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/fa/ - Fashion

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10411481 No.10411481[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Arabs, Indians, latino etc... More specifically like Saudis or Puerto Rican

>> No.10411492

I have a Latina gf, very fa

>> No.10411513

better looking than white people most of the time, can pull off looks even when uglier. whites are awful tbh, american whites worst of all probably

>> No.10412591

University made me really hate indians.

>> No.10412626

I don't think much about them. Propensity to obesity.

>> No.10412653

I'm going to be going to Berkeley, either I'm going to get Yellow fever, or I'm gonna end up really hating asians.

>> No.10412663

mixed people are godtier imo, just like with dogs. purest breeds most of the times tend to be uglier and unhealthy, when you mix 2 or more races you get a better byproduct.
My dad is white and my mom is mexican. feelsgoodman.jpg i just wish I got my dads green eyes.

>> No.10412673

Maori/English/French here

>> No.10412737




>> No.10414083


>> No.10414543

Lebanese/Anglo-American here.

I'm not a total wreck, but then again I just look like any white guy with a pointy nose and big eyes.

>> No.10414609
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Nobody here cares that you are a gay woman tbh

>> No.10414634

Some middle eastern people can be very beautiful and fashionable. Some latinos can be beautiful but not really fashionable. Anything else is literally trash.

>> No.10414660

lol fuck off mohammed you curry stinking cunt

>> No.10414667

yeh but half the time u just look weird. im american-peruvian and im not hot.

>> No.10414669

>this is what shitskins actually believe

>> No.10414686

Arabs are okay. And usually really into cars so you can talk cars with them all day. Indians and pakis are the worst, only people I'm legitimately racist toward. They're always rude, in flip flops, jeans, and a polo, fat, smelly, and ugly. I wouldn't hate them if they weren't also rude as fuck on top of that.

Mexicans are hit or miss. Some are beaner spics like the one who tried to mug and stabbed my ex gf, and some of them are really nice people who I would love to have a bbq with. Bottom line I want less illegals hopping the border so that the better ones, with an education are the ones that get in. And so that they stop leeching on our social programs. Fix your own fucking country. Also the upper class mexicans from Mexico City who look like white people are very polite when they vacation here.

>> No.10414696

It's fun.

Go back to reddit and tumblr, faggot.

>> No.10414704

This pretty much.

>> No.10415355

My birth mom is Mexican and my birth dad is white, like French or something, and I think I got some pretty effay genes. I'm tan and have super thick, almost Asian hair, but have more European facial features.

>> No.10415405
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>mixed people are godtier imo
mi negro

>> No.10415417

i feel like browns are really hit or miss

It's like you're either amazing and sexy
or you look like the minority you are

>> No.10415448


all i know is that im jealous of saudis for getting to wear those dope shirt dresses

shit looks so comfy. i want one, and im kinda racially androgynous maybe i could pull it off?

>> No.10415457

Who cares, as long as you're a good person race means nothing. Unless of course you're from south America, those "people" are scum.

>> No.10415485

Top right is a goddess
Do you have source?

>> No.10415612
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i don't know who she is
If you get any luck with reverse search, share

>> No.10415642

That looks like such a cute little family. Its not exactly effay but its based af

>> No.10415699
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Welp her name is Simona and apparently this is her
I am let down

>> No.10415705

Girls on Instagram or Tumblr
Girls in real life

>> No.10415772

I would still do her without a doubt

>> No.10415782
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>> No.10415784
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>> No.10415856


>> No.10415866
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>> No.10415927

White and Indian here
Usually white and Indian turns out completely mediocre, or really hot. I haven't seen any ugly Indian/white mixes, but the large majority of them are plain.

>> No.10415959
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Better than niggers tbh.
Jews are the worst tho.
This also isn't /fa/ related. What the fuck are you doing

>> No.10416105

There are also White puertorricans. Get a history lesson!

>> No.10416147


Tbh All races generally dress like shit

>> No.10416438

lol no

>> No.10416493

why would u even ask a question like that

>> No.10416530
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>mfw latin america in general has equal parts of white and brown people overall
ofc putting aside the republic of congo, err i mean Argentina

this /thread, i hate everyone equally

this thread is bullshit

>> No.10416618
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Brown girls can be sooooooo fucking hot, but the majority are gross

>> No.10416631

>pic not related

>> No.10416641

wtf are you talking about argentina is white

>> No.10416651
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well memed

>> No.10416666
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>> No.10417002


>mix-race is more attractive

You're only saying that because they don't look like any ethnicity that actually exists, thereby making them appear novel and exotic to you.

In reality, mixed race people look like aliens trying to disguise themselves as humans but not really getting it completely right.

>> No.10417020

Brown people, no matter what race or ethnicity, are very un-effay. Only white, black, and East Asian people can be effay

>> No.10417030

>be hispanic mulatto
>gets confused with being black


>> No.10417032

HONESTLY, this tbh

>> No.10417043

So because I'm Mexican with a light brown complexion I should just off myself right now if my goal is to be fashionable?

>> No.10417056

Are you me?

>> No.10417067

No, it's not. Stop shitting up other people's board, faggot.

>> No.10417068


This SO much
Bulls and cucks only

>> No.10417973

literally correct

>> No.10418067

LOL i'm mixed and this is pretty funny

>> No.10418074

Who the fuck supports the Pistons in this day and age, they've been consistently shit up until the end of last season

>> No.10418582


>> No.10418591
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mixed race > not mixed race

>> No.10418633



Uni's made me hate internationals so much. Fake Supes, timbs fuccboi core shit and a LOIUE V BAG ON EVERY GIRL REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.10418654
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My girl is Puerto Rican, she's also a model. I hate regular ass white girls they are boring as fuck in every aspect TBH. Can't get down in the bedroom, can't cook, refuse to clean. Honestly the only girl id rather date less than a white girl is a full black chick. I'm half black and honestly cant fucking stand black women.

>> No.10418668

If it's brown, flush it down :)

>> No.10418694

>sour grapes

>> No.10418743

Some Brazilians are cool. Peruvians are cool. Colombians and Mexicans are a mix of shit and cool.

All of South East Asia except for Singapore must burn. Korea and Japan must burn too. Don't know middle easterners well enough to make an assessment, some of them should burn. Some South Asians should burn too.

>> No.10418747

Living with Koreans made me fucking hate them. They are the most petty people in the world with the lowest character. Complete cunts when you act nice to them, fucking weak when you get pissed at them.

>> No.10420195

and they always leave those fucking strainers in the sink, fucking FILLED with corn and rice and shit
man, fuck koreans

>> No.10420221
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Dutch + Italian + Brazilian here.

I've been complimented on my looks quite a lot. Some browns look ulgy as fuck but sometimes they're extremely hot. Asian Brazilian girls tend to be jawdrop tier

>> No.10420356

what makes Peruvians cool?

>> No.10420378

honestly its werf it if you're banging one

>> No.10420380

heems (::

>> No.10421665


>> No.10421689

>go back to tumblr
>is on /fa/, a board that has a tumblr thread
/pol/ confirmed

>> No.10421702

It's not very /fa/ to be racist, just saying

Discrediting entire races because they don't fit the lanky paste-white archetype is shit. Brown guys often pull a rugged/masculine look way easier than white guys. Indians and middle eastern guys can rock solid color blocks with way more flair.

>> No.10422726


>> No.10422785

Pathetic post. Obvious that you're a curry nigger or a sad cuck. Being non white is the least effay thing ever.

>> No.10422814

a lot of potential, can rock colours nobody else can pull off, unless they get fat
can pull off European fashion quite well unless they're fat spics
can pull off lots of layered/quirky outfits, again unless they're fat
good if girl
kill urself if guy

moral of the story, don't get fat

>> No.10422815

No, British whites are THE ugliest fucks.
American whites do not compare.

>> No.10422819

all shitskins should be gassed tbh, if you arent aryan you arent /fa/