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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 119 KB, 634x745, article-0-1A6D991B00000578-420_634x745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10504925 No.10504925 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10504926

why is he so effay?

>> No.10504965


Ah Yes.

Adam "Mordecai Shlomo" Sandler

>> No.10505067

He's so rich that he doesn't need to try

>> No.10505081
File: 43 KB, 236x354, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mans ahead of his time tbh, k-mart core

>> No.10505086
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>> No.10505218


Dope af imo tbh

>> No.10505231


Very post comfy grunge core
10/10 overall
I fucking approve tbh

>> No.10505234

he's fucking rich as hell and dresses like this, meanwhile the average broke boy will drop everything to buy supreme

>> No.10505281
File: 57 KB, 306x628, article-0-1B22104F00000578-595_306x628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus these fits scream waywt lurker/suburban heeb who still follows basketball even though he knows it's rigged

>> No.10505285


Very ahead of the game fit tho

>> No.10505302

actually laughed irl
but in all seriousness adam sandler is too fat to ever be truly /fa/

>> No.10505303

Going fit that oversized silhouette
The jacket looks like a MA1 designed by Marmot. Probably 1/1
The shoes are clearly custom made (toe box alterations the next big trend...screenshot this)
True streetwear freak gone full dad mode....hopefully we'll be there someday

>> No.10505306


Only a redditor would hate on such fresh af fits

>> No.10505321

>Jesus these fits scream waywt lurker/suburban heeb who still follows basketball even though he knows it's rigged

spot on tbqh

>> No.10505327

v next lvl matchy matchy wow

>> No.10505329

Cuz he's got that look on his face like "everything I ever loved as a child was a lie.....but I'm too old to get another hobby"

>> No.10505355

What's with the hat in the background?

>> No.10505391

Skin cancer core probs tbh

>> No.10505396

w2c hat in the background?

>> No.10505419

mmm I'm REALLY liking this one, your eyes really feast on this " cool 8th grader" aesthetic, the long white socks also add really to overall fit, Sandlers posture radiates that " man I want to go home and play video games" attitude

>> No.10505642

he's looking more and more jewish as he gets older

>> No.10505791



>> No.10505805

when will this become the ironic fashion core with slightly altered fit and colour. 10 years?

>> No.10506250

that's how being a jew works. When you're young and maintain a good figure you can pass as a goyim (see shia, gordon-levitt, zac effron). As a jew ages though, they reveal their features.

>> No.10506516

cargos make for a great proportion here, top notch

>> No.10506754
File: 1.35 MB, 830x742, way ahead of its time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man way ahead of it's time...

>> No.10506761
File: 44 KB, 306x627, avant garde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10506930

Too hot tbh

>> No.10507021

this is actually top slacker core from the waist upwards

>> No.10507022
File: 126 KB, 634x891, article-2503803-195C250800000578-634_634x891[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10507033


Look at the drape on his coat. 10/10 shillelagh.

>> No.10507047

Wow Adam Sandler truly does not give a fuck

>> No.10507061
File: 77 KB, 456x456, UMAD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10507087
File: 2.66 MB, 1086x1322, way ahead of its time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10507096


>> No.10507099

He's fucking set, his model for making movies literally cannot fail and they all make 80 million each, no exceptions. So, no wonder.

>> No.10507101

jewish privilage.

>> No.10507111
File: 126 KB, 634x863, futurism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adam Sandler's theme song becus hi s so aviant grades.


>> No.10507134
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>> No.10507135


>> No.10507155
File: 124 KB, 210x415, ACRONYM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10507179

Is Adam Sandler literally autistic?

>> No.10507191

Well commonly people ahead of their time are seen as autistic.

>> No.10507213

the man exudes inspo, wonder what hes buying here

>> No.10507252


>> No.10507268

looks like raf simons s/s 16

>> No.10507311

Is he in Diiv?

>> No.10507337
File: 743 KB, 480x6102, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cut sleeves are my fav. Very nxtlvl.

He seems like the best dad ever, tbh

>> No.10507357

This will be ironicaly memed into oblivion and as new posters arrive they will believe it and Sandler-core will truly become a thing. Ive seen this happen countless times. Mark my words

>> No.10507358

>He seems like the best dad ever, tbh
I'd agree with this. His recent movies are unadulterated shit, but it's pretty obvious he and the people in them know it and just don't care. Same for his outfits. He's made a fucking buttload of money and doesn't really have to care about appearances or effort anymore. That same mentality probably makes him a chill and fun dad.

>> No.10507369

It seems like he has all the time in the world to spend with his kids and doesn't need to worry about anything else. Good for him

>> No.10507382

all i see is a fat middle aged slob. is there something obvious i'm missing or is /fa/ just terribly meme

>> No.10507390
File: 19 KB, 392x376, Great one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patrick are you the same Bateman that made that /fa/ general guide back in 2008-2009?

Holy shit I'm witnessing a legendary oldfag...

Your guide helped me build a basic wardrobe and then evolve into independence to do my own thing. Because it's very open unlike the others. Thanks a lot /fa/m!

>> No.10507393

Post it

>> No.10507401
File: 291 KB, 600x1760, patrick bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's basic as fuck general as fuck. But it helped me from being a fuck up who dressed didn't care and dressed in somewhat skinny but not my fit & shitty running nike shoes (not monocrome & fashionable)

The "create your own style" is the best advice.
This guide and "taste" were the best, ironically they were just text. The other basic guides are terrible but I guess it's an advance from careless normalfag core, but they are still normie as fuck so they didn't help for shit except Bateman's and Taste.

>> No.10507426

thanks this is what i have been looking for

>> No.10507459
File: 1.17 MB, 1080x2000, Taste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need taste as well. This is very important.

/fa/ has really good grail fits and when inspired as a collective they create more.

Palewave (basic but good), SLP (advanced basic), Lunarcore and finally gothninja/cyberpunk/techwear, etc.

Learn from the inspo threads.

>> No.10507488

yeah i wil check those out. The problem though im having a hard time developing my own style. I have been checking those threads out,but i don't want to get into the habit of just copying pics online

>> No.10507495

Take whatever you see in parts and assemble good fits.

>> No.10507607

He is friends with Dan Patrick (radio personality/sports commentator who makes cameos in nearly every Adam Sandler movie)
A few years ago they were talking about Adam Sandler on the radio show
Apparently he makes the corny movies so that he can fund his art films
It's not that he's tuned out...he's just being financially responsible

>> No.10507645

>he makes the corny movies so that he can fund his art films

this would make sense if he actually made any art films in recent memory

>> No.10507892


Very ahead of the game
Jelly af rn tbh

>> No.10507924

>art films
wait what? exactly as >>10507645 said, Sandler really hasn't made any art-sy films ircc

>> No.10507932


niggas face looks straight busted

>> No.10507943

punch drunk love, funny people

>> No.10507949

Yep! Same dude. Thanks!

>> No.10507974

Punch Drunk Love was so long ago. And I'm pretty sure it wasn't even produced by him, so it wouldn't even count.

>> No.10508128

Is it bad that I think some of the fits are actually dope?

>>10506761 In particular

>> No.10508136


>> No.10508158

this guys face is fucking disgusting.

>> No.10508231

The Cobbler
Reign Over Me
Men, Women, and Children

>> No.10508234

none of this is suprising. he has ther sense of humor of a 13 yr old boy, the intellect of a 13 yr old boy, and hedresses like a 13 yr old boy

>> No.10508253

I have some questions for you since I'm very old but not like you.

But I'm tired as fuck atm, maybe tomorrow! I love you Bateman, you rock!

>> No.10508673


>> No.10508926

Does Adam Sandler not own pants? Why does he wear shorts 24/7 even in weather that requires a jacket?

I theorize that his shins may be self aware and are documenting the world as he walks around. They're covered in microscopic eyes and have a photographic memory.

When he covers them they start screaming.

>> No.10508936

My next door neighbour shat his pants because he's severely ahead of his time.

>> No.10508944

This guy fucks

>> No.10508989

Fresh as fuck


>> No.10509208

Is he seriously wearing a maymay shirt?

>> No.10509217


All great fits, way too sick

>> No.10509222


dad af tbh fam smh

>> No.10509231


It's all true

>> No.10510306

isn;t that what happened with shia lebeouf

>> No.10510337

the filename haha

>> No.10510383

To this day he's basically the only tripfag worth listening to

>> No.10510809

He made the most useful guide.

>> No.10510899

In 10 years it'll come back sincerely.

>> No.10510971
File: 1.66 MB, 1085x787, adamsandler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]