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/fa/ - Fashion

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10440570 No.10440570 [Reply] [Original]

>make a thread about cumskin fashion
>/pol/ shows up


cumskin general

what kinda awkward embarrassing fits you got for me today fam

or are you gonna post yourself wearing black clothing?

>> No.10440592

>gets called a nigger once

youre not offending anyone this, if anything its a testament to how offended you had to have been to start making 20 of these threads daily

this is slightly annoying at best, trying to insult whites is just not a well thought out idea

>> No.10440601
File: 11 KB, 180x240, polls_halle_berry_gabriel_aubry_1037_23802_answer_1_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good looking black girls always go white

ugly look white girls always go black. even in porno the stereotype is alive and well, niggas fuck ugly ass women. niggas are a scavanger race they are constantly looking for any signs of aryan mental stability or weakness. once they spot, it doesnt matter if it boy or girl, theyre going to try to fuck it.

every black man is a faggot deep down, prison rape only occurs in prisons that have more than 50% black men. black peoples sexual fetish is rape, so prison is heaven for them

black people also created hiv by fucking chimpanzees, which is why they contribute close to 70% of all hiv on planet earth. that and because they constantly rape people

in africa it has been noted that black males eat the shit out of cows ass holes to appease to the gods. this a part of their culture. if you plan too eat the shit out of a cows ass hole as an aryan cis male i suggest you discuss with your black friends what sort of affect that could have on the black community as eating shit from a cows ass hole would be considered cultural appropriation

thank you

>> No.10440602

you reek of insecurity, it's merely a thread about cumskin fashion since /pol/ ruined the other one

>> No.10440613

lmfao is cumskin supposed to be the equivalent of shitskin

kind of a testament to how hard it is to insult white people

there's honestly nothing you could say that would make me feel bad about being white lol

>> No.10440620

this lmao

>> No.10440633

i've had a couple cumskin girls fuck me just because i was black and they hated the way their cumskin "boy"friends tried to dress black

but this is a fashion thread please stop tryin to derail it

>> No.10440645

it's p obvious you're white just looking to get a rise out of /fa/

you're guaranteed more success on /int/ or /pol/, heck even try /mu/ and say white people copy black music

>> No.10440651

deflect all you want icumskin

hilarious how you're still hung up on this word instead of discussing fashion, really highlights your insecurity

>> No.10440653

True that bros, whiteskin masterrace

>tfw gonna wake my sister up for some cheeks in 4 hours
Wish me luck

>> No.10440666
File: 15 KB, 777x767, gros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a hundred percent sure that you are secretly white, and that makes this even sadder.

>> No.10440681


lmao insecurity is reeking

why do you all crack like fucking eggshells

>> No.10440768

Go back to your african super civilization and leave us poor, injured whities alone-

oh wait you don't have one, or a culture


>> No.10440772
File: 24 KB, 495x495, CN7HHt-WoAAtQzk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white culture is literally a copy of black culture

why do white people listen to black music, use black slang, watch black movies and wear black people clothing?

your time is up cumskins, you should thank me for making a thread for you to congregate in and post your twink skinnyfat inspo pics lmao

>> No.10440777

You're literally wrong

have fun when an adult laughs at you for your opinions

>> No.10440785
File: 66 KB, 625x626, 22c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alrighty cumskin enjoy fantasyland

maybe if you left the basement once in a while you would see how people speak and dress in 2015 and what kind of music is played in bars and clubs

>> No.10440787
File: 50 KB, 410x507, 1443481490860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trump is going to holocaust you and everyone like you

>> No.10440791

you're embarrassing fam

how about you discuss fashion as was the topic of the thread dumb cumskin

>> No.10440794

looks like someone lost

>> No.10440797

wait, what's a cumskin?

you guys are memeing too fast, i can't keep up anymore

>> No.10440798

>confronted with facts
>responds with le epic trump meme
nah cumskin it's just really awkward to even converse with you

>> No.10440827

blacks dont even get this passive-aggressive whiney butthurt

i'll bet its a brazilian or something

>> No.10440915

a white

>> No.10441062

damn everybody ITT got BTFO