 KB, 893x1704, IMG_1224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any chance guy?

>> No.10580604

>post on /fa/
>average at best
Sorry dude if you had any chance, it's gone by now. Many people try to get into modeling and a lot far better than you don't get in.

>> No.10580611


>> No.10580616

Oh shit. Is this an /fa/ exclusive? Thank you for sharing!

>> No.10580629

Lmao has to be bait
Hell fucking no

>> No.10580639
File: 69 KB, 426x639, 00390h_426x639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i turned 18 literally a month ago

either way i'm just curious

some ugly fuckers get in too though so

>> No.10580698

go on a date with me?

>> No.10580706

what. the. fuck. why did you buy balmain x h & m the fit
>green jumper

>> No.10580708

>i turned 18 literally a month ago
u need to start moisturizing

>> No.10580709

I just turned 18, and I'm working on it.

>> No.10580718
File: 899 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20150530_172426293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chance there is a market for punchable faces?

>> No.10580723





post normal face and stats

>> No.10580745
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, 12119633_912038365512073_648786004_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people often say I look interesting, but never know if they mean it in a good or bad way

any chance?

>> No.10580752

Interesting maybe in a weird, frog-like way. Not a good way

>> No.10580754

you look like an infant eastern bloc soccer player

>> No.10580759
File: 3.91 MB, 2952x5248, IMG_20150321_115836006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any normal selfies. I just got lucky with the angle, I look 6/10 at best IRL.
Here's a picture from when I was 165lbs at 6'3, but I doubt there's a market for spooky collarbones.

>> No.10580766

oh ouch alright thanks anyways

>> No.10580769

You look p good

>> No.10580772

Your body makes me want to vomit

>> No.10580774

Where are you from? Stats?
Id say there's no chance you can model but you do look kinda interesting I'll give u that

>> No.10580788

No, Czech Republic.
I am 6'2" and have 172 pounds.

>> No.10580821

Sash I thought Eastern Europe was right. Yeah you weigh way too much but your height is good. I really wouldn't count on modeling

>> No.10580832

jsus fuck u look like a demon

>> No.10580844


>> No.10581016

tell that nigga hedi to flow me a YSL belt

>> No.10581068

i have a friend who's pretty into fashion, can i tell her to add you? she doesn't come here

>> No.10581098

Not him but why would you want this

>> No.10581170

she'd think it was cool and i'd get brownie points

>> No.10581198

What is the best age to become a male model? How do I get started? I live in NYC so that might help. Also a lot of people have told me I could be a model, they're probably wrong, right?

>> No.10581206


Take pictures and send them to agencies. Simple as that. It's only been talked about like 6 times in this thread.

>> No.10581221

read the fucking thread christ

>> No.10581524

what watch are you wearing?

what watch does hedi wear?

thanks for posting.

>> No.10581584


rude. i think it's a gr8 bod, but yeah, looks like he's sprouting devilwings

>> No.10581593
File: 1.51 MB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any hope lads? Feel like I look too young and maybe too short. Just turned 18.

6 ft

>> No.10581629

You have an interesting face. Good cheek bones and descent jaw. From what I can tell you might be a bit otter though. Maybe lose some weight.

>> No.10581637

If you lose weight maybe your cheeks will look better. Then maybe but I doubt it. Sorry lad.

>> No.10581638

not samefig but the agency you're applying for will have the picture requirements on their website in contact us.
If they dont then full front, face front, portrait (full side), face side and a full front with shirt off (if you think its an important feature for you) or bikini shot if you're a woman ought to cover it.

otherwise just find out their office hours and go in.

apply to as many as possible.

>> No.10581653
File: 464 KB, 1969x2578, Picture 414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chance bros.

>> No.10581657


not him but for fashion modeling 5'10 could *usually* (this is an industry of outliers) only do print, agencies probably wont be willing to take a chance on you, most have height requirements in their contact info (and its getting higher).

**Knew a guy who wasnt 6 feet and still did hugo boss and some other noteables.

fashion modeling age:

for women you're done aft 23 unless you're somebody by then. ~15-20 (because laws) is usually prime age

for men you should apply as young as possible, many say ~22 is cut off but mens careers last far far longer so they will take people over that, but you should lie.

>> No.10581686


>> No.10581692

kind of a good metaphor for the whole industry lmao

>> No.10581719

>height / suit (31) / waist / shoe

>> No.10581721
File: 467 KB, 1080x1776, Snapchat-1590497043251821478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 18 and I've modeled for a few different commercials and in a few catalogues nothing above 500 pay ever really so I work full time

>> No.10581729


>> No.10581817

maybe not a metaphor but a microcosm.

>> No.10581826

people on 4chan think that if you do girls favors they owe you sex

>> No.10581829

post your pics

yeah dude didnt mean it in an offensive way (or maybe i did).
demons are usually ripped as fuck

>> No.10581835

maybe u could be an abercrombie and fitch model lolol

>> No.10581837


>> No.10581840


>> No.10581877

Do you guys really squint/squinch, suck cheeks in and move your heads forward to make the jawline look better?

>> No.10582220

Haahahhaha no

>> No.10582225

As in running a show? Or your daily life?

>> No.10582271
File: 220 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have the features to be a model? I'm only 5'10 though....

>> No.10582308

Nah, ur headshape isn't attractive

>> No.10582469
File: 82 KB, 720x720, 9443_937996076251552_7198618850800373291_n -1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chance at all?

>> No.10582518


>> No.10582597

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.10582830

How much do you even make as a model?

>> No.10583936

not high fashion, tv commercials etc maybe