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10464628 No.10464628 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread (>>10459690) 404'd; new thread!

>> No.10464640


left swipe dat

>> No.10464644

God those adverts were terrible.

>> No.10464689

Is it /unfa/ to only smoke when out at the bars?

I just don't know what to do with my hands; and I dont ever buy my own cigs...

(I do not enjoy it in anyway)

>> No.10464696

TIL you can only smoke tobacco.

>> No.10464970

i don't smoke anymore but fuck me if unfiltered luckies weren't the best thing i've ever inhaled

>> No.10464973



>> No.10464998
File: 84 KB, 800x539, 15480694082_85463d1cbd_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vapes can be /fa/, you just have to look like anything but a fedoralord.

>> No.10465011

The trick to it is also not sound like a fedoralord.

"portable hookah" sounds less cringy to me than vape"

>> No.10465262

Lucky Strike is shit tbh fam.

>> No.10465834

"Portable hookah" sounds tryhard as fuck, honestly.

>> No.10465840

At this point there's no way to pull off vapes unless you're a dad trying to quit smoking. Most people now look at them as mouth fedoras

>> No.10465880

yea pretty much

>> No.10466586

Is alcohol fine? What about caffeine?

Kill yourself.

>> No.10466608
File: 53 KB, 500x531, Smoking-Crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's even more effay than smoking?

A crab smoking two cigs simultaneously

>> No.10467015

If you don't like it, don't do it. Doing something to fit in or "just because" is retarded.

>> No.10467031
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>> No.10467042


>> No.10467049

Is taking nicotine via gum/mints/patches bypassing the ill effects (i.e premature aging, throat cancer) or am I just bypassing tar in my lungs?

>> No.10467052

Basically just bypassing the tar tbh.

>> No.10467056

Yeah I'd go patch if you're worried about health effects

Gum or lozenges don't really have any bad health effects either but patch is just easier

>> No.10467057

Well fuck me

>> No.10467102

Wrong. Nicotine isn't harmful on it's own in those doses. Nicotine is only really harmful in large doses, where it can kill you very quickly

>> No.10467726

>Nicotine isn't harmful on it's own in those doses. Nicotine is only really harmful in large doses, where it can kill you very quickly
>can kill you very quickly
>very quickly

[citation needed]

>> No.10467759


>> No.10468227

What brand do y'all smoke? I enjoy B&Hs myself but I'd like to try more of the fancier stuff but don't know where to start

>> No.10468281

Fine, but don't just mooch your friends' cigs tho. Just buy a pack and save it for when you go out.

>> No.10468288

>portable hoookah
lol. it literally sounds like you're pulling an A/V cart around with a hookah on it. not natural at all. don't call it that.

>> No.10468303

im smoking marlboro golds soft pack, but only when going out, because cancer isnt /fa/

>> No.10469756

Seriously, I'm pretty sure alcohol can kill you quicker (alcohol poisoning, anyone?).

>> No.10469795

smoking will kill you
amphetamines will kill you
alcohol will kill you
overeating will kill you
undereating might kill you
doesn't mean you should live a boring life

>> No.10469915

>you can only enjoy life of you have crippling addictions


>> No.10469953


>> No.10469963

>has obviously never withdrawn from benzos

>> No.10469964
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>> No.10469966

i don't take benzos fam

>> No.10469969

>le tumblr toad

opinion discarded tbh (to be honest)

>> No.10469973

Yes, that's exactly what I was trying to convey.

>> No.10469999


>> No.10470004


>> No.10470010

I'm smoking IRONICALLY :)

>> No.10470027
File: 476 KB, 621x517, 1392556886966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying cancer isn't effay as fuck

>> No.10470064

I dont do it just because, I do it because I dont know what to do with my hand.

>> No.10470332
File: 158 KB, 500x359, 1441410385679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not smoking

>> No.10470581

Now that's fa!:))))))))

>> No.10471804

Nothing even remotely related to Apple could ever be effay, anon.

>> No.10471816
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>> No.10471834
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>I use an android phone

>> No.10472009

>tfw no softpacks where I live

they look so fucking cool

>> No.10472045
File: 1.58 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a pack a day effay?

>> No.10472048

not if you are smoking meme ciggys

>> No.10472076
File: 16 KB, 320x320, 11419269_871490989591450_538810787_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys if u want to buy an /fa/ vape look into mech mods and tiny RDAs/goblin mini RTA

>> No.10472105
File: 27 KB, 227x301, nazi2a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>year of our lord 2015
>being addicted to the cancerous global capitalist puppeteers
>wanting to fluster mommy and daddy this much

That said, I do enjoy nicotine occasionally. But getting addicted like some filthy untermench? Nein man.

>> No.10472111
File: 30 KB, 634x566, 1443829526162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought vapes
>was gonna do my own cannabis mix and vape in public
>mfw turned fedoracore

Look at the texture of that crab

>> No.10472117

No, I think it's a classic hitman thing to dip your hollow point bullets in pure nicotine. Fucks up your nicotine amide receptors or sth causes systemic shock and death in minutes.

I read Breivik was gonna do it idk if he managed to pull it off though.

>> No.10472129


did you ever make it? I tried and it came out shitty

>> No.10472158
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Yeah, propylene glycol, glycerol and hash oil. Didn't work well. I recommend buying one of those portable vaporizers (the kind that don't take liquid, you just put a bud in it and set the temp you want, pic related) instead, although you can't pass those off as e-cigs, or smoke them like one.

>> No.10472424

Soft packs are literally terrible, anon. They crush super easily and the smokes get stale in an hour.

>> No.10472436

Using an Android phone makes you a tipmaster now? Fucking Applefags, I swear to God.

>> No.10472741
File: 694 KB, 1098x817, PhotoOfMySon155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


effay as fuck

>> No.10472823

oh man this guy

>> No.10472834

grind your shit up more my man, and make sure to grind it up even more by pinching with your fingers every two or three tokes

>> No.10473600

If by "effay" you mean "makes me look like a 70-year old even though I'm only 30 and the landlord of a shady apartment complex", then yes.

>> No.10474015

You could argue most people are addicted to caffeine, doesn't mean shit.

>> No.10474360

Ded general.

>> No.10474433

Just quit yahoo

>> No.10474786

Fug yuo.

>> No.10474799

kek city

>> No.10475746

Looks like fun, anon.

>> No.10476486

except the feds just busted american spirits for putting even more additives in their ciggys than any other

>> No.10476498
File: 17 KB, 500x500, EVOD_Starter_Kit_900_Silver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got a starter and it's dying, but I want to continue vaping.

Any suggestions?

>> No.10476505

I just started smoking cigars recently. They're pretty nice.

>> No.10476732

here's a challenge
find an e-cig that doesn't look fedoracore

>> No.10476740

>not knowing pepe is ours again after the recent shooting

normie fuck off

>> No.10476793

No they didn't you fucking twat.

They basically told them to stop saying their cigarettes are "additive free, organic, etc.", even though it's true, because people are idiots and think those terms mean "healthy" and the feds dubbed it "misleading"...even though they put on their packs "no additives in our tobacco does NOT mean a safer cigarette".

People are idiots.

>> No.10477095

Here's a challenge: find a smoker who's not an edgy teen.

>> No.10477191

quit real cigs for a vape and snus combo 2 months ago
feelin great tbh, but it's definitely not cool.

shame all the ones that look like real cigarettes are way more expensive and work like shit

>> No.10477319

walk around the nyc financial district literally any time

>> No.10477349

Sorry, I don't want to be murdered for wearing a blue sweater.

>> No.10477747

Eleaf iStick 30 (device) with
Kanger Subtank (atomizer)

>> No.10477754

LOL, you dont know shit

>> No.10477764
File: 67 KB, 460x300, 24a_tmb_0714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if these are any good?

>> No.10478040

I wasn't hating on vaping. It was a legit question because I'm interested in vaping if I can do it without looking like an asshole.

>> No.10478065
File: 1.48 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20151010_142133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edgy teen here
Long cigs are effay mkay

>> No.10479067

>soft packs
kill you're a self