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/fa/ - Fashion

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10529527 No.10529527 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ I really want to enhance my looks but I'm 100% a straight guy.

Recently, I've tried using a makeup foundation and it enhances my looks greatly. Like I genuinely go up 2 points to as much as a 8.5 at times. But, in some lights, I also look kind of gay.

I search up YouTube tutorials and no offense, but I come away slightly disgusted looking at the videos. "Is that what I come across as?" I think.

I was just watching this guy here and kept going all "That shiny faced look is so gay, you'd be actually better looking if you take off that makeup".

I'm just suddenly conscious of what my foundation looks like to others. I'm thinking that, again no offense, I come away disgusted at the uber gay attitude of these makeup guys on YouTube, and that it's the mild lipstick that pushes them over to gayland. I don't wear anything on my lips.

Is it reasonable for me to include makeup stuff into my life? I want something like what male TV anchors and actors wear, something completely unfaggy and that I can wear and still be taken very seriously. I've pulled back on the quantity of makeup I put on until I improve my technique. Just is it possible to find a solid technique that greatly enhances my look?

>> No.10529533

you honestly sound like a fag, i can't imagine what you look like with or without makeup

>> No.10529538

Pretty sure everyone on /fa/ would sound like a fang to the non/fa/ world.

>> No.10529541

except i dont wear makeup u fag

>> No.10529545

>Clear skin
>Nice haircut
>Beard that suits you
>Trim/Thread those eyebrows
>Get fucking surgery

And you'll be on your way to looking good as hell!

>> No.10529549


We're talking about just the basic foundation that every single guy on TV wears, that every single actor wears.

You're just mad because you're a bonfide faggot or a SJW who's offended that I had the reaction of disgust at watching gay men talk on YouTube. I had this classmate in school who always used to call others faggots and jump on them for anything even remotely feminine; found him on Facebook recently and he was married to another man, feed full of gay shit. Your behavior is normal.

>> No.10529557

How is this fashion related
Go ask /soc/ or /r9k/

>> No.10529566


Clear skin is the issue. I'm a good looking guy but my skin isn't clear, have slight dark circles, etc.

A foundation solves this but I'm constantly worried about going overboard and looking gay. I think there's some issue with my makeup technique, because I've seen male celebrities wearing makeup in person and it didn't look faggy at all, ever. Could hardly even tell it was there.

I'm not doing anything to my eyebrows though. Overly plucked eyebrows on a male always turn on my gaydar and look disgusting. Not sure if I could get them right.

>> No.10529571


bb cream dude. halfway house

>> No.10529589

are you fucking stupid, do you think actors and tv personalities wear makeup in their day-to-day lives? they wear it because it's their job and they only wear it when they're working. you think brad pitt wakes up every day and goes "well it's time to put on my fucking foundation".

if you want to look like perez hilton or adam lambert, then by all means, fag yourself up with foundation.

>> No.10529611


Do you think male models spend 15 to 30 minutes every morning making that elaborate pompadour on their head? Yet their faces (which often are with makeup) still get posted here.

I was talking about actors when they're promoting their films. I've met a few actors and they always have makeup.

Adam Lambert is a different breed of makeup. That's mascara, eye makeup, lipstick, contouring, etc. We're not talking about that.

If this isn't getting through to your head I'll put it another way: I want to find a way to have near-perfect skin that still looks natural.

Weird that I have to explain this to someone on /fa/. What exactly do you think you're doing here that's so different from what I'm asking? You're not some gruff manly guy in cowboy boots who looks himself in the mirror one every week. You're just as big a fag checking your shirt's fitting, your color matching, your hair styling every morning and then coming here to post about it.

>> No.10529703

Look at this closeted homo. Nobody gives a shit, if something enhances how you look people are gonna use it.

>> No.10529728


Not a closet homo, okay.

Why does a straight man want to look good? For respect and being better than others.

Faggots aren't respected. If in trying to look good you start looking like a faggot, you fail. Nobody will take you seriously.

>> No.10529747

bb cream / foundation that matches your skin tone perfectly won't come across as faggoty as long as you don't like cake it on. you can't make it obvious. use a really thin layer

>> No.10529759

You can use makeup and not look overdone, lots of people with acne do it. Also caring about what people think of you to this extent is top cuck

>> No.10529871 [DELETED] 


As a male that's actually worn makeup to cover blemishes and even out my overall complexion, I can tell you what works and what doesn't.

Stay away from liquid or palette foundations. Anyone will notice this from a mile away, especially if you're inexperienced, which it sounds like you are.
What you should be looking for is loose powders. I've heard of using translucent powders, but personally I've found that just getting a powder that MATCHES your overall skintone is fine. Use very sparingly, applying a very light base coat to the entire face, and perhaps going over problem areas with a second coat. When I did it, I would start with my forehead, work my way down the sides of my face to the cheeks, and fix the redness on and around my nose. You may find targeting these problem areas is all you need.
The times I did wear this, I asked around to get a general sense of what people saw. Very few actually noticed, and even when they did no one was really ever taken back by it. The trick is to be cautious. Conservative in application.

Other tricks that don't involve makeup, which I sometimes use today include avoiding the color red as a primary in your outfit, keeping a clean shave, and clearing up any "greasyness" in your face and hair. These little details make a huge difference.

Additionally, I've heard a little bit of talcum powder can reduce the "shine" on your face, and combing it through your hair should do the same. I've yet to try it, but mixing cinnamon with the powder is supposed to reduce the "ghosty" effect-- but if you have that problem, you're either too dark skinned to use talc, or you're applying too much. Also worth considering buying hair products that don't make your hair shine. "Wet gel" is for middle schoolers and car salesman.

>> No.10529884

I bet you are a beta with an anxiety disorder.

>> No.10529898


As a male that's actually worn makeup to cover blemishes and even out my overall complexion, I can tell you what works and what doesn't.

Stay away from liquid or palette foundations. Anyone will notice this from a mile away, especially if you're inexperienced, which it sounds like you are.
What you should be looking for is loose powders. I've heard of using translucent powders, but personally I've found that just getting a powder that MATCHES your overall skintone is fine. Use very sparingly, applying a very light base coat to the entire face, and perhaps going over problem areas with a second coat. When I did it, I would start with my forehead, work my way down the sides of my face to the cheeks, and fix the redness on and around my nose. You may find targeting these problem areas is all you need.
The times I did wear this, I asked around to get a general sense of what people saw. Very few actually noticed, and even when they did no one was really ever taken back by it. The trick is to be cautious. Conservative in application.

Other tricks that don't involve makeup, which I sometimes use today include avoiding the color red as a primary in your outfit, keeping a clean shave, and clearing up any "greasyness" in your face and hair. These little details make a huge difference.

Additionally, I've heard a little bit of talcum powder can reduce the "shine" on your face, and combing it through your hair should do the same. I've yet to try it, but mixing cinnamon with the powder is supposed to reduce the "ghosty" effect-- but if you have that problem, you're either too dark skinned to use talc, or you're applying too much. Also worth considering buying hair products that don't make your hair shine. "Wet gel" is for middle schoolers and car salesman.

>> No.10529901

I think you're a beta with an anxiety disorder too.

No one should be posting this shit on a Friday night on 4chan.

>> No.10529906


ur on the wrong board m8 we're all /fa/ggots here

>> No.10529914

>caring about your appearance

>fashion board
>posts about maintaining appearance make you a "beta with an anxiety disorder"


>> No.10529929

I mean by all means ask people on the internet for advice if you have money to spend and enjoy looking nice. Meticulously putting on make-up every day so that it doesn't look like you're wearing make-up is a HNL of anxious.

>> No.10529936

>Meticulously putting on make-up every day so that it doesn't look like you're wearing make-up is a HNL of anxious.

This is literally the point of most makeup.

>> No.10529955

Yeah but if you're a fucking man who isn't in the public spotlight you shouldn't give so many fucks.

>> No.10529974

And yet it's amazing how many fucks you give about what strangers on the internet deem appropriate or inappropriate, especially when it comes to maintaining the appearance of a person you'll literally never see in your lifetime.

You sound like a bitter drunk. If this topic doesn't interest you, don't contribute. It's a legitimate topic, regardless of the stigma or gender roles you've attached to it. If someone wants to be a flaming fucking queer with makeup, they should at least be doing it correctly. Why do you give a shit?

>> No.10529991

I'm not drunk -- I have to work in the morning. I'm saying you should seek a therapist for your anxiety disorder. Cultural norms don't place so much of an emphasis on male attractiveness, so it shouldn't be that important. To fixate on this is indicative of a greater problem in your life.

Are you angry?

>> No.10530000
File: 38 KB, 180x309, sunny_dennis180.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I'm always wearing a little foundation"

>> No.10530006


>Cultural norms don't place so much of an emphasis on male attractiveness, so it shouldn't be that important.

But it's relevant to the topic, and male-attractiveness is literally what comprises most of this board's topics. I'm questioning why you're even here.

>To fixate on this is indicative of a greater problem in your life.

Great life advice and a keen observation from the trusted "Cooltop"

>> No.10530017

What foundation are you wearing?

>> No.10530031

Gentle concealer for serious problem areas, use sparingly if at all. BB cream blended out down to your neck and chest and ears. HD finishing powder is super finely milled so use it for shiny areas. Be very picky about BB creams and avoid anything orange.

>> No.10530041

You're forgetting the most important part for 95% of people, which is male attractiveness to females, and the vast majority of women think make-up on a man is the one of most unattractive things possible.

>> No.10530047

You're right, as a gay man I completely forgot that obtaining pussy through whatever means necessary is a crippling fault of most straight men. My bad.

>> No.10530057

You're being needlessly hostile.

>> No.10530084
File: 588 KB, 843x360, American Psycho angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


STATISTICS like these are fucking bullshit.

There's a study on this fuckface. They took a guy's photo as he normally looked, then prepped him up including giving him a full makeover with heavy makeup.

They then showed these photos to ask people to rate attractiveness.

Point of study was to see how much the could enhance attractiveness.

Guess which picture came up on top by a long margin?

100% of women would choose the picture of you with makeup as more attractive if you're good enough at applying it to the point that they can't even figure out it's makeup.

Don't be a cocksucker to what women say. Over 95% of women say they'd be turned off by a guy just trying to get into his pants, yet these sorts of guys fuck the most girls because they know what they're doing and know now to hide it.

/fa/ is about maximizing your image every means possible. Learn the fuck what this boar is about.

>> No.10530089

>Learn the fuck what this boar is about
Delicious, gamey meats?
And sure, they'll think you're super hot right up until they find out you wear make up, then they'll never take you seriously again. So tread lightly, I guess.

>> No.10530090


Typed it out on phone so obvious typos.

And by makeup, we're talking something that basically makes you skintone perfect and adds some contouring to make your face more angular/hide all flaws, etc.

>> No.10530093

Yeah because gay men have no sex drive at all, no sir no thirst for cock at all.

>> No.10530107

Not what I was saying. I was simply challenging the notion that makeup = less attractive to women, and the dynamic of men avoiding anything that they perceive to be unattractive to women. It's really ridiculous. Being conscious, concerned with one's appearance, and taking active measures to improve it are much more attractive than being deliberately slobby because "muh women".

I do have a sex drive, but my ideal partner would be satisfied with who I am-- and that includes all the things I deem necessary to maintain my image. I don't just look the way I do for others. That would truly be indicative of "greater problems". I take pride in the way I look for personal reasons.

>> No.10530108

Yeah thats how it starts and then before you know it you're on Ru Pauls Drag Race

>> No.10530110


Different guy, but just out of curiosity, are you gay?

>> No.10530111

>And sure, they'll think you're super hot right up until they find out you wear make up, then they'll never take you seriously again.

I've had women apply makeup on me, and I've seen them help their boyfriends apply it. Are you from the 40's?

>> No.10530114

Yep, I'm pretty gay.

>> No.10530116

No but I do interact with normal heterosexual human women, the kind who like their women masculine. I'd like to know what kind of gender neutral utopia you're from though.

>> No.10530124

But you have to know that even in the gay community, there are people who look down on men for wearing make-up. I kind of resent you trying to paint straight people as backwards and all gay people accepting of straying from gender roles.

>> No.10530126

California Coast. The kind of liberal, open-minded place you might not be too familiar with. A little bit of makeup doesn't make you any less of a man. Being so insecure about putting a little bit of powder on your face that you bash others for it, is a bit unattractive, though. Insecurity really isn't masculine.

>> No.10530128

Yeah. I'm very gay and I get annoyed and swipe left on anyone wearing make-up.

Blatant and excessive vanity is a huge turn off. Having an interest in fashion as a hobby is one thing, but obsessing over self-image disgusts me. I'd rather find someone into playing video games and slightly chubby with a good sense of humor, honestly.

>> No.10530129


> they'll think you're super hot right until they find out you wear makeup.

As someone who wears makeup, let me just say:

1. Women I've been with have absolutely never cared about my wearing makeup. The ones who noticed actually liked it.

2. It's the men who care. A lot. I don't say this in a dismissive way, because it could hurt whether you can be the perceived leader in a group of men, something important to me.

3. What matters is the nature of makeup. If it's a BB cream that looks like something you just put on your finger and spread across your face like a moisturizer, it created no negative reaction. If you're doing something elaborate with brushes and sponges, some people will not like the IDEA of you standing in front of the mirror working on your face like that even if the outcome looks good.

4. This is why actors, even presidents, get away with layering makeup on their face (Remember how obvious Gordon Brown's makeup was?) Because someone else is putting it on them. Having makeup put on you is socially acceptable as a man; putting it on yourself using brushes and sponges is less so.

>> No.10530131

it's painfully obvious that man is wearing makeup

>> No.10530137

I live in New York City.

In Williamsburg.

Make-up on guys is annoying. Honestly too much make-up on women is annoying as hell too and I don't understand why women in general wear so much make-up. It's been scientifically proven most men find women attractive with minimal make-up. At least, though, in this case culture tells them to be vain as there is a huge pressure for them to be sexually attractive to the opposite sex because of biology.

For men, it's just random vanity. It's really weird. I have very little hang-ups on dating guys in which case I would say "No, I don't want that," but wearing make-up is one of those things.

>> No.10530145

Of course, if you make it into a look, or try to be glam or third gender it's different. I think it's cool when guys wear lipstick or something as a look.

Putting make-up like concealer on which trying to maintain a masculine self-image is the worst thing in the world. It's not self-expression, it's literally just vanity.

Vanity is a disturbing sin to me.

>> No.10530151

1) I'm from Canada, we make Berkley look like Mississippi.
2) I never said it makes you less than a man, I said it makes you less masculine. You should know the difference Mr. Gender Studies.
3) I'm not insecure about wearing make-up, I don't do it because I don't want to.
4) I never bashed anyone for doing it. Again, someone as progressive as you shouldn't take someone saying something is unmasculine as an insult, unless you believe in gender norms more than you like to let on.
5) I can't believe you missed my typo.
6) What's more insecure than applying a product to your face to change its shape in order to appear more attractive to others? I'm comfortable with my face as it is.

>> No.10530156


The makeup isn't the issue though. He might not even be wearing it. The issue is:

1. He has shaped his eyebrows. This is the worst and is too obvious.

2. He's wearing lenses for that fake eye color.

3. He has that overall wide-eyed gay expression.

4. He used a thickener on his eye lashes.

5. His hair color is fake.

6. He has had a very obvious nose surgery.

7. The jawline could be fake as well.

Overall, the problem here is not his makeup (skintone looks natural enough with just a marginal shine). The problem is that he's trying too hard to stop looking Indian. Self-hate is toxic.

>> No.10530167

Interesting, where are you from? I'm from a very liberal, progressive place, but if ti came to light a guy was wearing makeup women would still be very turned off.

>> No.10530180


This whole forum is about vanity, fuckface.

Maybe it's time to get out?

You just like the lazy breed of vanity like choosing a better shirt next time.

Something like getting plastic surgery or investing considerable resources into understanding and applying makeup is not in your lazy comfort zone so you hate it.

Let's talk about plastic surgery. Done right, it can change your appearance more than any stupid shirt of watch here. It can turn an ugly person attractive.

It gets hate because it requires getting too much out of the comfort zone, too many resources.

People don't want a new item thrown into the competitive mix that they know they will not or cannot yield. That's why they hate it. It's simple psychology.

>> No.10530185


I'm not going to apologize for my vanity. I take pride in my personal appearance, and as I've already said, an ideal partner would understand that. Maybe I've put a little too much emphasis on the straight vs. gay or masculine vs. feminine aspects, but keep in mind how often these dynamics are brought up in the argument.

>Make-up on guys is annoying
And that's your personal opinion. No one is disputing that. But to claim that a group of people you don't even know are self-obsessed or have clinical anxiety because they don't fit your standards seems like a bit of an unsubstantiated stretch.

I'm not trying to maintain a "masculine look", though.

>What's more insecure than applying a product to your face to change its shape in order to appear more attractive to others?

Why do people wear slim fit jeans? Why do people change their haircuts? Why do people shave any part of their body? Why do people choose to dress nice at all?

I don't change the shape of anything. In the past I used powder to even out my complexion. Big fucking whoop.

>but if ti came to light a guy was wearing makeup women would still be very turned off.

How could you even know this? I feel like you're just going on a hunch. Women are a lot more open-minded than you think. Most people are, actually.

>> No.10530194

Fashion as an interest isn't inherently about vanity. It's a form of art that you wear.

Putting make-up on your face isn't about self-expression in any capacity. You seem really hung up on physical attraction, which I find, ironically enough, repulsive.

>> No.10530201


OP is the equivalent of that dude who frets over his clothes in public. It's very unbecoming.

>> No.10530203

>How could you even know this? I feel like you're just going on a hunch. Women are a lot more open-minded than you think. Most people are, actually.
Yeah its a hunch, but if you went up to a cop and told him you ate a baby, he'd take you in for questioning. I've never done this but I can be reasonably sure that it will happen. I agree that people are more open minded than we generally give them credit for, but when it comes to touchy gender stuff like this they really aren't.
I don't wear make up, so I'm not speaking from experience. But as someone who does, you have to know that people think differently of you for doing it, sometimes very negatively. This can be a bigger deal than you're making it out to be.

>> No.10530209


> Fashion is about art

> Fashion is about muhhh expression (yet I'm on a forum about telling others what to wear)

> Blerghhhh yer talk of attractiveness

> Me like subjective things like art and self expression because I'm objectively ugly

We all are repulsed by that which we cannot have. This comment will have no impact from a faceless stranger but go look at your face in he mirror. No amount of art, self expression, whining on the Internet will change that face. You will die with that subjective woo woo and objective ugliness.

>> No.10530213

holy shit the homophobia on this board
>inb4 go to /lgbt/

>> No.10530219

Other people can show you the chords to make music with, and it'll still be your music. Someone can show you how to make brushstrokes, but it will still be your painting.

That's the idea of this board.

Also, I am confident about my appearance and have no trouble dating guys. I generally like a fun personality more than a pretty face. You don't seem very fun. You seem grumpy. :-(

>> No.10530220

Sure, maybe some people think less of me. But I don't concern myself too much with that. I know I look better with makeup, and I know others, even if few in number, feel the same way when they look at me. It's just a little cosmetic tweak at the least and a minor quirk at the most, and I've yet to run into anyone that's made it out be any bigger of a deal than that.

>> No.10530234

Don't you have a Gender Studies midterm you should be studying for?

>> No.10530237


It's about how you do it and it's also about insecurity.

If someone told me there's this girl who lifts, is stronger than me, my knee jerk reaction:

> Yuck. Probably looks like a faggot.

There's a natural insecurity there in a girl being stronger than me and a natural reaction to a big muscular woman.

But if I see her and she looks like a hot fucking bitch, I'd have a total reversal. In fact, I'd now both be attracted to her and feel slightly inferior around her.

Same with men. Wears makeup?

> Yuck, I can totally imagine a chubby looking faggot with reddened cheeks and a powdered face.

If she sees the guy and he looks like something out of GQ magazine with makeup on, not only will the girl be turned on by him, but she'll also feel inferior, less feminine, less worthy around him. That's partially what bothers women as well, that sense of inferiority around a well groomed man.

IN SHORT, You can get away with a lot of things IF YOU ARE ATTRACTIVE and actually end up on top with the other person feeling inferior. So in conclusion:

Q Should a man wear makeup?
A Is he a 9/10?

>> No.10530238
File: 264 KB, 500x531, 1442429347280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated post.

>> No.10530249

thanks homes

>> No.10530269

id rather be a 6/10 without make up
than a 8/10 who gets caught wearing make up

>> No.10530283

>Is it reasonable for me to include makeup stuff into my life?
No. /thread

>> No.10530299

Don't worry too much man. If you want to apply light makeup try to make it natural and buy good products. Definitely recommend Korean brands.

I have a flushed face and make use of cleansers and junk at night and before I head out in the morning I use a bit of concealer with sunscreen in it as well. Results are quite good and because I keep it light no one notices or cares at least.

If YOU don't feel comfortable don't use it, if you are comfortable then use it. Don't bother with other guys or girls opinions. People are so wrapped up in their own shit no one is gonna notice, and anyone that makes a big deal about it is a jackass anyways.

>> No.10530301

Yeah men have a great +.
Women can have SHIT personalities but look hot as fuck and do amazing in life..
Men its like the other way around. Aslong as you have a good personality you can do great in life and women. Wearing make up as a man, isnt a norm. So that ruins the personality sector a bit.

>> No.10530305


Talk about getting your priorities straight.

Remember Zac Effron when he was younger and used to cake on layers of very obvious makeup even when going out to buy grocery?

Girls still got wet just looking at him.

Even now he still wears makeup on routine days out but he has toned it down.

I don't know why this is a big deal here.

>> No.10530318

That wasnt the point. I have nothing against men or women wearing make up. I just dont prefer it. If women can do it, men can too. But I dont think anyone should do it. You ever see the women who look AMAZING in make up but shit without it? Can you imagine dating a women, and like 2 years later seeing her completly without make up and seeing different women? It might be unrealistic but it happens. And Zac Effron is a STAR. You realize that right? They could look like ass, wear shit clothes, and still pull women. Make up had no effect on him.. But i agree, it isnt a big deal. I just dont like make up, sorry if that offends anyone

>> No.10530322

I think you mean preteens

>> No.10530329

>You ever see the women who look AMAZING in make up but shit without it? Can you imagine dating a women, and like 2 years later seeing her completly without make up and seeing different women?

You ever see the men who look AMAZING in fitted jeans, but look like shit in baggy ones? Can you imagine dating a man, and like 2 years later seeing him in a pair of Wranglers, and seeing a different man? It might be unrealistic, but it happens.

Complimentary pieces don't make or break a person. If you're 2 years into a relationship with a person I would hope it stands on more than just shallow qualities like appearance.

>> No.10530341


Stars aren't immune to the laws of attractiveness.

Zac Effron can go out in the street caked up in makeup and girls that see him go crazy over him. Same for other celebrities who often wear makeup even when going out in public.

But imagine Zac Effron going bald and walking out with a shiny head and wispy hair on the sides.

Or Zac Effron becoming a fat faggot.

Or someone like Tom Cruise going bald and fat and looking like he did when he wore a fat suit for his movie.

In short, the rules of attraction apply to artists. You'll hear "Wow, he used to be so hot but he's bald now or fat now or old now and I don't find him hot anymore." "I found out he wears makeup" isn't really a line.

I can imagine "Ewwww I saw Travolta or Effron or whatever and it's a wig!" but never "I saw him at the red carpet and Ewwww makeup"

>> No.10530342

If you're dating a woman and the first time you see her with zero makeup is 2 years in, something very fishy is going on.

>> No.10530351
File: 3.03 MB, 359x202, 1438870019384.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comparing jeans and make up


Your basically arguing the fact that we shouldnt care about fashion at all?

I never said complimentary pieces should or shouldnt exist. If your really that sheltered that you dont know the drastic change make up can do to a person than stop even coming on here. Dont be ignorant and think im attacking make up. I said i dont have a problem with it at all. I just personally dont like it. Here ill break that down for you..

>I dont like wrangler jeans

Is that good enough for you? I have nothing against men or women or aliens that wear make up. I dont care, just my personal choice that I dont, and dont like make up. Wanna crucify me for not liking blondes too?

>> No.10530360


a bunch of autistic fucks who are defending wearing make up, because they have no self confidence

>> No.10530369

>Your basically arguing the fact that we shouldnt care about fashion at all?
Not what I was saying. You used a silly analogy to begin with, so I gave you an equally silly comparison. Not that hard to understand.

Also, your response seems disproportionately hostile, which leads me to believe you're actually pretty passionate about your distaste for makeup.

Stay mad.

>> No.10530382

Considering how your defending make up, i think your the one who is passionate about hiding personal flaws. I dont care if your a man or women, make up is simply covering up your natural body. If your not comfortable with it, thats completely normal, but why deny that

>> No.10530385

and before you get all butt hurt
I dont push my ideas on anyone i simply said i wouldnt wanna get caught wearing make up, why is that so bad? Are you so insecure about yourself wearing make up that you have to make sure other people approve of it?

>sorry i dont wrangler jeans

>> No.10530398
File: 628 KB, 1200x944, bradpitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're getting the wrong impression when you hear the world makeup.

It doesn't have to be a full foundation with bronzer

Here's a man wearing a reasonable amount of makeup.

>> No.10530401
File: 35 KB, 396x396, before-and-after-make-up-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make up isnt an autistic disease i promise

>> No.10530403

I'm comfortable with the fact that I look objectively better when I hide obvious flaws like blemishes or uneven skin tone.

Also, when did this become a hippie debate about the "natural body"?

>Are you so insecure about yourself wearing make up that you have to make sure other people approve of it?
I don't know what lead you to believe this is a feelings fight or a need for your approval-- don't flatter yourself. I've been arguing with people all night about their irrational beliefs or ideas about makeup and who can wear or it, or why you shouldn't wear it. As far as I'm concerned, you're just another nameless stranger, and I could live another day without your approval.

Also, what is it with you and Wranglers? I was making fun of your strawman.

>> No.10530409

No i have no negative impression, he looks great. I just dont like make up at all. why is that so hard for people to get? I dont care if you wear make up, good on you! I just personally dont. My original post didnt put ANY hate on people who wear make up. I simply said I personally dont and wouldnt want too.

>> No.10530410
File: 25 KB, 590x350, 156696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could've been the Prime Minister of Britain. Was wearing very obvious makeup when I met him campaigning once.

>> No.10530411

>looks objectively more attractive with makeup

Seriously, what are you even arguing about? I wasn't aware that it was autistic to take easy steps to improve your appearance.

>> No.10530413

>Also, when did this become a hippie debate about the "natural body"?
>I don't know what lead you to believe this is a feelings fight or a need for your approval
My original post I said I wouldnt want to get caught wearing make up. And you responded with hate. Sooooo.. thanks for answering your own question

>> No.10530417

ITS NOT. Jesus you fucks are retarded. Can you read my orginal post???

I never ATTACKED you. But you all attacked me becuase I dont support make up. I litterly said i dont have anything against people who wear it.

>> No.10530418
File: 19 KB, 400x400, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Cameron, the current prime minister, looks much better in makeup though, even in person.

He has just that right skintone for makeup. It looks better on lighter toned IMO.

His makeup here looks good.

>> No.10530424

Okay, we get it. You don't want to wear makeup. Big fucking whoop.

First of all, the post linked was a pic claiming that use of makeup was autistic. Are you dyslexic?



Holy shit dude you are literally fucking retarded.

>> No.10530425


"Current" prime minister was a typo.

>> No.10530431
File: 93 KB, 300x225, vargvikernessmile1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mad bro

cuase you seem mad

tagging 3 posts

seems mad
leme guess u wear make up

>> No.10530435

>leme guess u wear make up
In an attempt to be ironically retarded you somehow managed to still be painfully retarded.

>> No.10530451 [DELETED] 

u mad????????????????????????
dont be mad my little faggot

>> No.10530457

No, no. Keep going. I like where this is going.

>> No.10530459
File: 145 KB, 634x964, shia labOOF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your wish is my command
you make up wearing beta
we salute you

>> No.10530460

This is embarrassing.

>> No.10530464
File: 145 KB, 1252x1252, scottyp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls keep embarrassing me and posting comebacks that i cant help but reply too

you sir are a god on /fa/ let us all praise this make up wearing lord of all lords

>> No.10530471

It's like when someone reads about 4chan and then comes on for the first time. Really amazing to see.

>> No.10530478
File: 1.25 MB, 235x240, 1438718867202.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it>????>>>>?????

>> No.10530482

This gif was old when people were posting it 4 years ago. Keep shitposting.

>> No.10530485
File: 109 KB, 702x1026, 1439072234742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g o b a c k t o / b /

>> No.10530487

cool banana meme dude!

>> No.10530493
File: 141 KB, 287x344, 1439436556538.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the samefag trys to act like different fags

i shed a tear for ur effort my friend

>> No.10530502
File: 25 KB, 356x201, shiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's acting? I've maintained the same grammar and writing patterns in all my posts, minus the last one where I was being intentionally facetious. Enjoy your ban for shitposting. Though I know you're probably just gonna come back to this thread and tell me you're not banned.

This was fun. You basically got bent out of shape and went on a tirade of shitposting because you thought you were making a stranger mad. I'm just laying back and watching reruns of Friends.

>> No.10530508

>assumes ill be banned
>assumes bans mean anything
>watching reruns of friends
>talking about writing pattens

this is great

btw im not banned mate

>> No.10530510

>assuming .jpgs are /fa/

good talk

>> No.10530512

Cool dude. That's great. No really, keep posting. It's taking minimal effort for me to keep this going and you seem VERY determined to... do what exactly?

>> No.10530518
File: 119 KB, 1024x719, 1439944297526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u r grt

>> No.10530519

Thanks. I love your KYM pictures.

>> No.10530523
File: 130 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id ask u if u wanna play a game but its too late

>> No.10530527

I'm bored now.

>> No.10530528

but u still reply?
still bored

>> No.10530794

>hates how gay people sound on youtube
>homophobic people often end up being repressed gays themselves


>> No.10530903

i always wondered why he looked so gross when he was younger and then randomly became normal looking. i remember specifically thinking how gay and weird he looked but couldnt put my finger on it and couldnt understand how girls like him. dude was caked up

>> No.10531980

>being this vain and narcissistic
kill yourself