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/fa/ - Fashion

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10513081 No.10513081 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw gf in heels is taller than you

>> No.10513087

im 6'3 in shoes and girls in heels are my height its fucked up but i think even they know at this point.
this girl i dated was like 2 inchs shorter than me in heels and she said the goal of her wearing heels was to be as close to guys in height so they notice ass n boobs n stuff better (or something like that)

>> No.10513090

Tell her to grow shorter or you're going to dump her.

>> No.10513144

that's hot

get her to step on your balls w her heels

>> No.10513174

Masochism is not effay.

>> No.10513610


>> No.10513698

If Kanye can get away with it so can you OP

Just act confident, no one really gives that much of a fuck.

Besides, your girl is hot is she?

>> No.10513734

Masochism is not okay.

>> No.10514781

Is sadism /fa/?

>> No.10514825

What is the effay fetish then?

>> No.10514893
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Vaginally penetrating your wife in the missionary position with her consent in a loving, fulfilling marriage, in order to impregnate her after the two of you have seriously discussed the prospect of having children and made that decision accordingly.

Blame the Jews if that's what you're into, but the real truth is that the family unit is slowly being eroded by a number of different forces. Maintaining the tradition of family, updated for the times as is necessary, should be seen by all individuals as the epitome of desirability: forbidden fruit, the cornerstone of rebellious consumerism, which is itself the cornerstone of fashion.

Paradigms surrounding reproduction are shifting for better or worse. If individuals taste the now forbidden fruit of the traditional family unit, they will want more of it and shift their beliefs and actions accordingly. Once enough individuals have taken advantage of this trend, it will begin its descent down the bell curve of follower population, eventually culminating in its death as a trend, though a stubborn few will cling on, perhaps to see its reemergence within their lifetimes, perhaps not.

tl; dr:
>Human reproduction is a fetish.
>The traditional family unit (i.e. the logical conclusion of reproduction) is becoming forbidden fruit.
>Eating that forbidden fruit is a statement, and that statement may well become a trend.

>> No.10514952

>tfw gf in heels is still 6+ inches shorter than you

>> No.10514959

Pathetic. Enjoy diluting your bloodline with dwarf children.

>> No.10514964
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>tfw 5'5
>tfw gf 5'10
>tfw when people in public stare in shock

Feels good mang

>> No.10514967

Tall girls are best girls.

>> No.10514970


>> No.10514975

what the fug, how you do dat
i'm jelly

>> No.10514976

6'3 and I can't date a girl who isn't at least 5'9. Not just because of the height difference, but I just am not attracted to shorter women. Can't see them romantically/sexually.

>> No.10514983


What's it like being autistic?

>> No.10514993

Having a preference of which women I'd like to date makes me autistic? Sounds like you just take what you can get anon.

Which I'd hazard isn't much.

>> No.10515003
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>> No.10515005

Stay mad manlet. Doesn't change a thing.

>> No.10515010

>tfw 5'10 barefoot and gf is 5'5 barefoot

>> No.10515013

such eloquence

>> No.10515018

>having children
sounds like you want to spend a million dollars.

>> No.10515023

Are feet an /fa/ fetish?

>> No.10515049

>implying that's a fucking bad thing

Dating a taller woman is like dating a better looking woman.

The only times you have proper reason to be insecure or weirded out is if your girlfriend is stronger or heavier than you.

Now fuck off and go ask her for some high heel footjobs.

>> No.10515051


feet tbh and certain kinds of voyeurism

and polygyny (consensual only).

>> No.10515053

5'10 here and I prefer women 5'7-5'11. For me it's just the fact that they look like fully grown women and that when I hold them and look at them, it looks and feels like an adult woman. I don't want to have to pick up or bend down for an adult.

>> No.10515064

It's beyond that for me, but that's probably as close as I could come to describing it.

I'd also prefer a girl around my height, but at 6'3 it's impossible to find a 6'+ girl who's also qt

>> No.10515072


>implying i'm not 6'2 and enjoy both tall and short women

>> No.10515109

hahahhahaa true, the girls with beautiful faces are either really thin or short

>> No.10515144

>mfw manlet gets dumped for 6'2 chad

>> No.10515243

Stop posting

>> No.10515254

This is not /r9k/

>> No.10515265
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I know This feel

>> No.10515270
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tfw when I'm 6'3

>> No.10515779

tfw im 5'10. meh good enough

>> No.10515925
File: 168 KB, 1054x952, Screenshot_2015-04-08-10-14-16_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good enough

>> No.10516166

Literally being a beta cuck that gets off on slurping up toe fungus and dirt

>> No.10516686

/fit/ pls go