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/fa/ - Fashion

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10500535 No.10500535 [Reply] [Original]

How's your day going, effay?

>Woke up
>Had tea
>Smoked a cigarette
>Off work today, going to asian market
>Noragi coming in the mail
>Watching animu, being comfy

>> No.10500543

>fall asleep playing vidya
>wake up early for supreme drop
>drink coffee
>wait for supreme drop
>pray for supreme drop
>jack off to supreme drop

After I cop some supermeme, probably gonna go skate, smoke then drown myself in booze on another ronery Friday evening.

>> No.10500566

>woke up
>fucked around on the internet
>had shower
>made breakfast; smashed avo with goats cheese and sliced tomato on toast, with black coffee
>went out, picked up stuff from shops
>went to cafe, sat and read with a coffee
>back home
>uni work for a few hours
>late lunch, leftover mexican
>worked out
>fucked around on computer for a while
>early dinner, big omelette
>went to work at 6pm
>finished, came home at 11:30pm
>be now

i'm about to sleep. g night fam

>> No.10500573
File: 21 KB, 500x500, $_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oooh I also copped a new snowboarding/everyday outer jacket

pic related

>> No.10500584
File: 71 KB, 600x600, test_grande_-_Copy_2_7bbd0290-1a65-4189-8cff-df7730cfb9f1_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is coming today
>japanese old man core 2good

>> No.10500585


>> No.10500603

>Took the day off
>Keeping it casual
>Heading off to race a Lamborghini Gallardo around a racetrack

I paid for this a while back and the day's finally come, feeling pretty stoked.

I've also taken Monday off and I'm gonna take a flight lesson for fun, so paranoid as f about the weather.

>> No.10500611

flying is fun as fuck my pops took me once when i was younger

>> No.10500625
File: 363 KB, 452x710, 1441256101497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you people would just call it anime, and video games.

It is the most un/fa/ way to say those things. If you had said the normal variations it would have been irrelevant, you'd have been average 4chan users; but instead you felt the need to announce yourselves as bottom of the pack scum.

Please stop, this is not a troll, this is a real human who gets triggered by those disgusting "meme" ways of saying simple words.

It is the same as "lol xD". Please stop. You are on a fashion board, be fashionable, keep those disgusting, spastic remarks to yourselves if you truly feel the need to call them that way, keep it to the Anime and Video Game boards full of autistic people who feel the need to be unique by mentioning every-day activities in special ways.

>> No.10500639

you're on 4chan, what do you expect

>> No.10500640

>>morning routine

>> No.10500641

you alright bud?

>> No.10500646

My life is at a point where the only thing that triggers me is how random internet strangers call certain things.

Id say that it's all good, I just wish I could delete the cringe from the world, that is truly my only dream.

>> No.10500650

Senior in college
all my hs friends are applying/getting jobs
I still have no idea what my plan is
failed my second physics test like my first
wondering what im doing with my life
how many choices I've made i never really cared about
and how that got me to a place of indifference
but I don't know where to go
I don't know what decision is the best
It seems no one does
Maybe I'm just stressing too much

>> No.10500652

theres a lot more cringe than meme speak on 4chan. ever see video game speedrunners? thats some grade a autism

>> No.10500660

this post gave me cringe

>> No.10501007

thanks for asking

>woke up
>peanut butter and toast
>smokey treat
>gf drove me to work
>boss is not in today
>haven't done dick all day
>3 coffees
>browse memes
>one diet cream soda
>about to eat some hummus
>going to get weed and go home to celebrate my roomates bday with some friends

i've had worse days

>> No.10501036

>didn't eat enough yesturday
>too much to drink yesturday
>wake up with the shakes
>feel like shit and down some ibuprofen on an empty stomach (with orange juice, so against my diet)
>mean headache and nausea

wow I really need to start eating. gonna try and fall back asleep for an hour before work. atleast I've got something coming in the mail today