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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 118 KB, 1862x784, fug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10414132 No.10414132 [Reply] [Original]

You guys thought /fa/ was bad? You obviously have not been to Care Tags before LOL

>> No.10414134


>> No.10414136
File: 144 KB, 1868x946, best of waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting some of the top rated fits from the waywt thread

>> No.10414166

caretags is hands down the most cancerous fashion forum online

was so funny watching old guard sufu and styleforum faggots promoting caretags as the next big thing when it launched. they are all eating their words now

the owner/admin is a huge faggot as well

>> No.10415984

can you give any examples of this happening?

>> No.10415994

They look similar to some of the fits posted on this board. So whats the problem/?

>> No.10415996

this is a strong fit for someone who is very overweight.
maj is a loved user, and his fits often use looks that are underrepresented on fashion boards, but are culturally or historically interesting

>> No.10416003

check out the waywt instead of cherry picking fits that don't fit into your standard of what's fashionable

>> No.10416057
File: 133 KB, 796x822, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in other words, care tags is another huge circle jerk fashion forum that puts personal feelings towards a person before their clothing

>> No.10416084

I liek CT

>> No.10416101
File: 171 KB, 810x786, harold and kumar go to fashion week.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10416116


shoes kill it but that actually pretty dope

>> No.10416118

Holy shit

>> No.10416139

don't like this fit, but this dude is cool

>> No.10416143

i like this fit

>> No.10416164
File: 32 KB, 436x436, 1sd7s2gb.wizardchan.1401031100135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gb2 c-t kiddos

>> No.10416389

a ton of sufu people just very recently joined, there were barely any sufu people at the start

you're 100% talking out of your ass

>> No.10416391

Care tags is teenmfa 2.0. Absolute garbage

>> No.10416412

if he had simpler tennis shoes this would be a real dope fit

>> No.10416424

>implying fa isn't teenmfa2.0

ct is trash but literally the one thing they have going is they aren't stuck in the two thousand and late memeochrome minimalist streetwear shit that literally stopped being fashionable about 6 years ago

>> No.10416433

the difference between care-tags and /fa/ is that c-t is an actual community with people that know each other well, while /fa/ is just a bunch of anonymous insecure teenagers

better to have an interesting and out-there style than just buy the most hyped rick/SLP/cav empt pieces that all of /fa/ wants

>> No.10416452

how dare you. Bela is more a man than you'll ever be

>> No.10416460
File: 145 KB, 974x754, sadboyz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yet they still dress like yung lean and normcore

>> No.10416476

are you mentally disabled? this isn't like young lean at all

>> No.10416692

>thinking that's either yung lean cosplay or normcore
do you have any vocabulary that's not /fa/-approved terms?
how's it feel being a walking talking meme

>> No.10416696

>yet they still dress like yung lean and normcore
no where close to lean brah, youre wayyyyy lost

>> No.10416876

its not what yung lean dresses like now but its what people think he dresses like. also look at him in the lucifer love video. he dressed pretty stupid back then

>> No.10416902
File: 211 KB, 966x788, pinnacle of fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its hillarious how all the people from care tags are defending their shitty clothing and styles so hard

>> No.10416916

i wanna see u post a fit tbh

>> No.10416919

what the hell is wrong with their pants

>> No.10416930

The loose, over-long pant has been tearing up runway for the last few years my man. Caretags does follow what happens there so they're trying their hand at making it a relevant quality for their own, basic streetwear fits. It's not a question of being "wrong." Some communities are just around for people to share what they're wearing in response to inspiration found in current collections.

>> No.10416986

e0d0n9 whatever that ugly faggot's name is used to go on about how care-tags was going to be the hottest fashion forum and the new generation of ill fits, or whatever term that nigger wannabe used

few other sufu dudes tried posting over there too, was funny af

>> No.10416994

Sufu is dead as a doornail and they are too scared to post on Styleforum because their fits are poverty incarnate so they hang out on caretags which is exclusively teens and pedos in mall shit and thrift

>> No.10417029

hey look it's Schiaparelli from caretags

>> No.10417037

lol busted

>> No.10417040

? I don't even post on caretags, I just remembered the migration from r/malefashion and what the intended purpose of the site was at the time of its genesis. I am carrying this assumption into the present and the look of those pants screams "I watched a menswear show in 2014!!"

>> No.10417057

Yes care tags is awful absolute trash. No one from /fa/ should waste their time with that garbage forum

>> No.10417071

u mean this guy instagram.com/eddie.3dm? Also quite a few sufu power users still post there, I can only think of one or two that left

>> No.10417076

i am enjoying people dumping fits from their waywt

cringeing hard tbh and loving it

>> No.10417083

agreed lets all stay and post exclusively on /fa/ and not anywhere else please

>> No.10417085

nah not this dude

hes like half mexican or something, ugly af and talks like a nigger constantly but is some unemployed fag living with his mom in canada

his fits suck ass but he talks mad shit. anyway was just funny to see him talk with any kind of authority about caretags or fashion in general when he has like 6000 posts on sufu and cant manage one good fit

>> No.10417095

Is there a link to their waywt page somewhere?

>> No.10417149


>> No.10417156

Eh looks slightly higher quality

Seen a lot of those fits on /fa/

>> No.10417165
File: 255 KB, 612x816, ifeeldecentlycooltoday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn there are so many bad ones just on the last few current pages

>> No.10417172
File: 26 KB, 640x640, hahah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talk about no self awareness
this stupid fag thought he not only looked good but good enough to post on a fashion forum
feel depressed now

>> No.10417196

These looks better than /fa/'s average post. Yah they're nothing memorable, or even good, but I'm not sure I see the cringe aspect. /fa/'s like 11th grade fashion caretags looks like it's 12th grade.

>> No.10417215

better than anything on fa for the last couple weeks

>> No.10417220

fuck off back to ct

>> No.10417223

That ain't bad, you could replicate that fit with a lot less money though

>> No.10417224
File: 9 KB, 350x348, 11268678780506012884.jpeg___1_500_1_500_cb94de6a_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure are mad

>> No.10417226

Alright so I checked their waywt and it looks better than /fa/'s. What was I supposed to see that would make me feel overwhelmingly to the contrary?

>> No.10417233

to literally anyone critiquing a fit itt:

talk shit, post fit

>in b4 nobody does because you're all afraid

>> No.10417239

better than anything ever posted on fa

>> No.10417242

Honestly I feel like I should be fucking off straight there. Better quality waywt that's for sure. Enjoy your filth.

>> No.10417244

pt 2

>> No.10417245

chill jonjo its just bantz

>> No.10417246

Literally a goddess. I hope I can take a semester at SNU and maybe catch a glimpse of her at a boutique.

>> No.10417251

pt 3 & 4

>> No.10417255

love this even though it isn't as unanimously praised as the others ive posted

>> No.10417261


>> No.10417269


It's a circle jerk where true criticism is stifled in an effort to not hurt any feelings, just like every fashion forum.

>> No.10417276

where's your fit

>> No.10417277

Wish there was a forum with a give one/take one policy.

Give one criticism
Take (describe) one point of inspiration.

Delete all posts that don't conform. Easy.

You'd need a high-level of poster though.

>> No.10417278

pt 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 10 and 11 and 12 (mind you I'm skipping over tonnes of very high quality fits {even two of kgfan5's})

>> No.10417284


>fashio criticism

Top kek, are u a famous fashion designer?

GAY as fuck as is gay posting pictures of your "outfit" if you are a man on a "fashion" forum, which is just a consumer / late adopter forum basically.
Is all about banter and bullying, just like school, fuck you weeabboos, the strong should fear the weak or is it the other way around?

>> No.10417291


Fuck me I'm sure this is the guy who bought that suit from rinkan whilst it was on my cart. At least it didn't go to waste. He wears it well. Always happy to see a piece go to someone who cares for it. Unlike that black/blue yohji pant I saw someone on /fa/ post with that I was also intending to buy. Looked so trashy in his fit.

>> No.10417293

its filled with sjw fags that will neg you to -100 and demand that you leave if you say a single thing that doesn't conform to their agenda (eg. anti. feminism, using gay as an insult even ironically, using the word retard, etc). it's not worth it, even if it has good fits

>> No.10417300

that sounds nice lmao

>> No.10417308
File: 39 KB, 481x640, cCBKJr4l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good fits
are we talking about the same site m8?

>> No.10417313

did you not see any of the other fits posted in this thread?
http://care-tags.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=8&start=5100#p60629 etc
these are better than anything that has ever been posted on fa

>> No.10417318

op here. disagree with the other poster that care-tags has a better waywt in general than /fa/, but they occasionally get good fits from fashion bloggers and etc

>> No.10417326

Sufu's been kinda dead over the last year-ish, so I'll try my hand at posting here. Thanks for the rec.

>> No.10417334
File: 39 KB, 480x640, c3uIqBil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all can eat shit this look is flame

>> No.10417339

as if that's a bad thing. grow up

>> No.10417342

I wonder if OP is just a big shill using the passive-aggressiveness of /fa/ posters.

>> No.10417356

what do u mean

>> No.10417406
File: 38 KB, 480x640, KgClajdl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the purpose of blurring one's face like this? anyone who knows this dude could tell it was him. is it because he thinks it makes him look less ugly? it makes him look pathetic and conceited

>> No.10417427
File: 369 KB, 446x605, Screen Shot 2015-09-24 at 1.25.23 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it because he thinks it makes him look less ugly?
probably not
why assume that you know his reasons

>> No.10417430

>being this mad

>> No.10417438
File: 91 KB, 500x378, mr m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


e0d has interesting/good fits and eddie studies industrial design


>> No.10417446

What happened to MME

Has he still been making mixtapes, I haven't been paying attention all that much

>> No.10417449

>pathetic and conceited

Welcome to /fa/

>> No.10417476
File: 365 KB, 2448x3264, nah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>e0d has interesting/good fits
lol sure about that?
>eddie studies industrial design
i like eddie personally, but dont see how that is relevant

>> No.10417479


the hype mighta died down a bit but he's still making music, he's dropping a new mixtape pretty soon

>> No.10417482

what is your idea?

>> No.10417485


Hopefully he's still getting paid enough to take care of him mom, etc. Thanks for the update.

>> No.10417486

pls what is exactly bad about that?

>> No.10417495

That's a pretty good workwear fit.

I'm not surprised that an /fa/ memeninja doesn't get it though.

>> No.10417501

Places where cut/uncut threads aren't nightly features are automatically superior fashion forums.

>> No.10417504

you talk like on of those cut pussies.

>> No.10417510

im a sufu power poster actually

dude was never legit. its funny u think he was tho

>> No.10417516


>> No.10417517

That's the first picture I've ever seen of him I just like watching people get their dicks all shitty, if you know what I mean.

>> No.10417521

I just want to talk about clothing.

>> No.10419010


>> No.10419150

Good fit
Not awful

>> No.10419197

is he any good? I only head the song he did with Danny Brown, Das Racist, Despot and EL-P, and he was by far the weakest on that track

>> No.10419207

most of these fits are better than the cringey horseshit on effay's wayt threads

>> No.10419231


that shit's from like a decade ago. dude's making bank as an engineer and ur just whacking it to traps on 4chan

care-tags generally sucks and slurps up the semen of certain popular users who consistently post trash (bela, trashpile, maj for starters) but there's some good stuff there.

>> No.10419242

if hes making bank why cant he afford well fitting or nice clothing? also anyone that wears rick for example is making bank, they dont need to make that known with commentary...

>> No.10419401
File: 382 KB, 1280x1584, TKtdXJ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG what is up with people who have legs like this seriously? this does not look good, hell this does not even look remotely healthy at all..
if you stand up straight with feet together and ankles touching then your knees should touch as well. that is a normal leg strcuture. this girl obviously needs medical attention, it looks like her legs are broken or about to break at any minute

>> No.10419410

Her right leg has definitely copped some sort of injury.

>> No.10419473

why are so many asians bowlegged

>> No.10419583


he does wear well-fitting and nice clothes, try finding a photo that wasn't from when you were still in diapers

tons of broke bois wear 4chan, your second point is demonstrably incorrect

>> No.10419586


i am too, he's legit and u aint