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File: 73 KB, 634x424, pro refugee leftist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10444464 No.10444464[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what core is this

>> No.10444468

Chechnyan uprising

>> No.10445145
File: 16 KB, 640x427, 2lt1u86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black block

>> No.10445159
File: 71 KB, 560x419, 2984164_Look_10_-_Occupy_Look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Occupy core

>> No.10445161

bunch of edgy unemployed fags

fuck the black block

anarchism is a meme ideology, especially left wing anarchism

>> No.10445170
File: 580 KB, 800x536, 1443038839738(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

riot core

>> No.10445198
File: 3.92 MB, 3688x3304, j9tnBF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>especially left wing anarchism
Anything is better than:
>muh NAP

>> No.10445214

i like this core

>> No.10445890
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Anarchist god tier core

>> No.10445896
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>> No.10445899

Raf s/s 2002

>> No.10445905
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>> No.10445907
File: 983 KB, 893x825, heil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sure this is bait, but
>left wing anarchism is the meme of the spectrum

l m a o

>> No.10445912

anarchism is radical traditionalism taken to its natural conclusion
its the reestablishment of the natural aristocratic order

>> No.10445915

Holy shit, I know the blonde guy and the dude with the glasses and the hamster he's above. Blonde got arrested for going to California and kidnapping his underage gf who was doing Skype sex chats to pay rent

>> No.10445920
File: 120 KB, 633x421, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Social-anarchism is based

>> No.10445925

sounds like a incoherent perversion of (the already theoretically weak) primitivism

>> No.10445931

is that jeffrey tambor?

>> No.10445934

You have absolutely no idea where you're talking about. Classical anarchism is radical leftist.


>> No.10445942

all anarchism is theoretically weak
left anarchism is predicated on the bullshit notion of genetic equality (thoroughly fucking refuted by now)
everything leftists have worked for relies on a state to support it

>> No.10445955

I know exactly what I'm talking about
the core theory is trash
but go ahead and abolish workers, women's and minority rights as well as the entire social safety net

>> No.10445966

>all anarchism is theoretically weak

Sounds like someone who read Goldman and Chompsky and thought they should just stop there.

>> No.10445978

all anarchism is theoretically weak
tbh maybe living without a state would do you genetic dead end Last Men some service
you aren't ready for the implications of your ideology

>> No.10446000

is that fucking sam hyde?

>> No.10446010
File: 112 KB, 896x798, 111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is

google Tace Kiber

>> No.10446044

Actually sounds like someone has never read a book regarding the theory of, or studied the history of, actually existing "theoretically weak" Anarchist communities and autonomous territories at all now. Probably read some Bernard Shaw and thought they could just mail it in, lmao.

Why do people feel compelled to post when they haven't even read Maletesta or some shit. Even at this starting point they're nowhere close to the rigorous end of the Anarchist spectrum you'll find in post-anarchist writings.

>> No.10446740
File: 91 KB, 500x334, tumblr_mxnhgajz5l1t6dlgjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10446851

you've never lived in an anarchist society and never will so how can you claim that it works?

>> No.10446858

Guy on the left is oppa gangnam core

>> No.10446861


>captcha: select all images with pancakes

>> No.10447318

Riot core

>> No.10447448
File: 218 KB, 640x427, tumblr_m8bvswWqdV1rb1vo5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that fuccbois that scream about degeneracy always turn out to jack off to horses or get turned on by children?

I'm a "statist" but even I know what you just said is pure bullshit. Anarchy isn't "no rules, fuck the state lol" it's just an emphasis on direct democracy and radical decentralization.

But let's post more riot core.

>> No.10447465

Info on pants???

>> No.10448000

What are you on about? Anarchists want to abolish all hierarchies, most notably the state and capitalism. You sound like someone who doesn't know what Anarchism is.

>> No.10448026
File: 133 KB, 1200x786, soprano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NWO-stooge core

>> No.10448116

just find your desired slimfit cargos and pinroll

>> No.10448134

>this thread
So uhhh, fashion, right guys?

>> No.10448299

>dude read these books lmao
make an argument in your own words
fuck me you are fucking THICK
hierarchy exists in nature, if you abolish the state (aka the only way to redress that hierarchy) you are just reinforcing it

>> No.10448437

Somalia seems to be doing great with the whole anarchism thing...........

>> No.10448445
File: 245 KB, 850x1134, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My core

>> No.10449287

>summarize complex theory spread over hundreds of books in a couple sentences so I can immediately toss it out and/or drag this out for hours (I personally don't have to spend)

Many, many years on /lit/ have taught me that the only good argument is to tell people to read books and educate themselves. I'd be happy to put together a reading list. Conversely you can not comment on topics you don't have an understanding of. Like, at all.

>he's a "hierarchy in nature" guy

All I needed to know so I don't waste my time. Thank you.

>> No.10449296

make a fucking argument
yes a hierarchy exists in nature, people are born smarter and stronger than other people
go ahead and ask /lit/ if you need validation so bad

>> No.10449352

Here's your (you)

Be along now

>> No.10449399

rat boy would make an excellent trap

>> No.10449464

fukken thought so
your dream will NEVER come to pass

>> No.10449545
File: 56 KB, 896x902, 10013976_584408471691468_2624096202580068959_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10450638

I like that North Face, what model is it?

>> No.10450693

lol you guys are suck fucking nerds and ibet you buy your gore tex
met heaps of anarchists stuff and they're all the biggest softcocks, im sure its different in europe but probably not substantially

>> No.10450703

>Pro Refugee Leftists

Literal Cuck-core.

>> No.10450735

>fuck the black block
>the black block
>the black

do you even know what black block means?

>> No.10450839

>haha now I don't have to read a book!!!

Nice la

>> No.10451081

>haha I read a book now I don't have to make an argument
try reading the bell curve

>> No.10451089


>> No.10451283

Honestly what should I say? The complexities and debates of anarchist theory that form the borders, plateaus, and liminal zones of its feasibility are *NOT* attainable through social osmosis unlike many other political theories which have a generalized presence in one's everyday life. You CANNOT comment from outside of it. I would say you should read *at the absolute bare minimum* the MOST BASIC classical writers like Proudhon, Kropotkin, Goldman, Maletesta, Bakunin, Godwin, Makhno, Virno, et al. (and even then we'd have almost no common ground to speak from as you'd have another century worth of superior theory to work through as well as the philosophical schools they emerged from.) If none of those authors sound familiar, or you aren't able to articulate their positions in their contemporary context (which have changed A LOT, especially for writers like Bakunin) then you are conceptually staring one inch away from a cement wall of a hundred floor building and screaming in all futility that *I* am the one who is in lack of perspective on how to handle this debate most efficiently IF YOU ACTUALLY WANT TO LEARN. Even after the theoretical point of view, you're still looking at a long study of anthropological work done in various alternative communities, solidarity networks, proper organizations, affinity groups, and other forms of "actually existing anarchism" before you know shit enough to smell the bullshit in your previous stance. If you actually want to learn, if you want to hear this piece out, if you want to know the truth of it, do that.

It embarrasses me to read your comment and how you find it absolutely unbelievable that there could be ideas that aren't conducive to a-b-c summaries, nor the discourse parameters on political arguments on 4chan that occur beyond /pol/. If you want to learn the whole of it: read, read, read. This argument CANNOT HAPPEN until you do.

>> No.10451292

But now I am *definitely* out. I will not be awaiting when you make your snide remark on how I should explain calculus to a toddler.