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File: 25 KB, 640x480, Culpeper-Store.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10488945 No.10488945 [Reply] [Original]

>not giving your money to shitty fast-fashion brands
>finding unique / vintage / rare pieces
>great deals without sacrificing quality

why doesn't based thrifting have it's own general? i know plenty of you thrift your shit, so we should have a place to discuss.

anyone find anything good recently? anyone looking to sell a unique piece they thrifted? anyone want to discuss best days to go / what day new truck arrives?

get in here.

>> No.10488960

Because where I live thrifty stores are 99.9% ugly garbage that doesn't fit

>> No.10488989

that 0.1% is what you're searching for. mine usually have a lot of filler as well but i was able to find a really dope vintage Ralph Lauren windbreaker amongst used up old sweaters and fleece a few weeks ago. just gotta look harder man

>> No.10489149


>> No.10489175

I recently bought some knockoff SFB's that fit for 12 bucks.

I also found a nice ass cop shirt and some tan short shorts for my Lt. Dangle costume for halloween

>> No.10489232
File: 163 KB, 1000x505, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my thrifts are so lame
>tfw all you want in life is to go krule mode

>> No.10489307

are you trying to thrift shiacore mane?

my thrift store has so many shirts like these

besides the chanel one, that would be an insane cop though

>> No.10489310

>are you trying to thrift shiacore mane

it's mostly for my Halloween costume but also, hell yeah. fake SFB's that fit for 12 bucks? i had to go for it

>> No.10489312

>tfw auckland has some of the worst thrift in the world
Honestly it's almost better to use trademe, but if you find a $5 shirt it's slightly ruined by the fact that you then have to pay another $5 for shipping

>> No.10489318

Non freedom citizen here. What are thrift stores? Is it like a charity shop?

>> No.10489322

It's a Sally Ann, yes.

>> No.10489327

it is a charity shop mate, but in America they are for profit institutions, you know because they are greedy fat fucks and all

>> No.10489350
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yeah, cant go wrong for 12 bucks. agreed

how? people just dont give their old clothes up or what? lol

its a place where people put their old clothes in boxes and leave them in the back, and then the company takes them and puts them up for sale for cheap prices.

usually the people who give the clothes up are dead or near death, so you can find some seriously dope vintage shit

>> No.10489374

1. no one in NZ could dress themselves or look after their clothes in any era, so it's all either shit or falling apart or both
2. all the thrift stores are run by hipster douchebags who know exactly what they're selling, so they hike up the prices on anything that's worth a fuck. You shouldn't be charging $60 for anything in a thrift store, let alone some crappy beat up old jacket.

It's just a really weak collection for far too much money. When you finally do find something good, it's probably expensive. There are a couple nice things at proper thrift prices but it's rare.

>> No.10489380

damn, that's a shame. i think thrift stores are really important, for both the industry and for lower income families who just want stuff to wear. i love them. most of my fits are thrift + designer lol.

>> No.10489381

I've bought (and sold) a bunch of stuff from thrift stores. It's all about going regularly, and knowing what seperates a well made piece of clothing from a so so one. Generally whatever you save in money you spend in time when it comes to thrifting. An open mind also helps, especially if you're not just buying for yourself.

>> No.10489386
File: 42 KB, 338x368, adidas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive found like 3 brand new j crew sweaters, usually less than $7
original pair of adidas super stars $6 only a bit used and yellow sole. pic related taken with vhs camera i got at same goodwill
tan hoodie, sorta like a rain coat or something, good for palewave, was like $7 as well
saw a pair of lightly used jungle boots today $15, not my size though
loads o other shit. i resell electronics i get there on craigslist and then continue to use that money to buy more shit etc. good for a broke college boi

would anyone be interested in haul vids for future generals? good cops are kinda infrequent but it could be a monthly compilation. i go to goodwill specifically around 3 times a week since i live really close to one.

>> No.10489452

it sounds like you get a shit ton of good stuff from yours. where are you at? if it's regularly good i'd be interested.

>> No.10489481

I'm really thinking of doing this soon with some old shit that I'm not wearing anymore. A lot of it is really 80's. Should I open an Etsy?

>> No.10489492

>finding a vintage Ralph windbreaker

This is the dream

>> No.10489511

Beaners e v e r y w h e r e

>> No.10489548

I primarily use Grailed these days, but if you have enough product laying around then an Etsy/ BigCartel type store would work. That's how AnAffordableWardrobe got started.

Not him, but a good way to help narrow down the amount of crap you'll be sifting through is to check out shops that a) are in wealthier areas of your community, and b) receive their donations from people or organizations that are more inclined to have nice things to donate in the first place.

>> No.10489557

Mate you are not trying hard enough, I've found schnieder, ann demeulemeester, y-3, all sorts of stuff deep in the save mart vaults. NZ thrift is better than any NZ retail in my experiences.

>> No.10489570

Nah man you just gotta look harder, there are some really good op / thrift shops whatever you wanna call them. I've found heaps of cool shit for the low, also a friend of mine found a margiella jacket worth like $300 + (I think) for $30

>> No.10489584


anyone had experience with recycle boutique? I've heard of people finding cool shit there but I feel like it'd be kinda overpriced. I've been meaning to have a look there for a while but never got around to it

>> No.10489590


As a business, reselling alone is very difficult to turn a profit on, much less sustain a living wage. Ebay and Craigslist has been around for 20 years, re-sellers have extracted all the profit there is to be had. The opportunity cost of this labor intensive activity, the costs associated (shipping, gas) along with less seller protection from Ebay has caused many long time sellers to drop out. Cash crop items get picked clean by enthusiasts.

Notice I said reselling alone, if you supplement the actual selling with a media presence, like youtube haul/fashion videos, your fans will pay a premium for your stuff. Are you a let's player/streamer, get into old video games and resell for a consistent and hefty profit. Amateur musicians sell vintage records, you get the idea.

Remember, you are competing with bored housewives and retirees with a lot of free time. You are also competing with knowledgeable collectors, especially in the toy area, like lego. Don't get into an area where you do not some level of expertise, you will be taking on what others have pass on for good reason.

Thrift buying to reduce the cost of your hobby is the best way to save money, especially if you alter your own clothing. If you can get to a point where you can alter a business suit, you can literally save thousands on a wall street ready work wardrobe. Actually making money is a big ask.

Some of the trashier stores sell underwear and swimwear, I guess you can sell those if you catfish. Just say it's for your gf.

>> No.10489600

RB is consignment, I.E: higher prices, better selection. That being said it really is lacking in making up for prices with good range, most of it is just discount stuff that would show up healthily in any thrift store. Best things i've found there are a couple nice shirts by helmut lang (new label but still made in italy, for whatever that's worth) for around 30 each, and the occasional thing that's nice to find cheap in NZ like some good levis or other middling denim brands. It's way cheaper than tatty's is but the regularity of good stuff is so much lower.

>> No.10489620

never actually heard of tatty's, is it the same sort of deal?

>> No.10489627

Tattys was once a purely designer clothing consignment store, since then they've started to stock good condition cheap clothes too, but maintain a pretty reliable standard of high quality stuff, priced, for the most part, a lot cheaper than the it's actually worth even on other second hand places like grailed.

>> No.10489632 [DELETED] 

whereabouts is it? Sounds interesting

>> No.10489639

sounds cool, I'll have to check both those places out for sure.

I've actually been going to save mart in northcote a bit and found some pretty dece stuff, couple bomber jackets, ysl shirt etc

>> No.10489645

Lil' heads up, just so you know. YSL expecially, along with a lot of other luxury brands have gone through massive periods in which their menswear name was just licensed to cheap mall brands, because at the time, menswear was considered a complete afterthought.

I'm not trying to kill your buzz or anything but keeping an eye on whether or not the things you're buying actually live up to their name is super, super important, because I always find shirts by YSL, Dior, Versace and so on all the time, that aren't worth any more than your standard mall fashion affairs.

>> No.10489651

is there any way to tell? I mean I got the shirt for $14 so i'm not really worried but it'd be nice to know.

It's not the same deal with the Saint laurent paris label though is it?

>> No.10489661

Saint Laurent Paris's renaming was, in some ways, an effort to wipe the slate clean, so yes, anything with that specific labelling, barring fakes, is worth quite a bit.

When it comes to reading into quality, the low end shirts will almost always own up to being made in china, or otherwise very cheap manufacturing hubs. If they don't have labels, easy tells are cotten/poly blends (you should be able to tell when fabrics are cheap, with experience), poor, messy finishing on internal seams (sleeves, placket, hem, e.t.c), flimsy collars, cheap plastic buttons, tacky patterns, and a lack of what might be considered luxury touches, more difficult tailoring such as multiple sections making up the back piece rather than just a simple pleat, and lots of nice, straight, topstitching and detailing on things like pockets, collars, cuffs, e.t.c.

That being said, for $14 you've hardly messed up, but I have seen some places trying to pass these things off as high end items.

>> No.10489674

ty for the heads up man :)

>> No.10490312


Poor quality manufacture shows up in the stitching of the labels and the seams, as well as around pockets. Products such as jeans, coats, jackets and trousers can be reviewed simply as many facets of the garment are stitched, check the other side of the stitching, if you can see it clearly without having to look very hard, it's shit.

Almost every fashion house that was in financial trouble outsourced their men's wear, so not only do you have to watch out for counterfeits, you have to be wary of outsourced garbage.

>> No.10490326
File: 322 KB, 1000x1506, jack purcell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thrift online anyone?

Jack purcells at $30

>> No.10490500

Nah, that time has come and gone. I'm out of that game now. Just got tired of going and finding literally nothing worth buying. Pretty content with buying new shit on sale. Much nicer shopping experience

>> No.10490511

>my thrift store has so many shirts like these
put them up on depop or something ill cop from you

>> No.10490522

i live in a middle class suburb of a rustbelt city, and the only thrift shops near me are in the city. there aren't any wealthy people near me, only people at my income or below my income level. so the thrift shops are full of shit that was bought at a Walmart in 1994. So there's just not a whole lot of sense in digging through it hoping for something that isn't there.

>> No.10490571
File: 32 KB, 391x523, il_570xN.709434769_lh7y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd better believe it. I only go on Etsy so far, but I've found some pretty neat stuff.
Got this for $5, can't wait for it to arrive.

>> No.10490611

pretty sure they are non profits, which may not mean what you think it means.

>> No.10490658

Online thrift? What do you nean

>> No.10490817

Does anyone have any advice for thrift shopping? How do you find stores with interesting stuff? Do you just go in and see, or do you take into consideration the demographics of the area that the thrift store is in?

>> No.10491115

I might create a guide on my blog for this, as this topic comes up quite frequently.

Generally speaking, very affluent areas have the best thrift stores, so a few quick queries on GMaps can yield substantial results. Once I found a Balenciaga dress for my sis in Suwannee, Ga. Asking price was $17 (complete with tags and related accoutrements). many times, these places lack the resources or know-how to do research on what they're offering, so it's quite possible to walk away paying next to nothing on certain pieces.

Don't be afraid to look around in all sections. I have several a-line women's car coats that I've put under my Singer and they fit superbly. Smoke a bowl, dig through a few threads and find your gold mine. It's really a game of preserverance.

>> No.10491281

I put some of the stuff on grailed, never really considered depop. Is it an app?

>> No.10491322

just looking at the photos of the people who sell on depop, it looks like its filled with douchebags

>> No.10491329

it's still the best thing i've copped to date. also a Ralph parka but it's way too big, still gives me that /baggy/ aesthetic tho so i wear it sometimes

they're just buying WWE shirts and ugly denim skirts, dont worry about them lol

yeah i usually go to the wealthier side of town for my best cops, but they transfer clothes between stores so it doesn't help too much unless its brand new product.

it comes and goes, sometimes i don't go for a few weeks just to let everything refresh, but youre probably missing out on some sick cops m8

>> No.10491334


its a shame that so many thrift stores are raided by stupid hipsters nowdays, i mean seriously most thrift stores now dont even cater to poor ppl. the merchandise is so marked up, and all you see is douchebags trying to look shit up on their iphones to see if they can flip it. i almost dont even like going to thrift stores anymore because i get angry whenever i go. its wealthy old people, college students, hipsters, and maybe a couple of poor people sprinkled in.

in my years of shopping, it seems your best chances of finding something truly great is by being in a town where not many ppl are fashion conscious. i mean if you live in LA or SF, dont expect a truly great item to sit on the shelf long. but if you live in a shit cow town in kentucky, ppl arent going to jump on a rick owens piece and it might sit there for a while until someone who knows their shit sees it.

>> No.10491351


Best advice is to often and go through everything. A lot of times it'll be a bust, but if you have the patience or find it sort of fun to dig through, perseverance pays off. Yeah, week after week the denim section is going to be 99% Wrangler and George or whatever, but then I found a pair of Acne Max in great condition and now feel compelled to go through it every week or so.

Also avoid buying mall-tier shit, they have a really weird way of gouging brands that they recognize, especially at Value Village. Not that there's anything from with Gap or Topman or whatever, but they get bumped up in price pretty significantly because they're recognizable brands to the average person shopping there. Usually not worth it.

>> No.10491357

tbf mate look up set adrift shirts
he designs them himself with his mum i think

>> No.10491386

i was in my local goodwill last week. stumbled upon a nike acg reversible fleece lined jacket. one size too small and weird oil drips on the front. fml

>> No.10491402

i just downloaded depop, it's actually really simple to do. looks really oversaturated though, i feel like nothing i put up will ever get noticed.

>> No.10491439

you bongs never cease to surprise me with your stupidity. the vast majority of our thrift stores like goodwill, salvation army, and st vinnie's are all non-profit

>> No.10491457

>Some of the trashier stores sell underwear and swimwear, I guess you can sell those if you catfish. Just say it's for your gf.
i sell little boys underwear that i get at thrift stores. there's a premium if it's got skidmarks and still smells. the worst part is being in the store and smelling little boys underwear to see what will command the highest price

but 50cent underwear that i sell on craigslist for 20, 30, sometimes 40 bucks a pair is worth it. met some really creepy guys tho. and they always ask for "pics" of my little brother (which I really don't have), so I just give them some random photo.

>> No.10491472

It isn't your thrifts that are lame. It's you.

>> No.10491491

Why don't you just produce your own skid marks?

>> No.10491559

i'm not sure if this is genius, disgusting, or a mixture of both

>> No.10491652


>> No.10491826

>our thrift stores
and salvation army has a massive presence here (to the extent that I assumed it was founded here)

>> No.10491838

>what is a washing machine

>> No.10492274
File: 124 KB, 800x468, bedbug map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


washing the clothes when you get home isn't good enough.

did you touch the clothes? there could be transfer of bugs or eggs onto your clothes or body or hair

did you try on the clothes? see answer above.

did you put the clothes in your car? congrats, you just infested your car.

did you sit in your car after touching the clothes? see answer above.

did you wash on any other setting than Hot? congrats you just infested your house.

did you dry on any other setting than High? see above answer.

did you put the clothes on your bed/furniture, into your room/closet? shuddddddder

bedbugs are insidious, tenacious, and sneaky little fucks. once you get them, they are essentially impossible to totally get rid of unless you heat treat your entire house. and even then, you could easily bring them back in with your belongings or your person when you re-enter your house. they can infest your car and nearly any furniture. they can stay alive for 18 months without feeding. they can lay up to 8 eggs per day.

it literally only takes one very tiny egg to infest your whole house. they're a fucking nightmare and there's a reason why not even pest control companies can easily get rid of them.

taking thrifted clothing and putting it on your body, putting it in your car, bringing it your home is truly not a good idea in 2015.

>> No.10492276

i know about them friend im the biggest archy fan

>> No.10492279

wow bro quite rude

>> No.10492362

not a proper reason to forfeit thrifting altogether

you can get bedbugs literally anywhere outside, better board up your windows

>> No.10492373

>tfw picked up a Mustard leisure suit at goodwill for $4
>tfw it fits pretty well

>> No.10492382

>tfw never gotten them from thrifting
>but when my dad let his bitch girlfriend store stuff in our house I got them

>> No.10492403

copped beat balenciagas one time, always find nice banana republic constantly, depends where your located I guess. always can find something nice if you look/get lucky

>> No.10492411


while true, there are certain vectors that are way higher risks than others:

hotels, thrift shops, coatcheck rooms, retirement homes, and poultry farms

>> No.10492627
File: 292 KB, 713x470, AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i live in a region with literally no bedbugs on the map

>> No.10492944

You need to get out to the provinces, Wellington and Auckland have shit tier op shops. The fact is, a medium sized rural service town will have the best thrifting. I found a solid camel coloured swannie bush shirt in New Plymouth for $20.

>> No.10492949

How do you meet these guys? I'd be super interested in conning some pedos

>> No.10493096

where do i go in pennsylvania


this one girl on tumblr from somewhere on canada has the most lit shit and shes like 'yeah just thrifted' im like wtf id die if i found any that shit in a thrifty near me

she prob goes to consignments and boutiques come to think of it nvm

>> No.10493213

one would assume that these guys would want to stay as anonymous as possible, any interesting stories anon?

>> No.10493619

Interested as well, I've seen panty ads on craigslist but I never even imagined what the meet is for like that. I figured you would drop them off at a location or something and they would pick them up and leave money lol