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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 76 KB, 593x593, Screenshot_2015-11-05-22-07-22_kindlephoto-12945593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10578391 No.10578391 [Reply] [Original]

Wouldn't it be fucking amazing if we reverted back to 1950s fashion and culture?

>> No.10578400
File: 120 KB, 1254x1280, tumblr_mrggalhyss1qj8evso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wouldnt mind the fashion but the culture wasn't all that great to be honest

>> No.10578405

the culture was pretty fucking good

>> No.10578439

What are you, communist?

>> No.10578448

feminists pls go

>> No.10578451


>> No.10578454

only if it was in the form of yohji

>> No.10578455
File: 61 KB, 1135x851, msg-126033131798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edwardian Trent Reznor would be better desu senpai

>> No.10578468

50's is the worst decade.

>> No.10578473

>conservatives ACTUALLY believe this

Yeah, and we can all write letters to each other and maybe receive about 4 before we die at the age of 36 with polio

>> No.10578476
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>> No.10578488

but we can

Seriously, what is even preventing you? It's not like society has changed so much that you can't wear a sports coat and some nice pants. Just make sure it fits you and suits your silhouette so you don't look like a square.

You can still uphold traditional values without wanting to go into complete regress.

>> No.10578496


>> No.10578511

I'm pretty sure the 80s 90s and early 2000s were worse

>> No.10578599


>worse than the 50s


>> No.10578624

Shite thread desu senpai

>> No.10578986


>no gays

Sign me up.

>> No.10579308

Sure thing fedoralounge

>> No.10579332

/pol/ pls go

>> No.10579351



Source: im black

>> No.10579392

huck core/10

>> No.10579414



Anyone who fantasizes the 50s and 60s culture has deluded themselves

>> No.10579503

80's fashion wasn't great but the aesthetics and underground subcultures created were top notch.

>> No.10579519

>dude fedoralounge lmao

>> No.10579532

>literally can't make a distinction between any era before the 1990s
Kill yourself and your family while you're at it

>> No.10579543

You are trying way to hard son

>> No.10579591

>played Fallout for the first time

>> No.10579635

Literally what is wrong with the 1950s

>> No.10579831

yes desu senpai

>> No.10579848
File: 236 KB, 499x602, 1446773064820.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no ghetto nigs
>no openly gays
>no bitchy feminists
>no degeneracy
>day drinking on the job
>strong aryan family unit
sign me up senpai

>> No.10579866

nigger pls go

>> No.10579889

pretty ok with the 50's if only for the ridiculously high tax rate.

>> No.10579916

Damn that dudes fit is perfect for him

>> No.10579919

Black person pls stay

>> No.10579922

>degenerates simply didn't exist before 2010!!

>> No.10579959

For white men with short hair who don't like skinny jeans, sure.

>> No.10580000
File: 208 KB, 768x1112, _USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as openly as it is now you fucking c uck

>> No.10580280

Quads don't lie

>> No.10580485

this is so dumb

>> No.10580504

same with the '90's

>> No.10581069


At least they weren't highlighted as the modern day heroes

>> No.10581099

isn't that picture literally fashion today

>> No.10581107

>no good coffee or movies
>fast food is new and shit
>food tastes bad
>you die young
>music is limited

>> No.10581283

>m-muh 90s nostalgia

Facebook plz go

>> No.10581317

If you were a rich, white, Christian, conservative, man, then yes

>> No.10581321

tumblr pls go

>> No.10581330

who /daniel/ here

>> No.10581334
File: 32 KB, 463x256, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not if you were black (or any race other than white), a woman, gay, trans, etc.

It's a dominator culture and a the rustic state telling how to behave, think, dress, and feel.

>> No.10581335

Fuck off kike

>> No.10581336

therapeutic, not rustic opp

>> No.10581340


Yeah things were great for the people who made the country great. Haiti had a revolution and I'm glad to see that they also became an international superpower

>> No.10581367

>Haiti had a revolution and I'm glad to see that they also became an international superpower

yeah thank God the US imposed embargo (and for which they bullied almost every other american country to follow), rendering Haiti into an isolated, poor country that couldn't grow shit b/c of poor soil, coupled with the "fine" imposed by France (measure in the billions of francs, which they were still paying during the 50s) under treat of invasion, coupled with a hostile neighbor, couple with very poor soil (wonder were the word "Haiti" comes from?).....

nah its b/c they're niggers and niggers r dumb amirite

>> No.10581378


Yeah, no other country has escaped hardships I suppose. It's a shame Haiti will never be like all the other superior black nations

>> No.10581390


yeah, because "hardships" are all the same across the globe, and I'm sure the "hardships" suffered by the countries you're referring to happened to a bunch of uneducated nigger slaves who revolted against their masters

>> No.10581399


So now you're the one who's saying Haiti is useless because they're niggers? That's pretty racist

>> No.10581403


nope, I'm saying you're a fucking idiot for even suggesting that Haiti can compare to any "hardship" in modern history

>> No.10581413
File: 746 KB, 757x547, be american.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre a fucking wanker m8.

neck yourself.

>> No.10581425



>> No.10581472
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>> No.10581488

but true

>> No.10581501
File: 163 KB, 960x642, if you only you knew how great this country was.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10581507

Not enough musle cars yet..

>> No.10581513

baka desu senpai

>> No.10581516

does that nigga have an iphone, and ear buds?
I don't like the black community, or culture, but black people are just people.

>> No.10581518


>> No.10581520

Heck, you can cut the rich and Christian. If you were square, life was better than fair.

>> No.10581576

No good movies? Fuck off desu

>> No.10581579
File: 183 KB, 728x409, civil war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I guess if more people wore suits like that instead of t shirts with stupid logos, jeans, and nikes.

But for some reason I like the coats, and overcoats people wore during the US civil war.

>> No.10581581


>> No.10581592

>Classic non ruined coffee, or movies
>Fast food is new and actually good, unlike today
>"You die young"
Explain how my both my grandmas are still alive at 88 and uhh well my other one is in england so I don't know anything about her.
>Music is going through a great new revolution, but the 80's were better.

>> No.10581614

>classic non ruined coffee
literally all they had was robusta beans senpai

>> No.10581633
File: 38 KB, 1187x526, 1373588513200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black people are people

>> No.10582674

youth culture

>> No.10582701

The fashion in the 1950′s was amazing!!!

Culture not so much, women lacked rights and racial segregation played a huge role in society - so yeah lets not revert to 1950′s culture

>> No.10582715

>no internet
b-b-but how would call you a huge faggot?