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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 340 KB, 1200x1077, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10435775 No.10435775 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related is me.
I'm super self conscious and I only wear shirts and jeans because I'm not brave enough to try new things

How do you guys just go for it and try new clothes? Definitely if they're different to the norm? I get scared I don't know what looks good on my body type


>> No.10435781

If we see your whole body a lot better suggestions can be made

>> No.10435782

need to see the back

>> No.10435792

I mean you can tell my body just from that?

Seriously how do you know what looks good on you? I always try to copy outfits I see stylish girls wear but it looks just shit

>> No.10435793

You have a really nice body. Don't be afraid to try something new, just make sure it ain't too flashy.

>> No.10435795


>> No.10435798

Never do that fucking white girl Facebook pose again on the left for starters.

You will get no better advice than reading the sticky, looking at inspo, buying, and getting it checked in a WAYWT thread tbh.

>> No.10435803

Alright, I'll start posting in the WAYWT threads. Cheers.

>> No.10435812
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>> No.10435886


>> No.10435894 [DELETED] 


gross tbh, i bet you make cute noises in bed though

>> No.10435929

Literally just wear whatever you want, what does it matter to anyone else? The absolute worst thing that could happen is some immature kids have a little laugh about what you're wearing after you've walked past them and that's it.
Supposing that even did happen, what does it matter to you? Honestly, how does that affect you at all? Just wear what you think looks good and hopefully not everyone will agree. If they did, you would be boring.

>> No.10435938

You could, you know..um..start wearing dresses? those tend to look pretty good on girls.

Not slutty club dresses either. Like skirts, and sweaters, and shit. It's fall and we're only a few months away from winter.

>> No.10435994

got this chick on facebook don't bother with it boys

>> No.10436596

Almost anything will work on you honestly.

>> No.10436607

Show feet please

>> No.10436610

show ass

>> No.10436624

I live in Australia so it's coming into summer. I'll definitely switch to dresses now

>> No.10436644

you're really cute. i would cuddle you so hard

>> No.10436657

im so lonely

>> No.10436664

Where abouts in Aus?

>> No.10436750

Does it matter

>> No.10436757

it's life or death tbh

>> No.10436760


>> No.10436766
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Here's 1 more but that's it tbh

I just wear black 24/7 because I'm not stylish. Can never bring myself to buy new stuff

>> No.10436774

the things I'm shocked no one has told you that basically IS the secret to style is that....

>you don't change everything at once

you need to remember that style is a process. its a drawn out experimentation that takes place over weeks, months, years of trying various things, integrating them into what you already like, occasionally being risky, modifying things, etc etc etc.

in other words, to "copy outfits stylish girls wear" is not really paying respect to the true process.

you take the things you already do, and you make small changes, changes you can deal with, and these changes accumulate.

try a hat on.

try a scarf on

try a fuckin SHAW on.

dont like em? take em off. try them the next day. try cuffing your jeans. don't like the way it feels? uncuff them. the key is to take "elements" of things you see and would like to "try". its not about BEING "stylish", its about "feeling" like you own what you wear, and each choice made is reflected by your desire to wear it.

you need to "want" to wear what you wear, and you begin by not straying far from what you're already familiar with. small, almost unnoticeable alterations down the line ending up in big differences. its not a teleportation thing. its not a magical ZAP now you're stylish! now you can wear stuff like them! you're not them..........remember..................

>> No.10436779


I would eat your ass fam

>> No.10436782

worry less about what works for your body type and more about what you *want* to wear. youll fuck up, its unavoidable, but keep trying new things and eventually everything will fall into place

>> No.10436783

I love you

>> No.10436788

have you ever done that to a girl?

>> No.10436790

hes trying right now

>> No.10436795

I really don't think it matters what you wear living in a glorified country town.

>> No.10436799


>> No.10436801


why why why do people actually post shit like this..........I never understand

like literally the modern world will be revolutionized when women can be open online with a literal fucking


of needy fucks looking to get a word in.

for some fucking reason...........

jesus fucking damn you people suck dick

>> No.10436810


as in, its different if its say, MFC or redditgonewild, where the women are "selling" their body or image, fishing for compliments.

but when a girl approaches a "fashion" forum for "fashion" advice why don't you lock it up and understand now is not the fucking time.

and be a little..........human?

>> No.10436832

Nothing you said made sense

>> No.10436834

here's your reply

>> No.10436839

everything made sense.

if the woman is not "selling" her body but rather looking for "advice" on something "non sexual" then it doesn't make sense to approach her sexually

the only reason you do is simply BECAUSE she is a woman, its irrelevant the "reason" she is here

>> No.10436846


Is English your second language or something?

>> No.10436855



lonely bros post comments that solicit her sexuality. they request her to display herself sexually, this isn't the point of the thread.
its off topic bullshit. at the very least, I can say, "stay on topic" like any other thread, because this type of "desperation" is the worst type of shitposting.

it would be amazing if women could go online and display their body and we could "admire" it without "jumping on them"


>> No.10436858

So true. Every girl is harassed immediately. Would be nice if they weren't

>> No.10436861
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>How do you guys just go for it and try new clothes?
You're asking the wrong person.
Takes me a while to figure out how to wear something new. I often wear clothes upside-down or backwards for a few months before I figure it out.

As for you, you don't have to step out ur comfort zone, that defeats the purpose somewhat. Add a little subtle class, you got the body for it.

>> No.10436865

defeats the purpose of what?

>> No.10436908

lmao what was the point of posting this?

>> No.10436924

of finding the right fit
comfort is important

>> No.10436939

lose some weight tubbs

>> No.10436940

not even close to being believable

>> No.10436945

yes but the point is OP was looking to CHANGE...as in the "comfort zone" was "too comfortable", and she wanted to "branch out"

>> No.10436949

Are you asian?

>> No.10436950

show us your ass come on dont be stingy you lil bitch
im not human im centaur if you know what i mean got that horse dick to give to you

>> No.10436952

this that big nose bitch
dress like a muthafucking parrot hoe LMAO

>> No.10436957

OP, if ur still around, experiment with some shirting/tops like oxfords. I feel like you can pull it off, and stuff beyond your basic tshirt + jeans will be a lot more interesting to layer with.

The point that someone made about dresses is good too, but make sure you have some decent shoes.

>> No.10436964

Look at her upper thighs
>m-muh high test
Natural weight distribution is a shit excuse for a poorly proportioned body

>> No.10436973

show me a pic of good thighs please

"lil bitch"

>> No.10437014

Am I actually chubby? I'll lose some then.

>> No.10437020

Not Asian at all

>> No.10437056

this is sort of absurd advice for a fashion thread dontcha think

>> No.10437059

from adelaide too hit me up we can go shopping

>> No.10437075

Pretty easy to convince you into an eating disorder.

>> No.10437080

sieg fuck off you fat turd

>> No.10437082

Why are you naked? I mean gahdam you sexy but you didn't need to be naked

>> No.10437086
File: 248 KB, 1280x1920, 1378844370862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lurk moar and develop an elitist attitude, then you'll want to dress better than everyone else which typically means something that isn't the norm

>> No.10437111


>> No.10437333
File: 39 KB, 836x1254, H2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah girl don't do that, it's a fashion board everyone has stupid, ugly standards.
Now I don't know who talked about skirts and dresses but that's basically it. I don't know girl fashion but I know most girls don't actually wear what they would "traditionally" be supposed to. Which means you live in a strange era when you'll stand out wearing what looks the best on a girl. That's a win-win, so don't for a stupid look like >>10437086.
And why did you posted a naked picture of yourself ? That wasn't necessary. It's now on my special folder tho, thanks.
Pic related by try to layer stuff on top of this kind of basic look.

>> No.10437336

*Pic related BUT try to layer stuff...
I'm retarded.

>> No.10437347

she's crazy if she thinks she has to change


>> No.10437540

wow, an actual good post in modern /fa/

>> No.10437574

keep going

>> No.10437752
File: 287 KB, 630x581, 1443303696858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're communicating all the same things they are, with the added subtext of pic related.

fuck urself my man.

>> No.10437755
File: 178 KB, 1002x1043, dumb fem posted nudes lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is also you OP

>> No.10437772



Like, stop posting nudes, please.. I mean sure youre hot, and you have a great body but posting in WAYWT or posting at all is a dreadful idea.

Pickup info and inspo from /fa/ but don't post fits - you'll just get shouted down with comments like LONDON by morons.

>> No.10437816


Ugh, the replies here...

1. Your body is perfect. Don't starve yourself or do anything dumb. Remember the diet tips?

2. As others have said, you never know what looks good until you try it. Don't worry about body shape, because the key is to be not-fat, which is where you are right now. You can try tons of looks, see what you like on yourself. Don't be afraid to be a fashion victim and have purchases / fits that later embarrass you -- that means you're experimenting as much as you should be.

3. Adelaide has weird weather that actually works so well for fashion. Can we convince the rest of the bogans where you live that they should spend their money on cool clothes? If Tweed River can turn into a gourmet hub, why can't Adelaide be a secret fashion hub? Are your friends into this shit too?

4. Stop thinking you are fat!!!! Stop it!!!! And no more body pics!!! You're lucky the /fa/ kids are 25% less creepy than the rest of the male Internet (you're welcome, guys).

>> No.10437853

W2c dudes pants

>> No.10437860


>> No.10437868
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>> No.10437898

hey dumbfuck, she literally said she's self conscious in the post. someone saying she's cute would definitely help her self esteem and possibly to her expressing herself more through clothing

>> No.10437902

b u e n o s a i r e s

>> No.10437904
File: 78 KB, 323x285, barbecue_grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cannot be /fa/ if you're self conscious
you can even turn a cringe outfit into a mediocre one just by adding confidence to it
keep your head up and take risks, obviously sometimes you're gonna mess up, but nothing's even gonna happen except landing in a cringe thread

also post feet

>> No.10438034


I eat my fiance's ass out all the time. Not after a long day in the heat, but after a bath or shower together, yeah there's nothing wrong with ass play on both sides.

>> No.10438046

Tbh I love eating my girls ass, gets me rock hard and shes begging for a dicking after. Only thing that gets me is she doesnt like anything in her ass

>> No.10438049

>I am the judge of this thread. This is not what the thread was made for. Listen to my censorship.
I'll decide myself if I want to give her proper advice or tell her that I'd fuck her ass till it tears. Thanks for the advice though. I also suggest you to look at public sphere violence statistics and suicide rates among both genders.

>> No.10438220



>> No.10438552

youre a retard tbh

>> No.10438559


>> No.10438568
File: 96 KB, 1055x359, Screen Shot 2015-09-29 at 13.08.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surprised to see a post this awesome on /fa/ in 2015
saved for posterity

>> No.10438585

good luck with being treated with respect from real people

>> No.10438612

quality post

without the element of trying, making mistakes, taking risks, and developing your own tastes slowly there's no escape from looking "dressed by the internet"

and being dressed by the internet can be a huge pitfall - I mean just look at the people in /fa/ or other fashion forums that copped one insanely expensive piece but have absolutely nothing to pair it with. they get clowned the hardest

>> No.10438643


>> No.10438655

you asked for it by unnecessarily posting your bare butt

>> No.10439209

2 different girls, unless you prove otherwise.

>> No.10439250
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>> No.10439262


but no.

not at all,

I'm trying to change the way people treat people who post,

people should be encouraged to post, male or female. they shouldn't NOT post out of fear of being "jumped on" by a swarm of foreveralones.



and im not saying that in the WHITE KNIGHT/FEDORA SENSE

its just COMMON



>> No.10439274

goddamnit that post pisses me off

you know why?


there is NO CHANCE that me "communicating" anything will RESULT IN ANYTHING


what is going to happen? "oh my anon ur so diiiiiiifferent can I get your number?"

fuck no, im just trying to improve the board and how people act............because its fucking embarrasing

>> No.10439289

oh and one last thing.

the fucking joke of your post is that if anons didn't act predatory, i would have nothing to "rebel" against,

you see?

how can I be the white knight if the anons actually took my advice?

literally your post is a fucking paradox u fugging dunce

>> No.10439309

imagine being this guy. Go watch some porn it'll calm you down

>> No.10439316

>I'm super self conscious and I only wear shirts and jeans because I'm not brave enough to try new things

boy oh boy, you sure have found the right website then!

buy a 150$ OUR LEGACY(tm) tee with a gay print or something on it, some "minimalist" APC(tm) jeans that cost 250$ but dont look any different than levis, and finally to top it off some COMMON PROJECTS(tm) "minimalist" sneakers. be careful with these, make sure to baby them like some weird fuck while everyone else is having fun at a house party, make a shitty "feels" thread on /fa/ when some normie steps at them at your YUNG LEAN(tm) concert, and hell you could even get shoe trees!

be sure to lord over plebeians with your unique and stylish wardrobe~!

>> No.10439318

haha holy shit

why are you people getting so worked up over this thread

>> No.10439338


>> No.10439405

OP here

Haven't checked this thread in like 24 hours. Why is it even up still kek

Sorry about posting a nude + thanks for all the advice

I've got all the info I needed. Cheers everyone


>> No.10439420

show bepis

>> No.10439421

Hello there /soc/ slut

>> No.10439536
File: 9 KB, 256x197, 144141262973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it always work, kek

>> No.10439544

that is the only response friend

that is THE response

.........nothing more need be said...........

>> No.10439589


assuming thats you (big assumption) you have a fine figure and shouldn't really be too worried

I mean one of the things i notice after spending hours infront of my mirror trying new shit on, cuffing, tucking, uncuffing etc

is that no one outside really cares; at most they will glance at you and maybe think something or pull a face (at worst) but other than that not many people are gonna yell "nice sandals fag" or anything to that effect

i look at stuff i was scared to wear outside months ago which is now a daily staple of mine, and then i look at stuff I'm scared to wear, and I draw the comparison

i dont know if that made sense or if itll work for you, but that's how i deal with changes and new clothes

>> No.10439623

Skirts. You've got the legs for skirts. Form-fitting jeans. Sweaters. Button-downs that fit well (aka not baggy, but you're frame looks like it could get away with it with the right outfit).

If this was summer I'd tell you to wear dresses.

>> No.10439643

what is a dress?

you have the perfect body for a well fit dress

>> No.10439651

goddamn i wish you hadn't been banned from sufu. find somewhere else to shit up.

>> No.10439661

someone actually unironically posted this

>> No.10440182

51.5072° N, 0.1275° W

>> No.10440263
File: 103 KB, 1012x1760, pix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I pixelated the photo and reduced the palette.

look how beautiful the reduced colors turned out at the bottom. yowza!