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File: 29 KB, 1000x760, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10558889 No.10558889 [Reply] [Original]

how do you take your coffee?

>> No.10558915

Up my nose like a badass, sport.

>> No.10558920


I like my coffee like I don't like my president.

>> No.10558942

black like i take dick

>> No.10558963

Intravenous with a bit of soy milk

>> No.10558964

Just fuck my shit up.

>> No.10558967

Up the ass.

>> No.10558972



>> No.10558975

Black is the best option.

You taste the quality of the coffee
You don't spend money on sugar creamer
It doesn't spoil if you leave it out
It allows you to taste bitterness- one of the 5 tastes that is often ignored in todays culture of sweetness

Life is bitter and how you take your coffee is in indication of how you handle life. Can you take it bitter or do you cover it up with sweetness

>> No.10558977

I like my coffee in various ways:

1) Hot, black, 1 sugar, a pinch of salt

2) cold-brewed, black, a pinch of sugar

3) piping hot, just-extracted espresso without any additives (assuming it was made well, which is becoming rarer)

4) my favorite: a latte with steamed milk, no other additives. just good espresso and steamed milk.

Espresso through a porta-filter, extracted by somebody who knows what they're doing, truly cannot be beat.

>> No.10558980

You're entirely right, but that last bit just makes you sound like an edgy twat.

>> No.10559005

>muh edgy!

>> No.10559129

Black french press or americano if I'm making it at home, sometimes I'll add a bit of unsweet almond milk or hazelnut milk. At a restaurant I'll sometimes get an espresso after a meal. Moka pot Cuban coffee with lots of brown sugar if my mom is making it. Cappuccino with no sugar if I want to treat myself and then get horrible gas.

>> No.10559157
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shaken, not stirred

>> No.10559180

4 shot americanos are my default.
Black, no sugar, and iced unless it's cold as fuck out

>> No.10559400

dont really like most coffee

i like green tea

>> No.10559406

underrated post

>> No.10559407

long black (not dick!!!)

>> No.10559448

>sometimes I'll add a bit of unsweet almond milk

makes for a god tier coffee moment

>> No.10559449

French press if at home.

Long black if it's with breakfast or lunch

else Flat White

>> No.10559493

It's funny, all these try-hard teens saying black, little do they know that a study was done recently linking those who like black coffee and bitter flavors in general to having psychopathic tendencies.

>> No.10559498

>black coffee and bitter flavors in general to having psychopathic tendencies.
Goddamn that's effay

>> No.10559500

And here's a link if you tryhards want to read it.


>> No.10559501

>implying psychopathic tendencies aren't /fa/

>> No.10559506

Wow. A study was done. Must be true then.

>> No.10559540

I drink black because these ritzy-ass $20 a bag single-origin bullshit coffee beans fresh ground and prepared in a perfectly timed v60 pourover don't deserve to have their flavor snuffed out by the devils additives.

>> No.10559543

Psychopathic tendencies aren't bad by nature, those are the people who, because of their lack of empathy, are able to stay calm in an emergency situation and are able to stay objective instead of letting emotions cloud their judgement.
They're a part of human evolution, a few psychopaths can up the chances of a tribe surviving.

>> No.10559547
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With milk, no sugar.

I can drink black and like it, but I think milk rounds out the flavor better.

I always drink moka pot coffee black, though, because that's basically espresso.

Pic related if I want something sweet.

>> No.10559558
File: 18 KB, 550x400, slide_8238_109834_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black, just like my men

>> No.10559607

Up is a preposition, not a verb you fucking kuck

>> No.10559621

You're either an idiot for not knowing that phrase or an idiot for not finding a better part of that statement to pick apart than his use of a colloquialism.

>> No.10559623

>third worlder
>correcting my English

>> No.10559642

Americano, no milk or sugar.

>> No.10559681

> trow in a rit and inject it, best rush ever

>> No.10560100


>> No.10560105

get a long black you fucking scrub

>> No.10560166

>driving through rural area 2 hours from anywhere
>come upon town of about 100 people
>feel like a coffee
>never ordered a coffee in a cafe
>walk in
>ask for a milky coffee
>"so, like a flat white or cappuccino or...?"
>spaghetti falls out of my pockets
>"j-just a coffee with lots of milk pls"
>somehow manage to look like an uncultured bogan in a town of 100

>> No.10560188

>buying into big milk propaganda

baka tbqhwy senpai

>> No.10560191 [DELETED] 

Piping hog and injected into the eye of my penis using a needle

>> No.10560201

Piping hot and injected into the head of my penis using a needle

>> No.10560210
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>> No.10560211


>> No.10560249

I have a black mocha. Everyone gets it wrong and oversweetens it. Don't have shit taste like me

>> No.10560254

tell them not to oversweeten it

>> No.10560347

Just black drip at home. The same or espresso at cafés.

>> No.10560433


Enema style

>> No.10560591

Black and strong. Not like the americanos you get in cafés.

>> No.10560594
File: 37 KB, 322x273, coffee-happy-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feel like a coffee

>> No.10560614

strong with milk and sugar

i tried black coffee but it's just fucking awful

>> No.10560616

Why bother? Drink cocoa.

>> No.10560617

if anything, it makes him sound elitist. how is it edgy?

>> No.10560619

Black if hot. Sometimes black while cold, but I depends on the brew. I'll have a cold glass of coffee with some light caramel salt sometimes, when it's warm and I'm not in a rush.

>> No.10560624

black coffee made with aeropress. its just really simple and tasty.

>> No.10560625

Black with one sugar.

>a pinch of salt
What does that do?

>> No.10560626

I take it black.

Like my men.

>> No.10560630

Nothing it's to piss off people who offer milk and sugar
>Milk, sugar?
>NO. SALT M8. :^)

>> No.10560640
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On the toilet tbperfectlyh with u boys

>> No.10560647

I don't.

>> No.10560649

French pressed, very strong and with ~2 tablespoons of milk per mug. I enjoy black coffee too but it upsets my stomach.

>> No.10560666

Try less strong coffee? Don't destroy your stomach m8.

>> No.10560674

do you have asperger?

>> No.10560679

Do you know what aspergers is?

>> No.10560681

no i don't, explain

>> No.10560686
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>> No.10560709

If I made it at home, black with half a sugar
If deli coffee, milk 1 sugar
If work coffee, straight into the trash

Seriously that coffee pot hasn't been cleaned in 5-6 years.
If I bring my French press in everyone mooches coffee off of me. That's why I try and prepare a thermos every morning.

>> No.10560721

I use creamer, but I can easily drink black. I just prefer sweets.

>> No.10560725

French pressed coffee is truly the only way to drink coffee.

I did a blind taste test a few days ago with a couple different cups of coffee. They gave me 6 different kinds of drip coffee and each one was a weak, tasteless, oily mess.
Thank god I found a place where I can get my beans ground super coarse; I couldn't get an even coarse grind before without using a mortar and pestle.

>> No.10560726

Weak coffee tastes disgusting, and a splash of milk is all it takes to make my stomach agree with it.

>> No.10560856

or its an indication of whether or not you use your resources in life and people who like sugar and creamer just dont like their drink tasting like shit

>> No.10560872

with milk

plain coffee is fucking disgusting

>> No.10560881

>little do they know that a study was done recently linking those who like black coffee and bitter flavors in general to having psychopathic tendencies.
Oh a study? Well, even then, any one who's done a 101 science course in university knows that correlation does not necessitate causation.
>Links to "study"
>Website is "I Fucking Love Science"

>> No.10560885

I like my coffee bulletproof

>> No.10560904


>> No.10560910

>So, then, what does this all mean? Not much -- at least not yet. The study size was small and the data self-reported, a notoriously unreliable metric.
Literally from the article you linked.

>> No.10560929

As black as midnight on a moonless night

>> No.10560945

Like I like my women
Preferably fairtrade

>> No.10560987

black senpai, not for any pretentious reasons just too lazy most mornings to add anything, used to drink it with milk but the difference with and without the little I was putting was pretty minor desu

>> No.10560995

Green. Like my men.

>> No.10561043

Double americano if I'm going for the usual, Chemex or the like if I can (don't try and tell me it's not the cleanest, freshest coffee you can get, black from the Moccamaster at home.

Honestly if you're not substituting soda why put milk in your coffee, what's the point

>> No.10561048


But I mostly just pop caffeine pills and ephedrine nowadays. More direct.

>> No.10561090

I've seen an old man dip coffee grounds.
I personally don't care I'll drink it regardless.

>> No.10561110

I don't because it makes me have to shit and stains my teeth.

>> No.10561122

half&half + sugar

>> No.10561169

black with no sugar, like a man, my son.

>> No.10561214

as expected, and confirmed by this thread, people who drink coffee black feel like they have something to prove. fucking anon talking about handling bitterness like handling life is straight cringe

>> No.10561239
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black as an ugandan labourer

this nigga know whats up

>> No.10561241

it gves the coffee more body, or at least thats how i feel salt interacting with my coffee, i only have it that way in summer

>> No.10561247


Latte Macchiato when I'm hungry.

>> No.10561274

With cream

>> No.10561276

In the form of an enema

>> No.10561283

Black only /fa/ way

Over ice or hot

>> No.10561301

Salt heightens the taste of the coffee goes really well.

>> No.10561346

are you dense? you do realize this garbage of a drug barely passes through the blood barrier right?