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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 278 KB, 1410x1940, andreja-1410x19403111111111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10501767 No.10501767[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do I dress well as a tall trans girl?

>> No.10501774

first of all, you're a male. deal with it.

second of all, there's a board for this shit:


>> No.10501779

gender is dead it's 2k15

>> No.10501794

same tbh

>> No.10501823

all white houdini-core

>> No.10501824

First of all, dress your age. Don't fall for the kawaii stockings and colored hair meme. If you're over 20, dress like a proper adult, don't dye your hair pink and shit, it just makes you look retarded. If you REALLY must color your hair, dye it blonde, brown, ginger or something natural to match your eye and skin tone.

Grow your hair out to hide any unsightly masculine features you might still have, it helps softening the face. Ask the hairdresser to cut it like he or she'd cut a female's hair. Since you're tall you'll want to avoid wearing high heels, or anything really that increases your height. Dress simple, and elegant, if you can pull off deep earth tones, that's great. If not, go for pale clothes. The point here is to blend within crowds well and don't call attention to yourself, it helps a great deal in passing. Make up is a must, until you can laser/electrolysis your facial hair off completely. Even after that, some make up is required. If you have doubts about a particular item, remember: SIMPLICITY. Get your earlobes pierced at least once and find a good earring that complements your face. If you really want you can probably get away with more than one ear piercings, so there's that too.
That's about it really. And don't forget to take your hormones regulary.

>> No.10501839
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>> No.10501847

>If you're over 20, dress like a proper adult
saddest sentence i've ever read tbh
otherwise ok post

>> No.10501858

>saddest sentence i've ever read tbh
ikr. but one must make sacrifices, in order to pass. If she was a cis woman I would have said dress however you like, because it's up to them. They'll appear as female even in a fucking clown suit. Trans girls don't have that luxury, unless they started HRT when they were like 16.

>> No.10501864

Sad, but true.

>> No.10501898

*effeminate man with a severe mental illness

>> No.10501912

*with a severe neurological intersex disorder

Just because you're retarded about medicine doesn't change reality.

>> No.10501923

Holy shit gtfo you moronic liberal faggot

>> No.10501925

"neurological intersex disorder" is a subset of "mental illness".

the fact that it has a neurological basis, or that you call it a "disorder" like in the DSM, doesn't take it outside the scope of "mental illness".

>> No.10501930
File: 43 KB, 600x596, 1435333244445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... It's still a mental illness. Fuck off freak.

>> No.10501931

better to be trans than autist tbh

>> No.10501933

"I was wrong, so I choose to ignore that and instead use personal attacks."


>> No.10501951

how do you know you want to be a girl when you lived as male and were socialized as one your whole life?

>> No.10501952

Kek, no it's not. It's structural, not systemic. Keep being retarded, samefag.

>> No.10501956

Far outside the scope of this thread. Now do you know how to dress an androgynous frame for greater femininity or not?

>> No.10501969

how tall are we talking here?

>> No.10501970

there are MULTIPLE threads for this on /lgbt/, you infinite salad

>> No.10501975

There are zero threads about the fashion, you spilled milk.


>> No.10501982
File: 104 KB, 570x816, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obi-Wan Kenobi Core

>> No.10501983

then make one.
you're so much more likely to get good feedback and less drama there

(you reverse cheese)

>> No.10501984

>>trans girl

>> No.10501997

Yeah, I'll just go make a fashion thread on some board that's not for clothes. Brilliant.

>> No.10502010
File: 16 KB, 620x349, tango-37[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now fuck off fag

>> No.10502021

see >>5049717

it is brilliant, because a) they have threads dedicated to this, and b) you won't get this much drama there

please don't breed btw

>> No.10502027

They don't have threads dedicated to this, and the only drama happening is your little piss party. You're a real clown.

>> No.10502051

>expecting me to argue against something that neither of us can prove

did you happen to look at the number of posters in the right bottom corner?

testing to post that link again.


>> No.10502058

Have you bothered to read that thread? Click the links? It's useless. That's not what it's for, it's not what it does.

>> No.10502064

Dress for your body type like everyone else who wasn't molested as a child and thus doesn't feel the need to announce their mental problems as if it counts towards anything to do with who you are (or towards anything that people don't care about)?

>> No.10502080

But it's literally a community of the same demographic

>> No.10502092


>> No.10502096

This is a good thread.

>> No.10502107
File: 959 KB, 1296x968, 1426362655361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A rope around your neck while standing on a chair.

Kick the chair off and you'll be /fa/

>> No.10502108

"let's write a big book about the fucked up stuff people think, it'll be objective"

>> No.10502110

Can you stop derailing this with your /pol/ shitposting.

>> No.10502121

wear heels embrace that

>> No.10502123

fuck off trannys and tranny lovers back to your containment board so the rest of the world doesn't have to be reminded that you exist

>> No.10502128

It's not shitposting, it's fact. There's literally no need for you to announce you're trans. If you have wide shoulders seek advice accordingly and dress accordingly. If you have narrow hips seek advice accordingly and dress accordingly.

>> No.10502132
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how about you fuck off back to your mental asylum you crazy faggot retard

>> No.10502141

suck my dick fuckheads

>> No.10502150
File: 10 KB, 295x378, dsfsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good posting

but really return to the mental asylum idk how you escaped but you should really fuck off from here faggot


>> No.10502154
File: 1.00 MB, 2124x2828, 1398136695198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every "how do i dress x or y" thread is pointless, just fucking lurk more and learn fashion basics. compare your frame to other frames and observe what they wear, adapt it for yourself and your personality.

regular old men can wear leggings and skirts now, trans shit doesn't matter like >>10501779
said, just dress for your frame, look at proportions, reflect who you are internally

>> No.10502156

nigga can you seriously not tell from the Posters counter that there are plenty of people here?

>> No.10502166

Niggerfaggot can you not tell from your elementary education that the number of people doesn't mean jack shit?

>> No.10502167

why not?

Great thread btw

>> No.10502212

wow this board is shitty

>> No.10502268

>suck my dick
Girls don't have penises, perhaps you need a lesson in anatomy as prerequisite to fashion?

>> No.10502272

there's two basic options here:

1. Your brain is fucked up and makes you think you're a girl in a man's body.

2. Your body is fucked up, it was really "supposed" to be a girl's body.

Which do you think is more likely? If a schizo thinks they're Napoleon, is it their body that's wrong or their brain?

>> No.10502298

>tfw grill
>mfw you will never be like me

>> No.10502324

>>I'm a girl inside
>>I have to dress like a girl and do 'girl things'

You don't even know what being male or female is you demented bastard. I feel sorry for the homos who have been lumped in with you.

>> No.10502376

Trans people will never be attractive.

>> No.10502390

Trans "girls" aren't real, they're men with mental illness.

>> No.10502404

You're a man who thinks they're a woman. Okay, gross. But since you're a "women" just dress like a tall women would.

>> No.10502408

these arguments never stop

probably just insecurity

who gives a fuck, most gendered behavior is social construct

yes it's obviously a mental issue but it doesn't effect you, if somebody wants to apply to themselves the social constructs traditionally applied to a different sex why try to stop them

my favorite color is red, maybe somebody thinks it shouldn't be. either i can change my opinion or the expression of it or just not give a shit

anyways as for fashion this is going to come down to confidence

do you really want to pass or do you want to just not give a fuck and dress interestingly

>> No.10502409

Why does a trans girl have to "pass"? What's the deal with them having to be seen as a woman? Everyone with a brain fucking knows they're not a woman.

>> No.10502429

try a noose :)

>> No.10502437

They want the world to play along with their mental illness. If you don't want to, you're a "transphobe."

>> No.10502441
File: 10 KB, 300x391, FG3ACB1HJ6010K4.MEDIUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this

>> No.10502454

You don't. You'll look shit forever

>> No.10502562

I'm pretty disappointed in the way the people here are acting. This is /fa/, not fucking /pol/. If you have a problem with transmen and transwomen you should grumble and keep scrolling past the thread. There are PLENTY of threads that have nothing to do with transsexuals you could be investing time in.

OP is probably a nice person who wanted some fashion advice, who is in a very particular demographic that can be very androgynous at times, give her some legitimate advice and courtesy. If you can't provide it, go fuck off to some other fashion thread.

>> No.10502571

You don't think OP's pic is attractive?

Post a pic of yourself then and we'll see who's talking.

>> No.10502621
File: 197 KB, 1112x1024, 1358387299417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just 4chan being contrarian, we used to love traps when it wasn't mainstream, 4+ years ago everyone was creaming their pants for futa and traps. now that its relatively acceptable to be trans, and that on the internet hating trans people is usually discouraged, everyone here wants to do it.

>> No.10502628

True. Is she trans or a hermaphrodite?

>> No.10502638

That's wrong though. "We" are no more accepting of trans or traps than we were four years ago. Maybe four years ago you posted on /b/ and fawned over angled pictures of shaved boy butt, but the vocal majority has always been against it.
>disappointed in the way the people here are acting
Then go to /lgbt/. They'll respect your feelings more on the other side of the pond. In fact, they have dress-up threads almost every other hour.
>can be very androgynous at times
who are you trying to kid

>> No.10502667

a vocal majority hasn't always been against it, shit just a few months ago there was multiple threads on the guy in OP pic on how beautiful he was. there was always groups of people on every board who approved of traps, and when they made their own specific threads then there'd be the occasional persons going "dude its still gay" but nothing as bad as this thread, and those were 100% offtopic shit posting, this threads at least related to fashion but still getting shit on.

remember that /fa/ hasn't been here from the start, either you migrated to the board sometime after its creation already being exposed to places like /b/, or you came here being totally new to 4chan

>> No.10502709

One thing isn't fucked and the other isn't, they just don't match. You can't change the brain so you change the body.

>> No.10502800

/pol/ go home

>> No.10502967
File: 221 KB, 500x663, andrej-pehic-tiago-molinos-follow-mag-8-19-11-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does a trans girl have to "pass"
The whole idea is that they want to look like a woman

if they half ass looking like a woman it looks terrible and is awkward for everyone

however, if they are passably feminine no one will know they aren't a women


Andrej a best

>> No.10503086

>as a tall trans girl?

op pls

>> No.10503998

You cant change chromosomes faggot. No matter what is done they might say that their gender is female but in reality their sex is the same throughout.
What the fuck do you mean we cant change the brain? Nigga what?

>> No.10504057

Who dis?

>> No.10504065

>getting mad about people with mental illness being treated with compassion instead of being 'treated' or marginalised
Bit mean tbh

>> No.10504088

You accept that you have a mental illness and either get therapy or kill yourself

>> No.10504096
File: 441 KB, 640x480, 1441417252264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lobotomy would work well

>> No.10504136

Probably wouldn't make a difference

OP you need mental help

>> No.10504187

I haven't read trough all the hate, so, ignore if i am repetitive.

I guess the most important thing is to have way above average hygiene. Meaning that you need to take care of your skin/hair/nails/health/clothes like it's your job. Second, stay classy. Keep your natural haircolor. Get a simple cut, i'd suggest a long bob or long layers. Then, do anything to have shiny, soft and healthy hair. Keep the styling minimal. Usually, letting it airdry will yield the best result. Take perfect care of your skin. It would be good if you could get away withnot applying makeup/foundation. However, if your skin is less than perfect, learn how to apply foundation like a pro (youtube...). Take special care to make your eyes and lips as feminine as possible. Exfoliat your lips regularly, apply chapstick all the time. Use slightly red tinted chapstick. No lipgloss or lipstick! If you want, you can use a cheek tint. ALWAYS curl your lashes and apply a SMALL amount of mascara. Watch videos on how to do it right. Whiten your teeths and use whitening eyedrops. For fashion, i'd recomment going very basic. Jeans and a white blouse. Go all feminine with the accessoires. Scarfs in colors that make your complexion "glow", earrings, necklaces, rings. Wear just one at a time and keep it down with size and colors. (Simple pearl earrings or a single pearl necklace would be good. And a minimal ring with one gemstone.) wear shapewear underneath to make your figure more hourglassy!! Get a corset to train your waist. Keep your nails shortish, clean, perfectly manicured and maybe painted. But only in light pinks that almost look like you don't wear any nailpolish.

>> No.10504196

Oh, and study every female you can (movies, real life,...). Try out gestures and body language you see infront of the mirror untillyou find out which ones fit your personality and look natural, yet feminine. Also, work on your voice!

>> No.10504212

i am a cis girl but u can still choke on it bitch

>> No.10504216

Also, lacey camisole underneth the blouse! And groom your eyebrows.

>> No.10504284

You're asking for it. First try /cd/ and /lgbt/. From what I've seen they dress like shit, but they may yield conducive advice. /cgl/ might also be worth a look - they're imaginative.

For the future make separate threads (or ask about specific things in semi related threads it's better form), one about height challenges, then proportion challenges, whatever you have.

This isn't tall. I'm 5'9" as a CIS female, and I don't necessarily feel the need to ever comparatively address my height.

Medically there's evidence to support the authenticity of transgender, but imho there's still a huge "fetishist" population. Let's give OP the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.10504289

OP here, I'm not the one who said 5'7".

I'm more around 5'11"-6'0".

Also thank you to the few of you who posted helpful advice in between all the shitposts.

>> No.10504295

What are your measurements?

>> No.10504325

He was much more attractive as a man. Like a 9/10. Now he just looks like a masculine woman.

Yes he fucked himself over.

Yes he was a beautiful androgynous man who could have bred beautiful androgynous children.

If the cunt was really about being himself he would have learnt to accept himself for who he was, a man who felt like a woman.

>> No.10504342

still looks like a man tho

>> No.10504409


>> No.10504456
File: 83 KB, 733x960, 12167431_727631380701594_263045406_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I'm lazy so I'll just tell you what I've been searching myself. It's best to just google stuff for cis girls like "how to dress with broad shoulders" or "how to dress as a tall girl", pretty obvious but that's your best bet. Also, I recommend Long Tall Sally. I've yet to bought anything from there but seems promising atleast.

>> No.10504467

Why'd you care if a male wants to look feminine and live as a woman? What's the big deal to you?

>> No.10504481
File: 1004 KB, 1576x892, transessories.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to accessorize

>> No.10504486

Another mtf here, this is so cute that you guys try to act all mean :3 Keep it up

>> No.10504487

>facts r mean :[
30 times meaner I suppose :^)

>> No.10504503

I don't think you need to be trans to want this collection. High quality stuff

>> No.10504514

shotgun is effay as fuck tbh

>> No.10504539

this looks retarded

>> No.10504641
File: 408 KB, 1280x1071, tumblr_nv4v1ztw3p1tm163xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay when the fuck will we stop this madness? Trannies should be in the mental hospital. It's basically schizophrenia.

>> No.10504804

Looks like my wardrobe minus the gold buttons and leather jacket

>> No.10504828

It's not really that sad

>> No.10504836

traps and trans people have never been anything more than meme fodder until idiots started unironically buying into it

>> No.10504838
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shit like this is hilarious to me
>it's a MENTAL ILLNESS that means it's bad why is society trying to make it acceptable!

Because mental disorders are unavoidable you fucking retard. Do you hate on people who are obsessive compulsive, or call people with attention deficit disorder freaks?

If so you're probably a really shitty person. Stop caring so much about others and worry about yourself, you've probably got some disorders to work out too. Here's a good example of this

>you're clearly autistic
>i don't hate you because you're autistic
>i hate you because you think your shitty opinion matters

>> No.10504847

That's what I want to know, I guess I've never really known much about the topic. This is surprisingly vitriolic and intense, even for this site.

>> No.10504865

It's not so much that, that the population of this website has changed.

4chan is a counterculture website where outcasts come to be edgemeisters. Having socially liberal views used to be the edgy counterculture around when this website started gaining popularity. Now being socially tolerant is the mainstream, and being an intolerant biggot is the counterculture filled with retarded self righteous teenagers. That's who this website primarily appeals to now, because if they tried to voice their opinions in reality they'd probably get their shit slapped or be avoided by the majority of people they know. It's become the new edge essentially.

It's also just making the userbase of this website into a bunch of annoying whiny cunts. Anything degenerate and abnormal used to be generally accepted here. Traps fell into that category.

The only difference i see between the socially tolerant and the current breed of retard is that the first group complained about things that actually effected them. The second group will whine about anything regardless of if it effects them or not. They think people actually care about their opinion.

^ this pretty much sums it up

>> No.10504876

It's funny because they're actually just as bad as politically correct tumblristas. They claim politically correct people are so sensitive and need to stop being offended by everyone and everything. Yet they can't scroll past a thread about something they dislike without whining about how it offends them.

>> No.10504886

this fucking Napoleon argument is so, so, so dumb
I couldn't imagine being thick enough to type that out and be happy with it

>> No.10504892

being normal in a sea of retards is frustrating isn't it?

>> No.10504895

Or there's a third possibility. Probably the most likely.

A person wants to be the opposite gender for personal reasons, and they acknowledge that life is short and feel that they would lead a fuller life as the opposite sex. They realize it wouldn't be too difficult to achieve this, so they go for it.

This shouldn't be as hard to comprehend as it is for you.

>> No.10504896

yeah dude
if you experience the same thing as 100's of thousands of people it's the same as thinking you're Napoleon

>I feel like I was meant to be a girl, call me her
>I am a French Emperor from the 1800's and I want to invade Russia, call me Napoleon Bonaparte

you are pants on head retarded

>> No.10504904

>A person wants to be the opposite race for personal reasons, and they acknowledge that life is short and feel that they would lead a fuller life as the opposite race. They realize it wouldn't be too difficult to achieve this, so they go for it.

>A person wants to be a different animal for personal reasons, and they acknowledge that life is short and feel that they would lead a fuller life as a fox. They realize it wouldn't be too difficult to achieve this, so they go for it.

>A person wants to be a motor vehicle for personal reasons, and they acknowledge that life is short and feel that they would lead a fuller life as a V8 supecar. They realize it wouldn't be too difficult to achieve this, so they go for it.

>A person wants to be sonic the hedgehog for personal reasons, and they acknowledge that life is short and feel that they would lead a fuller life as sonic the hedgehog. They realize it wouldn't be too difficult to achieve this, so they go for it.

>> No.10504906

Wear a noose.

>> No.10504911

nice, way to make him seem dumb by coming up with bizarre scenarios like that
really showed him

>wanting to eat tomato sauce instead of BBQ
>wanting to eat dogshit instead of Ross Kemp's hair
>look at how dumb tomato-eaters are

>> No.10504916

Not the same thing at all, but das cute.

Being the opposite gender is something that some humans do. Humans feel envious of other humans. It also has social connotation that the individual may be more comfortable with, like for example

>being with the gender you actually are and not being considered gay
>wearing a style of clothing you prefer that is now acceptable because you look like the opposite gender
>being able to express your femininity or masculinity without it being seen as out of character

Wanting to be any of the things you just described is illogical because they have no relation to what it is to be a human.

I really hope you're trolling because if you're actually this dense you should probably just save the world from having to deal with your shit and off yourself now.

>> No.10504924

ty for not being retarded
new users feel the need to tout this bullshit because they know it's trendy but their arguments are fucking terrible

>> No.10504930
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>feel that they would lead a fuller life as sonic the hedgehog.


>> No.10504942

there's so many people doing this...
scary whoa.... :)

>> No.10504944

Yeah, it actually scares me. Is this the actual way some young adults think?

Do they honestly not see the gaps in their logic? I feel like anyone with an IQ above 75 would be able to play "count the logical fallacies" with posts like >>10504904

and yet people still post them constantly and agree with them. I'm legitimately worried.

>> No.10504958
File: 282 KB, 658x676, Screenshot from 2015-10-18 07:09:52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bizarre scenarios
except they're not that bizarre at all. These people are just nutcases.

Thinking you're something you're not is literal insanity

>> No.10504963

are these people hurting you physically?

>> No.10504985

It's not literal insanity. Literally every person has some misconceptions about who they are.

Some are just larger than others. Wanting to be something that has no connection to humanity like a car as mentioned earlier is probably an indicator of mental illness.

Thinking you're attractive when you're not is incredibly common. As well as thinking you're ugly when you're attractive, or thinking you're a good person when in reality you're a drain on those around you.

Ask any psychologist, nearly every person ever has some major misconceptions about themselves. Not to mention, most traps/trans know they're not the opposite gender. Very few of them actually think "i was born as a girl i just have a dick because of some genetic mistake".

They think "i would be more comfortable and enjoy life more as a female, so i will make myself look convincingly like one, take hormones so i think and develop physically like one, and receive the social treatment that a female would receive.

It's really not rocketscience bruh.

>> No.10504988

So one someone has OCD you just let them do whatever they want and try not to get in the way instead of trying to help them and get them to stop doing it?

>> No.10504998

If it doesn't harm them or you, and in no way effects their life in a negative way, sure.

It's when the symptoms become negative issues that the mental illness requires a need to be treated.

In fact, what makes an illness an illness is that it must have negative symptoms to be classified as such. Based on that i'd be willing to debate that being transgender is actually a mental illness.

>> No.10505038

Also, still the guy you replied to, I actually am an obsessive compulsive. When i was younger i would do things such as washing my hands until they bled, and carrying a piece of string with me 24/7 to twist back and forth between my fingers.

I needed to be on medication to stop myself from doing these things. As an adult i learned to deal with my symptoms, and as such i no longer need to be on medication.

If you treat the symptoms that arise from a situation, and transgender people have issues of anxiety, dysphoria and depression because they're not the gender they want to be, wouldn't becoming the opposite sex be viewed as a treatment for their ailment?

The symptoms would be gone, their life would be healthy and they would become mentally sound. Would that not be considered the treatment for this disorder

I don't consider it a disorder but if you want to look at it in the context of a disorder, logically that should dictate that the treatment for it is becoming the opposite gender.

>> No.10505076

Well, i'm going to be out now. I'm going to end this discussion on this note.

If you want to be able to improve as a person, remember to always let your opinion be swayed if someone presents a viewpoint that makes more sense. It's how you improve as a person. Blind pride in your beliefs even when presented with a better argument is something that is honored in society today, but it shouldn't be. It keeps you from improving yourself. Never be afraid to abandon an assumption or belief if someone presents a better one.

And on the discussion of traps/trans people. I'm not saying you have to like it. If it disgusts you, that's ok. You don't have to justify your disgust with an argument.

I'm disgusted by girls with armpit hair, but i don't have to explain why for my disgust to become legitimate. It's subconscious in reasoning and i simply don't like it. If you feel that way about traps that's fine.

The point is you don't have to try to denounce them as a person or make them feel like shit because of who they are and who they want to be. Live and let live. If you are the person who's disgusted by it, next time let the thread roll on by so they can get some legitimate fashion advice.

Sadly being shitty to other people has become a professional sport on the internet, a place for the attainment of knowledge. It's unnecessary. Just find a thread that is relevant to you and do your own thing. The world be a significantly better place if everyone realized this.

>> No.10505122

traps aren't necessarily the same thing as trans, you bigot.

>> No.10505134

>You can't change the brain so you change the body.
Confirmed for a fucking moron. What do you think psychiatric medications are about?

>> No.10505140

incorrect terminology doesn't make someone a bigot, calm down. It's a pretty common mistake to think of trap as a term for transgender people and not just crossdressers. A bigot is a hateful person who generalizes a group to look down on them. Calling someone that for being slightly ignorant is a bit of an overreaction.

>> No.10505151

Mental illness should be treated with compassion, but it should definitely not be treated by society as something normal and healthy, especially when it comes to bodily mutilation and trying to thought police society as to what a man or a woman is. Basically they're trying to pass off their mental illness to the rest of us, making them normal.

>> No.10505155

I don't understand entirely the point you're trying to make but psychiatric medications alter the body and how it functions, as the brain is a physical part of the human body.

They don't just 'magically' change how you think. They make physical changes in the body that specifically effect the brain.

>> No.10505159


>> No.10505163


>> No.10505167

I didn't realise 4chan was capable of calm, logical and well thought out arguments. Keep it up /fa/m

>> No.10505168

Your logic is flawed, see below.

A mental disorder not being accepted as normal is due to the fact that it has negative symptoms which may effect them and others around them in a negative way.

If a disorder lacks this aspect, it is a disorder in name only. You can't slap the title "disorder" on anyone who is different. If you could, every benign difference would be considered an illness and very few people wouldn't have them.

the argument you just made could be used to call being a minority a mental disorder.

>> No.10505169

Is it as retarded as insisting women can have penises too?

>> No.10505186

Aka they change the way your brain functions. It is very likely that in the future a drug will be discovered that "cures" trans people. Would this treatment be considered preferable to bodily mutilation?

>> No.10505188

Also to further the point i made, not all trans people alter their bodies with surgery. Not to mention aforementioned surgeries are relatively safe with modern technology.

Also, with the posts i linked to you explaining what makes a disorder a disorder, and in their context, you could look at the genital surgeries a transgender person gets as a treatment for the symptoms of their disorder, if you wanted to look at it in the context of it being a disorder.

I'm not entirely sure on this but i think the majority of transgender people actually don't get their penises removed. I'd have to find a source to cite, but i remember reading that the majority keep their boy parts and are content with just being a girl socially and in looks. Being a girl sexually isn't a necessity for them.

>> No.10505198

I think having misconceptions about your personality is a tad bit different than identifying as a fucking airplane, or a solar system. You fucking retard.

>> No.10505210

I don't know how you would consider that to be likely with no sources. The same has been said about gays for a long time as well, so i'm skeptical. In theory, if such a pill did exist, does wanting to change what you look like and how society treats you really warrant a medication to 'fix' you? That sounds dangerously close to removing someone's freedom of expression with a medication. Almost like a brainwashing plot from a dystopian novel.

In theory however, if you're right and i were a transgender person and had the option to choose between a pill that makes me comfortable as a man, or going through with the change to look convincingly female, it'd be a tough choice. And in a future where your theory is correct, considering being transgender has no real negative consequences aside from how society treats you, if this treatment was forced the country providing it would have to be considered fascist i think. There's no way a free country would allow for that. Taking or not taking medication is a personal freedom unless you're a danger to yourself and those around you.

It's an interesting thought though.

>> No.10505214

It is, that's literally exactly what i just said.

I also said being transgender falls closer to having misconceptions about your personality than wanting to be an inanimate object.

You're calling me a retard yet you're the one who needs to work on your reading comprehension. Falling back on insults is cute though.

>> No.10505529

No one wants to be sonic the hedgehog because of identifiable brain structures that do not respond to alternative treatments. It's not the same situation, no matter how much you try to obfuscate things with gross oversimplifications.

Now for fuck's sake, can we talk about fashion?

>> No.10505537

Tall women don't typically have triangle shaped torsos, or wide necks. It's a different circumstance. Plus, they would be looking to emphasize certain traits (face roundness, limb length, etc) that transwomen would be trying to downplay. It's a completely different set of problems to be tackling. If you can't tackle that problem, just admit to that instead of doing off-topic shitposting.

>> No.10505543

It's part of the treatment of the disorder. "passing" lowers their dysphoria, lowering their anxiety, heightening their productivity and well-being.

>> No.10505555

Folks have been looking for a psychiatric treatment for transgender disorder for many centuries. You're welcome to help them with that, but nothing has turned up. It's absolutely, definitively retarded for you to insist they take treatments that don't exist instead of ones that do, when the results (lessening their symptoms so they can function in society) are the same either way.

>> No.10505565

As a transperson, I would 100% have taken the pill that makes me okay with myself. It's a giant pain in the ass to change the inertia of your life, disappoint friends and family, enter a drastically smaller dating pool, and so on. And frankly, being a man is tops. Having seen both sides (trans people can pass, nignogs), I can say for sure that my life was better when most everyone thought I was a dude than when most everyone thought I wasn't. I get more gifts, though.

Also: high collars, ruffles, only have tightness on your waist line to create a more hourglass shape, keep your hair long to round out the face unless you are naturally hot as fuck, and do your damn squats. Don't wear colors (like red) that will make you stand out. Look around your peer group and dress like them. Blending in is your best strategy.

>> No.10505712

IdkOP but I cop both male and fem fashion as long as its good on me.

depends on your style go for well dressed gothninja, recommended. study the looks.

>> No.10505717

you're not a woman, you will never be a woman, slapping tits on a dude and chopping off his dick doesn't make you a woman

it makes you a fucked up plastic surgeon's pay check

you need to get your ass into a mental institution and out of women's clothes you fucking degenerate

>> No.10505727

u trollan m8

you gotta admit fem fashiun> males fashoun tho. best silhouette.

>> No.10505753

not on men

>> No.10505757

depends on how ugly and unfair, etc. the man is. some dudes can really look nice but they are 1 in 1000.

>> No.10505823
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>> No.10505846
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>> No.10505848
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it ain't even the real seig.

>> No.10505888

How much income do you have OP? are you a poorfag?

go to zara, h&m, asos, uniqolo.

if you are a richfag then Yohji Yamamoto, Rick Owens, Saint Laurent Paris, Ann D and Raf Simmons.

>> No.10505991

Do SLP heroin chic for chicks. Thats a nice style.

Anything that looks like made by Hedi Slimane.

>> No.10506071

jesus christ, this guy has spent far, FAR too much time on /fa/.

>> No.10506075

which guy?

>> No.10506419

>156 replies
>57 IPs

I've never seen so much shitposting on /fa/ before. OP could be a crossdresser, drag and androgyny is part of fashion, there are so many queer people in the fashion industry it's ridiculous.

OP if you have long arms you'll have wear men's tops or tall sized women's clothing from places like GAP. Pants aren't something to worry about, but the inseams tend to be shorter.

Go with what fits and what is more comfortable for you, don't be afraid to shop in either the men's or women's section, maybe bring a friend.

>> No.10506433


Online shopping is horrible if you're a poorfag and just starting out your wardrobe. Go to physical store and try out the clothing, ESPECIALLY woman's clothing; their sizing will make your head spin.

>> No.10506436

Not OP but
>don't be afraid to shop in either the men's or women's section

>Implying most of the advanced /fa/ggots don't do this already

I started copping female fashion 2 years ago. If it looks good on me it's a cop it's simple as that. I obviously try out the clothing and everything first.

>> No.10506455

I have long ass arms so I wish I could cop cause sometimes women's pieces look better than some men's pieces and have more variety.
Men's clothing seem to have better quality, however.

>> No.10506519


op, i'm a 22 year old transwoman and I have a tech career and it has been real smooth for me to dress literally as neutral as possible, and literally no one could possibly guess my genitals by looking at me, it's great. i'd recommend it, if that interests you. grey joggers, nikes or flats, slim fit shirts, pixie cut/ femme HY

>> No.10506522

>Men's clothing seem to have better quality, however.

depends on the piece. Actually most of the time men's is less interesting and boring.

Just compare go right now to a cheap fast fashion store.


look to men's jackets vs females jackets. Female's have more variety, easy whereas men's have more of the same, or the same style modified a little. I don't even need to look at it.

Honestly most of the fashion is designed for women in mind, they are the top consumers after all. Men's fashion is just starting to kick in compared to fems.

>> No.10506526
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>pixie cut/ femme HY

why would you do that... It's the perfect moment to pull off long ass hair and you don't take it.. short hair is so fucking boring.

no reason to keep it short unless it's shit-genes = curly.

>> No.10506545

>why would you do that...

Jaw and facial structure.
Any trans person who went through puberty already is better off looking like a lesbian, cause no one cares about butches or tomboys. Unless you had low testosterone so you stayed small or endocrine disorder, or intersex then you could probably pull off looking like a basic woman.

>> No.10506546


I had loooooooong wavy blonde hair this morning and I just got it cut and feel more feminine. it's probably my face shape I guess though. I've lost a lot of weight including muscle mass thanks to /fa/ so I felt like I could finally pull off short hair without looking like rosie o'donell yknow. changing up hairstyles dramatically once a year or so is really fun. being trans can be fun if your life doesn't fucking suck in general, like it seems to for the majority, especially transwomen of color

>> No.10506564

Obama like yeah i'm from bottom text

>> No.10506572

go look at tall female models, get double D implants and you should be fine fam

>> No.10506633
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you weren't probably straight enough. wavy hair is ok but it's kinda shitty to style.

Straight hair has always been and will always be master race. Curly are shit-tier genes that need to disappear form the European race.

>Unless you had low testosterone so you stayed small or endocrine disorder

Or just a pretty enough face that doesn't looks too manly. Dud pls. I'm not even trans and long hair is GODLY, I can do the weaboo fringe thing. I seriously don't wanna go back, ever maybe when I get too old but this shit is seriously amazing.

I'm going to grow it till it reaches my butt no joke.

>> No.10506684


>How the fuck do I dress well as a tall trans girl?

You don't. You are a tall man, and need to be wearing male cuts.

>> No.10507024

>Folks have been looking for a psychiatric treatment for transgender disorder for many centuries.
Yeah but modern pharmaceuticals have a much shorter history, and there hasn't been a ton of research done into treating transgender disorders. I doubt anything will be found soon, but I would be seriously surprised if nothing is discovered within the next 100 years.

>> No.10507052

dang if this is a trans then they're doing it right

>> No.10507066


>> No.10507112

Doesn't matter tbh youre fucked now anyways, people will treat you the same way they treat people with downs.

>> No.10507259

5'7" isn't tall at all
I was expecting like 6'2, fuck you

>> No.10507262

What the fuck are these shoes

>> No.10507269

didn't knew you were 5'7... just like me dud pls just crossdress I wear female fashion already (androgynous I do both fashions, whatever looks good).

And I can do it nicely, it's easy to find fits.

You are 5'7 then that means most fast fashion you'll be copping will be medium or small. Always pick M & S.

For girl jeans I'm literally super skinny like SLP heroin chic skinny so I pick legging fit jeans. It will surprise you but you fit in more things than you think, you have worn male's fashion way too long lol...

hope you aren't muscly or skinnyfat, thats what matters the most. Skinny is master race... or ottermode for later on.

>> No.10507284

andrej is one of the most attractive ones

just search andreja pejic runway and tell me s/he doesn't have a man's body

face really isn't that feminine either without all the professional makeup and photography teams

>> No.10507508
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A tight noose around your neck

>> No.10507529
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No. Andrej certainly isn't old Bill Kaultiz tier.

Bill is a natural born androgynous, children of Hermaphroditus all that. Natural traps are god-tier, artificial traps meh.

Admiring those greek god, children of Aphrodite & Hermes genes. Would pray to.

>> No.10507543
