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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 67 KB, 2000x1990, fastfashiontriangle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10485945 No.10485945 [Reply] [Original]

Behold! The Holy Trinity of Fast Fashion

>> No.10485947

Cos on top as it should be

>> No.10485993

Cos and Weekday are H&M right?

>> No.10486001

Owned by the same company I think, so technically yeah

>> No.10486002


>> No.10486006

you mean 'minimalist to boring' fashion

>> No.10486015

this tbh

>> No.10486017

Never even heard of the two not-Uniqlo brands. Are they only in Europe?

>> No.10486020

Brands like these are great for those who don't have the budget for designer clothes. Instead people can buy cheap basic pieces (bad quality we know) and look ok while they save up for nice pieces that they want.

>> No.10486098

Fast fashion is a much more accurate term for all of those though

>> No.10486143

>not knowing what "Fast Fashion" means
get out

>> No.10486145

who give a F about your dumb trinity fagget
im balling out in designer too much to care about your triangle

>> No.10486174

cos sure is expensive for h&m tier clothes

>> No.10486179

>buying cheap basics
>looking okay

>> No.10486187

Unless you're literally homeless why wouldn't you own basics anyway

Seems like a waste of money to me

>> No.10486195

They are both gateway drugs.

You shop there to step your game up from poorly fitting graphic tees and fake distressed jeans from Walmart. Uniqlo for plain basics, H&M for something a little flashier (in the context of your suburb/small town).

Then you start to give a shit and start to ball out in designer.

>> No.10486197

lol manlet

>> No.10486210
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Uniqlo doesn't even do fast fashion... They only do quality basics (not counting their printed tees)

Although I'm sure that once they've got a solid consumer base in Europe and the States that they'll move on to actual fashion

>> No.10486218

Uniqlo is pretty shit, it's better than H&M or Zara but it's def not "quality"

>> No.10486265

I disagree :^)

>> No.10486276

w2c jacket

>> No.10486293

Wow you must have such a cool and tasteful wardrobe. I too love slim fit button downs and generic city in pants :))

>> No.10486299
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yep. Hence the name fast fashion, while good purchases could be considered "slower", because it takes time to find the things you really like amongst everything that is offered, and also because you need to save up if you want to build a quality wardrobe

>> No.10486306
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it's the most expensive of the three, weekday being the second. On the other hand, I much prefer the designs from COS because they usually steal from cool designers like Jil/ervell

>> No.10486309

patagonia. it's fleece and I can only see it looking good in japan-type fits

>> No.10486320
File: 125 KB, 540x810, 1443990392715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>judges my entire wardrobe by where I cop my basics

>> No.10486328

Uniqlo is closer to gap then zara and h&m tbh. Uniqlp sells plain basics while h&m, zara, and UO profit off of trend hoppers and hypebeasts by making cheap versions of designer clothes

>> No.10486331

Tell me, which FF basics apart from white tshirts worn under a shirt arent shit? Because I cant think of a single one. The term 'basics' is fucking retarded as well. Especially when one claims that these so called basics can be of bad quality.

>> No.10486353

whats the story behind this pic?

>> No.10486409

Can those of you who talk shit about these brands and 'basic fashion' show me an example of what you like to wear? not trying to say you're wrong, im genuinely curious, it seems like a lot of people on this board calls something 'boring' if it isn't a super complex piece on it's own.

personally I don't have that much money to spend on clothes, bought a jacket from weekday a while ago and like it a lot, it's nothing fancy but I make it work with layering and details etc.

>> No.10486413

>I have rich indulgent parents therefore everyone else should too

>> No.10486416

The only thing you know about that guy is that he disagrees with you. The rest is your projecting, and the product of your mind.

How retarded can you be?

>> No.10486417

They're not as common

>> No.10486421

Old Navy is better tbqh

>> No.10486434

Why dont you just answer the question? Pants, shirts, jackets, knitwear. None of these should be bought at FF outlets. Its as simple as that. And if you unironically buy these pieces at FF outlets, then your entire wardrobe is shit because its mostly consists of junk level knockoffs. Unless you want to tell me that you have a dozen well tailored overcoats yet wear $50 pants from Uniqlo. In which case I am pretty sure that youre lying.

>> No.10486467

why is Zara so bad?
Ok, maybe is not the best quaility, but the design of their products is better then Uniqlo

>> No.10486474
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>> No.10486475

the only pieces that really matter are jackets and footwear

everything else is of less importance

>> No.10486480
File: 35 KB, 440x330, 1343124539148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright pal.

>> No.10486482

>Ok, maybe is not the best quaility, but the design of their products is better then Uniqlo

this is completely untrue

>> No.10486497

So youre saying that low cost shirts have the same quality/cut/patterns/etc as expensive shirts? Not even starting on pants, knitwear and all the other garments. You probably think that all cotton is the same, right? Thats the only explanation I can come up with to comprehend a comment this stupid.

>> No.10486502

there stitching comes undone after only a couple of wears, I own a decent amount of zara my mindset was I rarely if ever wash my clothes they should be fine. half of the items I own have started unstitching after wearing them three times or less.

>> No.10486504

Please don't tell me you actually wear footwear from a fast fashion retailer.

>> No.10486508

>what is reading comprehension

>> No.10486515

I don't get this picture sorry.
What it is supposed to mean?
I see a lot of people dressed like this here in Berlin.
well, what can I say...
Shirts from Uniqlo looks werid to me, they pull to much from the back.
I dunno, have some clothes from Zara from more than one year and they are great.
You put them in a dryer?

>> No.10486519

>My mall brand is better than your mall brand!

>> No.10486525

>What it is supposed to mean?
Balmain FW10 on the right. On the left is the Zara collection of that season. Now take a guess who copied who here. Thats one of the reasons why Zara is trash. They just blatantly copy collections without even trying. A person who supports this shouldnt even be browsing a fashion board of any kind.

>> No.10486530

Jesus christ they're not even bothering hiding it any more.

>> No.10486538

you must be new here.

giving actual advice on /fa/ is not a thing.

here we shit on everything we don't like but
avoid saying what we do like in the same sentence because chances are
someone else will shit on it leading to your original opinion to be discarded so the cycle just continues.

what you're asking is talk shit post fit.

>> No.10486540

>A person who supports this shouldnt even be browsing a fashion board of any kind.

lmao get off your high horse fag

>> No.10486554

in my inspo folder it goes.

>> No.10486561

>I don't understand what fast fashion is

>> No.10486562

Sorry but a you really proposing a brand x10 expensive hoping that people would buy it?
If the looks the same, whatever who copied who. Is not that your are wearing some fake ass chinese copy of adidas with written "ADIOS" on the shirt instead.
Plus, if had really that money for a jacket, I would make a tailored one.

>> No.10486596

>im a broke ass nigga that got no bread whatsoever but anyway heres my projection
designer clothing is for tall people you dumb fucking fat american lmaoooo

>> No.10486605

>i live with my parents
>don't realize that living alone is literally the most effay thing atvall objectively period and living with your parents makes you unfashionable regardless of what you wear

>> No.10486614

I think an artist did the graffiti for margiela, probably the opening of a pop-up store/exhibition thing

>> No.10486617

they are probably struggling to afford the pieces that the fast fashion brands we shit on are copying from.

>> No.10486624

the thing is some people like to have nice clothes that are actually well-made, and in (hopefully) better conditions.
If Zara was stealing the designs, but producing everything in Japan/US/Europe, with nice materials, things would be different, but in reality everything they make is really low quality and poorly made. We're not forcing you to buy anything, it's all about what you care about and are willing to spend on it

>> No.10486632

It's you who does not know what ff is, friend. Uniqlo is not fast fashion. H&M and zara, sure, maybe cos (haven't been there), but not uniqlo. You folks seem to use the term to refer to all mall stores, and that's just not accurate.

>> No.10486651

>im mad other people are successful and im not, let me assume everyone doing good still live with their parents and use their money

>> No.10486655

lol but Uniqlo produce in the same shitty places as the other one. What is the difference?

>> No.10486663

not that guy, what do you work as

>> No.10486664

that thing is some people can afford to waste money on such a fickle good.

>> No.10486667

fast fashion indicates the turn around of clothing styling ==/== quality

uniqlo has the same shit year round (hence basics)
h&m, zara will always have something different

50 posts later retards dont get this

>> No.10486670

>living with your parents is bad
Maybe in the states, but not anywhere else. We dont all hate our family. Our parents dont try to get rid of us the second we turn 18.

I spend the whole summer at home even though being 26. All fine if your parents arent poor. I would love to live with my mother but cant due to studying on the other end of the country. Just because your culture has hammered the 'move out as fast as possible' mentality into your head doesnt mean that everybody feels that way.

>> No.10486676

I bet you are italianfag as well

>> No.10486683

I truly believe that good clothing can last for a lifetime without you getting tired of it, that's why I mostly buy american or japanese-made workwear and basics. I don't buy that much clothing actually.

>> No.10486701

True. But will you like your clothing for a lifetime?

>> No.10486733

Who knows ? Probably not, but I still wear the quality garments I bought four years ago when I started buying good clothing for myself
I really love grabbing the same clothes over and over again, I guess I find it relaxing not to have to follow trends and new collections too much, I sometimes don't even think about what I'm wearing

>> No.10486989
File: 1.10 MB, 1148x1204, wotm8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10486991

shouldn't it be C&W

>> No.10487097

Why do poorfags praise Uniqlo so much?

>> No.10487166

Because they convinced themselves that cheap clothes are as valuable as expensive clothes. They could just say that the stuff Uniqlo sells is shit, but that they simply cant afford any better. However, that would mean that they would have to admit being poor, which they think of as embarrassing. For whatever reason that is.

>> No.10487546

Youtube --> Kidult

>> No.10487580

whatever happened to Cole Mohr?

>> No.10487605

because it's affordable?

not sure what you're looking for

projections everywhere but not surprised bc it is 4chan

i buy uniqlo simply because I want decent basic clothing for an appropriate price. i mean, plenty of socal buys uniqlo and most of them are trustfund babies

>> No.10487622

>not living with your parents when you can literally just because of insecurity

well, this is /fa/, so

>> No.10487639

>I want decent basic clothing for an appropriate price
See, and thats the problem. You either unironically believe that Uniqlo sells decent basics or your lying to yourself and all other people because youre too insecure to admit otherwise.

Uniqlo sells shit products. This isnt even worth a debate.

>> No.10487683


uniqlo cashmere sweaters are not bad tho

>> No.10487684

Uniqlo does basics, but maybe since they do collabs it can be seen as fast fashion. Otherwise they don't trend hop like HM and similar chains that offer cheap derivatives of a designer or labels signature items. Anyways the term fast fashion is too arbitrary considering big designer labels offer basic graphic tee shirts with the idea it is some ironic shot at fast fashion while their luxury goods achieve just as big of a profit margin.

>> No.10487704


Cashmere is literally the worst raw material on the planet that you can buy cheap. The amount of good cashmere is so atrociously small its not even funny. Good cashmere fibers need to be <14micron and come from the goats neck or chin. The colder it is, the better the cashmere.

Now take a guess what the % amount of good cashmere on the global market is when you can only harvest from like 10% of the goats body and are limited to ridiculously cold areas in Mongolia? The vast majority of that goes to Loro Piana.

What you buy at Uniqlo is the worst of the worst. Its probably not even cashmere but 75% cashmere + 25% rabbit/yak. The company doesnt have to point that out. They can just claim 100% cashmere. Believe it or not but a $50 wool/merino wool sweater will have a higher quality than a $50 cashmere sweater. And that honestly stay like that until the 500+ mark. Prior to that merino wool is vastly superior.

>> No.10487746



: _ ;

>> No.10487907

i agree about knitwear and pants, however pants and shirts are perfectly fine to get from fast fashion stores

>> No.10487912

jeans and shirts*

>> No.10487933

stop being a spec whore.

I bet you have an android phone too.

>> No.10488110

oh shit I have that 30% off first purchase thing, might cop tbhfam

>> No.10488355

unless he's bullshitting, that was a great post

>> No.10488365

why would they move on. They're targetting a specific demographic and thats the group that wants decent basics at a low price.

>> No.10488384

fast fashion isnt basics, remove uniqlo

>> No.10488413

which is which??

>> No.10489393

who cares

>> No.10489640

>Uniqlo is pretty shit

no it's not. they make good basic for good price

>> No.10489641

Ive never even heard of weekday

>> No.10490148

Just posting in here to let you guys know, marketers are known to make threads on the chans, and shit talk their competition for gullible people. Think about this one, both companies mentioned here are owned by H&M, besides uniqlo which is receiving a really bad reaction.

>> No.10490199

There hasnt been a single poster in this thread who was retarded enough to claim that COS sells good quality. No reason to even mention let alone shit on the brand if no one bothers arguing its quality. However, half the posts here are people who unironically claim that Uniqlo is anything but shit. So please, fuck off shill.

>> No.10490272
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Other than the lad culture and/or skepta shit, how does topman compare to other fast fashion brands? from my experience I quite like it

>> No.10490665
File: 88 KB, 640x653, IbxN2dn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10490670

Shut up already.
You got btfo

>> No.10491109

it's the only decent place i can afford tbh. if i had money i would get better shit though. uniqlo is good for poorfags who don't want to dress like total shit.

>> No.10491398

Cheaper than mallcore while being at the same or better quality

>> No.10492478

What about Bershka ?

>> No.10492488

no idea. its literally target-tier
nothing fits fashionably or is that well made. sometimes the jeans are on sale and you get decent value but normal prices are a bit high for what you get

i'd take muji over uniqlo any day for cheap basics

>> No.10492544

I agree. I wanted a hoodie as loungewear, bought one from Uniqlo because I saw all the internet hype about it, and it fits awfully.