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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 104 KB, 750x1334, 1445899677797[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10548877 No.10548877 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you waste your money on clothes?

Clothes won't make people like you, least of all girls.

>> No.10548894

why is it wasted if I enjoy it?

>> No.10548902

it's the whole package tbh, I lift, dress well and many other things not only to get girls or to get people to like me but because I actually enjoy both things

>> No.10548908
File: 176 KB, 450x484, 1443829238054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont like the majority of people
designer clothing help me deter the normies, including girls

>> No.10548910

i just like being a unique contrarian special snowflake

>> No.10548915

i'm a girl and i'm only into guys who dress well. oops

plus if you're happy and confident in what you're wearing, girls find that alone really attractive

>> No.10548920
File: 515 KB, 1050x570, 1382598901854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dressing well makes you stand out and thus instantly catches shawty's eye. Once you've held her gaze you can slither on over and serenade her with a bunch of compliments about her outfit and since she thinks you're the best thing since Dior Couture, you'll instantly have a new healer for your party because queueing without a healer takes the piss nowadays.

>> No.10548929

>Dressing well makes you stand out

This is not a good thing

>> No.10548936

Obviously I'm not saying pop on some technicoloured bape coat and some jeremy scotts, but you can always notice a well-dressed male out of a crowd of pricks in common trends.

>> No.10548941

this tbh

>> No.10548946

It is an element of attracting women. It's pretty important.

>> No.10548954
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Dressing well doesn't mean anything if you have a boring or ugly face.

>> No.10548964


implying you stupid chubby fuck, why don't you fucking retards ever try losing weight? also nice haircut vanilla ice. kill yourself

>> No.10548966

>that right monk fit
i lke it

>> No.10548969

the only honest answer

4chan is exactly the part of tumblr that 4chan hates

>> No.10548971
File: 8 KB, 250x188, kingofniger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great point, m'lady.

Combine Bushido-reinforced confidence, classy attire, and the right amount of negs and you can slay women as easily as if you used a katana blade.

>> No.10548979

Same reason you wear cool armors when you play an rpg or whatever, because you want to look good to yourself.

>> No.10548981
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>we're like Tumblr, *BUT IN REVERSE*

>> No.10548982
File: 216 KB, 717x1024, 20120811_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear clothing that I like. I don't care who it attracts or if it attracts anyone. Add this to the fact that I rarely go outside. My college studies are all online.

>> No.10548993

I care more that I like me

>> No.10548997


I'll be ur healer anon

>> No.10548999


>> No.10549001

>I'm different, I don't live to impress ANYBODY
Have you guys mastered satire? Am I behind the times? This isn't real right?

>> No.10549006

stay mad, snowflake softboi

>> No.10549009

>I don't go outside

how's getting cucked by your internet addiction feel?

>spending money on clothing to sit in front of a glowing screen alone 16 hours a day

>> No.10549038
File: 225 KB, 717x1024, 20120929_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I said, I rarely go outside. The only time I dress is for the occasional family, college, or doctor visit. There is nobody I need to impress for the most part. That's why I do it for myself instead. It gives me personal enjoyment.

>> No.10549041
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>tfw been browsing /fa/ for years
>still wear cargo shorts sometimes
>visible white socks with dark shoes/pant
>graphic/band tees
>wear same belt with all pants
>don't own a single pair of rawjawnz or boots

>> No.10549048

address this post >>10549009

>> No.10549067

I figured it was pointless to respond to a meme spouter, but OK.

I wouldn't classify it as an internet addiction. Apart from the necessities of the several online college courses I'm enrolled in, I'm on the computer because I have nothing better to do in my free time. In no way would I deny a beer with friends, or prioritize the internet above anything in my life for that matter.

>> No.10549078

>I speak in memes and regurgitate decade old 4chan theories, but I'm a valuable human being

>> No.10549081

how's being cucked by "life" outside the most powerful information and social engagement engine in the world feel?

>> No.10549091
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/fa/ has reached peak milennial.

strive for more! throw in something about queer bodies of color and Marx's dialectics

>> No.10549095

I don't understand how you've failed to develop a greater appreciation for clothing in all that time you've spent browsing /fa/. Are you too poor to afford clothing or do you have other priorities?

>> No.10549098

No, really, tell us about your "real" "life". I'm sure you're really enjoying it!

How many things have you learned? How many people have you communicated with?

>> No.10549111

I used to say the same thing when people accused me of being an alcoholic.

I eventually missed my neice's graduation, my mom's retirement party, and showed up to work drunk, all within a 4-week stretch.

Don't let your addiction cuck you while you deny it's even real. Face it head on and establish rules.

>> No.10549117

same fam

>> No.10549119
File: 3.63 MB, 295x222, trlrky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the words of wisdom, dad.

>> No.10549124

>vanilla ice

More like curry rice

>> No.10549161

lmao you're an Internet addict shut in, the objectively least effay thing to be. literally

>> No.10549180
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>> No.10549218

>Already have gf
>Only really buy the odd SLP item, so I'd say on average I spend £500 a month on clothing
>My gf buys me clothes sometimes
>My main hobby is cars so also trying to save to buy a 911 in a couple of years

I've tried to just go and buy cheaper clothing and have a reasonably priced wardrobe but it just doesn't feel right.

>> No.10549312

Underrated post

>> No.10549350

the fit on those wrapped pants thoooo

>> No.10549355


>> No.10549472


>monk wearing leather
That's pretty nxtlvl.

>> No.10549495

i just like to look good OP and not look like an average beta male cuck

>> No.10549517

i dress to impress myself

>> No.10549550

Haha, 4chan is not like tumblr.
Valient effort at being deep though.
Lurk moar faggot.>>10548971

>> No.10549553

how do i into shaolin core?

>> No.10549564

who is this
i want her to suffocate me with her breasts

>> No.10549572

if that outfit was black, it could easily be a rick piece

>> No.10549662
File: 107 KB, 264x570, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10549670

how the fuck would you wrap your pants like that

>> No.10549742


now he looks like kanye west, swap the head

>> No.10549801

go ahead, explain the differences

>> No.10549823
File: 161 KB, 268x262, LaughingBoys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>explain to me in precise detail how we differ from Tumblr
>this is what passes for debate nowadays
>he wants to feel that he, as a Tumblrina, belongs here
As a Tumblrina, I

4chan isn't a safe space hombre

>> No.10549866

kill yourself tbh

>> No.10549959

Even if people were attracted to me my personality is repulsive, I'm anxious, self centered and self conscious

I should at least look good to myself no?

>> No.10550086

I like to look myself and like what i look like

>> No.10550093
File: 249 KB, 394x432, Screen Shot 2015-10-29 at 12.37.49 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Shawty's" DEFINITELY lookin

She looks like a tryhard photographer yet dece-fasho-NYU-typical-whore-core

>> No.10550095

I take comfort in beautiful objects

>> No.10550103

Why are beta's always so afraid of standing out? It's literally only other males who'll give you shit about it, and that's only because they get insecure when another guy takes the spotlight.

>> No.10550387
File: 58 KB, 320x480, skirtskill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not good bro