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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 109 KB, 820x868, 12108227_1636301903314753_1603615393299905569_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10493135 No.10493135 [Reply] [Original]

because there's nothing sexier :)

>> No.10493141

looks so tryhard

>> No.10493143
File: 133 KB, 1152x520, gender-rick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I call tryhard
Not qt guy wearing nice well-fitting clothes

>> No.10493147

meme shoes :^)

>> No.10493166

tryhard needs to stop being interpreted as an insult.

>> No.10493167

it's the same guy!!!!!!!!

>> No.10493168

Shit shoes. Middle fit is pretty bad and wtf is he doing with his jeans in all of them?

Otherwise good, but when you're that hot you'll look good regardless of what you wear.

>> No.10493174

>when you're that hot you'll look good regardless of what you wear.

this imagine how shit this would look on /fa/s average looking skelly

>> No.10493217
File: 1.40 MB, 820x868, k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, my spergy friend.

>> No.10493222

Well played.

>> No.10493224
File: 845 KB, 3110x2073, 1406995618896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boys that are hot

>> No.10493225

Honestly we shit on this but I've decided it's not that bad at all. It's a bit pleb for sure but it's still better than most normalfags. Honestly each outfit is one or two steps from being good, and in the first two it's literally just the jeans being shit

>> No.10493231

thanks for being so honest

>> No.10493235
File: 134 KB, 820x868, fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10493237


It looks already shit without a skelly.

>> No.10493242
File: 140 KB, 640x1136, faggggggggggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been waiting a while for one of these threads, wonder how this'd look on OP

also Eric don't fucking respond to this you beta
>that's me! :D

>> No.10493252


>> No.10493257

Someone should make one of these with stance and Lukas and post it on Twitter

>> No.10493337

I've never really looked at this photo properly but I am 95% sure I know the 2 guys on the end lmao. Does anyone know where it was taken

>> No.10493393

lol women hate men who actually know anything about fashion, they get scared because most women play into the facade that most women know how to dress and a man can call them out on it

>> No.10493395

Actually I'd love it if society became less tense and allowed people to wear things like this. I find regular clothing to be terribly bland and consequently more tryhard because people are so desperately trying to fit in that they are willing to strip themselves of all individuality. Don't tell me you actually like how 90% of everyone outside is dressed in a t-shirt/jeans and has a nazi haircut.

>> No.10493413

there is no society. there is only /fa/.

>> No.10493415

it was taken in Brisbane

>> No.10493525

W2c middle jacket

>> No.10493721

Jesus christ, you look about 10

>> No.10493742


Looks like you took the /effay/ twink meme seriously

>> No.10493751

Boys, please stop wearing jeans like this, you look so fucking stupid you don't even understand...

>> No.10493760

tryhard doesn't mean "you're trying hard". It means "you're trying hard to look like something/someone you're not, and failing"

>> No.10494027

>cuckolds with a good sense of copying how asians dress on the internet

>> No.10494141

He looks pretty ok. I may say good. Also, he is pretty fa, in good way. And, of course, he's got amazing facial aesthetic and body. What I don't like - this poor ugly stans. And his bag.

>> No.10494144
File: 799 KB, 3110x2073, 1413765786186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh, people who hating man from ops pic looking like this.

>> No.10494195

id on shoes from guy second from right?

>> No.10494217
File: 234 KB, 742x309, mwek20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these people give us fashion advice.

>> No.10494232

wtc jeans

>> No.10494241

Those are models on a runway, of course they're trying hard it's their job.

>> No.10494313

You are one of them.

>> No.10494419

When did it become fashionable to wear pants that make your legs look like midget legs?

>> No.10494807

>how to look like a boring, generic twat 101

lol no thanks. I'm just as handsome as him and probably a bit taller too, dressing like that attracts pleb tier women who think that looks good, even though there's nothing unique about it whatsoever

>> No.10494818

Wtc bomber?

>> No.10494830

something annoys me about calling them boys when your pic is a full fucking grown man,

also he's a faggot kek

>> No.10494844

so handsome but a manlet, god is cruel

>> No.10494850

god isnt cruel

>> No.10494887

>dressing like that attracts pleb tier women
i like my girls rampant with mental illness and drug issues

>> No.10494910

hilarious bro, you really showed him xD

you totally have a point!

wait, no u dont. bahahah

>> No.10494951

the guy in the OP dresses in the most boring, generic way imaginable. Sure it looks good, but it's boring as fuck and it has no personality whatsoever. The male equivalent of a basic bitch. Of course women will find him attractive anyway, but to be honest, if you are just interested in fashion so you can get women then you should probably leave. Go to mfa, seriously. they are a better place to go if you just want to look like a generic chad stereotype

>> No.10494954

preachin to the choir my good gentleman.

why, anybody with half an eye could see what you described!

leave the dunces in the trenches with their delusions. when they wish to evolve they will evolve. or should i say, they will try, or else die

>> No.10494956

His facial hair is fucking terrible, it looks like he sprayed it on with a stencil or something...

He might have decent proportions but I can't fucking tell because he is fucking it up by wearing pants that don't fit.

>> No.10494961


I think we found the guy in the pic...

>> No.10495451

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.10495459

thank u for saying this

>> No.10495460

This is beautiful though.

>> No.10495879

i think i've seen people wear that middle fit more than any other fit irl

>> No.10496244

look at his knee bags in every single fit. its horrible, to be honest. this is the kind of guy who isnt capable of thinking for himself or showing any level of creativity. he dresses literally from a catalog

>> No.10496252

what do i put in my hair to get it like that

>> No.10496283

hair cream
matte finish

>> No.10496290

He dresses better then all fa, lmao.

>> No.10496298

tf is hair cream

>> No.10496325

>This is what the people saying your fit sucks look like
Not like I ever actually took fashion advice from this place anyway

>> No.10496331

what a bunch of fucking faggot
kill them

>> No.10496333


>> No.10496372
File: 248 KB, 558x668, 0of10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I deleted my #menswear folder this day.

so fucking boring and dadcore-ish.

>> No.10496433
File: 427 KB, 662x556, 2015-06-30_19h35_55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10496439
File: 47 KB, 640x480, sadmonkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy dresses, and looks, better than anyone on /fa/
>lol he sucks look at dem bunchy knees dadcore meme looks awful no creativity loser fucking gross

I'm literally laughing my head off at how autistic you chimps are.

>> No.10496443

This honestly
I just can't see myself dressing like this, it's not interesting and I just don't see the point of dressing in this way when there are so many interesting and amazing designers out there that are doing cool shit with something actually going on in the clothes.
Maybe one day when I just plain give up on fashion and I stop caring about clothes I might start dressing like this.

>> No.10496446

literally male basic bitch

>> No.10496450

those fits are all fucking shit tho
Not saying WAYWTS are better but really that dude is garbage

>> No.10496456

looks good on a manlet what?
when will they learn?

>> No.10496469

lmao what a softboy special snowflake faggot. How's highschool

>> No.10496471

the staff of a midwest hot topic?

>> No.10496473

I used to dig it long ago. I evolved from #menswear (shitwear) > preppy > skinhead (still do it in summer) > SLP (still willing to do it) > gothninja (non swagfag super baggy pants version) > wanna cyberpunk now

>> No.10496476

>this isn't the trend any more
>i am objectively a slave to trends

how I read this

>> No.10496487

>I have trouble understanding written English
how I read your post

>> No.10496502

>raglan henley
>shitty sneakers
>shitty adidas backpack
90% of people here dress like that, who da fuck is this bitch

>> No.10496505

still better than not even trying imo

>> No.10496516

what do you mean?

>> No.10496521

how do you look at this and not think it looks amazing
not necessarily 'yes let me wear this', but at the very least 'that looks great'

>> No.10496535

why you name

>> No.10496545

I'm a /fit/ /fa/ crossposter chad and must say that he dresses like shit; also looks like a typical working-class pleb that shops at the local H&M

>> No.10496551
File: 33 KB, 460x345, acrnm-460x345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10496556

you guys are dense huh

>> No.10496560
File: 434 KB, 795x1265, fa slpheroinchic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

claiming yourself
>or chad

gtfo >>>/out/ go back to /fit/

its not possible to be both. just leave.

>> No.10496565

This is not cyberpunk. Also, acrnm is super low quality shit. Like almost all techwear brands.

>> No.10496577
File: 32 KB, 450x600, demobaza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(I wish one could post more than 1 img in this chan!)

>> No.10496579

demobaza is fucking garbage

>> No.10496582
File: 217 KB, 400x600, 1399409557957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10496584

But the clothes the guy is wearing in the op don't even compliment his body; they just look out of place.

>> No.10496586

just stop posting you clearly just find gothninja shit 'cool' like your video game characters
god forbid you learn something useful

>> No.10496591
File: 355 KB, 862x1920, ggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still better than #menswear tbh fam

at least you are trying something different, way less common.

>> No.10496600
File: 60 KB, 644x889, christ (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have fun with that buddy

>> No.10496605

Lmao, this is even worse than maenwear. You are newfag.

>> No.10496610
File: 1.25 MB, 960x1280, cute boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man that fit is actually really cute. I like it, saved.

Nice double doubles too anon.

>> No.10496611

hes talking about the brands...some are shit and people that are actually into goth ninja who are more knowledgeable and respectable than you will frown upon you for wearing trash like demobaza for example. you might as well just buy goth ninja shit from yesstyle since you have no real interest in clothing other than trying to look cool.

>> No.10496616
File: 58 KB, 600x483, 1920nc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you recommend for a poorfag mallninja-pleb ?

can't get a designer head 2 toe fit yet. Otherwise I would have gone Julius a long time ago...

>> No.10496617

rad af.

>> No.10496624
File: 63 KB, 600x400, 3qwt537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



man feels good not being retarded

>> No.10496626
File: 1003 KB, 346x510, cybpnk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk but that its my favorite hood of all time.

looks like its for futuristic enlightened advanced humans who gave up the need for silly addictions or hedonism and became virtuous and now find themselves exploring the universe terraforming worlds and helping life to grow.

>> No.10496634

niggas who look like this are taking orders from someone

>> No.10496639

stop posting knoch for your shitty agenda. You're doing him a disservice

>> No.10496646
File: 2.04 MB, 1153x1506, cybo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take it easy anon.

>> No.10496648

you're a no clue faggot m8

you post his full julius fits aside some demobaza garbage. I bet you're literally from brazil or something

>> No.10496652
File: 3.19 MB, 1277x1483, maymay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take it easy anon~

>> No.10496661

stay poor of both mind and financially.

>> No.10496663
File: 378 KB, 1172x1920, kill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will do~!

>> No.10496670

Why do faggots here want to be neat as fuck and shit it looks horrific

>> No.10496698

Does anyone know where I can cop a jacket like that all the way on the right, but in black maybe?

>> No.10496705


>> No.10496728

step 1: get peacoat
step 2: roll sleeves and don't button and wear in weather warmer than what the coat was intended for

>> No.10496794

this is a pretty cool and interesting fit

>> No.10496858

it's not even a fucking peacoat

>> No.10496870

at least someone has a brain

>> No.10497410

the one in the middle is not as disgusting as the others but still isn't that good

>> No.10497431

>today, in public transports
>wearing a black AMI leather jacket, black AMI sweater with tartan logo on the chest, Acne Max Stay Cash, Balenciaga Chelseas
>girl in front of me is desperately trying to make eye contact with me

Happened twice today, happens regularly, why am I such a fucking moron /fa/?

>> No.10497465

That's what happens when you dress like shit. People stare

>> No.10497472


Don't think so fam

>> No.10497489
File: 1.08 MB, 953x1246, 1442163472129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wearing clothes that expensive
>Takes public transport
>Can't even function around women
Meme life

>> No.10497493

Chad tier face +Muscular frame + slim fit =fashionable

99% of fa would look like sit with those exact same clothes

>> No.10497735

i assumed the op was a joke

>> No.10497739

jesus christ. every one of them looks absolutely terrible. the dude on the left is the least bad - i think most of his problems in the pic are because of his pathetic body and weak face.

>> No.10497767

i love that video

>> No.10497797

That's a girl.

>> No.10497814

heheh it's the same guy in all 3 fam

>> No.10497849

you should've thought that stan smith are essential for every fit to be fa
but they arent

its all about muscules, jawline and good beard

>> No.10497923

>rampant with mental illness and drug issues
Sounds like me, you bet.

>> No.10498019

t. someone who's never touched anything that's worth over $50

>> No.10498041

it's in the buy/sell thread

>> No.10498066

that fit was clearly decent
>implying you wouldn't date teh qt in that pic.

>> No.10498148


>> No.10498162


Same glasses in pics 1, 2 and 3
Same tee in 2 and 3
Same jeans in 1 and 3
Same sneakers in 1, 2 and 3

Still looks like he bought Stan Smiths both in blue and green

>> No.10498167


The one in the middle is taking a picture of himself over a toilet.

That's just not fine, no matter what he's wearing.

>> No.10499909

wow. thanks

>> No.10499920

that look is like nazi 101

just way more expensive

>> No.10500204

thats a nike backpack mate

>> No.10500209

yeah man vietnam jungle boots are very national socialsim

>> No.10500333

>left's jeans
>walking around with a cellphone implying he's busy

right looks nice

middle is OK but gives off too much fuccboi dead legacy + les artists + PYREX layering


>> No.10500455

>Takes public transport
Maybe he is European. Public transport is actually encouraged over here. I understand why Americans hate it. Going by bus really is fucking painful in your country. Public transportation actually is an alternative in big European cities. Hell, in some countries its basically forced due to ridiculously high gas, insurance and vehicle prices.

>> No.10500488

this made me chuckle

>> No.10500620

why do women call guys boy regardless of age
the only kind of boy that nigga look like is a fuck boy

>> No.10500904

i am a wank and want to look like star wars

>> No.10500932

>the irony
Go read some J.S. Mill you dumb shit

>> No.10500983

You try way too hard fam. Please stop.

>> No.10501083

Kek looks like the line for unemployment

>> No.10501090

He's in too good of shape to wear pants that tight.

>> No.10501106
File: 60 KB, 720x540, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rick 2016

>> No.10501114

That guys neck is shopped right

>> No.10501126

Idek anymore. Some pics it isn't and some it is. Not sure about this one either lol

>> No.10501306

>tfw I'm the person on the right

why u gotta hate my suburban father aesthetic fam

>> No.10502017

That dude's outfits are absolute garbage. The moron that made the post is clearly mistaking their attraction to him because he's masculine, tall, buff, etc. with him being fashionable. Put those clothes on an average person and that same poster would call them a weiner.

Because he's dressed like a fucking weiner.

>> No.10502036

How's it going, Mr.Alcohol Fetus Syndrome?

>> No.10502049

i saw some sick fits on the paris subway, a lot of rich people take the subway coz its convinient

>> No.10502060

what happened to the long neck guy lmfao i thought he was in this fam tbh

>> No.10502061

w2c technicolour dream coat?

>> No.10502199

>fetal alcohol syndrome
Cucks I swear

>> No.10502215

Damn the jacket is beautiful

>> No.10502250


I think that's the only thing that's shopped in this version.

>> No.10503371

Post face faggot

>> No.10503387

Tbh fam, I like Joseph's technicolor dream coat

>> No.10503817

>that gay ass third from right

>> No.10504029


i dont think its bad at all anon. idk why they chose that...coulda just gone to the waywt and picked a few out that are far worse

>> No.10504232
File: 104 KB, 942x354, roidz1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newfag here

there is a
thread, but every picture posted is criticized to death - not a single pic where a majority of people agree it's good looking.

So what is this fashion thing based on?
Is there something good looking?
Who decides?

>> No.10504329


80% of his look is his body and face not his clothes.

Thsi is the biggest lie on /fa/ in general.

Attractive looks can make ANY outfit work.

>> No.10504344

hold me pls

>> No.10504370


>> No.10504372


>> No.10504429
File: 28 KB, 480x360, 1430235138810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT twinks and akinny fats hating on übermensch /fit/izens

Who /knees deep in poon/ here

>> No.10504851

Thanks man :)

>> No.10504857

Me even tho skelly bc good jaw and broad shoulders compared to how skinny I am

>> No.10505085

YOOO! They give that jew goblin his torso back.

>> No.10505105

lmao posted that picture in another thread
didnt mean to start a shitstorm

>> No.10505114

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

>> No.10505474


I'm not that guy but that's fucking bologna.

Aesthetic relativism is retarded and always has been, beauty is highly measurable.

It's nice to think everything can be beautiful to someone but it's not true, aesthetic things are aesthetic and thing's that aren't, aren't.

>> No.10505619

That doesn't really answer my question why no item can't be found where at least a majority says that it's good.
My conclusion would be that either /fa/ is just contrarian, or that the subject is just extremely subjective to the extend that any rating is futile.

>> No.10505631

Aesthetics can't purely be objective or else it's tautological.

>> No.10505658

>It's nice to think everything can be beautiful to someone but it's not true, aesthetic things are aesthetic and thing's that aren't, aren't.
What I meant moreso was beauty is subjective, for example, I posted a pair of shoes in the recent cops thread and got two answers;
1. "Fuck, thats a nice cop yo"
2. "Possibly the worst shoe you could have bought"

I agree that a lot of items are inherently revolting and not aesthetically pleasing I feel these are mainly due to evolution and the way you were raised i.e. a literal pile of shit gives repulsion for obvious evolutionary reasons. If we eliminate it down to clothing items theres got to be at least one person in the world of 7.5 billion people that finds an individual item beautiful

For further examples see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rD1qKMgTnAE