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/fa/ - Fashion

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10412033 No.10412033 [Reply] [Original]

Would you count your car as a fashion extension? Do you make decisions based on this when buying a car?

>> No.10412057

I would most likely pick a car for it's aesthetics rather than it's performance, purely because of the fact that i don't know shit about cars

>> No.10412087

If you're not racing your car, there is absolutely no reason to even consider top speeds or top acceleration numbers. They all perform about the same on the highway and streets. Comfort, convenience and looks are all you should care about.

>> No.10412091

I don't consider my car as a fashion extension, no, but I do consider the looks of the car generally. The overall package is ideally strong on looks, performance, and comfort, though obviously I can compromise in various respects.

I drive an A7, works for me.

>> No.10412122

Different cars do fit different styles.

Volvo v70, Toyota Land Cruiser, Subaru Outback (my car)
Mini, Fiat
VW GTI, Honda STI, Mitsubishi Evo
>#menswear striver
Mercedes, BMW, Audi
7 different Lamborghini Merci's color coded to days of the week.

>> No.10412130

In los angeles. So of course. Although uber is making it easier to think about pure utility/economy.

Pulled up to a beverly hills hotel event a few years ago and had to valet my beat up 84 camaro. No matter how well you dress, or who you are as a person, can't help feeling like a shitty outsider and pariah after that. Uber fixes that problem.

But I like outdoors shit. Want a truck. But dudes in pickups = all kinds of assumptions. So instead im looking at "crossovers" and sporty subarus and audis.

I'm too old for this insecurity shit, but alas.

>> No.10412133


got me

>> No.10412195
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>Land Cruiser
>Not workwear/lumberjackcore

>> No.10412218

I have a 2012 Tacoma. Not flashy, not fashionable, but dependable and sturdy. I only wish it got better gas mileage.

If I want to ride in style though I just take my motorcycle.

>> No.10412239
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I ride bike

>> No.10412245

and, judging by the bike style, probably try to hard to pretend that you're Valentino Rossi.

>> No.10412251

Think landed gentry. Land Rover Defenders are also prep.

>> No.10412263

I'd ride if I lived in the desert or wide open country. Just too many idiots around the city/freeways to risk dying.

>> No.10412275

I could see all the prep stuff as workwear actually. Pickups aren't very /fa/.

>> No.10412318
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If by trying to be one of the best riders in the world, yea I try to improve myself and my riding each time..

Well I live in NYC so let's just say that there plethora of idiots, but as someone told me, if you can ride and survive in NYC environment, you can survive just about any other state in USA.

Pic related is the VR46er

>> No.10412334

Just a guess, but do you also like techwear?

>> No.10412335
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90's cars will be super in in the next year or so

>> No.10412337

I think of "never ever going to see a dirt road in its life" G Wagons and Land Rovers when I think of Prep

>> No.10412345

So, like all of the other MotoGP wannabes, do you ride at 90MPH on the highway in sandals?

If not, congratulations, you're already smarter than 99% of other sportsbike owners.

>> No.10412359
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CBR bros

>> No.10412374

No, that's the wealthcore crew. Those cars are for new money folk who don't know what to do when they get it. Frat bros also fit into this category.

Real "preps" prefer a laid-back lawn sports and outdoorsing lifestyle as opposed to bling and clubbing.

>> No.10412390

I rode a friends CBR 600 before and it scared the shit out of me, I'd end up killing myself if I ever got a super bike

>> No.10412393

Is the Apple Car really happening?

I get that automated transpo is the future and there's a trillion dollar prize to whoever cracks it. But surely they must be partnering with someone like tesla or mercades to produce the actual vehicles? Do they think they can produce the iphone of electric vehicles? Is tesla blackberry in this scenario? Seems insanely presumptive (not to mention risky) of a tech company to enter the car business. Then again, tech doesn't have the baggage or inertia of producing incremental upgrades on 100 year old form of transportation.

>> No.10412403
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The only time I saddled my bike in sandals was when I pushed it out couple feet to wash it, otherwise it's sneakers/boots, don't have the $$ for proper gear atm and winter is coming so have to plan it out.

Wish mine was as clean as yours m8, hows the yoshi?

Shame, it just shows how "self controlled" you are, it's all about the wrist respect.

I don't mind it, ironically enough when I ride I wear shit that is function>form.

>Apple Car really happening
Isn't that the Apple CarPlay? just a push from your iPhone to the cars screen, nothing impressive...

>> No.10412413

>apple car = apple play

Nah, have hundreds/thousands? Of people working on it. And they just met with California regulators about automated vehicles.

Who knows. They were trying to revolutionize the tv but couldn't get past entrenched gatekeepers of the medium.

>> No.10412417

Good. You're already doing better than every other sportsbike owner.

Yeah, it's happening: http://www.theverge.com/apple/2015/9/21/9365833/apple-electric-car-2019-report

>> No.10412449
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Tbh good on them, but I hope they know what kind of waters they area bout to plunge in, it most likely will be really expensive since they can't produce bunch of cars, but if it hooks up like Tesla did, and not like Fisker, then by all means let the competition work!

>> No.10412493
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Yoshimura sounds amazing. Your bike is clean too, are the white fairings stock? What kind of muffler do you have? I like the short profile.

>> No.10412510
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It's a 2bros, I had the long version, but rivets failed and it turned into a straight pipe, lucky enough friend works in a dealership and in the back a mechanic gave him the same pipe, but from a bike that has its exhaust on lower part, aka the "shortie" Previous owner installed the white fairing, most likely because he fucked up the prior one as you know, your fairings are the OG ones, and I think they should be pearlized?

>Tfw booking it and hit a bump so hard that my bike changes it's tone and now is straight pipe.

>> No.10412516
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This my baby, well not this one but excactly the same. Might not be the most effay whip but I like big cars

>> No.10412521

>those Discount Tire, shit tier wheels
Everyone with a truck bigger than a Tacoma has such shit taste for some reason.

>> No.10412525

nigga they've been in, the 90s for cars is really iconic.

>> No.10412533

Outbacks are for lesbians. Opposite of prep.

>> No.10412545

Guys my parents are buying me a sub-30k car for my college grad present. What should I get??

>inb4 spoiled brat, etc.

>> No.10412547
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The paint on my bike doesnt have pearl.
How do you prevent that shitty exhaust smell that gets into your clothes after riding?

>> No.10412555

Subaru Outbacks and v70s are soccer mom cars

>> No.10412556

I think your car should compliment your style. If I see a goth ninja get out of a 93 civic I'm going to laugh. Same with a twink with palewave in a lifted truck. A vehicle is a avatar of sorts and can say a lot about the owner

>> No.10412563

Get a moped/scooter and use the remainder to pay for 2-3 years rent.

>> No.10412576

>tfw an old thunderbird convertible would fit me, but 10mpg doesn't

>> No.10412601
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What about me?
Acura Legend

>> No.10412617
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>> No.10412619

You're black?

>> No.10412647


>> No.10412656
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>> No.10412687
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>How do you prevent that shitty exhaust smell that gets into your clothes after riding?
Idk man, either ride fast that the fumes keep going out and not sizzling up to you, or walk it out, I usually leave all my riding gear near the door that has a window, so next day, everything smells better. I think each bike and person have different sense of smell so what I like, might be something you don't etc.
Might also be a leak? when you start the bike does the exhaust profusely spurt out gasses?

More Hondas?

>> No.10412692

Honda makes a crazy good engine this is a 78 and it started up first kick this morning

>> No.10412711
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Honda reliability m8, can't be beaten, shame that they are slacking atm in the automotive department from all the enthusiastic shit that they were coming out in the 90s early 00s.

>> No.10412750

I've heard Suzuki is quite the bulletproof engine as well, at least on the DRZ. I'm peeping you in the /dbt/ by the way

>> No.10412819

I never had a Suzuki, when I was getting a bike, the orange tribal CBR was my friends, and after MSF he let me ride it, after that moment, I just wanted a Honda.
Yea /dbt/ is shitposttime, I'm sick so can't ride atm and it's night.

>> No.10412842

tfw everyone around me is getting sick and i'm scared as fuck cause I hate being sick.

>> No.10412867

It's the flu season man, needed to go to doctor for checkup cause insurance minimums, he asked if I wanted one cause I didn't get one in past 5? years so I said why not, 24 hours later I'm fighting it, but I drink tea and just had some soul so I'll be 100% recovered by tomorrow.

>> No.10412882

ohh you're that guy from the dbt thread. I find myself feeling like shit every morning and after class or work but I'm not sick I guess I just need to eat better or have less stimulation or something idk

>> No.10412883
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>> No.10412899
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forgive english, I am russia

>> No.10412920

Mfw half of russia is in either a benz beema or a lada..

Try to change up shit, maybe you are missing out on a important meal?

>> No.10412923

If your car was made after 1979 it's not a fashion accessory

>> No.10412969

Wow! These is dope! Do you have any more pictures like this? I'm getting a real cool vibe from this, I can't explain it.

>> No.10413000
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Troop carriers are love

Troop carriers are life

>> No.10413735
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Is my car /fa/ guys???
Idk if i should cop a new one, ive got like 11 grand in cash and i would like something like a g35

>> No.10413755

only if it is in top notch condition. If it has faded paint and other defects, you simply look poor / college kid / frugal.

>> No.10413783

Thanks for raising my awareness for 95 honda civics. They really look like cars that kids would play with, hot wheels in real life. That Hatchback looks fresh. I'd put a spoiler on the coupe but the little wheels are dope.