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/fa/ - Fashion

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10538709 No.10538709[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

--- How to be less of a complete retard when posting on /fa/ ---

Lurk before posting. Know the posting guidelines and basic board culture before making a thread.

/fa/ is Not Your Personal Stylist (NYPS). Don't start threads asking us to spoonfeed you clothing/haircut advice. It's your job to develop your personal style, not ours.

Asking if something is "effay" is cancer, and not on-topic for /fa/.

If you've participated in a thread, or if you're interested in it, then bump it!
It's going to get archived if you don't. Bumping is your way of supporting the content you like on /fa/.

Always check in the catalog if there's an active general thread related to the thing you want to make a thread about, before making a thread. Every time you make a new thread, an older thread will be bumped off the board and get archived, so please don't shitpost.

- Quick general questions, like "what's this collar called?" --> Fuccboi General

- "Where can I buy this?" --> W2C General (Where to Cop)

- "Should I buy this?" --> Cop Or Not General

- Want to sell a piece of clothing? --> Buy/Sell/Trade General

- Hair/skin/fragrance advice --> Their individual general threads.

- If you would like to post an outfit of the day and get rated, then you do this in the WAYWT (What Are You Wearing Today).

If you can't find a general thread, then feel free to start one.
Remember that there is no need to start a WAYWT thread before the current one has hit 300 replies (don't do it just because you want to post your fit early in the new thread for attention). People can still post in the WAYWT after 300 replies, it just won't still get bumped.

>> No.10538713

Try to provide detailed and constructive criticism when rating fits in the WAYWT threads.
Posting "shit", "good", "basic", "cringe" as the only response is completely unnecessary.

The standard unfounded edgy negativity is the shittiest feedback you can provide. We have enough of that already. Please try to rate others outfits before posting your own and asking for ratings.

When a girl posts in a WAYWT thread, don't act so fucking thirsty. Your virginity is showing. Guess why we only have like 10% girls here? This is is why we can't have nice things.

Try to not complain about tripfags - just filter them instead and you won't see them.
They're not going to drop their trip just because you ask them to, or if you insult them.

Frogposting and "I'm so lonely pls guys w2c gf?" goes in /r9k/.

Bear in mind that even though you may like to insult people based on etnicity/sexuality, this is not /pol/ or /b/. Flames and racism, among other things, is not allowed here under Global Rule #3.

Threads about how to dress and look more like the other gender (FtM, MtF, et c) goes in /lgbt/. They have threads dedicated to this there.

"Post /fa/ weapons" goes in /k/. Weapons are not related to fashion and apparel just because they look good.

"Most effay album" goes in /mu/. Music is not on-topic for /fa/, regardless of how cool the album art may be.

Threads that single out and insult individual posters will be removed. Same goes for the posting of personal information.

Try to post this guide or the Tuxbell guide whenever someone shitposts. Please help educate other posters.

Older guidelines can be found here:


>> No.10538717

Please stop these terrible posts.

>> No.10538918

good job OP. It's not like people will care though

>> No.10538929

Would you rather read something little informative or participate in to shit like >>10538899 for the 3rd time?

>> No.10538988

Finally someone said it, nice one OP. Though not so many people are going to listen, point is we need more (active) mods/admins to handle these issues.

>> No.10538996

good point

nice going OP

>> No.10539000

Op is right but I doubt it will help.

>> No.10539366

there was a new janitor appointment process started a week ago or so

I remember that I hoped for /fa/ to improve the last 2 times as well

>> No.10539673


>> No.10539702


>> No.10539727

>replies: 10
>posters: 8

>> No.10539733


>> No.10539761 [DELETED] 

reported for off topic

follow your own rules op you shitter

>> No.10539773

>Bettering the board
>off topic.

Please leave and never come back.

>> No.10539777

posting guidelines =/= rules

only some of the stuff are rules, and that's the rules we already have that are linked from the /fa/ sticky

>> No.10539874 [DELETED] 

reported for off topic

>> No.10539890

>global rule #7

>Submitting false or misclassified reports, or otherwise abusing the reporting system may result in a ban.

>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.

>> No.10539898 [DELETED] 

reported and saged for off topic

>> No.10539907
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Enjoy your ban for submitting false reports, Autismo Prime.

>> No.10539910

reported for posting dumb made up rules and pretending to be a mod or something

>> No.10539911
File: 222 KB, 878x878, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont talk like a nigger if you're white

>> No.10539934

Didn't pretend to be anything, and if you think the OP's rule are dumb, you're obviously a part of the problem this post is trying to address otherwise you wouldn't be projecting as hard as you are.

>> No.10539954

reported for being gay

>> No.10540015

-10/10 don't bother trying again.

>> No.10540029
File: 126 KB, 720x480, 1415507220905.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you OP you're not my boss
eat a dick faggot

>> No.10540138

Be careful handling sharp objects, you might hurt yourself.

>> No.10540930


>> No.10540949

See >>10539907

>> No.10540954

suck my dingus

>> No.10541098

>tfw I didn't get banned for any of that

reported for being the mods' little cuck boy toy

>> No.10541180
