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/fa/ - Fashion

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10514284 No.10514284 [Reply] [Original]

People keep telling me I look at them with a particulary strong gaze. How do I fix this?

>> No.10514459

post pic

>> No.10514463

hey relax buddy

>> No.10514472

Don't look so disinterested / bored

>> No.10514474

pop a Xanax and your eyes will be relaxed

>> No.10514481

It's your eyebrows

>> No.10514493

I have this issue (is it an issue?) too OP.

People constantly tell me I scare them, and that they think I am constantly plotting murder.

This is probably due to me having a very introverted personality, and speaking with a monotonous voice. When I'm disinterested in my environment, I tend to stare at a fixed location and let my mind wander. Weirdly enough, people can never figure out what I'm staring at, typically because I don't stare at any particular object.

Fear of me could also be attributed to my frame. I'm an ectomorph at 6'4" and 145LBS, and walk at a very brisk pace which seems "slenderman like." I'm pale, wear dark clothing, and normally wear a blank expression on my face.

I also have a abnormally deep voice, which probably scares people more.

I'm thinking about using these traits to my advantage, but I just don't know how.

>> No.10514497

Woops meant 6'5", hoping to get to 6'8".

>> No.10514501

This also describes me very well, I've never heard anyone say anything though.

>> No.10514529


Learn how to become genuinely engaged in social encounters. Learn to derive pleasure from speaking and how to energize yourself and talk about things you enjoy to. I am an introvert as well but I know when to leave my comfortable place inside of my mind and put on my extrovert mask when I have to.

>> No.10514769


>> No.10515491

You should go all out and become the next Ted Bundy. Start killing hipsters and sluts across the nation.

>> No.10515930

don't fix it OP, it's different and interesting not a flaw

>> No.10515936

>6'4" 145 lbs


>> No.10515937

Tell them they're correct, without averting your gaze.

>> No.10515942

Nothing to fix, embrace it. If you're self confident you can work it very well.

>> No.10515966

>I'm thinking about using these traits to my advantage, but I just don't know how.

how would you do that

>> No.10515988


>> No.10515992

Can someone explain the vertical text meme to me?

>> No.10516011

D o e s n ' t g e t I t












>> No.10516016
File: 315 KB, 491x373, 1445287568832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New friendo :^)

>> No.10516024

People tell me I have a very intense stare all the time, but no one has ever told me it scares them.

>> No.10516041

You're right. I don't.

>> No.10516055

Finish off the look with a trenchcoat, fedora and guitar case conceiling your AK47.

>> No.10516086

soft air ak47

>> No.10516121

What does Francis mean? I've seen the London meme, but never this one.

>> No.10516167

gain a little weight and become more sociable

>> No.10516729

are you a necromancer?

>> No.10516782

Holy shit you're me, maybe not that skinny but I can totally relate. Being mysterious and intimidating is totally effay, just don't half ass yourself, pull yourself off all the way with confidence.

>> No.10517720

So stare at people 24/7? You can even stare at their foreheads, that makes people very uncomfortable.

Start carrying around Bowie knives too. Pull them out on random occasions and clean your nails with them.

>> No.10517813

Makes it harder to approach grills. They think I'm mad or that I don't want to be there. Add being a very shy introverted person to that and I'm fucked.

>> No.10518089

Just assert your dominance with your stare. Stare into their very soul, and enslave them for the afterlife.

Chain them up and let them believe they're about to be free, then yank them back to their shitbucket.

>> No.10518385

Got a semi-boner from this. Thanks, anon. Will give it a go.

>> No.10518560

>not getting a full boner
lurk more normie-fag

>> No.10518662


>> No.10518670

jeez louise would you look at these normies?

i rhyme so good it's like commiting a crime in the hood.

>> No.10518699

w2c blank expression to wear

>> No.10518727

Just start wandering about in your mind more often.

Sitting down? Let your mind wander and you'll find out that you've been staring at a wall for five minutes and have only blinked twice.

If you do this often, people will probably start to notice and wave their arms in front of you to get your attention.

Just today as I was walking out of class I heard one of the kids I talk to every now and then say "don't piss off <my name>." Today was also a day where I didn't pay much attention to my environment, and as such people took notice.

I also recommend staring at your destination when walking. People will step out of you way (if they notice you staring, and especially if you're walking faster than most).

>> No.10518732

Of course, this tend to come easy to me.

I was the kid who went on amusement park rides and never made a single facial expression. Even if I was happy, when I went around on my favorite ride (a train) and saw my father, I simply stared at him expressionless.

I've also been diagnosed with very minor forms of both tourettes syndrome and autism. I don't swear out in public, but I do tend to come off as "different" to most. I can fake an extroverted personality fairly well though, which is suprising.

>> No.10519600
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>> No.10519647
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>> No.10520178

My friend told me I have intense eyes "like a serial killer." Idk I took it as a compliment. Just roll with it man

>> No.10520665

That's exactly the word they use for mine too. I guess we gotta make it work.

>> No.10521372


>> No.10522289

I'm a bear,
with a stare,
and an old bag filled with womans' hair.

Ask me my name,
and I'll kick you in vain,
of asking such a question considered so insane.

With dark tenures,
and impossible mares,
I speak with no cares.

>> No.10523019


>> No.10523024

wear sunglasses

>> No.10523026

post face

>> No.10524015


>> No.10524089

>6'5" and 145lb
I used to be like this when I was a sophomore in high school, but I can't imagine being an adult that's sub-180 while over 6'. Hit the gym and eat man, being 6'5" and 210 while fit feels a lot better than 6'5" and 145.

>inb4 >be a man
>inb4 >muh masculinity
If you're over 6' tall, you were never going to pull off the androgynous look anyway. Might as well go masculine.

>> No.10524585

Good point, but I just want to be skinny :(.

>> No.10524608

Smile more, practice in the mirror. Sometimes I just tense my cheek muscles just a little bit, which imitates a slight smile. Practice posture. Also, exercise, eat well, looking healthier might help. But, talking to people and being nice is the most important thing, if hardest

>> No.10526153

bump for crazy eyes

>> No.10527135

Up the intensity. You can never go hard enough.

>> No.10527163

How about not giving a fuck you stupid fucking childs.

>> No.10527166

please turn into pasta

>> No.10527179

>Fear of me could also be attributed to my frame. I'm an ectomorph at 6'4" and 145LBS

So basically a fucking stick.

You need to realize that people aren't afraid of you. They're just spooked by you. That's the nuance you need to understand.

Nobody is afraid of a light, long stick because physically you can't do shit. So if you want to use these traits to your advantage, well, start fucking lifting.

>> No.10527367

relax your brow some

>> No.10528323

If I became 210 LBS of muscle do you think I'd be scary to people?

I could even shave my head and wear like a scarf over my shoulders with a dark black T-Shirt.

>> No.10529889


>> No.10529907

it's a /fit/ meme

>> No.10529916
File: 210 KB, 800x801, pakistanis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a Paki baby is more intimidating an /fa/

>> No.10531569

who cares? if you act weird but are actually a normalfag just get drun k with normalfags and they'll accept you. if you actually are weird im not sure what u can do

>> No.10531585

How many camels does a wife with eyes like that go for these days?

>> No.10531873


>> No.10531885

this is me ever since I started doing acid. Pretty sure mine is mostly due to depersonalization.. People find me attractive because of it but can't approach me or look me in the eyes, so it's pretty useless. I just stare blankly and allow all the color to drain away from everything and think about absolutely nothing while clenching my jaw and sitting extremely upright. I like myself a lot, but people don't really approach me. It just cancels out.

>> No.10531907


literally no purpose, but it actually takes up space and waste your time,

notice all the vertical posters say nothing of value