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/fa/ - Fashion

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10552726 No.10552726 [Reply] [Original]

Is Montreal really the only /fa/ place in Canada?

Toronto tries too hard and is expensive
Vancouver is expensive and full of yuppies
Calgary is expensive and boring
Edmonton is full of greasy riggers
Winnipeg is a frozen shithole
The East Coast has no jobs

Please tell me I'm wrong

>> No.10552739

>full of french-canadians

try again

>> No.10552756

Nah, the good parts are full of /fa/ transplants from the rest of Canada.

>> No.10552793

Vancouver, Victoria, Montreal, Toronto(boring, but its a true metro...) and prob. halifax if you want a more indie scene that is really unique in north america.

>> No.10552814

It makes my blood boil that people complain about montreal, vancouver etc being uneffay. Seriously fuck you. Some of us have lived our entire lives in desolate chug infested wastelands. Have some respect.

>> No.10552889

I'm sure Vancouver was effay before, but it just doesn't make any sense to me that there could be any effay people left there given the gentrification and ridiculous housing market. It seems like the whole gritty gastown stuff is being replaced by empty condos. If I'm wrong then please correct me, I would like to move to Vancouver one day if it's still good but I just picture it being shit these days.

>> No.10552892

full of french people and hipster art school faggots

the entire country is shit

>> No.10552905

>It seems like the whole gritty gastown stuff is being replaced by empty condos.

disgusting homeless bums being replaced with soulless chinks and fat hipster faggots

its always been shit and always will be

>> No.10552969

Well shit. It seems like the two cities I thought were half decent are actually garbage. Where the hell am I supposed to go then?

>> No.10552990

anyone else feel toronto has too many small town people living in it? Doesn't even feel like a city with all the ppl moving in

>> No.10553002

really? halifax? how much does it cost to live there? is it comfy as fuck in the winter? how are the girls? is the art scene just crafty small stuff, or does it get pretty avantgarde too?

>> No.10553019

North America is not /fa/ sorry

>> No.10553033

jesus christ this board is the most faggoty shit I've ever had the displeasure of browsing

>> No.10553038

is faggoty shit effffffff-ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

>> No.10553045

Relatively cheap compared to the rest of overpriced bullshit Canadian cities. It's cold, windy and rainy and there is snow but not as much as there is inland. As for girls I can only go by the ones that moved to my province for uni. Most of them are average to below average, pretty easy, pretty basic and pretty dumb. Same with the guys though I do have a good friend from Halifax who is pretty /fa/. No clue about the art scene though my other effay friend went to school in Halifax and said it was decent. I don't think it's exactly avant garde though.

Well then where is? Europe seems like it's flooded with shitty immigrants, poor and overpopulated.

>> No.10553055

Obviously Antarctica, only the select few elite (such as myself) reside there. Europe was centuries ago and Asia is an internet meme. who cares about the other ones

>> No.10553073

how easy is it for canadians to move to america?
I want to live somewhere else : (

or Berlin

>> No.10553102

Hard is fuck as far as I'm aware. It's pretty shitty that people in Europe get to work in each other's countries and us Canadians are stuck in this overpriced shithole.

Apparently there's an artist visa if you want to work in Berlin. I'm not sure about the details though but I've been thinking about it.

>> No.10553112

do you ACTUALLY think it's that much better in the U.S

l o l

>> No.10553358

No, those are the worst parts.

>> No.10553361

Literally every Vancouver hipster goes to Montreal to study.

>> No.10553371

Anywhere thats not in the praries

From a guy who lives in edmonton

>> No.10553390


>> No.10553514
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>tfw u don't mention Sunnyvale
>go to Sunnyvale

>> No.10553581

Ottawa. Everything that trends on here trends in Ottawa. The sherpa jacket just died out last week but probably because its so fucking cold.

>> No.10553590

>Everything that trends on here trends in Ottawa
Uhhhh this isn't true, at least at Uottawa, everyone's a pleb

>> No.10553599

Thats true. I live in the glebe

>> No.10553613

ricky always got super aesthetic shirts i love it

>> No.10553694

I just can't stand montreal because of how fucking pretentious people from there are

>oh ho ho look at me with my cheap rent and fresh bagels

>> No.10553700

yo what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.10553773

Montrealer here.
/fa/ scene is pretty good, good restaurants...
Montreal is pretty fun in general.

French-Canadians are only a problem if you're condescending on french speakers, like most of /fa/ does.

Watch out for the cold though.

>> No.10553803

Toronto being expensive is a myth, I have friends living off 700 a month

>> No.10553820

yeah knew a guy who was living downtown paying 400cad a month in rent near the financial district, don't me wrong he was buddies with the landlord so he got a sweet deal but, it's defs possible

>> No.10554380

canada sucks a cock

it's like living in a shit tier flyover state but as expensive as new york or california

people will shit on seattle but it is a million times better then vancouver tbh

it's near impossible to move here legally. i just sign up for 3 cheap community classes every semester and maintain a student visa, costs me like 900 dollars a year.

any place will hire you immediately if you're white, speak english and will work off the books. i make above minimum wage at a hardware store renting out tools that contractors hand to illegal mexicans for 3 dollars an hour of hard labor

i have to pay rent in cash though so i cant really get my own place, i donno what i'd do if i wasn't able to find room mates or whatever

still looking for a qt american girl to marry for citizenship, so hmu ladies

>> No.10554388

wish in the future move to Canada.
Ukrainian-jewish with family in canada, who live in Poland

>> No.10554581

what the fuck is a gee gee bud?

>> No.10554596

> how fucking pretentious people from there are
> look at me with my cheap rent and fresh bagels
> people from there are

You mean Anglos. You think French Canadians eat bagels? Top kek.

>> No.10554597

> That ONE FUCKING GUY who doesn't pay $2000 a month on rent not counting utilities



>> No.10555174

isnt there a way to live in like a oneroom piece of shit in parkdale for cheap?

also. can i just live at CAMH? It's like right at Ossington, pretty sick location, probably get free therapy too and meet interesting people : )

>> No.10555256

maybe you shouldn't trust the opinion of one anon without a second thought on /fa/

>> No.10555521

Anywhere on earth you can find cheap rent if you have the right hook ups.

Boned a chick who lived maybe 100 metres from Westminster Abbey and the same from Big Ben, literally you walked straight from Big Ben and you got there in 4 minutes. She was living in subsidized housing and I think her dole paid out her rent.

>> No.10555533

Montreal and Vancouver are the only effay parts of Canada

Portland, Seattle, Austin, Brooklyn, and San Fransisco are the only effay parts of America.

Both have about as much effay as your average Berlin city block

North America is a cultural wasteland. Parking lots and drive throughs, baseball and ineffeciant poorly built american cars, loose fitting jeans and oakleys. Baseball caps everywhere.

>> No.10555555

uottawa is so full of normies it's unreal

>> No.10555587


>> No.10555613
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chegd :DDD

>> No.10555619

UOttawa confirmed normie school.

>> No.10555716

can i do berlin with only english?

nice bro

>> No.10555766


>> No.10555771

toronto is the try hard capital of the universe, truly there the thirst is WAY too real

>> No.10555790

Near Liberty Village and around Spadina area you can get 1000-1400 rent. Yeah they're not grandiose, but if you want grandiose, go live in Barrie in an entire house for 700 a month like my coworker.

>> No.10555801

its because the city is irrelevant and has no history of attracting anything but the worst backwater Canada rejects

>> No.10555803

nyc u retard

>> No.10555820

dumbest thing ive read on /fa

>> No.10555829

kill urself

>> No.10555834

you'd never make in in nyc, london, hk, paris etc u basic canadian bitch

>> No.10555838

Manhattan is more /fa then anywhere u mentioned

>> No.10555849

yeah a lot of backwater people live there. pretty annoying, feel ad for the city kids
stay positive guys

>> No.10555854


Agreed that Vancouver is effay.

I moved to Vancouver from Edmonton and it definitely is pretty /fa/ of you know where to go. Plenty of unbelievable views to take girls to see, north van has a lot to explore (suspension bridge and Lynn canyon. Lynn canyon especially when it starts getting darker and you can explore off the trails).

City wise there are some great pubs (Keefer Bar is amazingly themed) and the tiki bar on main is supreme.

If you judge purely by stereotypes yeah this place is not effay. But if you actually go try to experience to city it has a lot to offer. Unlike Edmonton lmao.

>> No.10555880

the worst part is growing up downtown is people actually try convince you that you're in nyc or london when they are basically in Madison wisconsin because they proud of their canada goose half the country has, if you try and point out reality someone brings up drakes relevance in hip hop

>> No.10555890

toronto is no doubt the most un/fa place in the western hemisphere

>> No.10555965

a lot of the toronto city kids, not transplants, are like tough and mean af tho

>> No.10556194

lived there my whole life in toronto u could not be more mistaken its all an act, i was in more danger spending 3 days in tampa fl or 2 weeks in london uk and i sell drugs

>> No.10556202
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Canada, eh!

>> No.10556231

tfw Winnipeg is Portland North

>> No.10556361

Aww shit I go to glebe ci

>> No.10556371

why there so many people from ottawa

also i agree everyone here looks like shit and the only people i think look good 1) don't care or 2) are fucking nerds and want to talk to me abou thow their n&f are getting sik fades like shut the fuck up no one cares

>> No.10556418

Literally no one talks about ottawa


>> No.10556665

So expensive to live in literal garbage dumps.

NYC actually smells like my ass, except all the fucking time and everywhere.

>> No.10556698

Can you do Canada with only Mongolian?

>> No.10558241

>the east coast has no jobs
Exactly, Halifax is as /fa/ as it gets

>> No.10558253

i live very close to dundas and ossington and i pay $700 monthly.

>> No.10558256 [DELETED] 

Class of 2014 sempai

>> No.10558258

Class of 2014 sempai

>> No.10558262

Did they change t b h to desu and f a m to sempai¿

>> No.10558271
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>riding my bike around the city
>stop at an uselessly expensive coffee shop
>smoke a cigs while drinking my coffee out in the cold fall weather
>draped in expensive thrift shop clothes and nordic brand
Living the true montreal life desu

>> No.10558309

because we are in a void

what is there to even say about this city? if you were born here you either leave or you want to hide from the world and stay

we live under the shadow of parliament and a service industry geared toward people who don't even live here

>> No.10558481

maybe you shouldn't trust the opinion of one anon without a second thought on /fa/

>> No.10558482

I pay $600 rent at Bloor / Ossington.
Other expenses are about ~$300/month so that's less than $1000 a month living in one of the best neighborhoods in the city.

>> No.10558493

any ideas or plans where in Canada you're interested in moving to?

>> No.10558527

Okanagan fag here, planning to move to Vancouver soon.

sign me up. Also some things there I love, also it's true that only effay places are Vancouver and Montreal

>> No.10559618

Canada's shit. Winter is half the year and fall isn't long enough.

>> No.10559787

Apparently it's easy for canadians to move to japan, it's just really expensive. If you're really smart, talented and can speak German you can probably land yourself a spot in a German uni, tuition is free!

>> No.10559834

Winnipeg is pretty bad but at least cool bands come to osbourne village
I feel you I go to UofM and so many people attempt to dress but look like fashion victims its terrible.

>> No.10559914


are you me?

>> No.10559942

Nordstrom rack Ottawa when?

>> No.10559982

Ahahahahaha complaining about immigrants when you live in one of the most multicultural countries in the world.

>> No.10559988

montreal is full of morons taking liberal arts at mcgill because they think living in montreal will make them cool

vancouver is a soulless shithole and that why im moving down to LA or Austin soon. rich white people going to emily carr doing nothing with their lives and desperately trying to seem like their lawyer daddy isn't paying their rent

toronto is full of people who think drake memes are dfunny and tweet them

calgary is okay but i was just in offices and the bar at their university for a bit there was like 1 pretty hip gear in there she was wearing docs

>> No.10559993

and edmonton is an unholy shithole i cant imagine a worse place to live in the world every single person looked like they were on meth

>> No.10559997

Went to quebec with my dad during winter break
Srs the best place to live in canada
Girls are confidence and hot as fuck

>> No.10560125

What you saying?

>> No.10560462

I live in Edmonton currently, it's a nightmare. The public transportation is pretty bad so often I feel trapped. The people are dull and there is fuck all to do. I'm planning to move out of the country.

>> No.10560582

I'm French and I would like to live in Montréal, is it a good idea?

>> No.10560584

What is this Berlin hype? Germany is boring. People are austere and weird.

>> No.10560827

Yes. Make sure to live in a French area to avoid muzzies and hipsters.

>> No.10560875

Is it true you can find Rick Owens at Winners?

>> No.10560975

True Edmonton sux

Yes I've found it, only ladies though

>> No.10561031

Anyone in Toronto notice many of these new money chinks actually have awful sense of fashion and dress like pakis who shop at Walmart?

Maybe I'm just mistaken and that they're not rich but sacrificed little of what they had to be able to study abroad

>> No.10561873

best way to find a place that'd hire you under the table?

>> No.10561886

i hope that was café olympico otherwise youre doing it wrong.

>> No.10561914



>> No.10562138

Montreal is overrated, Vancouver is chill senpai

>> No.10563194

It's where all the hip people from elsewhere in the maritimes go to.

>> No.10563197

Their parents fund them. One of these fuckers drives a maserati at my school.

>> No.10563201

Not really /fa/ by /fa/'s standards, but Yarmouth, Nova Scotia seemed pretty quaint when I went there a while back.

>> No.10563205

As far as I saw it's mostly the jews

>> No.10563211

any service job or typical college kid part time job that

tell them you're a canadian student and aren't sure the process of how to get a work visa and they just say

"oh dont worry about that"

i've worked at 3 different places and it's happened every time

>> No.10563313


>> No.10563333


YYC forever ya bish

>> No.10563363

who? never heard of him

>> No.10563431

Anywhere besides Uncle Otis to cop Norse Projects or Our Legacy in Toronto?

>> No.10563845


>> No.10564081

I'm sick and tired of Vancouver. This hollow superficial city is now just a glorified chalet for the rich chinks and retired boomers

How hard is it for a young Canadian to move to and work in Germany or Austria ? My understanding of the german language is very basic

>> No.10565190

Leonidas on Parc is a decent cheap cafe + the owner's cool with you rolling on the outdoor tables

>> No.10565966


>> No.10566038

My ex was part of the 2013 grad class

>> No.10566048

gonna have to check it out

>> No.10566121

Moving to Van from toronto in January next year to be with my girlfriend
I heard you can't smoke on the sidewalks

>> No.10566576

can you elaborate on vancouver? what makes it so soulless?

>> No.10566769

In Vancouver, if you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem. Vancouver's solution = yoga, veganism, feminism, organic farm markets, homemade kombucha, and obscure craft breweries. If you're not into any of that then prepare to suffer, unless you're a rich chink. Then you'll be right at home.

I wanna move from Van to Toronto. I know that sounds crazy, but Vancouver really is a cultureless no fun city. It's basically an old folks' home for retired boomers and rich chinks at this point. Wanna get a drink after 1am, even on the weekend? Good luck. Transit shuts down around 00:30 too. The music scene here is pretty pathetic. It is a hollow city inflated with the pressure of being "the best, most beautiful city in Canada", unable to come to terms with the dreadful truth that it is not. In fact in a recent study it was shown to be one of the least happy cities in Canada. Anyway fuck hongcover

>> No.10566936

Thanks for your input. I've never been to Vancouver but i have heard about it's crappy nightlife and influx of rich asians. I thought it was really livable being that I've lived in ontario all my life and the winters blow. Although I love the nightlife and Toronto and mtl are always a blast. I'm planning on moving to Toronto soon as well!

>> No.10567127

don't get me wrong, Vancouver is a paradise if you aspire to be someone who leads a "healthy, active, and gluten free lifestyle"

>> No.10567131

I imagine Vancouver's version of all these things is watered down, yuppified and soulless. That's kind of what I was afraid of. It sounds like the city has become really inauthentic. I'm not sure what it used to be like though.

I'm thinking of maybe moving to Toronto as well but the high rent prices and shit people say about that place have me feeling skeptical. I've gone there a few times the past few months and it wasn't so bad though. Where do you think has the best music scene other than Montreal? That's what I'm most interested in really.

>> No.10567139

You should visit at least. I'm a vancouver native but I lived in ontario for school. Still vastly prefer hongcouver.

On a very fundamental level, the environment is just so much more amenable to human health and comfort. Unless you mind rain that is.

All that other stuff is tertiary imo. YOU make life interesting... not the stuff you surround yourself with.

>> No.10567152

can confirm. have friends sharing a house comfortably for 600$ a month near ossington and bloor

>> No.10567161

pretty shitty music scene
full of rich kids having their rent paid by mommy and daddy while they study "art" at emily carr
city is super small and is becoming more and more cookie cutter mainland chinese built homes
transit shuts down at 1 am and every concert every starts at like 11 pm so if you live anywhere other than next to the venues you've gotta leave early
people barely move at concerts just stand around and 99% of the young "hip" population dresses like mac demarco clones

go to the biltmore to see a show guaranteed 99% of the audience will be wearing 1:1 denim mac demarco replica outfits

rent is retarded you're gonna have to pay like 600 dollars to live in a cubicle

people in general are arrogant loser trust fund babies

there is also a lot of racial segregation

>> No.10567176

I live in ottawa senpai

>> No.10567185

Germany is trendy

>> No.10567200

>tfw Newfoundland
>tfw there's only one store that sells men's clothes worth buying
>tfw only one /fa/ street, and you can't walk more than 20 feet without stepping over a bum
>tfw both malls are terrible
>tfw only one decent coffee shop, which is full of hipsters

>> No.10567219

>there will never be a place more /fa/ than Mile End

>> No.10567221

Too many Ottawa lads on fah tbqh

>> No.10567223
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>yfw just got a job at Ubisoft

Feels good breh

>> No.10567226

It's not 1999 anymore

>> No.10567230

baka senpai

>> No.10567258

how many people on /fa live at ossington and bloor im there too

>> No.10567265

racial segragation is everywhere especially toronto and a good thing

>> No.10567270

stop lying

>> No.10567276

Have you been to Germany?

>> No.10567277


>> No.10567338

yes berlin munich hamburg and cologne believe me that country is the quintessential opposite of /fa

>> No.10567345

hey, E-town isn't that bad! it's just a little far north so yeah, it's now pitch black by 5.30, but I think there is a quiet dignity to this place. at least, it's not bad in the central and southern areas

maybe I'm just deluded since I get to live in Belgravia

>> No.10567354

the area near rexell stadium or whatever is hell on earth saw like 2 meth deals go down in burger baron when i was there

the nice areas look like generic white suburbs

the downtown skyline looks nice but when u get up close its shit

everyone i know in edmonton who is decent wants to get the fuck out of edmonton

>> No.10567362

its obvious London is trendy and fun Germany is boring austere and everyone acts the same, a true cookie cutter society

>> No.10567365

i cant believe people from a shithole like edmonton go on fashion boards

>> No.10567377
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>> No.10567403

Welp, wherever you are in Canada at least it's not Winnipeg amiright senpai

>> No.10567436

Which city should I live in

>> No.10567459

seattle or any other US city on the pacific ocean

>> No.10567460

not seattle

>> No.10567464

not toronto

>> No.10567473

Why would you want to live in salzburg? It's cute but there is barely anything to do + it's pretty expensive

>> No.10567501


>> No.10567511


Only some of this is true, music scene is okay if you're checking out the right places, a lot of great artists/musicians come through Vancouver, it just has to be at the right venue, I've been to some great concerts and shows and also some shit ones.

Biltmore comment is 100% true haha fuck that place.

Transit is fucking gay thank god I live maybe a 30$ cab away from the heart of downtown.

Vancouver is one of the most beautiful cities and there is always something to do if you're not a hermit living in your rents basement.

>> No.10567539

Why not Toronto? It's cheaper and more interesting culturally than honcouver

I don't know. I put it on there for literally no reason

>> No.10567542

Vancouver is one of the most expensive cities and there is always something to do if your costs of living are paid for by your parents*

>> No.10567547

Comfiest little city and warmest winters in Canada :^)

>> No.10567555

Portland North? More like Detroit.
What was the last good show to come through ozzy-b? Speaking of which, RIP The Zoo.

>> No.10567557

>Why not Toronto? It's cheaper and more interesting culturally than honcouver

because it's in canada and canada sucks

do yourself a favour and move to seattle, portland, la or san diego

>> No.10567565

All the Vancouver comments ring true, the city has a lot of cons despite being so beautiful
That's the thing though - it's a very superficial place. A lot of people I've met seem stuck up, entitled, etc.
Even the health/yoga enthusiasts seem to be doing it only cause it's cool

But I will say that the nature, and its proximity to a major city, is amazing. And it costs nothing to go innawoods.
There's also great food to be found and you won't freeze to death in the winter

I feel very fortunate to have grown up there. Unfortunately it's not a sustainable place to live unless you're rich or a fantastic micromanager of your living expenses.
Welp, here's hoping for a housing bubble crash or some shit to go down in China. Mainlanders OUT. Hongers and Taiwanese are chill though, they can stay.

>> No.10567571

>Honger or Taiwanese detected

>> No.10567575

No but my experience with them has been mostly positive. In fact they westernize quite well. You'd be surprised how many whitewashed Asians (and blackwashed Indians) live in the couve.

>> No.10567589

>But I will say that the nature, and its proximity to a major city, is amazing
Nah, it really isn't amazing. Unless you're a chinese person who's never seen more than 10 meters in front of them because of smog, let alone a cedar tree or a mountain. The north shore mountains are all pathetically small and will only get less and less snow due to global warming, so you'll have to go all the way to Whistler for decent skiing. If you want decent nature you gotta got to Squamish or Whistler or Tofino or Alaska.

Most Vancouverites are outdoorsy in that they like to go on "hikes" which are really just short nature walks so they can take pictures and pretend to be a lumberjack on instagram.

>> No.10567597

Dear rouge was really good with rah rah the other opening band was called the treble and I wanted to punch them they were so faggy and fuccboi. Only other fun thing to do is skyzone that is my shit.

>> No.10567771
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Yes several times, I live in France.
Everything feels old, austere, discount, Lidls everywhere.
Of course, History is nice but as soon as you're out of an historic center, it's only lidls, old people and fried mushrooms on the streets.
Last time Germany was "hype" was the Tokio Hotel time and only preteen girls liked it.
Pic related, everyone's view of Germany

>> No.10567780

>Want to live in Québec
>People here say they have a ridiculous accent
>I just want snow, poutine, maple syrup and people who like speaking French ;_;
>And hockey or any other sport than football (soccer)

>> No.10568487

I have a feeling like I would strongly dislike you irl but that made me laugh. :^)
Stay gold, Winnipeg.

>> No.10568506
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Ottawa is a mix of:
>effay montreal kids
>try hard toronto kids who like drake
>average as fuck white people smalltowners
>hip ottawa suburban kids
>hard downtown partiers
>come see muh band hipsters

Nice city, but I much prefer montreal

>> No.10568515


Theres a hole in the city and its name is ottawa u

>> No.10568540

Is Canada chill in general? It always seems so chill compared to the US.

>> No.10568608
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Lived in both the states (california) and canada (montreal & Ottawa). Canadians are more happy, less racist, less ignorant in general. I think this is due to being in more of a multicultural society where there is much less of a divide in how well of people based on their ethnicity. In america, most poor people are black etc. In canada, in rich suburbs there are plenty of asians, brown/arabs, and blacks. That plus our government isnt as fucked as America's.

Cops here are here to help and are very understanding, unlike in the US where they are more like enemies.

Way less people in Canada, california has a bigger population

>> No.10568752

You guys claim to be fa but no one has mentioned Hamilton. BAKA.

>> No.10568884

Awh im a pretty chill dude anon I just hate bands that are bands to get laid ya feel?

>> No.10568886

>>Winnipeg is a frozen shithole
nice album bro

>> No.10569057

Calgary sucks for fashion dude
I love the city but it's fashion scene is shit

>> No.10569137

Any Torontos wanna chill in Buffalo, NY

>> No.10569139

Yeah man

>> No.10569171

>toronto is full of people who think drake memes are dfunny and tweet them

Went to a show in Montreal with a bunch of Toronto DJs (1080p people or something) and there were a lot of people from Toronto

This one guy called me his "homie" because I looked like his "homie" from "the 6"

He'd also say "you know how that shit go"

All the Toronto girls were taking selfies throughout the event

One guy introduced himself and bogarted my joint when I didnt know / want to know him

One guy had the Acne "Radical Feminist" shirt

I generally dislike young people from Toronto

>> No.10569271

great city. so cheap. if you're bilingual with literally ANY skills at all, there is work.

>> No.10569273

What about the trendy post-punk hipster scene?

>> No.10569286

just do montreal. it's by far the cheapest, and it still has some grimey charm.
just buckle down and actually learn french though. the gov't offers intensive night classes for like 30$ a month. it's a really friendly place, just don't be an ass about the language, and be aware you're moving to a french city

>> No.10569308

This fucking anyone who calls ottawa boring is a loser who couldn't make any friends and find a scene. I was born there and love going back there's totally fun shit to do there.

>> No.10569576

I grew up in Ottawa and moved to Montreal, Ottawa is nice but Montreal has way more bands playing there which is a big plus for me

Also all the speakeasies

>> No.10569713

I live in a 1 bedroom shithole that i pay 1k a month for. do not move here it's hell.

>> No.10569727

biltmore sucks shit, imperial can be okay if the bad doesnt suck shit, rickshaw is weird metal guys with mutton chops mad because you're at their show, zoo zhop was cool before got shut down,vogue lol, venue lol

ive seen some okay shows too but the crowds here are fucking embarrassing like greasy mac demarco clones with their choker wearing gf gently pushing u in the push pit and then getting upset if you bump into their gf

>> No.10569740

im sure there are some cool undergournd shows but im not invited ;(

>> No.10569883

>Toronto boring
Nice try with that one!

>> No.10569895



Absolutely disgusting

>> No.10569907

>im sure there are some cool undergournd shows but im not invited ;(

there are warehouse shows but that doesn't mean vancouver is cool

vancouver fucking sucks

the lido is ok but i got kicked out for selling footballs and i'm to afraid to go back

>> No.10570011

What u taking at u of m babe

>> No.10570045

Honestly I love the cold, especially when it's sunny on top of it
Winnipeg just has a dirty native infestation

>> No.10570130


OP here. It looks like most of what I thought is being confirmed by you guys. Based on what I've read it seems like Vancouver is full of superficial yuppies, Toronto is lame and Edmonton is a shithole.

Winnipeg doesn't seem as bad as I thought based on what you guys are saying though. Same with Ottawa and maybe Calgary.

>> No.10570143

Winnipeg is God awful, how in the hell did you come to that conclusion? I don't get how anons can claim Toronto is boring, yet talk highly of Winnipeg.

>> No.10570166

If you think Winnipeg sounds good just move to Minneapolis, if you think Ottawa and Calgary sound good then move to Billings.

Seriously, Canada is shit tier.

>> No.10570183

i have a friend paying 550 off ossington, is this the place to make moves to?

>> No.10570200
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Winnipeg sucks and so does u of m, I hate it here so much only reason I stay is free uni cause 25% native :^)

>> No.10570201
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now we're talkin!

>> No.10570220

the amount of selfies that get taken by young people is disgusting. it makes me wish desperately i was born a decade or two earlier

>> No.10570254

It depends on what you think /fa/ is.

a lot of /fa/ the board would fit in with the grasping yuppie and trust fund kids in Vancouver... but fuck those people.

I feel that Montreal is more fashionable because I believe that the best fashion starts with genuine countercultures of outsiders...

You don't find that sort of thing unless you're in a palce that that meets all of the following criteria:

1. urban

2. cosmopolitan

3 cheap

Montreal is the only city in Canada that hits all three. It's a magnet for artists, weirdos, junkies, whores and runaways. Cultural refugees, basically.

I was visiting with a friend in montreal and he called what they built there 'a culture that feeds on its own dead.'

All the cultural detritus of yesteryear is recycled and made new again. Discotheques. Catholicism. Punk rock. The Mafia. It all becomes a gigantic glowing neon middle finger raised at consumerist yuppies (who are passionately hated).

All this with cheap booze, cheap drugs, genuine dive bars, and a general culture of dissafection, corruption, and general chaos.

In Montreal the spirit of Generation X never died. The millennials might have a beachhead there, but they'll never take the city.

>> No.10570261


Okay, fair enough. Maybe not Winnipeg then.

Yeah, I dunno about Minneapolis, I had some bad experiences there. If I was going to move somewhere in the Midwest I'd pick Madison, Wi.

I forget to mention it seems like Victoria is alright. I still don't wanna give up on Vancouver but the people who live there these days sound insufferable. Are there parts of Toronto where people are pretty chill and not pretentious and Drake memetards?

>> No.10570265

Great post. OP again. I've lived in Montreal, Edmonton, Calgary, Kingston and I'd tend to agree with what you're saying. Do you think there are some smaller cities that at least meet two of those criteria? It's just a shame because I'm kind of done with Montreal and my girlfriend wants no part of it.

>> No.10570282

Victoria is better then Vancouver but it is still small, cliquey and expensive. I went to school for a year there before transferring to college in Olympia and it was the best decision i've ever made.

Why Canada? With the exception of Montreal, every city is just a more expensive, watered down version of it's American equivalent.

>> No.10570290

>If I was going to move somewhere in the Midwest I'd pick Madison, Wi.
Why not Chicago? Madison is nice and all, but in the end it's just a college town.

>> No.10570291

loosen up man, sounds like they just wanted to have a good time.

>> No.10570292

Fair enough. My experience with Victoria is pretty limited. I used to go there as a kid and liked it as a lot.

The main reason is that it's a huge pain in the ass to get a visa to work in the states. I'm going to be finished my last year in a stem-related field (think architecture, planning, etc) but I imagine I'd still have to jump through hoops. If I could live in the states I would definitely live in Brooklyn or the PNW.

I still like to hope that somewhere in Canada is decent. I don't mind where I'm living now (Kingston) and I think Calgary has some cool aspects to it though it's becoming really gentrified in places like Inglewood.

>> No.10570310

I haven't spent much time in Chicago but it seemed like it was past its hey-day and it seemed kind of sketchy and hard to navigate. I'd have to spend more time there to get a better idea, though. I do really respect the city's history and it seems like there's stuff to do but I just don't know much about it.

I had a really great time in Madison. It seemed like the houses were relatively inexpensive, the transit was great, and the people were really progressive. The city was super accessible and I loved the waterfront too. Can't go wrong with Wisconsin beer either.

>> No.10570323

Winnipeg- shithole. Wannabe gangsters and country boys are everywhere. Completely shit with the exceptions being the exchange and Osborne.

Ottawa- boring government town. Not bad but definitely not fa.

Calgary- complete shit hole, better than Winnipeg though.

Vancouver- expensive as fuck but really good fashion scene. Gas town is awesome. Downtown is also pretty sweet. Shit tons of things to do that are very close to the city.

Yeah Winnipeg sucks.

>> No.10570331

I think Madison would get boring after a while. I mean it's a cool place to go to school or raise a family, but not live as a young adult.

And most cities are past their hey-day. Chicago still has a lot going on and it's super easy to navigate. It's also very affordable to live in than any other city on the east or west coasts. Plenty of young people who moved here and are trying to make a living. Great food scene too.

>> No.10570334

Okay, sounds like I must've not been paying attention when I mentioned Winnipeg. Not a fan of Calgary, eh? I feel like they've put in a lot of effort to change their reputation lately.

Is there anywhere else in Canada you'd recommend?

>> No.10570354

I haven't lived east of Winnipeg so I can't speak for the rest of Canada, I'd recommend moving to the states though. Montreal sounds sweet of you are bilingual though. Also beware, everyone has the attitude of the grass always looks greener on the other side so people that have only lived in one city tend to be overly critical.

>> No.10570376

What do you think about Victoria? Or are you the guy who transferred to Olympia? If so, do you live in the states now? It seems impossible to immigrate there

>> No.10570425

Haven't been to Victoria. I only ever went to the island to surf, so I was always in toffino. I don't find small cities like Victoria particularly attractive because you get all the negative aspects of living in a urban area with few of the benefits, it's basically living in a suburb. Not the guy who transferred to Olympia. It's difficult if you don't have credentials that are difficult to obtain, thankfully my profession made it very easy.

>> No.10570654

LOL at all this Toronto hate. Toronto is far and away the best city in this country. So much to see and do it would take you a lifetime to see and experience it all. So many unique neighbourhoods to choose from. Everyone hates you when you're on top.

>> No.10570726

Ottawa is shit
Montreal is pretentious and gay
Toronto is pretentious and gay
Halifax is full of gangs
Newfoundland is full of crack heads

>> No.10570744

Different strokes for keks I guess

>> No.10570745

about $500 around gerrard and yonge for me

>> No.10570758

all those asians are seriously getting to me, saving up for designer and then they cop random brand names and pull it off horribly

>> No.10570805

What faculty you in metis boy gib me some of your tuition pls

>> No.10570808

Im U1 rn but I do lots with the black hole theatre, hopefully doing a bio major and a theatre minor

>> No.10570904

Where's good then?

>> No.10570955

The United States of America

>> No.10570959

>literally overflowing with illegals
>94% chance to get shot

is that your FINAL answer

>> No.10570974

canada is every single one of those things but more expensive and with a shit cultural identity

>> No.10570990

what shanty town do you live in for you to think CANADA is more expensive than the U.S? only talking about places that matter aka large cities. i know the education system is a struggle too so let's forget about the fat and population issues.

but sure ok hope ur having a blast in downtown wisconsin

>> No.10570998

i grew up in vancouver, went to school in toronto and live in austin now


sorry buddy

>> No.10571007

Not true.
good cities in the us > canada
Canada > everything else

Flyover states are even worst than Canada.

>> No.10571018

I'd rather drink myself to death while eating cheap oxycontin in Cheyenne then go back to Vancouver where everyone is discovering seapunk and deathgrips 5 years to late.

At least Americans in shitty flyover states are authentic unlike every single Canadian I grew up with/meet.

>> No.10571021

Kek. Which Canadian hurt you anon.

>> No.10571022

right? why the fuck would you ever want to go to the U.S unless you're relocating to a major city WITH a very good salary, last part being extremely important.

>> No.10571028

every single Canadian I grew up with/meet.

it's a shit tier nation, the highs of canada are not equal to the lows of the US

>> No.10571029
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>> No.10571041

Muh muh deathgrups
Fucking kek go back to /mu/ aka the most cancerous board on 4chan

>> No.10571048

i fucking hate deathgrips, and i have since 2011

but when i went home for thanksgiving (the shitty canadian version at least) everyone in vancouver was telling me about:

>"this hot new underground band you gotta hear called death grips"

>> No.10571052

> shit education system
> shit Healthcare
> tons of fat people
> shit jobs unless you went to a good school
> expensive and shitty insurance
> expensive ass universities
> high tax rates if you live in good cities

Tell me again why the us is so great?
> because canadians are fake

Kek, get over it, that's everywhere not just Canada.

>> No.10571058

I see where you're coming from but literally any city in america has the same thing lol things get into the mainstream it just happens

>> No.10571062

>hipster art school faggots
and what exactly do you consider yourself?

>> No.10571065

lmao theres a lot of talent coming from canada you piece of shit. what have you done?

>> No.10571071

vancouver seems pretty hip

>> No.10571980

Preach brotha Edmonton is the cultural wasteland of this prairie shithole

>> No.10571991

Can confirm I live in calgary. Saw one dude wearing raf velcros, and another dude wearing geos but I swear they were knockoffs, the stitching looked real tho so I couldn't be totally sure. I actually talked to him and he seemed cool but wasn't really "in the know" and only seemed to buy the shoes cuz they were super expensive

>> No.10572117
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people been doing the selfie thing for a long time bruv, longer than a decade or two. ffs people sat for hours while someone drew them for a portrait of themselves.

>> No.10572353

People try? I never saw anyone at the u of m who looked like they cared about fashion.

>> No.10572380

goddamn so much ottawa itt, ottawa is dressed pretty shit, lots of trend following and nothing more, lots of fags too. at least we're better than toronto

>> No.10572442


inspiring as fuck, great post

>> No.10572468

>did french immersion in school for 6 years
>decent grammar and decent accent
>quebecois still switch to english

im trying
its frankly insulting

>> No.10572526

I try as hard as I can but im poor af so no designer pieces for me

>> No.10572743
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I'm at u of w now but I wear designer and I've seen a few people here with cps including myself and even some non asian guy with geos, say what you want about u of w but people dress a bit better than u of m imo still sucks because it's in Winnipeg tho can't wait to move

>> No.10572752

kingston, ontario is the most effay

>> No.10572760

Isn't u of w full of sjws though

>> No.10572782
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Yup never said that the people here are cool, just said they dressed decently although there are a few
>tfw there is literally no where to shop in this town
As a Winnipeger where do you go to buy clothes?

>> No.10572791

do u got to mac?

>> No.10572917

There is Denali. Kind of weak though. There is also that one store that sells lots of streetwise shut, don't know what it's called though. Also Harry Rosen has some not horrendous shit.

>> No.10572942

I'm from Ottawa, how do you have fun here? Festivals are all expensive, our downtown is really tiny, summer is only like 5 months long. I went to OttawaU and even though I had some fun times the commuter culture kind of killed it for me towards the end of my degree.

>> No.10573034

I literally thrift everything, I've made a few good cops its all really about patience and going over and over

>> No.10573297

Denali is not bad but I hate the sales people so damn much, if you like Norse projects and denim Normandy on corodon is bretty gud picked up my pair of retrosuperfutures there and prices are not that bad
Yeah I've done alot of thrifting too but it's hit and miss

>> No.10573313

Which thrift stores are good? The ones I have been in are all gross and the clothes have that damp thrift store feel.

>> No.10573386

OP here. That's where I live. Are you a Queen's student?

>> No.10573540


that's strange, usually people are really excited when I'm struggling through speaking french to them

>> No.10573623

Idk salvation army's here and there, had a good cop at one downtown near stellas bakery and I live by one on pembina so I go there often and I've got some nice sweaters and a really nice jacket from it. Just look around really might get lucky.

>> No.10573794

ubisoft is utter shit

>> No.10574045

I judge people like you so very hard when I'm at those cafés. How can you lead this pointless bohemian lifestyle and not feel like a gentrifying leech? Sorry nothing personal. :^(

>> No.10574194

What's the alternative? To live in prohibitively expensive suburban McMansions while the city centres turn back into shit holes? There isn't really a way to win is there?

>> No.10574562


>> No.10574616


holy shit

have fun at roses

>> No.10574686

Is it a welcome home for someone who can't speak any french? Because you discribe perfection. I need to get the fuck out of calgary

>> No.10574758

I work evenings, and weekends so I won't ever be going to roses. Roses is pretty great in the summer and always better than Level or Sapphire. Fuck off with your high and mighty shit.

>> No.10574766

rofl some sluts from my town went there and they're getting mega dick from the hockey hicks i reckon
not effay

>> No.10574769

how did you find the place, kijiji? i am considering a few different neighborhoods

>> No.10574776

kelowna is fun in the summer but from september to may it might be the worst city in bc

and it's uneffay year round

>> No.10575026

Lol the quebecoi are literally the most xenophobic people out there I went to quebec once and I now hate the french despite only having one terrible experience 0/10 would not go again

>> No.10575200

what?i live in Seattle and Vancouver twice as sophisticate as seattlle

>> No.10575228

you sound like a chink or binder so that makes sense