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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 52 KB, 537x392, 1441128611084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10553412 No.10553412 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw only men hit on you

>> No.10553413

stop looking like a major queer then

>> No.10553417
File: 49 KB, 240x232, 1444442227420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gay
>tfw only girls hit on you

>> No.10553418

Post pic faggot. I wanna see what you're doing wrong.

>> No.10553431

,then hang yourself

>> No.10553453


>> No.10553503
File: 16 KB, 500x461, 1323642227001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I thought I was the only one

>> No.10553527

I see it as a compliment, men have superior taste than women in fashion, so if a girl hits on you it means you dress shitty

>> No.10553542

Shit dick detected, ignore this post.

Start lifting and stop dressing try hard op.

>> No.10553592

guess everyone's got problems :/

>> No.10553598

you sound like a faggot

>> No.10553632

>Start lifting

no, more men hit on me than women since i started lifting

>> No.10553651

Opposite effect for me, I mean men still stalk me but they respect my personal space now and I'm not threatened by them anymore because I'm jacked now. Now I just have girls trying to cop feels and I love it.

>> No.10553663

straight people only have to worry about being hit on by the 1% of the population who is gay.

gay people have to worry about the other 99%.

I've been hit on by numerous women. And yet, zero men. Fuck my life.

>> No.10553675

>Be at deathgrips concert
>dance with girl
>she gets obliterated in mosh pit and I lose her
>shirtless fag who's been following me since the concert started stands in front of me in hopes I rub against him
>elbow him super hard
>go to the bathroom cuz ketamine was making me feel weird
>another lowest faggot offers me a blowjob as I'm literally pissing in the urinal
Gay people are degenerates

>> No.10553682

post face pls :)

>> No.10553683

the girls i know who are into buff guys have terrible personalities
the girls i know who are into skinny guys have terrible lifestyles

>> No.10553696

I didn't become cloud man, girls only care about my eyes anyway. I'm lean and muscular lifting heavy but making sure I maintain flexibility for self defense. I've met some sweet hearts lately just hard to make them comfortable around me at first.

>> No.10553738

This is so accurate

>> No.10553762

This is life

>> No.10553769
File: 7 KB, 205x249, 1443627003743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only black girls hit on you

>> No.10554385

A few gay people has hit on me in the past. It's just a compliment. Comon lads

>> No.10554420
File: 23 KB, 400x282, Crawling in my skin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this has nothing to do with fashion, you utter, utter tool. How can you even be so stupid as to think that has anything to do with it? Jesus.

If you're a guy and men hit on you, chances are you look like a little bitch twink. Faggots like that, because they're disgusting. Women don't, because they don't find short, skinny twinks that weight less than a chihuahua to be attractive, or someone they can even respect as a human bean.

>> No.10554427

Lmao u seem tense buddy.

>> No.10554428
File: 148 KB, 584x645, 1445577761792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a Tinder
>only ever match with cute white and Hispanic girls
>swipe the attractive black ones right all the time
>not one has ever done the same

>> No.10554429

Seriously, faggots have no shame or decency. There's this nudist beach close to where I live where I usually go with my gf, but it's mostly filled with old faggots looking for cock. So you'll have older faggots follow you around constantly, mumble creepy things to you while looking like degenerates and occasionally just jacking it a few meters away from you, until you start taking pictures and saying you'll post them online.

>faggots, not even once

>> No.10554434

why don't you fuck women, then? SOme of them would let you to put it in the ass

>> No.10554476

This tbh. stop being such massive closet fags and use it as an ego boost.

>> No.10554480

This tbh.
Women don't care even half as much about a nice lifting body as men, and doubly so for gay men.
It's a great feel being hit on by a dude that you were just mirin.

>> No.10554538
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>yfw when people (not you, you're obviously trolling) think like that

>> No.10554600
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> He can't tell when women pretend not to notice him only because they want him to notice them first
> not knowing that gay men WORSHIP straight men

>> No.10554623

> bean
I lost it there

>> No.10554665

Most girls do not hit on guys outright.

>> No.10554718
File: 17 KB, 342x294, 3-28-12-cmi-8536-unsure-man-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not sure when I get hit on anymore. Have had like 4 girls explicitly just say to my face they want to fuck which makes it easy, and have heard through female friends that other girls have mentioned they find me attractive but I never seem to get laid anymore.

Need to be more approachable tbh but I'm often pretty self-hating which makes it hard to present an attractive face to other people.

>> No.10554754

I am you my friend

>> No.10554764

You're at a nude beach dumbass, what do you honestly expect?

>> No.10554767

>death grips
>mosh pit
>elbow him super hard

I bet you're very edgy

>> No.10554768
File: 11 KB, 211x246, 1419867666519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw literally no one hits on you except for your best friend

>> No.10554791

For some reason only semi overweight girls hit on me or stare at me. I don't get stares from skinny white girls tho :/

>> No.10554793

I can relate to this so hard. Most gay men don't even realize I'm gay unless I make it known.

>> No.10554795
File: 12 KB, 272x276, some men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking back at life a little
>realize ive let about 10+ girls slip through my fingers by being a complete fucking idiot while they were clearly attracted to me
>no more rich social life with a lot of chances of meeting qts

also relating to the topic
>get my right ear pierced and stretched when I was 15 or something because it was cool
>get rid of it a few years later
>several years later learn that having right ear pierced is gay

is this a common thing, ive been hit on by men quite a lot and I wonder if thats a factor or do I just look like a faggot

>> No.10554798

Black girls and middle aged women are friendly to me, but maybe that's because I'm cold to attractive white girls cause they scare me

>> No.10554813

I generally assume any guy with an ear piercing might be gay

>> No.10554818

>listening to desu grippu
>taking ketamine
>calling others degenerates
top kuck

>> No.10554828

Holy shit are we all the same person? (had both ears stretched to 10mm until like 18 months ago, so not quite the same) but yeah.

20 now, and feel like I'm losing friends and becoming isolated a lot and it's all my own fault. Go out drinking pretty much every weekend at university but my game is sub-par as fuck. Don't really want to turn this into a feels thread tbh but i feel like depression and self hatred have sucked the life out of me compared to when I was like 16.

>> No.10554838

You understand that you have to hit on girls?
Men "hit" on things, its their job, as seen by society nowadays.

>> No.10554883

Why would being at a nudist beach make it okay to sexually harrass other people?

>> No.10554885

>It's a great feel being hit on by a dude that you were just mirin.


>> No.10554890


>> No.10554893

>thinking back at life
>realize I have let bunch of girls slip through while being totally aware they were in to me because I have nothing to give to someone in a relationship
I feel lonely still sometimes but really it's not too much to handle

>> No.10554897
File: 29 KB, 399x388, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to fetish parties
>go with group of girls
>want to get strapped by two of them
>tfw only bi/homos want to fuck me
>tfw the girls I like talk about how the faggots who were hitting on me were so hot

I just wish I could either be handsome or at least a fucking faggot so I could enjoy homosex.

>> No.10554899
File: 26 KB, 302x306, Depp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get back when it's been 10 years and you're 26 and still living a shit life filled with nothing but pain and disappointment.

>> No.10554901

Lmao wew lads

>> No.10554902

so get your ass to the gym frogman

>> No.10554903
File: 44 KB, 240x250, 1440410073785-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only women in their late 30s early 40s hit in me
>tfw all I want is a teen qt

Screw this gay earth fam

>> No.10554904

Yeah and everyone on /fa/ is skinny/wannabe, and since they're browsing /fa/, they too probably have terrible lifestyles so it kind of works out :-)

>> No.10554906

then change your game jap-whore

you guys act like youre fucking stuck when the only cage has and ever will be mental. pick it up and stop whining

>> No.10554908

no actually that guy is just a primo-dumbass

>> No.10554913

>tfw girls and men hit on you
also cougars too
feels good i guess

>> No.10554917

watch out for syphilis bro, its called the love bug for a reason

>> No.10554918
File: 208 KB, 396x385, 1419749001900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only filthy mexican and filipino chicks hit on me
>tfw no qt pale asian chick gf

>> No.10554925
File: 19 KB, 396x385, feels good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have herpes
>tfw sex life got better after I got infected
>tfw signing up on a herpes dating site and pretty much every bitch near wants the d

>> No.10554929

you know you could have done that without getting herpes in the first place dumbass

>> No.10554935

Dude relax, he just appreciates you, i give my best friend brojobs every now and then, no homo.

>> No.10554936

N-not saying I copped herpes
But imma need that link fam

>> No.10554937


>> No.10554941


>> No.10554945

You do know that there are multiple strains, right?

>> No.10554950

Nah, was briefly a member on a pure sex site, only managed to meet 2 girls in like a year.

After I got herpes and signed on to a herpes dating site, pretty much every girl I've contacted has wanted to meet, and many have contacted me. It's funny how desperate they are, you can meet MILFs, teens, whatever, really easily.

Sometimes, it really pays off being the only decent guy with a dick covered in bloody warts.

Sure do.


>> No.10555909

Unattractive male detected

>> No.10556123

literally this, men only find me attractive... I think that i become a fag, tbh

>> No.10556139

whew lad

>> No.10556267

you don't want women hitting on you

every time she is a slut

nice girls don't hit on guys, but they often send signals unintentionally.

>> No.10557175

lol just gtfo

>> No.10557188

yea like texting you "hey" after you grt their number and they initiate and u feel like a god and just let that txt simmer a minute and relish making her wait

>> No.10557196

>Sometimes, it really pays off being the only decent guy with a dick covered in bloody warts.

this is basically 4chan summed up in a sentence

>> No.10558035


Audible keks

>> No.10558049
File: 38 KB, 453x604, 1438021612221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's worried about you and your self esteem and trying to make up for it <3

>> No.10558058
File: 9 KB, 250x250, Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want cute hispanic girlfriend
>only get hit on by white girls
>white grills think you're a fashion god
>hispanic grills think you're a faggot

>> No.10558088

why are latinas so conservative?

>> No.10558149

> tfw never hit on
> except by my old gay neighbour who's husband has just died
> tfw 24
> tfw brain damaged
> tfw please help
> can we just agree not to make life unfair?
> tfw I hate these threads as my sex life is non-existant I kind of assume that only people get sex in relationships or extremely lucky or very charismatic people
> tfw sometimes see people get sex
> tfw nobody will respond to this as even on 4chan I am boring and low status but I can't even work out what I am doing wrong

I fucking hate life reee.

>> No.10558152

>brain damaged
What do you mean?

>> No.10558158 [DELETED] 


I dosed some steroids I got online three years ago. They made me feel sick and since then I've really found it hard to think, and have a difficult time feeling emotions. It wasn't so bad at first but I kept drinking, and rarely drugs, as I was so keen to try and get women (and in denial about the damage - it was relatively minor) and now I am really quite changed from it. I got a girl at the end of the year, but by the time I got her I couldn't really feel love. She ended up cheating on me in a bath in budapest with a guy who she met a minute earlier, sucks.

It was bad before though, when I was taking the steroids I got a bit worried about the damage but, amoung more normal rationalisations, I told myself that perhaps damage would rejig my brain so I would have whatever it is that makes people attractive to women and able to connect.

>> No.10558159

buy a hooker m8

>> No.10558161


I dosed some steroids I got online three years ago. They made me feel sick and since then I've really found it hard to think, and have a difficult time feeling emotions. It wasn't so bad at first but I kept drinking, and rarely drugs, as I was so keen to try and get women (and in denial about the damage - it was relatively minor) and now I am really quite changed from it. I got a girl at the end of the year, but by the time I got her I couldn't really feel love. She ended up cheating on me in a bath in budapest with a guy who she met a minute earlier, sucks.

It was bad before though, when I was taking the steroids I got a bit worried about the damage but, amoung more normal rationalisations, I told myself that perhaps damage would rejig my brain so I would have whatever it is that makes people attractive to women and able to connect.

>> No.10558169

Same. Black women love me, but I just want an aryan qt

>> No.10558179

Browsing 4chan obviously

Maximal kek you absolute moron

>> No.10558185


I would kill you in real life if you said that to me.

Note that, due to this damage, I have become significantly more sociopathic. as someone who previously wasn't at all (too concerned, really) I can tell you with the utmost certainty that your life is a pale shadow of a decent persons. You lose out, so, so much - something which you won't be able to comprehend. Those factors that give one a moral caring disposition, are intimately intwined with those that make life meaningful. The less you feel, the less sympathetic you are, the less you live. Those born as sociopaths just don't realise it. You, to repsond like that, are verily almost as bad as me, both now so far from grace. Your mothers love was a lie. Nobody will care when you die. You don't exist for them just as others don't exist truly for you. Worthless. I would kill you but you'd suffer more being alive.

>> No.10558193


>> No.10558206

lol Edge McEdgysson

>> No.10558215


You guys are boring

>> No.10558229
File: 318 KB, 2448x3264, IMG_4461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit did I just contribute to a new pasta?

>> No.10558234


What he says is probably true desu sempai

>> No.10558237

Wow, that's awful man. Anti depressants fucked up my sex drive. Fucking pharma cunts

>> No.10558240


I would kill you in real life if you said that to me.

Note that, due to this damage, I have become significantly more sociopathic. as someone who previously wasn't at all (too concerned, really) I can tell you with the utmost certainty that your life is a pale shadow of a decent persons. You lose out, so, so much - something which you won't be able to comprehend. Those factors that give one a moral caring disposition, are intimately intwined with those that make life meaningful. The less you feel, the less sympathetic you are, the less you live. Those born as sociopaths just don't realise it. You, to repsond like that, are verily almost as bad as me, both now so far from grace. Your mothers love was a lie. Nobody will care when you die. You don't exist for them just as others don't exist truly for you. Worthless. I would kill you but you'd suffer more being alive.

>> No.10558279

>being this much of a fag
>hating gays
Just come out of the closet already

>> No.10558306
File: 1.69 MB, 1440x900, Screen Shot 2015-10-31 at 16.46.19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending to be straight

>> No.10558325

lekker spelennnnn

>> No.10558399

Latino girls are bottom tier.

>> No.10558403
File: 14 KB, 552x539, 1445655024859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>latino girls

>> No.10558408

ive probably attracted about the same amount of both, which means nowhere near enough girls

>> No.10558445
File: 652 KB, 1508x1288, zb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only closeted homosexual boomers hit on me
>not even nice about it like younger fags
>just aggressive and creepy

>> No.10558461

He's right. Girls will only hit on you outright if they're with friends.

When's alone she's thinking "OMG JUST ASK ME OUT ALREADY"

>> No.10558506
File: 74 KB, 377x526, 1445993935531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Low test twink detected

>> No.10558515

women would probably not hit on you
men are the ones who make the first movee

>> No.10558534

If you want WOMEN hiting on you, you got it all wrong.

>> No.10558597

The only girls that hit on me are the ones with boyfriends.

>> No.10559695

Seriously, this chick slid me her phone number just to tell me she had a boyfriend and then proceeded to freak out when I started ignoring her.

>> No.10559700

This probably only happened because I'm in the gayest state in America.

>> No.10559725

I would kill you in real life if you said that to me.

Note that, due to this damage, I have become significantly more sociopathic. as someone who previously wasn't at all (too concerned, really) I can tell you with the utmost certainty that your life is a pale shadow of a decent persons. You lose out, so, so much - something which you won't be able to comprehend. Those factors that give one a moral caring disposition, are intimately intwined with those that make life meaningful. The less you feel, the less sympathetic you are, the less you live. Those born as sociopaths just don't realise it. You, to repsond like that, are verily almost as bad as me, both now so far from grace. Your mothers love was a lie. Nobody will care when you die. You don't exist for them just as others don't exist truly for you. Worthless. I would kill you but you'd suffer more being alive.

>> No.10559729

I would kill you in real life if you said that to me.

Note that, due to this damage, I have become significantly more sociopathic. as someone who previously wasn't at all (too concerned, really) I can tell you with the utmost certainty that your life is a pale shadow of a decent persons. You lose out, so, so much - something which you won't be able to comprehend. Those factors that give one a moral caring disposition, are intimately intwined with those that make life meaningful. The less you feel, the less sympathetic you are, the less you live. Those born as sociopaths just don't realise it. You, to repsond like that, are verily almost as bad as me, both now so far from grace. Your mothers love was a lie. Nobody will care when you die. You don't exist for them just as others don't exist truly for you. Worthless. I would kill you but you'd suffer more being alive.

>> No.10559741

15%-20% of the population is gay?

I'm going to call bullshit. I'm talking about people who identify as homosexual/bisexual/pansexual/Chinese/Lasagna. Not those who are in the closet.

People in the closet generally do not publicly hit on straight people. Unless they think you're gay. And then that's your problem.

>> No.10559747

... did you go with it?

>> No.10559762

Fuck no, I went back out and Moshed until the show was over. The whole experience made me stop listening to deathgrips as a whole though. And later that night I thought I was gonna die coming down from ketamine while on caffeine pills overall I became straight edge and quit listening to meme music. I view it as a turning point in my life.

>> No.10559765

didnt even try to read this

>> No.10559769

Do people in the closet know they're gay? Like I can recognize when one guy is better looking than another but I don't think I've ever wanted to sleep with another man.

>> No.10559790

I wouldn't say hit on, but I get complimented p good amount of time when I'm a bit sociable w strangers.

>tfw I never attract qt asians, white girls, or mixed girls with curly afros and a fine ass

>> No.10559791

I don't know. I'm still in the closet and know that I'm gay as shit.

It depends on who you ask really.
I never "knew" I was gay when I was younger. I had crushes on girls and had the standard boy childhood (action figures, yu-gi-oh, video games, guy friends). Except I was shit at sports so maybe that's it.

I came to the realization that I liked guys in middle school. When I felt that having sex with one of the other boys in my P.E. class wouldn't be too bad.

And from there it just kind of escalated.
But no, there weren't any signs when I was younger.

Maybe you can subconsciously repress your gayness but I doubt it. I feel that you would have some sort of sneaking suspicion. But finding another guy good looking isn't gay. It's just you being honest.

That whole "manly straight men can't acknowledge another good looking man" trope is fucking annoying.

>> No.10559808

latino girls are such superficial idiots lmao, i live in ca. and they are insufferable here

>> No.10559815

pretty much, but all my white friends want asian or latino. Don't like to talk down other Hispanics, but the only good latin women are once raised and educated there and found success. Much like any other race though most of them are succubi.

The only exception are girls in Engineering. Holy shit this attracts the best girls for some reason, I mean like wife material.

>> No.10559818
File: 83 KB, 261x260, 1339437915724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I'm jelly.

>> No.10559822

If I'm only attractive from some angles, and not so much from dif angles, am I truly attractive or fugly?

iPhone camera is a shit. I want to know what I really look like in the eyes if other plp

>> No.10559831

Also, how much separated from eachother is being cute from being attractive? If that makes sense

>> No.10559838

little babies and old asian grandmas and small toy cars can be cute

do you want to fuck those? no? then cute and attractive are far apart

>> No.10559840

fairly sure everyone gay or straight can realize when a guy is attractive or even take a second glance at a really attractive dude. not even for wanting to sleep with them, but just out of them being a special / non-ordinary person

>> No.10559846

I sucked at sports too so I went into boxing. I've never had a girlfriend and I keep pulling gay men so it makes me question myself sometimes. It's not that I don't want a girlfriend I just have antisocial hobbies (constant strenuous physical activity). I guess if I haven't had a sexual fantasy about another man by the age of 20 it would mean I'm straight.

>> No.10559851

we can never truly know how we look to other people, so just pretend you look good even if you don't think you do. you're stuck with what you got unless you want to mutilate yourself, so make the best of it desu

>> No.10559856

how do you like boxing? i want to get into training for it mostly because it seems fuckin cool, but i am shit at running / cardio. i will die if i try to go to a class, right?

>> No.10559864

Thank you.

>> No.10559871

You won't get beat to death on your first day but if you haven't done anything for a while you might vomit. I started young with a trainer so I'm used to it. I like it a lot because I was so bad at team sports that required coordination it feels good to me just focusing on myself and my one other opponent.

>> No.10559877

how much is an appropriate level of cardio for a session of boxing training?

i don't want to go and come close to blacking out or anything because i'll probably get really discouraged, so what do you think i should be able to run, for ex.

>> No.10559878

I agree. Everyone has the ability to recognize an attractive person. But people get up-in-arms and freaked out when it comes to those of the same sex. Like that's an automatic sign of being a homo.

As a regular human being (other than the homo part), I find several girls extremely attractive. Hell, I even have a porn folder solely for chicks. It's an abstract concept I know.

It's not that I wouldn't have sex with a woman, it's just that I find their presence and generally shit personalities unpleasant to be around at best. I'm gay because I can't form relationships with women, not because I can't fuck one. In my crazy fucked up head at least.

>> No.10559885

You're fine bro. Take it as a compliment.

I don't think that there's this rule about coming to terms with your sexuality like
>if I haven't had a sexual fantasy about another man by the age of 20 it would mean I'm straight

but that's a pretty good sign. Some men come to the realization that they're gay at like 50 after 22 years of marriage and three grown up kids.

but I don't know man. that's for you to decide.

>> No.10559888

im a straight guy and the way i see attractive guys is more of a comparison / goal type thing, whereas an attractive female obviously just want to get in her guts. obviously biased here, because of course my own thoughts make the most sense to me, but i would assume most straight guys think this way

>> No.10559894

You should be able to atleast jog a mile without walking before starting. If you can do that, starting out the first few classes before they ramp up you should be walking out with your head held up high.

>> No.10559895

post of the day

>> No.10559897

oh ok, i'm a lot closer than i thought i was then. i was aiming for a 5k without walking

>> No.10559901

That probably won't just throw you into the deep end of it right off the back or the gym probably wouldn't keep very many customers lol. Good luck.

>> No.10559909

Thanks senpai

>> No.10559913

Obviously I'm not a woman so it's a different kind of feel when I see an attractive female.

Of course, some of them I think to myself how I would totally give them the dicking but for most...nah. Usually it's just like a "Oh she's really cute/pretty/etc.". And that's it. Sometimes if she's particularly attractive I can't help but stare. But then again I feel that's the same with anyone who's at that level of attractiveness.

With guys it's the same way you feel with girls. Except it depends on the guy. It's pretty embarrassing and shitty considering they are usually straight. I never hit on guys whose sexuality I'm unsure of though. It's uncomfortable for me and him. Plus he could kick my ass and I'd rather avoid that at all costs.

>> No.10559926

The only time I've ever considered hitting a gay man for hitting on me was when they've either invaded my personal space (touched me) or didn't take no for an answer (kept hitting on me or following me after I said I was straight) those experiences were abrasive but no straight guy is just going to outright hit a gay man for hitting on him.

>> No.10559931

yo man cool it with the edge trolling you arrogant highschooler

>> No.10559932

Most men will conform to a women's less desirable personality traits because of thier attractiveness. If you're sexually attracted to women and don't date them because you think they have annoying personalities you probably just gave up too soon. But most genuinely straight men can't imagine enjoying sex with another man.

>> No.10559956

Interesting, I've wondered what I would do if I happened to find a girl with an amazing personality and I guess in that case, I'd have no qualms dating her.

Still, it's highly unlikely and hasn't happened thus far so I'll stick with the gay label until then.

I really don't see why you wouldn't enjoy having sex with another man honestly. And not even anal per se, but oral even. I mean if you're willing to look over a shitty horrible personality for a quick fuck why wouldn't you do the same for a guy with a great personality that you find physically attractive.

And believe me, I've seen some pretty fucking desperate people on both sides of the fence here lowering their expectations for a quick lay.

I guess another issue for me too is that I don't do casual sex. I could imagine myself having sex with a woman but I would never do so if I wasn't romantically attached to her. It's the same way for guys too. I just get romantically attached to guys before girls.

>> No.10559972

hello my problem is no one hits on me of any gender i live a life of celibacy

>> No.10559983

It's not even a quick lay really, it's something endearing even when the girl I'm dating is mad at me she's still cute to me, her eyes and her smile melt me. I feel like if I was dating a guy with a nice personality and he pissed me off there would be nothing stopping me from kicking his ass. Men don't have periods so there's no excuse for hissy fits, I would just punch him probably.

>> No.10559991

See I wouldn't hit anyone I was dating considering that I would be dating them for the reason that I love them.

If I date someone, it's because they are special to me.

And I wouldn't hit someone that I loved. Male or female. Coming from a male. Just by my definition of a relationship I guess.

I hope you wouldn't kick your s/o's ass if they were a male when they pissed you off. That's actually a pretty enormous deal in gay relationships believe it or not. All of the testosterone I guess.

But I actually heard lesbians are proportionally worse when it comes to domestic violence. That may have come from a bitter gay guy since we are known to not get along with lesbians. Not sure why because I get along with lesbians just fine.

>> No.10560009
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i just want to be alone to be honest with yall

>> No.10560580

>tfw short