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/fa/ - Fashion

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10459164 No.10459164 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who has noticed that life has become quite dull/boring/colorless ever since I discovered fashion/fa? Maybe it's just because of my mental state which consists of introspective anxietal depression. But I focus on clothing and what people wear so much more now. I feel like I see things that don't matter that other people don't care about at all.

>> No.10459180


>> No.10459203


It's not their fault. Fashion is so inaccessible. Be pleasantly surprised when you see people who get it. It's expensive.

>> No.10459204

You're not the only one in despair/dissatisfied with life, but imo it's not only about fashion, it's about getting into art, you focus more on aesthetics and tastes (people's attitudes are grouped here btw) that in other things

It's effay

>> No.10459295

expand your knowledge in areas other than fashion. it can be a pretty niche hobby and you'll find the majority of people wont know shit about it or at least not to the extent that you do. if you focus your time developing one interest only, you'll find there are few people that you can meaningfully socialise with and build relationships. If you were to build knowledge in several things be it fashion, music, science, sport etc. you'd find there are a lot more people who you can engage with in meaningful discussion compared to if you only know about fashion,

you have to start taking interest in what other people do, not just expecting others to focus on the one thing you enjoy

>> No.10459934

Yup. Stop worrying about fashion so much. I just decided on a uniform, got rid of the rest, and now do not have to think about what I am wearing but it is at least mildly aesthetically pleasing, quite functional and comfy. All that anxiety pretty well is gone now. Also, maybe this is why so many designers wear essentially the same thing all the time.

>> No.10459949

i was literally about to post the same thing. It is ruining my marriage because all i ever talk about with my wife is

>god beards are for beta males with weak jawlines
>that weak insecure person deserves to be bullied fpr being weak and insecure
>everyone around me looks like a beta caveman
>im fat
>im old
>are my stubble lines even? No really bitch are they even? You wouldnt even tell me if they were youd let me walk around with uneven stubble because you want me to be some shitty beta caveman with a beard
>i might as well drive a truck like all those other sport watching beta cavemen.

She is ready to divorce me because I am filled with negativity from posting on probably the most hateful, argumentative, and shitposty board on this entire website. I hate you /fa/ but I'm going to sit here and post on you, you're my favorite drug, you beautiful sons of bitches.

>> No.10459953

/fa/ is a dark place man

>> No.10459963


>> No.10459965
File: 74 KB, 500x500, now_this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10459978

This is effay

>> No.10459990

yes, because I have no money to buy clothes I actually like

>> No.10459995

To find true interest in life you need to apply that same mentality of "fashun" into other things. Pick up a new hobby, try things like hiking,lifting,coding or anything else that can create a positive influence in your life. The first couple of tries will be hard however, persevere and you will see the beauty of life. I also recommend meditating, not the usual sit "legs crossed and hum" but the take "30 seconds out of your day and absorb the moment" kind you can't control the past but you can control your now and create your future.

>> No.10460003

Seek help

>> No.10460039
File: 140 KB, 640x480, sea-kelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sea kelp?

>> No.10460044


>> No.10461687

ever been to /b/ and /gif/ big boy?

>> No.10461698


you sound cringey and pathetic tbh fam