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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 69 KB, 736x915, fe59deeb7f355fc4d571ca49f2f0744d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10518006 No.10518006 [Reply] [Original]

Coming from /biz/ here, I checked the Catalog but there's a lot of "I'm 14, swag fag, hipster fuck boi" threads.

Any actual 25 through 35 successful people in here? No business fashion allowed in here?

>> No.10518014

"Business fashion" is just a ludicrous sense of professionalism.

tl;dr fuck you faggot

>> No.10518023

Fuck off hippie, go scrounge up some coins from your mom's purse to buy your Nike's lol

>> No.10518030

A wild /lit/ bitch appears

>> No.10518046
File: 96 KB, 500x715, tumblr_n8meobRfeT1qetik7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The observation is correct, but this is the wrong way to get a thread going for formalwear. You could have just started a thread without disrespecting other users, there's no single doctrine for which style is the 'best'.

>> No.10518048

>business fashion
it's called semi formal scrub

>> No.10518062

Also interested. This is as to why I haven't been on /fa/ much lately. Where are the business casual or business threads. Not all the fuccbois.

>> No.10518064

There's one trip, Patrick Bateman, who does the whole business suits thing. He's a lawyer near DC. He's a pretty good resource on more traditional menswear. Just don't talk to him about anything else because he's weird.

I'd support a thread on formal/traditional stuff even though it's not my style. As >>10518046 said, it's better to get a constructive thread going instead of stepping out on a passive aggressive foot.

>> No.10518067

People love to argue on 4chan, figured some hurt feelings would get the back and forth going.


Oooohhh sorryyyyyy

>> No.10518069
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Meme character, meme suit

But it goes with the thread.
Why are grey suits so bad ass?

>> No.10518075
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For those who aren't British agents or rich actors.

>> No.10518076
File: 57 KB, 686x960, 10476661_10152422012257461_185421623936703320_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me your price, tell me your style. I'll help you find some stuff that you can buy - remember that you will need to tailor everything, even if you're 6'2" and slim.

Source: I'm 6'2" and slim, some brands fit perfectly, others need to be shortened/tightened at different parts. It's well worth your money.

>> No.10518082

cause greys a nice color.

>> No.10518084

In the past, what you call "business fashion" has been lumped into the generic "mensware" category and has been largely ignored on this board.

Primarily, this is because there are tons of resources out there for mensware and there is hardly anything to discuss, as the style has been around for over a century and most questions and concerns can be largely answered by visiting a tailor.

That said, I've seen newer trends discussed here - like short suits, extremely high-cut pants, spray-on suits and the like. If there's something to talk about, we'll talk about it.

Personally, I'm not sold on the idea of dressing in suits when not expressly required by your work. It's reaching out to an era that doesn't exist in the same way that cigar smoking, scotch drinking and fedoras are. Those things are great - no argument there - but the reason they're pursued is sometimes driven by a desire to look like a grown up or appear manly, when in my opinion the suit-wearing idols we admire in history (Sinatra, Astaire, etc.) would have been wearing modern trends if they lived in the modern time.

>> No.10518085

I hate this fucking ankle shit, it makes your pants look too short and like you fucked up while dressing yourself

>> No.10518095
File: 211 KB, 1574x2365, Fashion-Show-SS-2016-Jil-Sander-Menswear[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest reason (in my opinion) that menswear isn't discussed anymore - is because the people who wore it when it was a trend have grown up and don't use this board anymore. As well as the influx of trends/styles like vaporwave, so the menswear demographic is pushed to the side.

Thank you for your contribtuion, great to have you in the thread

>> No.10518097

5'11 manlet, extremely fit, broad shoulders, hair but I shave it off anyways, green eyes.

Typically I wear tight fitting suits to show off my body.

>> No.10518099

please, please,please buy that suit. it's so "business fashion!"

>> No.10518103

JC 5'11 is not manlet you're like 5 inches taller than the average man

>> No.10518107

I've been on this board for five years now and have seen consistent menswear bashing, so I'm not sure what era of /fa/ you're referring to. Maybe I came in right as the Tricky Ricky era began?

>> No.10518109

Anything under 6' is manlet.

>> No.10518114


I'm 6'3 and slim. I'm in sales and am looking for things which are nice and not overly dressy. I spend time going from account to account. Looking for Business Casual/leaning more business. More sports coats, not suits on the dressier side.

>> No.10518115

menswear is really just a step above dadcore, it's useful for the workplace but isn't interesting to discuss and isn't really all that fashionable, just practical.

>> No.10518116
File: 13 KB, 236x354, b1ddcf192dd6dd71d764c6c8dd3b0c32[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like someone who would be perfect for a Zegna or Armani suit. Be sure to have your pants cropped - if you want to be professional then don't crop it to show sock, have it so that it rests on your shoe with no stacking.

You also have the option to get an entirely bespoke suit to fit your body, I recommend this until you figure out exactly how you want to look and what fit of suit works best for you.

I think you're on the wrong board

Average in Australia is around 5'11", nobody will think of you as being short unless you're always standing around significantly taller men.

>> No.10518120

OP here, no longer trying to be rude, but...

If you worked in New York or Downtown LA for example, pushing 50 hours PLUS in an office, you practically live in a suit. I guess it's a class thing.

I'm not speaking about Fedoras, Scotch, or Cigars, I'm speaking about what literally everyone around me in my immediate life wears, which is business attire.

Maybe if I worked as a bank teller I'd buy me a shirt at JC Penny, and without shame, but once you're earning 30k a month, you need to start dressing like it at the office with the rest of your peers.

>> No.10518125
File: 300 KB, 800x1156, tumblr_nue2qxXPnw1uzh1lko2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2011-2013 there was plenty of menswear, don't you remember when peacoats and desert boots with chinos were the standard /fa/ uniform?

It was constant menswear vs. gothninja

Try wearing different colour pants to the jacket, or wearing a turtle neck with the suit instead of a button down.

>> No.10518127

I'm here to protect the good people of /fa/ from your mediocre taste.

>> No.10518130


No one wears a suit because it makes the most sense out of all existing clothing. It's become a symbol of power. Fitted suits are constricting, sometimes hot and stuffy, and difficult to keep crisp. A nice suit can be fashionable, but I'd say rarely practical.

>> No.10518132
File: 64 KB, 540x360, tumblr_nfk3l8cLCI1rsxskno1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one for you fam :)

>> No.10518135

That actually looks pretty nice, thanks anon, I saved that pic, and though 5'11 may not be manlet, my whole family is 6'4 average, I came out short, so I feel like a manlet

>> No.10518142


My clothing can't be too out of the realm for what is socially acceptable for fashion for my target market in sales of all variations.

>> No.10518143
File: 286 KB, 800x1200, tumblr_nirtcn6Fvg1qgirk6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's part of the Zegna ss 2016 collection I believe, so you can buy it directly from the store soon. Zegna puts out a lot of high quality colognes too if you're interested in being the whole package.

Pic is Fendi

>> No.10518145

OP here, I agree, comes with the territory though, once I retire, that's it for me and suits unless I attend an event

>> No.10518153

I think that goes for all of us in sales lol.
Trying to look good in uncomfortable businesses clothing while not sticking out like a peacock

>> No.10518157

You're not being rude, I already mentioned that I don't love the style outside of the workplace so I get your point. I work in tech and most of the CEOs/execs I see dress in a blazer/jeans combo with terrible shoes, so it's worth noting that the industry is just as important as the salary.

>> No.10518160


I'm a lawyer in DC, and I actually like wearing suits. Finding one that's well tailored and fits nicely does not come off as restrictive as you'd think. Specifically, higher armholes that can be done with bespoke suiting.

Also suits stop you from showing off your sweat from 150% humidity in the summer.

And on top of that, surveys of women tend to find that the same man, dressed in a suit compared to something else, way sexier in the suit than in casual clothes. Something to think about.

>> No.10518161

Practical as in useful, as in it benefits you at your office job, you mong

>> No.10518172

>surveys find
>dressing for women


>> No.10518174

>Terrible shoes


>> No.10518176

Dressing for girls is the worst thing you could possibly do.

>> No.10518177


I know it's typically bullshit, but it's a pretty well accepted fact once you're not 15.

Also dressing for "muhself" is stupid once you get out into the real world. Jobs that pay taxes and goofninja bullshit don't mix.

>> No.10518178

Agreed, I don't dress for women, but I'd be lying if I said I.don't care if they find me attractive cause I like to fuck them in front of the beta interns

>> No.10518186

I dress for men, and not in the homo way, but in the, intimidate you with my freshness, I'm.gonna charm the client not you, kinda way.

In.A competitive way, if you will

>> No.10518190

>being a corperate cuck

>> No.10518192

thats the most homo thing i've ever heard
>i'm going to dominate this other man
>but its not homo

>> No.10518193

I don't think anyone's arguing you shouldn't wear a suit in a professional, business-oriented context. The point is that wearing a suit outside of work is the new fedora basically. Also professional wear is generally boring to discuss, which is why you never see many threads on it.

>> No.10518196

define successful

i went to college and i have a job and im older than 25

on one hand

I'm dumb as shit, materialistic, have a shit personality, and and very difficult to get along with

in addition to being unattractive and short

and still am on 4chan at 27 when i first came here in my teens

>> No.10518197

he said "no homo", there's nothing gay about it

nothing wrong with two men exploring each other's bodies

>> No.10518205
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“if you wanted to do something private with another man, it wasn’t ‘gay’ it was just two men were just celebrating each others strength.”

>> No.10518206


I guess it depends where you live. Even in a non-work context, it's hardly rare to see guys walking around in suits in DC. If we go out after work or some place nice on the weekends, it's totally acceptable and not fedora to wear a suit (typically with no tie).

I lived in NYC for a while and its the same. But I could see how it comes off as fedora-tier in smaller cities and the suburbs.

>> No.10518215

No, its still fedoracore, but cities like DC are full of bigshots who think they're the coolest cat on the planet cause they figured out a suit without a tie is more casual.

>> No.10518221
File: 5 KB, 212x123, 1242875185972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Except its not. Fedora-core is reaching back to a time that's passed, and doing the style incorrectly. Fedora's never went with tee's and cargo pants.

Keep your country bumpkin midwest attitude where it belongs.

>> No.10518229

I'm Canadian bruh
A suit has its place, but wearing a suit when it isn't appropriate doesn't make you look classy and worldly, it makes it look like you try too hard and think you're better than everyone else, aka fedoracore

>> No.10518245

I think HIMYM went on a long way towards killing the suit as a fashion item. So many autists thinking wearing one all the time will get them laid, haha.

>> No.10518251



Nothing about being classy or worldly is implied by a suit. It is entirely appropriate once you're out of college and in the work world.

What's important is where you wear the suit. Of course it looks fedoracore wearing it to your college classes or to a shitty dive bar where all your friends are in jeans and shitty t-shirts.

People who dress in rick or stupid sneakers look way more tryhard in real life than someone in a well-fitting suit.

Maybe it's a cultural thing, but everyone in a suit outside of work is certainly not a try-hard.

>> No.10518260

Confirmed for being blue collar and poor

Just because you're a morbidly obese Midwestern ugly plant kid with an inferiority and white guilt complex desperately trying to be an urban black, who is unfortunately surrounded by fedora nerds who are oozing out of their suits, doesn't mean they're obsolete.

If you ever find yourself being an important person to the world, you're gonna have to strap on a suit.

Otherwise, you'll REALLY look like a Fedora wearing your fucc boi clothing at weddings, meetings, events, business orgies, etc

>> No.10518271

>I guess it depends where you live. Even in a non-work context, it's hardly rare to see guys walking around in suits in DC. If we go out after work or some place nice on the weekends, it's totally acceptable and not fedora to wear a suit (typically with no tie).
This is entirely accurate, and it is because of this:
>If you worked in New York or Downtown LA for example, pushing 50 hours PLUS in an office, you practically live in a suit. I guess it's a class thing.
Bingo. If I'm going out on a date during the weekday, I'm still going to be in my suit. Doesn't mean I'm going overboard or wearing a tie, but I'm still going to be wearing one. That said, I've gotten better about changing out of my suit, working out, and not getting back into it.

>I'm a lawyer in DC, and I actually like wearing suits. Finding one that's well tailored and fits nicely does not come off as restrictive as you'd think. Specifically, higher armholes that can be done with bespoke suiting.
Same job, same location, same boat. I know there are some dirty fuckers on K Street trying to push the business casual thing, it's sartorial herpes.

>> No.10518272

homes we're basically saying the same thing. I'm not saying a suit is immediately tryhard fedoracore, but you need to be careful where you wear it, because you walk a fine line between best dressed in the room and insufferable douchebag. Wearing it to a nice dinner, or an upscale bar, or on a first date is good. Wearing it to the movies or to class or to Denny's makes you look like an autistic weirdo, the kind who thinks they're super intellectual.

>> No.10518274
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I know right? According to that idiot CEOs, executives, actors, presidents, etc etc are all fedoras.

Guess what fgt, when these people put on suits, they don't THINK they're better than you, they ARE better than you.

>> No.10518276

That's the point. There's nothing practical about a suit even at an office job. It's just tradition at this point.

>> No.10518279

Not that guy, but "you are supposed to wear suits to your office job and when someone gets married/dies" doesn't mean suits are good thing.

>> No.10518280

lol I'm Canadian and live in the 4th biggest city on the continent. chances are whatever rebel shithole you live in is a boondock compared to where I am.

>> No.10518282

Most definitely, but if you're not fat or ugly they make you look amazing. And at least when it comes to dealing with clients, if you're in sales, lawyer, city official etc. Then you DON'T want to be seen without one, because in people's minds, a suit says "hey, that guy is successful and important, imma listen to him"

>> No.10518286

Beverly Hills and the Down Town L.A. area sound much better than some poor wigger moose fucker

>> No.10518287
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>tfw people speak to me like im some sort of business professional intellectual when i'm wearing a suit for one of my class (it's a requirement)

darn anyone getting this vibe out of people with this,i'm not even out of my twenty and yet people find the need to use the term like sir when they're with me when i'm wearing suits and the like,it feels oddly patrician when i encounter this

>> No.10518294

And this is EXACTLY why we need them in the office world. A good tailored power suit shows people who's boss, and who's a pleb

>> No.10518297

You're welcome for all that water

>> No.10518299

And what possibly makes you think im a wigger?

>> No.10518303

You understand this, because you're successful, not a child, or a man child, who's work attire consists of a red polo and khakis and a name tag

>> No.10518308

Didn't know you were the one giving it to me, I figured it came from planet earth.

>> No.10518315

If anything this shows suits are just a power fantasy for people who care about being seen as "alpha" in the corporate world, not people who actually care about fashion. This is a fashion board, and the more OP posts the more unfashionable he makes suits look.

>> No.10518316

I suggest Thom Browne.

>> No.10518322

The corporate world is for sociopaths who for some reason think its the only path to wealth and success.

>> No.10518328
File: 75 KB, 800x600, seig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off you old, ugly asian fag

>> No.10518331

do you mean finance?

>> No.10518345
File: 242 KB, 406x429, 2c8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that beard
>that skin

>> No.10518346

nobody from LA thinks beverly hills is cool. nobody from LA says 'the down town l.a. area'.

>> No.10518350


>> No.10518360

The fact you think suits inside and outside the work place are fedora tier, when people literally live in them due to long hours.

It seems that you hate fedoras so much, that you have this illogical hate for people wearing suits. And your fucc boi attire is literally wigger tier.

Not even the hottest male actors wear your fucc boi clothing, and though they don't wear suits all the time either, they always wear them in appropriate events.

The way professional businessmen do. For example, I work 10 to 12 hour days, five days a week minimum, so when I leave out the door I'm wearing a suit, at lunch I wear a suit, and in the nicer bars and restaurants outside the offices, everyone's wearing a suit or the female equivalent.

When I.go.to goldsgym in the morning, shouldn't I just put on my suit in the locker room? Since I'm going straight to work? I guess not, I should change to fucc boi clothes and then change in my car again at the parking lot to avoid being a Fedora right?

I should do the same when I run out for lunch? To get coffee? Meet up a friend?

Now don't get me wrong, if I could wear jeans and a polo I would, but, we can't when our salary consists of more than wigger canadian, gotta play the game

>> No.10518361

only boring people with boring jobs wear suits to work.

>> No.10518362

Finance kids are weird. On one hand, you have the quants, who have ridiculous degrees in physics/math/etc. and who are generally sharp people. On the other hand, you have MBAs who have weird overinflated ideas about their own worth.

When I was in law school I used to do projects with the b-school kids on occasion. There was literally one point where I had to remind multiple students multiple times that insider trading was, in fact, illegal. They didn't even seem to grasp the basic concept but kept trying to make it "okay" by wrapping it in asinine colloquialisms and b-school language. Eugh.

>> No.10518363

No one anywhere thinks Beverly Hills is cool.

>> No.10518367

tourists, yuppies, and that one anon love it

>> No.10518369

Confirmed for not being from L.A., and I wasn't trying to sound cool fgt, I was talking about where I live jack.

Everyone knows K town is where it's at.

>> No.10518373

Batemans ok, he's also the most obvious samefag on the board.

>> No.10518382

Patrick Bateman: what do you think about suits with t-shirts underneath? Cool or tryhard?

Not blazer and jeans, I hate that. but a proper slim fit suit and a nice luxe tee

>> No.10518387

finance kids are insane. all the people i've met striving to make it in i banking or getting into the best MBA programs are batshit and will do anything to fuck your chances up.

know quite a few people in the big 4 accounting firms and they all have the same, 'my paycheck ='s my self worth' mentality.

>> No.10518396

Mods, underage here

>> No.10518402

1) I've said multiple times in this thread that suits are situational, they are exceptional in certain circumstances and fedoratier in others, the key is finding the proper balance.
2)I think the dichotomy of either Classy Suits or Wigger Streetwear you're pushing here is either you being deliberately obtuse or you legitimately don't understand that there exists a middle ground between formal attire and sweatpants casual.
3) Why do you think I wear 'wigger fucc boi attire'? You have no idea how I dress.
4)That's a pretty homo thing to say about those actors.
5) I never said you shouldn't wear a suit to work, or that you must change whenever you aren't in the office proper, or even when you leave in the evening. I'm saying if you wear a suit to Benigans with your nephew on a Sunday, you're a dork.
5) The way you keep calling me a wigger makes me think you're just throwing that word around like it's your go to insult, which is funny.
6) You're abuse of the English language makes me wish we never let you become a nation, and I feel bad for your current employer if this is the level of professionalism you rise to.

>> No.10518403

born and raised lmao. it's not very hard to spot transplants.

>> No.10518408

enjoy your meaningless existence slave

>> No.10518409

give me 3 interesting jobs where you'd wear a suit to work.

>> No.10518410

Lol bullshit bro, if anything you're the transplant and all you do is hang around little Tokyo trying to pick up Asian chicks cause white women won't date you.

>> No.10518415

ok mr. down town l(dot)a(dot) area

>> No.10518418
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>i know you are but what am i

>> No.10518419

>high class male prostitute
>homicide detective
>suit model

>> No.10518421

Oh I'm sorry, I guess your life is just one giant adventure? If I'm a slave, what are you? You can't even navigate in the world and enjoy the finer things in life because you can't afford it, forever stuck in your cage of mediocrity.

See, I could fly anywhere I want, stay in any hotel I want, and buy pretty much anything. Engage in any activity, and I don't have to save up for ten years to do it.

So, who's the real slave?

>> No.10518425

Don't take the high road with me faggot, remember you threw personal attacks without proof first, now resume our mindless useless argument.

>> No.10518428

If you choose to fly to Tokyo tomorrow, you loose your job. There goes all your means. You can't just pick up and go wherever, you owe the majority of your time to someone else.

>> No.10518429

lmao that wasn't even me

>> No.10518430

A lot easier to describe in detail, don't you think?

>> No.10518434

I think you're confusing two different people as one person, which is understandable on an anon board.

>> No.10518435

Implying I don't own my business hahaha

>> No.10518437

Ah but can you get up at noon and watch anime in your underwear while eating cheetos
I like the simple things

>> No.10518441

Don't try to make that stupid thing you said not sound dumb.

>> No.10518443

That's because if you give it some thought, it really isn't dumb, if I just say Downtown, who the fuck knows what downtown I'm.talking about

>> No.10518447

Thats even worse, you'd be an absentee owner, letting down people who rely on you.

>> No.10518448

you can just say LA tho, scrub

>> No.10518452

DTLA. like how literally everyone says it.

>> No.10518460

No, it actually runs itself, now all I have to do is check on my managers, the numbers, and the business branch every month.

<Inb4 you're lying

Let's say I am, doesn't change the fact people like that aren't slaves, and the real slaves are the penniless hippies who seem to have found some inner "richness"

>> No.10518463


Well which one of us is right? Fucking contrarian gags.

>> No.10518468

Either is a winner, better than that other garbage word salad

>> No.10518473

Nothing about that scenario implies that people who aren't motivated by financial gain ate slaves

>> No.10518475

Maybe some people find hapiness in different things?

>> No.10518478

everyone except you.

>> No.10518485

Are you still here? what could you possibly get out of this?

>> No.10518492

>search 'high class male prostitute'
>first pic david gandy

>> No.10518506

entertainment, duh

>> No.10518511

Arguing with strangers is entertaining to you? You're a peculiar fellow.

>> No.10518615

why the fuck would any functioning adult post here?

>> No.10518617
File: 88 KB, 673x574, 0028652981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Business wear is not fashion. It's a work uniform. It's a dress code. It's conforming. It doesn't change. It's boring.

Contemporary suit silhouettes such as Yohji or Thom Browne are not acceptable in the work place. Menswear is not business wear and business wear is not fashion.

>> No.10518618

because those sluts at the office wont fuck them

>> No.10518681

looks like we can go ahead and wrap up this meme parade!