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File: 141 KB, 268x268, hairy styles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10470313 No.10470313 [Reply] [Original]

Are you balding like Harry is?

>> No.10470500

kind of, i got a "mature hairline" and no thinning.
not bad enough to go bald mode and isnt that noticeable when i style my hair

>> No.10470516

>thinking he isn't already on the strongest dutasteride and hairplug outlines money can buy

he will never lose his hair

>> No.10470526

why is she pinching side boobs?

>> No.10470575

Same settings here.
All men on my fathers side have high temples

>> No.10471261

yes in the exact same way actually, we have very similar hair

>> No.10471490

Nah i'm far worse. Balding crown, heavily receeded temples. He can easily afford a top surgeon to fix it, and I will never have that kind of money

Why even live right

>> No.10471497

Get on minox and fin. Shave your head for a year while it works it's magic.

>> No.10471501

I don't think hes really balding, is he?

Very few adult men actually have perfect hairlines... Testosterone fucks that shit up even if you don't have the full-on balding gene.

All of the men if my family have hairlines like this and none of them have gone completely bald, even the really old dudes.

I guess everyone is different at the end of the day though. My hairline is similar to his and I'm not too worried about it, as it hasn't gotten any worse in the last ~two years. But if for some reason I'm unlucky and it gets worse, finasteride fucking works. I have a couple friends that regrew a shitload with it.

>> No.10471583
File: 66 KB, 640x625, B1zAMaQIUAMGB7y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think he's really balding, is he?

>> No.10471592

Your point?

Looks like the hairline of every adult male on my dads side of the family; none bald....

Just because your hairline recedes doesn't mean you're going completely bald...

It will probably happen to you one day, and you will no doubt stress over it everyday until you realize that it hasn't actually moved in years and your not actually going bald....

>> No.10471608

I don't think he's balding he just has that hair type.

Even if he was it wouldn't matter he's rich as fuck.

>> No.10471610

This thread made me realize that baldchan was the best thing to ever happen to effay.

>> No.10471627

Yeah, the same is happening to me right now and I am 20. Lets hope it doesn't get much worse.

>> No.10471638

I've had this hairline since i was 5. I'm not balding.

>> No.10471643

typical shitty white man hairline. like 70% of adult white men i see have that hairline, 29% of white men are bald and 1% have perfect straight nw 0 hariline

of course as a white man i also have same hairline

>> No.10471648

Does that shit even work? I have harrys hairstyle and been thinking of buzzing and getting on rogaine, is fin worth it? Will I be able to play with my dick anymore?

>> No.10471650

I'm on fin, dick works fine.

>> No.10471652

I only receded at the temple, rest of hair is full. Does fin work on temple area?

>> No.10471658

>Does fin work on temple area?
At the very least it will stop it from getting worse, might get some regrowth; it varies from person to person.

>> No.10471753
File: 29 KB, 650x366, 753835-a5d86d2a-62e3-11e3-8bef-f68fbd62ade2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was his hairline 3 years ago...
his hair always looks greasy and ratty. he doesn't take care of it at all it's easy to tell
he just lets it grow and damages it with constant top knots, abrasive scarves and beanies

>> No.10471803

If his hair there was pulled back tight it would look almost exactly the same....

>> No.10471882

>abrasive scarves and beanies
fucking KEK

>> No.10472001

not really

>> No.10472043

Its been a long day without you my friend

>> No.10472082

i've literally got the same hairline and length

what the fuck should i do

>> No.10472137

Isnt it from your moms side tho?

>> No.10472153

usually is, there can be exceptions

>> No.10472303

it could also be traction alopecia from the man bun

>> No.10472326

No, this is completely false... It just a myth.

>> No.10472387

the most common form of balding is inherited through the x chomosome. that dosnt mean that there arent other factors that cause balding

>> No.10472411

how often do you have to be on the manbun to get traction alopecia?

>> No.10472417

>the most common form of balding is inherited through the x chromosome

Not entirely true.

The androgen receptor gene is inherited from the mother, we don't actually know if that gene specifically has anything to do with baldness. Just because androgen receptors are involved in the development of baldness doesn't necessarily mean the gene is significant...

It's a guess basically, and not a very good one. Studies have shown that it is basically 50-50 mother-father. Studies also show that people who have bald fathers are more likely to be bald themselves.

The most current research being done suggests that multiple genes are in play that can come from ether side of the family.

Baldness coming from the mothers side is largely a myth....

>> No.10472429

not the guy you replied to, but my 1d obsessed friend tells me my hairline is a lot like harry's, and I have picture proof that my hairline has always been this way.

And yes, theres a major difference between having a top knot and wearing it out, at least my hairline looks waaay more receded when pulled back.

>> No.10472435


>implying greasy hair is unhealthy hair
>implying no-poo isn't the true way to beautiful and strong hair
>implying shampoo doesn't ruin hair

>> No.10472438

>my hairline looks waaay more receded when pulled back.

Everyone's does. My hairline looks more or less straight when it is down, but if I pull it back it has an obvious V/U shape to it.

>> No.10472503

I can't tell if I am balding or have a feminine hairline

>> No.10472536


>> No.10472612

how can I avoid dandruff? and my hair without poo is really smelly

>> No.10472629

baby powder

>> No.10472638

never had problems with dandruff. just stick with it for the first month or couple of weeks and it'll get better. do it over like a break from school or vacation or whatever.

>> No.10472641

still belive caps and beanies give receding hairline!

ay lmo

>> No.10472649

i've done that, that's why I'm asking


>> No.10472652

for smell not dandruff

>> No.10472655

try honey + lemon mixed in a water bottle, us as if it was a shampoo. it's basically like using shampoo honestly but obviously better for your hair.

>> No.10472658

is this better than coconut oil?

>> No.10472795

you wouldnt?

>> No.10473161
File: 23 KB, 463x492, picshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people defending harry styles

>> No.10473245

dude i hope youre right cuz my moms hair is shit and my dads isnt

>> No.10473249

flip a coin bruh, could be either...

>> No.10473393

I could be very wrong, but from what I understand its not how often you wear a bun, but how tight it is. You should feel no tugging or pain when it's up

>> No.10473886


>> No.10473892

All this denial, lmao u guys obviously don't know shit about mpb, that's a receding hairline, a receding hairline IS a form of mpb.

>> No.10473893


I'm not balding and that's basically how my hair looks like when I grow it out

some people just have weird hairlines bros

>> No.10473913



>> No.10473939

>Very few adult men actually have perfect hairlines
Yeah, this is true. Do you know why though? it's because the vast majority of people will experience SOME degree of baldness in their lifetime.

>> No.10474115

yeah, he's got some form of MPB. no doubts about it. doesn't mean he'll go fully bald though.

look around you, like 50% of men in their 20s have a receded hairline, but for many of these people they will never go fully bald. Why? because DHT (the androgen associated with balding) declines after the late 20s

after the late 20s other factors come into play. there are so many different things that can cause it (which are sort of all related) but for many it will be diabetes, thyroid problems or hormonal imbalances

>> No.10475023
File: 33 KB, 470x613, zayn-malik-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> British genes

>> No.10475036

So if you block DHT in your 20s you wont go bald?

>> No.10475077

He's saying the 20s is the time when you'd go bald if not, 50s/60s.

>> No.10475119

Are you sure that's what he's saying?

>> No.10475137

My first signs of balding were at age 18 and everyone said I was crazy.

26 years now and balding as fuck. I buzz it every Friday. So I'm off to buzz it in a few min.

This is my hair. It's bit exaggerated. I FUCKING HATE THAT ISLAND OF HAIR. If I grow it out I would look like a baby with a bit of hair in the front.

>> No.10475141
File: 141 KB, 470x613, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit forgot image

>> No.10475160

I mean shit if your hairline is that low then you could prob get away with shaving that island

>> No.10475198

agreed, the thumbnail before you edited it made it look like that island was starting to detach anyway and if you shave it it will just look like your hairline goes straight across and you have a normal sized forehead. you're not bad off at all bruh.>>10475141

>> No.10475644
File: 167 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is exactly my hairline >>10475023

>> No.10475721

its the same yo

>> No.10475736
File: 72 KB, 1024x1024, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10475750

not really

>> No.10476678

can i ask if you drink any milk/yogurt on a regular basis

>> No.10476728

it's a complicated thing. short answer is, if you block DHT in your 20s you probably wont go bald as fast as you might have without DHT blockers. whether you like it or not, if balding is in your family you're going to end up bald one day. it's just a matter of how long it will take. but really, if you don't go bald before 40 in this day and age you're pretty lucky.

>> No.10476759

i was shedding hair and getting the 'mpb itch' like crazy about 6 months ago, but lifestyle changes ive subsequently made have stopped that. this might not work for everybody and i dont think its gonna stop me going bald but its definitely slowing it down. read on...

eliminating these things from your diet:
>gluten. this is probably the hardest thing to do, but it's so worth it. this includes all bread, pasta, oats, BEER... i hadnt shed hair in like a week but had a beer last night and this morning i lost like 20 hairs in the shower

cutting down on these things:
>any oils that arent olive or coconut oil. this isnt too hard to do if you get rid of all fast/processed/packaged food and just start cooking your own meals
>foods that give you insulin spikes. these include cows milk, potatoes, heaps of shit... look it up

basically, a casual version of a paleo diet is the best thing to do. the main foods in my diet are:
>brown rice
>fish (salmon mostly)
>green veggies: broccoli, spinach, kale, rocket, herbs like coriander and parsley
>other veggies: sweet potato, pumpkin, capsicum, garlic, onion
>fruit: berries, bananas, tomatoes
>greek yogurt (for breakfast)

>> No.10476785

>>10476759 continued
so that's my current diet, and i plan to stay on it. whenever i cheat and eat something like bread or drink beer i start itching on my head and shedding hair like crazy.

now, for the supplements i take:
>magnesium/calcium combo
>beta sitosterol

iodine and selenium are crucial for your thyroid. they are also crucial for each other - you cant take iodine without selenium

magnesium/calcium - not really sure these have anything to do with hair, but they are pretty good for you in general. magnesium should be taken when iodine is supplemented

zinc balances hormones, raises testosterone levels

beta sitosterol is usually used to treat high cholesterol but it has been shown to reduce DHT. i only just started taking this so i cant say much about it yet

biotin just makes your hair grow really fast. not really worth taking unless you want fast growing hair, its good but im gonna cut it out of my regime when i finish this bottle because its just a waste of money for me

>> No.10477121

Petit filous is life

But why>>10476728

>> No.10477156

fuck me up fam

>> No.10477226

I feel it

>> No.10477720

>greek yogurt
Shit choice tbh smh

>> No.10477777

greek yogurt is god tier my friend

>> No.10477781

w2c quints?

>> No.10477788

he's had that hairline for years tho

>> No.10477926

Nope, I'm one of the aggressive diffuse thinners at 21. Started finasteride a month ago. Hope I didn't start to late/hope that it will work at all.. Slight regrowth would be beneficial..

>> No.10477995

not really

>> No.10478000

he just has a typically white man hairline

>> No.10478020

>mpb itch
Is this a real thing?

>> No.10478024

It's going to get worse before it gets better
Give it a full year before judgement

>> No.10478037

i mean you can literally look at the pictures...

>> No.10478077

I fear that situation indeed.. I'm the chairman of my study association and it feels like such a shame to undergo this process right now.. It feels good to know that I've almost reached my all-time deep.
Indeed on the internet it's often stated that it gets worse before getting better. Do you know if this is just bro-science? Did you you yourself experience it? Could you give me some kind of indication of when you noticed more/less shedding in the first year? What kind of hairs were shedded during the shedding phase?

Sorry for the tons of questions. This situation just made me really insecure. Positive thing is that I've got an extreme amount of chest/leg/neck hair (don't really mind that though), so DHT probably really is the problem of my balding.

I don't want to be robbed of my best years and god i've got so many plans and dreams.

>> No.10478136

Im suprised you didnt ask the doctor or dermatologist this but Ill try to answer

>Do you know if this is just bro-science?
I was told by dermatologist that the hair shedded was the hair that you were going to lose anyways.

>Did you you yourself experience it?
Yes but I started taking it when I first noticed shedding so I cant no for sure if there is any correlation.

>Could you give me some kind of indication of when you noticed more/less shedding in the first year?
Around month 2-5 were my worst sheds.

>What kind of hairs were shedded during the shedding phase?

>> No.10478158

Yeah I visited a doctor once but only read about the apparently pretty common sheds afterwards. I've got an evaluation appointment next week, but having some questions answered feels good. Also I don't want to waste the time of the doctor, who's probably got some more serious appointments than a luxury problem.
2-5 months doesn't sound too comforting. Will have to survive for 4 more months. Luckily winter is setting in so the air won't be so bright and shiny in the meantime.


>> No.10478184

bunch of teenagers arguing about the hair of one direction member on the most edgiest places of the internet.

>> No.10478190

theres a 22 yo guy in my class that has perfect low hairline but he is diffuse thinning on the top of head, such shame really, he has one of the best hairlines ive seen but you can see his scalp from the top. at least you can hide bad hairline

>> No.10478225

>he goes to a fashion board on a japanese anime website

>> No.10478324

hi harry

>> No.10478330

>the weird guy

>> No.10478347

i think people think about hair too much
it's just hair o.O

>> No.10478381

i think people think about Harry Styles too much
he's just a boy band member o.O

>> No.10478399

true >_<

>> No.10478592

he wears alot of makup is make up for men /fa/

>> No.10479449

no he doesnt