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File: 643 KB, 706x975, 1445432073764[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10519231 No.10519231 [Reply] [Original]

Is Kylo Ren /fa/?

>> No.10519232

I like the ouftit.

I also like the fact that there's someone uglier than me out there and that he's successful and playing in big movies.

>> No.10519261

is he a hm-model

>> No.10519275

Is he supposed to be a villain? He's way too young and bitchy looking.

Who cast this shit?

Unless he can act the part well this was a bad idea.

I can see what disney was doing though, they're probably catering to the middle school audience.

>> No.10519278

>everyone has to handsome to be in the movies XDDD

You're the problem.

>> No.10519281


Watch him in Girls. He's very masculine

>> No.10519284

>Unless he can act the part well
wow, it's almost like this is the main criteria for being an actor

>> No.10519291

Doesn't have to be handsome. Just has to be scary. He's competing with a fucking demon, a cyborg with a deep ass voice, an UGLY but not BITCHY evil old space wizard, and Christopher Lee aka fucking Dracula, also not a 16 year old looking bitch.

>> No.10519294
File: 106 KB, 391x555, 600full-mads-mikkelsen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Mikkelsen will never be a sith

>> No.10519298

I have to believe it and casting a bitchy ass 16 year old mug is a steep slope to act out of. At least put a fucking scar on his face.

>> No.10519299

adam driver is not ugly though, hes not handsome but hes very atractive.

>> No.10519303

He's 31.

>> No.10519305

>Who cast this shit?
JewJew Abrams

>> No.10519312

He's young because he's not even the real bad guy. He isn't a real sith for that matter, he just pretends he's one.

>> No.10519313

And Sandra Dee was 30 playing an 18 year old. And Dusten Hoffman was 30 playing an 18 year old in The Graduate because he has a babby face. And luke was 26 playing a teenager in the first one.

>> No.10519324
File: 78 KB, 640x933, adam-driver-as-nightwing[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not ugly
>hes very atractive
u 'avin yourself a giggle m8?

>> No.10519326

Sorry, I meant 21 on hoffman

>> No.10519333

Buckle up for lens flare and dumb cg sequences

>> No.10519335

like i said, hes not ugly nor handsome
he is atractive, do you know what that means?
he has something that pulls you

>> No.10519338

Like Steve Buscemi?

>> No.10519347

more like your mum

>> No.10519358

not possible

Different eye colors and hair colors

And I'd sooner believe my mom were a powerful sith than this guy's bitch ass

>> No.10519363

she is quite scary the cheeky cunt.

>> No.10519374

I just wanted Dwayne The Rock Johnson to play a sith lord.

>> No.10519382

He reminds me of Jar Jar Binks.

>> No.10519389

Well she's as tall as most men so yes.

>> No.10519391

Probably going to watch it but I'm betting it sucks. Disney's already in full damage control mode, JJ Abrams is a hack and Disney's finally realized he was the wrong choice given that he won't be coming back. It looks like a YA adaption tbh, I mean Star Wars was always kind of for kids but there were things for adults to enjoy, this is for teens full stop. The marketing is completely obnoxious and the movie's still months away, they're obviously trying to recoup any losses before people actually watch the movie and turn against Disney the same way people turned on George Lucus.

>> No.10519407

Yeah, Super 8 was so close yet so far. The problem to me was that they showed the monster too much and cg always looks like fucking garbage. If he had grabbed the puppet master from Aliens it might have been good. The movie provides less depth of feeling for the characters than Signs and ended up forgettable.

>> No.10519410
File: 242 KB, 1057x600, 1445405692579[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>villain is a white male
>protagonist is a black guy who literally looks like a monkey
>his love interest is a white woman
Gee I wonder who could be behind this

>> No.10519430

Max von sydow is probably going to play the big villain of the trillogy

>> No.10519433

To be fair it's not like this is new for Star Wars, in the EU and vidya intra-human racism and sexism basically don't exist in the SW universe, the main themes from a social justice angle are speciesism and should droids have rights.

>> No.10519444

Modern Disney/10

My children will be raised on nip shit.

>> No.10519858


Jon Snow? More like Jon-NO!

>> No.10519926
File: 2.20 MB, 3449x2333, adam-driver-girls[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big pan ears attract me

>> No.10519930

holy fuckl ugly motherfucker they could have picked literally anyone else than that and it would be better

>> No.10519981

probably kylo be chillin

>> No.10519984

Luckily, it's not canon.

>> No.10520169


no, actually its the usually-supporting-actor andy serkis. MVS is a protagonist's surrogate father figure of sorts.

>> No.10520331

"canon" something a beta aspie virgin would say, trollolol

>> No.10520350

The perfect face

I wish I was a woman so I could have his children

>> No.10521592

She isn't his love interest though, the script leak confirmed that a while ago

>> No.10522821

Here's your (you)

>> No.10522970

could be neat if the material is good, serkis def seems like he can pull it off