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10521339 No.10521339 [Reply] [Original]

if I were to starve myself, how exactly would I do it. I've been drinking coffee to curb my hunger and a cup of green tea a day, along with walking about an hour a day for cardio. I'm 18 by the way. I realize that this isn't a good way to lose weight, and there are more safe methods I know of, but I'm kinda resorting to this. should I literally not eat anything during the day, or just eat certain things occasionally? help pls

>> No.10521346

>I've been drinking coffee to curb my hunger
I swear to god coffee makes me significantly hungrier

>> No.10521353

A lot of people on here will be all for the starve yourself to lose the maximum amount of weight idea. Realistically you can eat less, be at a calorie deficit for the day, and lose weight that way. Cutting out food is an option but you're better off sparing your body the trouble and eating healthier and less than normal.

>> No.10521365

eat mints, toothpaste or mint gum when youre hungry cause mint is a natural hunger suppressant

drink water

adderall too

>> No.10521373

Buy a jump rope lose weight fast

>> No.10521374

I guess I should actually answer the question though. You don't need to starve yourself to lose weight. I'm 6'1 and 62kg. I eat heaps of food but its good food and I balance it with exercise. Here's my average diet if you're interested

Porridge with (alittle) sugar, cinammon and whatever fruit I may or may not have. One cup of black coffee (French Press)

A wrap with lettuce, tomato, beetroot, fried egg, whatever else I may have

Usually pasta, fish or chicken breast

I chew gum during lectures as it contains my hunger till lunch or dinner. I run 4-6kms 2 or 3 times a week and walk or cycle everywhere (don't own a car)

>> No.10521773

thanks friend

>> No.10521810


>> No.10522056

thank you my friend. I'm thinking of starving myself for a bit to get down there, then I'm gonna go for this. big help!!! and I needed a new coffee machine, So I'll get a French press!

>> No.10522071

Just eat fruits and vegetables all you want. They're so low cal you'll lose weight naturally

>> No.10522078

Just eat things like boiled eggs (1-2 per day) or celery (without dips/cheeses). Just eat enough to take away the pains, don't actually get full. The eggs are good for protein, but too many are bad. Celery has no caloric gain, so you can eat as much as you want, but eating enough to fill you up will give you the runs.

>> No.10522089

Dude, just stop eating carbs. eat vegetables and meats in abundance. You will lose weight if you cut sugar from your diet. You NEED sugar to live though - it is your brain's fuel - eat a few fruits a day and ONLY fruit to meet this need.

my advice: as many salads/cooked low carb veggies as you want(no beans, peas, etc.), lots and lots of meat, 3 normal sized fruits or if you're doing like berries a proper serving.

No sugary drinks - these are the #1 reason people are fat these days. Goes right to fat.

No rice, potatoes, etc.

Starving yourself is dumb and you'll just gain weight again.

>> No.10522094

Instead of walking an hour a day, do some short sessions of squats, push ups and crunches or planks. You won't have enough energy to lift weights, but activating the large muscle groups in your body will help it burn more fat than any amount of cardio. Even 15 minute sessions are enough to really help you out, and you can let your body's hormones handle the work.

>> No.10522100

unless you want to become flabby and useless, eat enough protein (for you probably like 0.5g of protein per lb of body weight will do)

>> No.10522109

coffee and no food is a bad mixture if you have anxiety

>> No.10522110

This. God please eat meat or you're going to shrivel up and lose all of your natural muscle.

Eat tons of meat dude. Tons and tons. Meat is not going to make you fat at all. You lose nothing by filling up on meat, spinach, celery...

>> No.10522111

>No sugary drinks
best advice anyone can give you. to be honest, cutting refined sugar out of your diet completely and forever is a good idea for everybody.

>> No.10522123

not necessarily - eating a shit ton of sausage with all the shit that goes into them isn't going to do anyone any good. i think eating lean cuts of meat is a better idea, and without the skin of course. chicken breasts, ham joints, salmon fillets, tins of tuna, beef steaks etc. the nice 'natural' types of meat i guess you could say. not shitty meat products.

>> No.10522125


honey in your morning tea. forget coffee its bad for your teeth & body. drink water the rest of the day. No more starches(rice, potato, bread, corn, pasta, etc.) until you're at your goal weight.

>> No.10522130

hahaha I know right? it's like the universe wants me to hate myself.

>> No.10522134

Yes obviously. Also do not take all of this advice - canned tuna in abundance will literally kill you. It's far higher in mercury than the average cut of fish. You should limit wild game and fish in general for toxin reasons. Lean beef and chicken is your best bet - stock up on skinless chicken breasts. If you're lazy cook a weeks worth up in the oven at a time and eat the shit out of them. I'm not kidding. Eat as much as you would normally eat, except all in meat and leafy greens.

>> No.10522143

For the record I was a lard ass 220 lb, 6'3.

I now weigh 175. Took me less than a year to do my initial losing and I've kept it off because I trained my body off of sugars and I now eat things like rice(my favorite food) in moderation without any real problems.

>> No.10522144

Just buy DNP on /fit/ and leave humanity behind m8

>> No.10522145

add in a few cigarettes for extra panic

>> No.10522148

Oh, look, it's the dumb meat brigade. No, if anything you should be loading up on carbs like potatoes which are filling and fiberous, and low in total calories. Try to eat 1500 calories of potatoes and 1500 calories of chicken and tell me which one is more filling. And you don't need to actively starve yourself if you just eat this way instead of like that fatass Atkins who died 100 pounds overweight of a heart attack

>> No.10522181

I know this sounds needy, but all this mixed information is confusing. could I get help with making a basic plan to put in my notes on my phone, so I can use this to refer to for food choices?

>> No.10522209

The meat thing works if you're actually fat. Calorie counting starts to matter a lot more when you're worried about body fat %, but when you're 50 pounds over weight cutting out all non-fruit carbs is easily the best way to lose weight. period. end of story. this is my job.

>> No.10522212
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>eat protein
>dumb meat brigade
the question must be asked - why you getting butthurt over protein?

>> No.10522213

It's because there are a lot of different opinions on how to best lose weight OP. Some favor a balanced diet below maintenance calories, some favor eating a low carb high protein diet to help maintain muscle mass, some dont give a shit and just starve themselves on 500 calories a day, and some will hop on drugs like dnp to burn fat off. How much do you weigh and how much do you want to lose?

>> No.10522214

Look, man. It's not about protein or carbs, it's about calories. That's the most important thing when it comes to losing weight. That's why I recommend eating a lot of whole plant foods like potatoes and minimizing anything else. That way you don't need to obsessively count calories. Load up your plate with potatoes, greens, beans, grains, anything whole and unprocessed is good. Bread is processed so calorically it's a bit more dense. Soups are really great for this sort of thing if you like them. Lettuce wraps are nice with hummus and vegetables, etc

>> No.10522241

Cutting out most anything will result in initial fat loss. If this is your job you should know this. What keeps weight off long term is a healthy diet founded on whole plant foods, not calorie counting. Calorie counting just does not work for most people because they end up fucking it up.

>> No.10522278



>> No.10522291

I got it a bit.
Porridge with (alittle) sugar, cinammon and whatever fruit I may or may not have. One cup of black coffee (French Press)

A wrap with lettuce, beetroot, fried egg, whatever else I may have

chicken breasts, ham joints, salmon fillets, tins of tuna, beef steaks, maybe fish, etc; along with plant foods such as potatoes, greens, beans, grains, etc. anything whole and unprocessed is good really

would something like this work??

>> No.10522324

yeah looks fine. just dont starve yourself, that shit's not healthy. the best way to lose weight is to eat a little less calories than you need and exercise

>> No.10522343

thanks a lot, really. I have my calorie count and things together so I know how much to eat. :)

>> No.10522347

Unfortunately, there isn't really a consensus for the best diet. For a long time it was all about complex carbohydrates, with small portions of anything else and very low fat. Now people have realised you can get much better results by cutting most carbs, upping protein and keeping a decent level of good fats.

The only thing everyone agrees on is that non-starchy vegetables are great, and can be had in large quantities, and that some level of protein is good.

Cutting sugar to just what's needed, and getting it from sources that also provide other nutrients (so berries rather than cakes) and reducing your reliance on condiments will help. Also, most people consume far too much sodium (salts). Watch your intake of salt, especially in the days leading up to beach days/getting laid. It helps immensely for keeping off water weight and making you look more cut than you really are.

>> No.10522359


Your metabolism slows down. Your body will burn fewer calories to maintain itself, and you will feel awful. This is bad for weight loss because as soon as you quit starving yourself, you'll gain weight fast because your metabolism has bottomed out.
You will tend to lose muscle more than fat. Your body will naturally try to conserve fat and cannibalize muscle if it thinks it is outright starving. This is bad because your real goal is FAT loss, not weight loss. This is how you have people who lose 100 pounds and reach their "ideal" weight, but still look amazingly flabby. Also, losing muscle slows your metabolism down even further, amplifying the giant horrible rebound effect once you quit starving yourself.
Your life will be a living hell. You'll eventually feel horrible, the diet will fail, and you'll binge eat and regain everything you lost, plus interest.

>> No.10522388

Anyone know how to cop some adderal?

>> No.10522436


>> No.10523512

Momscience the post

>> No.10523533

>implying eggs are bad

>> No.10523621


take fuckin drugs, it's not rocket science

>> No.10523626

Feels good to be a skelly without even trying

>> No.10523827

Pretty much this
High cholesterol and relatively high fat.

>> No.10524133
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>listening to /fa/ dietary advice
>starving yourself

>> No.10524233
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>> No.10524237
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>> No.10524243
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>> No.10524244
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>> No.10524255

dietary cholesterol is not linked to blood cholesterol and high fat content does not make food unhealthy you illiterate fuck.

this is bullshit. not onlythe keto part,but especially that one day of refeeding would bring your "fat-burning" hormones back up.
these hormones crash mostly because you're getting leaner. to bring them back up completely you'd have to get fat again.

try iifym/flexible dieting and lose weight at least somewhat healthy you dumb fucks

>> No.10524342

I actually did keto twice, each time losing ~10kg of fat. Main advantage of keto diet is that it suppress hunger almost completely. If IIFYM works for you by all means go for it, keto requires a lot additional preparations and work. AFAIK there is some science behind the so called refeed day (mainly involving leptin levels), then again Im just repeating what Ive heard from others.

Going full crash diet (less than BMR calorie intake) is not advised, still if OP desires to do so, its entirely possible to eat 1 meal every 24-36 hours on keto without going crazy.

>> No.10524622


coke molly lean xans, even smoking weed on the reg kills your hunger

>> No.10524788

smmoke cigs

>> No.10525092

I've lost 30kg in 4 months. No kidding. Just do intermittent fasting with zero carbs. Use sweeteners such as saccharin instead of sugar and drink coke zero. I have my eating period from 12pm to 6pm , than I starve myself. Most effective way tbh.Also don't eat fruits. Dont listen to retards in here, it contains fructose=sugar=fat.

>> No.10525113

i hate assholes that come in here and on fit and say "bro its simple, you just need to eat healthy and work out, and youll lose weight, its simple math bro. just burn more calories than you intake". well guess what, thats fucking bullshit. i work out. i eat a cluster of grapes for lunch, and lettuce with a piece of turkey for dinner. and i bike to and from work. i havent lost a single god damn pound, and i know damn well im burning more calories than im eating.

>> No.10525121

Step 1 : Dont eat grapes
Step 2 : Google "intermittent fasting"
Refer to >>10525092
I was 95 kg in june, now im 69 kg. I did 20 min running every day , and my eating window was 6 hours

>> No.10525267
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See pic related for my diet (~950 kcals per meal).

Exercise is also vital, my routine:

Elliptical every day except sunday for one hour.
Pushups and situps every other day.

>> No.10525277

Also be aware that I'm 6'5" at 145LBS, so ~950 kcals per meal may be too much for you.

>> No.10525392

what the fuck you are so much underweight you're supposed to be around 165 pounds man

>> No.10525418

It's a 17.5 BMI, which is .5 underneath a healthy weight.

Calm your tits

>> No.10525529

grapes have a very high glycemic index
cut them

>> No.10525542

just avoid the fruits high in sugar

>> No.10525663
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Anon, you shouldn't starve yourself, and if you know that it isn't healthy or a good way to lose weight then don't do it. It's not worth it.

>> No.10525672

who gives a shit about bmi, 145 at your height is skelly. im 150 at 6'1 and wouldnt go any lower

>> No.10525677

It is literally impossible to not lose weight that way.
Cut the grapes
Eat more protein
Run or Cycle further
Drink coffee
And most importantly:

>> No.10525683
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>only ~1000 calories eaten

I can do this

>> No.10526157

>You NEED sugar to live though
i was on super strict keto for 6 months where i only got small amounts of sugar from vegetables and i didn't fucking die, this is bullshit. you're not going to die from not eating fruit.

>> No.10526167

Just go full lebbit and use myfitnesspal. You'll lose weight safely and won't die/binge yourself back up in the process. Don't be retarded just because you are on 4chan

>> No.10526216

0 nutritional value
>turkey for dinner
eat meat for lunch when you need it

>> No.10526435

the refeed effects on leptin are a real thing, but they're mainly examined in rodents. for rats, one day of refeeding is enough to bring leptin back up, humans need ~2 weeks to notice at least some effects.

>> No.10526746

what do you suggest then? Should I drop a refeed altogether? It gives me energy boost to do at least one proper training the next day now and then

>> No.10527549

Eat a normal fucking diet and don't starve yourself. Not in the least bit attractive or safe. You'll feel shitty and look shittier.

>> No.10527636

Agora's on hiatus. w2c other markets?

>> No.10527698

I did this one day and I was literally wanting to die

>> No.10527711

The secret to being skinny is


>> No.10527725

dont starve yourselves. it'll make you skinnyfat. I know this from experience. I would suggest just fucking keeping a decent diet and exercising. you wont get the looks of people in "thinspo" threads by starving yourself, you'll get it by constantly eating a small undercut of your maintain calories and working the fuck out.

>> No.10527740

>permanent brain damage

>> No.10527746

Just count calories, lift weights, and do actual cardio.

Are you people fucking retarded?