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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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10417448 No.10417448 [Reply] [Original]

Only 1 post in the last 24 hours on their most active board

where will all the pinoy manlets flock to now for self-validation?

>> No.10417459

Literal flip night nurse detected
We literally have four degrees of separation, anon....guaranteed

>> No.10417478

Hypebeast is dead too. I guess they all just made the natural transition to social media.

>> No.10417898

Forums as a medium for communication have largely all died within the last 2 years.

>> No.10417908

what happened tho? one would think at least the waywt would still generally be active (and it was so not that long ago) cause its easy to drop a post in and bounce, but its not even that anymore

>> No.10417942

are people really just happier liking shit on facebook and instagram?
where did everyone go? i miss reading actual conversations

>> No.10417984

>facebook and instagram
you forgot reddit. they've sucked up most discussion forum traffic over the past 5+ years.

the soccer boards i used to go to are just about dead.

>> No.10418014
File: 578 KB, 768x1024, 1434311985422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think tumblr, facebook, reddit, and instagram all offer upvotes/likes/followers and those tend to futher encourage conceited/self-gratifying behavior. Lets be honest here, most of us are pretty vain. Why else would we spend more than $100 on a pair of jeans, or a t-shirt.

>> No.10418023

but you can upboat on sufu too

also, who /spend$$$onfashunbutabsolutelynointernetpresenceexceptsteamacctworth$500+/ here

>> No.10418025

poorboi plz go

>> No.10418027

Because we are interested in fashion and not approval from random strangers?

>> No.10418034

Man I wish there were more interest in fashion here
Apparently ivy is seeping into A-list Hollywood so the next style needs to be acknowledged (now that it's mainstream)
Honestly I'm thinking campcore....and I'm all in

>> No.10418367

where else can I go? I checked this place out because it kept getting mentioned here and like OP said, it's dead as fuck.

What are some good alternatives? I'll even check out facebook pages if the discussion is decent

>> No.10418416

[only listing English-speaking websites]

dead/dying forums:
8ch /fa/
Hypebeast (still some activity)
superfuture (sf)
all fashion IRCs
StyleZeitgeist (SZ)

still alive:
care-tags (ct)
StyleForum (SF)


tumblr, mostly, has made it easier to find/share relevant fashion inspiration online. the discussion part is still missing from there, though.

>> No.10418424

A list Hollywood will always be ahead in trends

>> No.10418487 [DELETED] 

oh right, let's add this to "still alive":

KanyeToThe (KTT)

>> No.10418493

oh right, let's add this to "still alive":

KanyeToThe (KTT)

>> No.10418521

Add Unwoven to the first group

>> No.10418534

unwoven was never really alive though

>> No.10418915

undead forum

>> No.10419603


>> No.10419613

sz still got the same core group of people posting tho

>> No.10419624

It at least used to have more than 5 regular posters.

>> No.10419651

cuck homosexual mods killed sufu, so fuck them

>> No.10419660

what's that one website trunks went to that's selective whether they let you in or not

>> No.10419663

Didn't you get banned?

>> No.10419672


from sufu yes because i sais "fuck gay people" and then told a mod to fuck off XD

>> No.10419671

Thankfully it's dead so you don't need to complain about your ban again

le zero self awareness of endless shitposting man returns to /fa/

>> No.10419677

peaked at your rick blanket tbh

dont gotta be salty cause your internet careers been all down hill since then bud

>> No.10419688


i got banned like 3 months ago though


no salt, sufu is boringgggg

>> No.10419721

Is there a replacement for sufu's marketplace? Just Grailed or are there other options?

>> No.10419727

now that no one is forced to deal with ebays bullshit fees anymore i think its p much just grailed now

>> No.10419736
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>tfw instagram & twitter are regarded as better than boards

>> No.10419743


>> No.10419756
File: 34 KB, 336x335, 1443054568125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: nobody knowing that all the influential, trend setting, ahead of the curve power users from most communities went to one board

>tfw invited early
>tfw hardly on fa now
>tfw you realize how mediocre and dated fa's tastes largely are
>tfw board is application or invite only
>tfw not going to use any of my 5 invites left on anyone from fa

>> No.10419776
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>> No.10419792
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don't quite know what happened there
I've even used the site

>> No.10419804

snails' facebook group is cancerous af u fag

>> No.10419842

it appears I've struck a nerve


nah scrub

>> No.10419850

>Lets be honest here, most of us are pretty vain. Why else would we spend more than $100 on a pair of jeans, or a t-shirt.
Personally, for quality fit, construction and fabric. I don't post my picture on the internet.

>> No.10419856

>application only

what's the name of the board

>> No.10419857

then why post here and waste time? takes 15 seconds to google and find out which brands make quality jeans, tees, etc

>> No.10419876

i regularly post on hb and while forum activity has drastically dwindled in the last two years (thanks instagram), theres still a large handful of niggas actively posting. its becoming more of a niche tight knit community. sufu is a lost cause tho that shit is dead lmfao

>> No.10419884

like I'm going to expose the only good community to fa or reddit scrubs

>> No.10419889

that facebook group is fucking gay dude
give it up

>> No.10419898


>> No.10419977

this is bait

>> No.10420057

whatever you say softboy

>> No.10420076

have another (you), sounds like you need it. hope things pick up for you buddy.

>> No.10420096

who hurt you

>> No.10420147

>tfw /sp/ is dead too

>> No.10420164


add these to dying/dead you list-fetish fag

CC(tbh haven't checked in weeks)

>> No.10420588


Dead or dying:
superfuture (sufu)
All fashion IRCs
8ch /fa/
5thD (5th-dimension)

Small but active core/Some activity remains:
StyleZeitgeist (SZ)
fuk (fuk.co.uk)

4chan /fa/
care-tags (ct)
StyleForum (SF)
KanyeToThe (KTT)


Where people are believed to have migrated:

>> No.10420595

damn those are some names I haven't been to in a while


>> No.10420865

nice list man
should be in the sticky
sad there's basically only 3 forums and this hole left on the entire internet

>> No.10420877


5d still has some of the old heads posting every once in a while, pretty cool to see peeps you flamed / flamed you 10 years ago getting on with their lives. also milspex

>> No.10420912


secret club for fashun

>> No.10420923


>> No.10420966



>> No.10421029

>where have people migrated?
No idea. Men's fashion in terms of sales has never been higher. I'm surprised that discussion is dwindling. It may be that most normies are just used to thumbing shit on their touch screen smart phone and are too illiterate to talk about it? So fashion discussion may have just become a viral instagram like-fest of images.

>> No.10421048
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>tfw my private fashion torrent tracker laughs at your forum

>> No.10421054


>spoiler: it's still a circle jerk full of fuccbois

>> No.10421431

styleforum is still doing ok but has definitely slowed down

>> No.10421457

well i just checked unwoven and it was surprisingly lively... i am happily surprised

>> No.10421464

I'll start an IRC channel on Rizon for anyone that's interested. Just suggest a name and I'll get it going.

>> No.10421508

Can't believe unwoven survived sufu. that is so funny for a number of reasons

>> No.10421549


missing DW which is pretty bumping. members are generally well-educated and wealthy, and also more sane.

>> No.10421557

4chan's image board format is far superior for fashion discussion than that of forums such as sufu, syleforum etc.

>> No.10421563

what is DW?

>> No.10421573

Ok so I went ahead and started a channel if anyone is interested.

#c(e)ffay on rizon; (cafe + effay, if it wasn't abundantly clear)

>> No.10421603

sthlm already made one and it never took off
it was just me him and adrift

>> No.10421619

You can join in if you like. I have a lot of dead IRCs I still post in. Try kiwiirc and select the Rizon option. Best for posting links.

>> No.10421624
File: 71 KB, 541x402, 2015-09-25_00-53-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not just use the original?

>> No.10421628

We can, that's fine. I didn't know if it would feel "dead" to people and if they would want to try something completely new.

>> No.10421633

Just started an IRC channel on Rizon @ #c(e)ffay (cafe + effay if it wasn't abundantly clear)

Join in if you wish~

>> No.10422099

Well, I am one of the sufu elite top posters with 5,000+ posts. The problem I think is that we became too elite and inaccessible to newbies. The fits were consistently top-tier, best of the internet and newbs felt the learning curve was too steep. As we lost people to attrition (getting married, busy careers, etc), we had no young blood to replace our ranks. So we are left with how it is now. We literally died because we were too good. Sucks, I really miss the golden days.

>> No.10422159

#c(e)ffay has closed for the evening, thanks to all who joined in for the first session

We'll be back tomorrow

>> No.10422273
File: 128 KB, 1637x2560, Angel-season-2-buffy-the-vampire-slayer-2999995-1637-2560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want an invite

>> No.10422275

this is most pathetic post ive ever read on the internet
kill yourself

>> No.10422295

this is most pathetic post ive ever read on the internet
kill yourself

>> No.10422298

sufu cocksucker please go

>> No.10422307
File: 799 KB, 3110x2073, 1413765786186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao. Sufu was (and I hope is gonna be) one of the best fashion forums. You, little ugly fa worm, should fucking shut your mouth.

>> No.10422310

this is most pathetic post ive ever read on the internet
kill yourself

>> No.10422313

I would have changed my whole appearance to be unrecognizable after being in this

>> No.10422434
File: 47 KB, 819x819, 1442978382668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#effay was actually never opened, really. wasn't "marketed" or anything.

it was just meant for discussion regarding sticky/wiki modification, and then we never went further than that. made a collection of rules, but then we went on a summer hiatus. max # of people there at any one time was 5 I think

>> No.10423029


dressed well

>> No.10423557

if its invite early then you should have no problem linking it
assuming you're correct in your assertion that the thousands of posters on /fa/ had tastes which are 'mediocre and dated', none of them would get in anyway
so prove it exists.
reminds me of when dumbfucks were talking about cc as if it's some ultra patrican forum for big boys only and refusing to link it

>> No.10423603

you sound pretty desperate lil homie

>> No.10423610

superfuture died after the site re-design in 2011/12. Sucks, it used to be a great place.

>> No.10423625

WHO /R/TEENMFA HERE?????????????

>> No.10423676

lol nice seeing one of you here
whats your user?

>> No.10423711
File: 109 KB, 533x800, 5qK90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol yeah it was amusing to create a false sense of elitism around CC when it's easily reached.

nice dawg

>> No.10423727

yeah their articles only have about 8k hits

>> No.10423734

lol /r/designerfashion

>> No.10423736

also thefashionspot is THE fashion forum outside publication-linked boards

>> No.10423766

because what someone considers to be "quality" is really subjective

>> No.10424122


>> No.10424148

fogs, you?

>> No.10425158


>> No.10425162

stop bumping your negative, toxic thread OP
sufu is not dead and it's still the best fashion board online, bar none. especially including this shit hole

>> No.10425230

>Posters: 50
>the person bumping must be OP!


>> No.10425252

anyone know when ktt is going to open up registration again? /fa/ has just become too shitty

>> No.10425255

who else would then? the thread was dying naturally

only other person might be some sufu faggot desperate for relevance lol

>> No.10425263



>> No.10425301

50 others

look, there is no way either of us can be proven right - so I'll just settle on calling you an autist faggot, k?

now hop off my dick

>> No.10425314

ur the autist here for actually giving a shit about sufu, lmao@ur life

>> No.10426293

sup bro

reporting in